Пример #1
        // Reset the contents of the project to a pristine state.
        // This method is designed to return the Project object to a blank
        // configuration as if no code had been parsed. This should be done
        // prior to any large-scale parsing operation to ensure that the
        // data extracted from the parsed code does not contain duplicated
        // or stale information.
        private void ResetContents()
            Files       = new Dictionary <string, SourceFile>();
            Scopes      = new Dictionary <string, List <LexicalScope> >();
            GlobalScope = new LexicalScope();

            FunctionSignatures   = new Dictionary <string, FunctionSignature>();
            StructureDefinitions = new Dictionary <string, Structure>();
            SumTypes             = new Dictionary <string, SumType>();
            StrongAliases        = new Dictionary <string, StrongAlias>();
            WeakAliases          = new Dictionary <string, WeakAlias>();

            var helper        = new ParseSession.ErrorListHelper();
            var ErrorProvider = new ErrorListProvider(helper);

            ErrorProvider.ProviderName = "Epoch Language";
            ErrorProvider.ProviderGuid = new Guid(VsPackage.PackageGuid);
            ErrorProvider.Tasks.Clear();        // TODO - this is probably too brute force
Пример #2
        // Plumbing - an event handler for when a Task is double-clicked, i.e.
        // to navigate to the code causing a parser error.
        internal async void NavigationHandler(object sender, EventArgs args)
            var task = sender as Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Task;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(task.Document))

            await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();

            var serviceProvider = new ParseSession.ErrorListHelper();
            var openDoc         = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument;

            if (openDoc == null)

            IVsWindowFrame frame;

            Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider sp;
            IVsUIHierarchy hier;
            uint           itemid;
            Guid           logicalView = VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Code;

            if (ErrorHandler.Failed(openDoc.OpenDocumentViaProject(task.Document, ref logicalView, out sp, out hier, out itemid, out frame)) || frame == null)

            object docData;

            frame.GetProperty((int)__VSFPROPID.VSFPROPID_DocData, out docData);

            VsTextBuffer buffer = docData as VsTextBuffer;

            if (buffer == null)
                IVsTextBufferProvider bufferProvider = docData as IVsTextBufferProvider;
                if (bufferProvider != null)
                    IVsTextLines lines;
                    ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(bufferProvider.GetTextBuffer(out lines));
                    buffer = lines as VsTextBuffer;

                    if (buffer == null)

            IVsTextManager mgr = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(VsTextManagerClass)) as IVsTextManager;

            if (mgr == null)

            // This whole mess could arguably be a lot simpler as a call to ErrorProvider.Navigate().
            // Unfortunately that API assumes 1-based column/line indices, whereas our task (in order
            // to display correctly in the task list) assumes 0-based. This can be worked around with
            // a trivial addition/substraction, but the kicker is that the column is not used by that
            // particular API. Therefore to preserve the column we do all this crazy stuff instead.
            mgr.NavigateToLineAndColumn(buffer, ref logicalView, task.Line, task.Column, task.Line, task.Column);