public override RecordSet Initialize(DataSet Data, Predicate Where, FNodeSet Fields, int Clusters) { // Get the min of each field // AggregateSet set1 = new AggregateSet(); for (int i = 0; i < Fields.Count; i++) { set1.Add(new AggregateMin(Fields[i].CloneOfMe()), Fields.Alias(i)); } // Get the max of each field // AggregateSet set2 = new AggregateSet(); for (int i = 0; i < Fields.Count; i++) { set2.Add(new AggregateMax(Fields[i].CloneOfMe()), Fields.Alias(i)); } // Render the min and max // RecordSet rs1 = AggregatePlan.Render(Data, Where, new FNodeSet(), set1); RecordSet rs2 = AggregatePlan.Render(Data, Where, new FNodeSet(), set2); // Create the output means table // RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(Schema.Join(new Schema("key int, count double"), rs1.Columns)); // Fill in the gaps // for (int i = 0; i < Clusters; i++) { if (i == 0) { RecordBuilder rb = new RecordBuilder(); rb.Add(0); rb.Add(0D); rb.Add(rs1[0]); rs.Add(rb.ToRecord()); } else if (i == Clusters - 1) { RecordBuilder rb = new RecordBuilder(); rb.Add(Clusters - 1); rb.Add(0D); rb.Add(rs2[0]); rs.Add(rb.ToRecord()); } else { RecordBuilder rb = new RecordBuilder(); rb.Add(i); rb.Add(0D); for (int j = 0; j < rs1.Columns.Count; j++) { double clus = (double)Clusters; double jay = (double)j; rb.Add(rs1[0][j].DOUBLE + (rs2[0][j].DOUBLE - rs1[0][j].DOUBLE) / clus * jay); } rs.Add(rb.ToRecord()); } } return rs; }
public RecordSet ToInterim() { // Get schema // Schema s = Schema.Join(this._Maps.Columns, this._Reducers.GetInterimSchema); // Build the table // RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(s); // Load // foreach (KeyValuePair<Record, CompoundRecord> t in this._cache) { Record r = Record.Join(t.Key, t.Value.ToRecord()); rs.Add(r); } return rs; }
private void HandleNullCluster(RecordSet Means) { // Increment the fail itterations // this._zero_fail_itterations++; // Find which nodes are missing // List<int> MissingKeys = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < this._count; i++) { if (Means.Seek(new Cell(i), 0) == -1) { this._zero_fail_counts++; MissingKeys.Add(i); } } // Add back the missing nodes from the current itteration // foreach (int x in MissingKeys) { RecordBuilder rb = new RecordBuilder(); rb.Add(x); rb.Add(Record.Subrecord(this._means[x], 1, this._means.Columns.Count - 1)); Means.Add(rb.ToRecord()); } }