/// <summary> /// Insert Update Bảng /// </summary> public bool UpdateTinhTrang(Entities.PhieuXuatHuy pxh) { try { bool kt = false; pt = new Constants.PhieuXuatHuy(); Sql = new Constants.Sql(); string sql = Sql.UpdateTinhTrang; Connection conn = new Connection(); SqlConnection cn = conn.openConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn); cmd.Parameters.Add(pt.MaPhieuXuatHuy, SqlDbType.VarChar, 20).Value = pxh.MaPhieuXuatHuy; int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (i == 1) { kt = true; } else { kt = false; } cmd.Connection.Dispose(); cn.Close(); conn.closeConnection(); cn = null; conn = null; return(kt); } catch { return(false); } }
public Entities.PhieuXuatHuy[] SelectTheoMaKho(string MaKho) { SelectNV(); pt = new Constants.PhieuXuatHuy(); string sql = ""; sql = "Select * from PhieuXuatHuy where MaKho='" + MaKho + "' and deleted=0"; Connection conn = new Connection(); SqlConnection cn = conn.openConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); //Insert Category into ArrayList ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); while (dr.Read()) { Entities.PhieuXuatHuy phieuxuathuy = new Entities.PhieuXuatHuy(); phieuxuathuy.PhieuXuatHuyID = Convert.ToInt32(dr[pt.PhieuXuatHuyID].ToString()); phieuxuathuy.MaPhieuXuatHuy = dr[pt.MaPhieuXuatHuy].ToString(); phieuxuathuy.NgayLap = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[pt.NgayLap].ToString()); phieuxuathuy.MaNhanVien = dr[pt.MaNhanVien].ToString(); phieuxuathuy.TenNhanVien = TimTenNV(phieuxuathuy.MaNhanVien); phieuxuathuy.MaKho = dr[pt.MaKho].ToString(); phieuxuathuy.TrangThai = (Boolean)dr[pt.TrangThai]; phieuxuathuy.Tongtien = dr[pt.Tongtien].ToString(); phieuxuathuy.GhiChu = dr[pt.GhiChu].ToString(); phieuxuathuy.Deleted = (Boolean)dr[pt.Deleted]; arr.Add(phieuxuathuy); } int n = arr.Count; if (n == 0) { return(null); } Entities.PhieuXuatHuy[] arrC = new Entities.PhieuXuatHuy[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { arrC[i] = (Entities.PhieuXuatHuy)arr[i]; } //Giai phong bo nho arr = null; cmd.Connection.Dispose(); cn.Close(); conn.closeConnection(); cn = null; conn = null; return(arrC); }
/// <summary> /// Insert Update Bảng /// </summary> public bool InsertUpdate(Entities.PhieuXuatHuy pxh) { try { bool kt = false; pt = new Constants.PhieuXuatHuy(); Sql = new Constants.Sql(); string sql = Sql.InsertUpdatePhieuXuatHuy; Connection conn = new Connection(); SqlConnection cn = conn.openConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn); cmd.Parameters.Add(pt.HanhDong, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20).Value = pxh.HanhDong; cmd.Parameters.Add(pt.PhieuXuatHuyID, SqlDbType.Int).Value = pxh.PhieuXuatHuyID; cmd.Parameters.Add(pt.MaPhieuXuatHuy, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20).Value = pxh.MaPhieuXuatHuy; cmd.Parameters.Add(pt.NgayLap, SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = pxh.NgayLap; cmd.Parameters.Add(pt.MaNhanVien, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20).Value = pxh.MaNhanVien; cmd.Parameters.Add(pt.MaKho, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20).Value = pxh.MaKho; cmd.Parameters.Add(pt.TrangThai, SqlDbType.Bit).Value = pxh.TrangThai; cmd.Parameters.Add(pt.Tongtien, SqlDbType.Money).Value = pxh.Tongtien; cmd.Parameters.Add(pt.GhiChu, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = pxh.GhiChu; cmd.Parameters.Add(pt.Deleted, SqlDbType.Bit).Value = pxh.Deleted; int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (i == 1) { kt = true; } else { kt = false; } cmd.Connection.Dispose(); cn.Close(); conn.closeConnection(); cn = null; conn = null; return(kt); } catch { return(false); } }
public void LayPhieuXuatHuy() { try { cl = new Server_Client.Client(); this.client1 = cl.Connect(Luu.IP, Luu.Ports); Entities.PhieuXuatHuy ctxh = new Entities.PhieuXuatHuy("Select"); clientstrem = cl.SerializeObj(this.client1, "PhieuXuatHuy", ctxh); Entities.PhieuXuatHuy[] PXuatHuy1 = new Entities.PhieuXuatHuy[0]; PXuatHuy1 = (Entities.PhieuXuatHuy[])cl.DeserializeHepper1(clientstrem, PXuatHuy1); if (PXuatHuy1 == null) { PXuatHuy1 = new Entities.PhieuXuatHuy[0]; PXuatHuy = PXuatHuy1; return; } int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < PXuatHuy1.Length; i++) { DateTime ngaylap = PXuatHuy1[i].NgayLap; if (ngaylap >= BatDau && ngaylap <= KetThuc) { count++; } } PXuatHuy = new Entities.PhieuXuatHuy[count]; count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < PXuatHuy1.Length; i++) { DateTime ngaylap = PXuatHuy1[i].NgayLap; if (ngaylap >= BatDau && ngaylap <= KetThuc) { PXuatHuy[count] = PXuatHuy1[i]; count++; } } } catch { } }
public Entities.PhieuXuatHuy[] SelectTheoMaKho(string MaKho) { SelectNV(); pt = new Constants.PhieuXuatHuy(); string sql = ""; sql = "Select * from PhieuXuatHuy where MaKho='" + MaKho + "' and deleted=0"; Connection conn = new Connection(); SqlConnection cn = conn.openConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); //Insert Category into ArrayList ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); while (dr.Read()) { Entities.PhieuXuatHuy phieuxuathuy = new Entities.PhieuXuatHuy(); phieuxuathuy.PhieuXuatHuyID = Convert.ToInt32(dr[pt.PhieuXuatHuyID].ToString()); phieuxuathuy.MaPhieuXuatHuy = dr[pt.MaPhieuXuatHuy].ToString(); phieuxuathuy.NgayLap = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[pt.NgayLap].ToString()); phieuxuathuy.MaNhanVien = dr[pt.MaNhanVien].ToString(); phieuxuathuy.TenNhanVien = TimTenNV(phieuxuathuy.MaNhanVien); phieuxuathuy.MaKho = dr[pt.MaKho].ToString(); phieuxuathuy.TrangThai = (Boolean)dr[pt.TrangThai]; phieuxuathuy.Tongtien = dr[pt.Tongtien].ToString(); phieuxuathuy.GhiChu = dr[pt.GhiChu].ToString(); phieuxuathuy.Deleted = (Boolean)dr[pt.Deleted]; arr.Add(phieuxuathuy); } int n = arr.Count; if (n == 0) return null; Entities.PhieuXuatHuy[] arrC = new Entities.PhieuXuatHuy[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { arrC[i] = (Entities.PhieuXuatHuy)arr[i]; } //Giai phong bo nho arr = null; cmd.Connection.Dispose(); cn.Close(); conn.closeConnection(); cn = null; conn = null; return arrC; }