static void ConnectInteractive(ref udSDK.udContext udContext, string serverURL, string applicationName, string appversion) { try { udContext.TryResume(serverURL, applicationName); } catch (udSDK.UDException e) { string approvePath = ""; string approveCode = ""; udContext.ConnectStart(serverURL, applicationName, appversion, ref approvePath, ref approveCode); Console.WriteLine("Navigate to " + approvePath + " on this device to complete udCloud login"); Console.WriteLine("Altenatively navigate to " + serverURL + "/link on any device and enter " + approveCode); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); try { udContext.ConnectComplete(); } catch (udSDK.UDException fatalError) { Console.WriteLine("udCloud Login failed: " + fatalError.Message); throw e; } } }
private void Load(udContext context, string modelLocation, ref udPointCloudHeader header) { udError error = udPointCloud_Load(context.pContext, ref pModel, modelLocation, ref header); if (error != udError.udE_Success) { throw new UDException(error); } this.context = context; }
public static string Query(udContext context, string API, string JSON) { IntPtr response = IntPtr.Zero; udError error = udServerAPI_Query(context.pContext, API, JSON, ref response); if (error != udError.udE_Success) { throw new UDException(error); } string responseStr = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(response); udServerAPI_ReleaseResult(ref response); return(responseStr); }
static void Convert(string inputPath, string outputPath, udSDK.udContext context) { udSDK.Convert.udConvertContext convertContext = new udSDK.Convert.udConvertContext(context); convertContext.AddFile(inputPath); convertContext.OutputFile = outputPath; convertContext.TempDirectory = "./customTemp/"; convertContext.PointResolution = 0.1; convertContext.SRID = 28356; convertContext.SkipErrors = true; convertContext.GlobalOffset = new double[] { 1, 2, 3 }; udSDK.Convert.udConvertItemInfo input = convertContext.inputItems[0]; input.srid = 28354; // this sets the internal item srid value // metadata can be set in the following way: convertContext.metadata["Copyright"] = "Euclideon Pty"; // we can read the current metadata as a string using convertContext.metadata.JsonString // The following function demonstrates printing the conversion status as the converion is running in a separate thread: PrintConvertProgress(convertContext); // Alternatively this runs the conversion in this thread: //convertContext.DoConvert(); }
public udPointCloud(udContext context, string path) { Load(context, path, ref this.header); }
static void Main(string[] args) { const int width = 1280; const int height = 720; const string applicationName = "CSSample"; const string appversion = "1.0"; udSDK.udContext context = new udSDK.udContext(); udSDK.udPointCloud udModel; udSDK.Render.udRenderContext renderer; udSDK.Render.udRenderTarget renderView; uint[] colorBuffer = new uint[width * height]; float[] depthBuffer = new float[width * height]; string server = ""; string key = null; string modelName = ""; // Can be local or remote bool pause = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (args[i] == "-k" && i + 1 < args.Length) { key = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-s" && i + 1 < args.Length) { server = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-m" && i + 1 < args.Length) { modelName = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-pause") { pause = true; } } try { if (key == null) { ConnectInteractive(ref context, server, applicationName, appversion); } else { context.ConnectWithKey(server, key, applicationName, appversion); } renderer = new udSDK.Render.udRenderContext(context); renderView = new udSDK.Render.udRenderTarget(context, renderer, width, height); udModel = new udSDK.udPointCloud(context, modelName); renderView.SetTargets(ref colorBuffer, 0, ref depthBuffer); double[] cameraMatrix = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 5, 1 }; renderView.cameraMatrix = cameraMatrix; udSDK.Render.udRenderInstance item = new udSDK.Render.udRenderInstance(udModel); udSDK.Render.udRenderInstance[] modelArray = new udSDK.Render.udRenderInstance[] { item }; udSDK.Render.udRenderSettings renderSettings = new udSDK.Render.udRenderSettings(); renderSettings.flags = udSDK.Render.udRenderContextFlags.udRCF_BlockingStreaming; renderSettings.pick.x = 2 * width / 3; renderSettings.pick.y = height / 3; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { renderer.Render(renderView, modelArray, modelArray.Length, renderSettings); } string imagePath = "tmp.png"; SaveColorImage(imagePath, width, height, colorBuffer); if (pause) { Console.WriteLine(imagePath + " written to the build directory."); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } //! Uncomment the following line to test the convert API Convert(modelName, "testConvert" + ".uds", context); } finally { context.Disconnect(); } }