/// <summary>
        /// Set Up the Bitmap Object and Initialize local members to default values. The Default will make the View include the entire image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OriginalBitmap">Original Bitmap to be viewed.</param>
        /// <param name="ViewSize">The Size of the control that will view the entire Original Map.</param>
        public ImageView(Bitmap OriginalBitmap, Size ViewSize)
            originalBitmap = OriginalBitmap;
            relCoverage = FullCoverage;
            relLocation = UpperLeft;
            //Aspect Ratios
            OriginalAspectRatio = originalBitmap.Width / originalBitmap.Height;
            ViewAspectRatio = ViewSize.Width / ViewSize.Height;

            this.ViewSize = ViewSize;
        protected virtual void OnViewChanged()

            RectangleF NewImage;
            RectangleF destRect;
            GraphicsUnit gUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;

            ViewBitmap = new Bitmap(ViewSize.Width, ViewSize.Height);
            //if intermediatebm is zoomed all the way in, then don't

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(ViewBitmap);

            NewImage = new RectangleF(relLocation * IntermediateSize, relCoverage * IntermediateSize);
            destRect = new RectangleF((ViewBitmap.Width - NewImage.Width) / 2f,
                (ViewBitmap.Height - NewImage.Height) / 2f, NewImage.Width, NewImage.Height);
            if ((IntermediateSize.Height < ViewSize.Height)) //Black Horizontal Bars
                Blackorientation = BlackOrientation.Horizontal;
                relLocation = new RelativePoint(relLocation.X, 0);
                relCoverage = new RelativeSize(relCoverage.Width, 1);

                FirstBlack = new SizeF(IntermediateSize.Width, (ViewSize.Height - IntermediateSize.Height) / 2);
                SecondBlack = new SizeF(IntermediateSize.Width, (ViewSize.Height - IntermediateSize.Height) / 2);

                g.DrawImage(intermediateBitmap, destRect, NewImage, gUnit);
            else if ((IntermediateSize.Width < ViewSize.Width)) //Black Veritcal Bars
                Blackorientation = BlackOrientation.Vertical;
                relLocation = new RelativePoint(0, relLocation.Y);
                relCoverage = new RelativeSize(1, relCoverage.Height);

                FirstBlack = new SizeF((ViewSize.Width - IntermediateSize.Width) / 2, IntermediateSize.Height);
                SecondBlack = new SizeF((ViewSize.Width - IntermediateSize.Width) / 2, IntermediateSize.Height);

                g.DrawImage(intermediateBitmap, destRect, NewImage, gUnit);
            else //No Bars
                Blackorientation = null;
                g.DrawImage(intermediateBitmap, ViewBitmap.GetBounds(ref gUnit), NewImage, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            if (ViewChanged != null)
                ViewChanged(this, new EventArgs());

 public static RelativeSize Min(RelativeSize arg1, RelativeSize arg2)
     return new RelativeSize(Math.Min(arg1.Width, arg2.Width), Math.Min(arg1.Height, arg2.Height));