public GameInput(MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(theEngine) { game = theEngine as Graven; playBindings = new InputBinding[Enum.GetValues(typeof(PlayBindings)).Length]; }
private Texture2D lastTex; //The last texture to be rendered /** * Constructor. Initializes openGL and creates a new window. * * @param engine the engine * @param width standard width of the window * @param height standard height of the window * @param fullscreen whether to start in fullscreen */ public GraphicsComponent(MirrorEngine engine, int windowWidth = DEFAULTWIDTH, int windowHeight = DEFAULTHEIGHT, bool fullscreen = false) : base(engine) { this.windowWidth = windowWidth; this.windowHeight = windowHeight; this.fullscreen = fullscreen; }
internal bool firstUpdate; //Whether or not the world has been updated previously /** * Constructor. * * @param engine the engine * @param file the Mapfile to load the world from */ public World(MirrorEngine engine, Mapfile file) : base(engine) { this.file = file; if (engine.resourceComponent == null) { throw new Exception("World: ResourceComponent not initialized"); } }
public InputComponent(MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(theEngine) { previousKeyboardState = new KeyboardState(); currentKeyboardState = new KeyboardState(); previousGamePadState = new GamePadState(); currentGamePadState = new GamePadState(); previousMouseState = new MouseState(); currentMouseState = new MouseState(); }
public EditorWorld(MirrorEngine theEngine, String theMap) : base(theEngine, theMap) { tileTextureSet = tileEngine.resourceComponent.getTextureSet("Tiles"); currentTile = new MapFile.TileData(); currentTile.tileSetIndex = 0; currentTile.tileIndex = 0; currentActor = 0; editor = theEngine as Editor; }
public Tile prevTile; //The previous Tile under the mouse /* * Constructor. Instantiates the current brushes. */ public EditorComponent(MirrorEngine engine) : base(engine) { lastPos = new Vector2(0, 0); currentValues = new Mapfile.TileData(""); currentTile.setToIgnore(); currentTile.texture = currentValues.texture; isActive = false; }
//Prepare the world object so that it can work with other components to prepare for initialization. //World is passed the Engine object and the filename of a saved map. public World(MirrorEngine theEngine, string fileName) : base(theEngine) { //Load the map from the filename passed to it. worldName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open); this.file = new MapFile(fileStream); //Make sure there are resources. If the world has no resources, something has gone wrong and it should exit. ResourceComponent res = theEngine.resourceComponent; if (res == null) { throw new Exception("World: Error retrieving TileSet: ResourceComponent not initialized"); } }
public GraphicsComponent(MirrorEngine theEngine, Vector2 windowedSize, bool fullscreen) : base(theEngine) { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(theEngine); this.windowedSize = windowedSize; this.fullscreen = fullscreen; GameTime a; graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = (int)windowedSize.X; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = (int)windowedSize.Y; if (fullscreen) { graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height; graphics.ToggleFullScreen(); } }
/** * Constructor initializes SDL Audio * allocates DEFAULTNUMCHANNELS channels * and sets the SDL ChannelFinished delegate * * @param theEngine The Engine. */ public AudioComponent(MirrorEngine engine) : base(engine) { if (Sdl.SDL_InitSubSystem(Sdl.SDL_INIT_AUDIO) != 0) { throw new Exception("Could not init SDL Audio: " + Sdl.SDL_GetError()); } if (SdlMixer.Mix_OpenAudio(44100, (short)Sdl.AUDIO_S16SYS, 2, 2048) == -1) { throw new Exception("Could not init SDL_Mixer: " + SdlMixer.Mix_GetError()); } //Channel Setup openChannels = new LinkedList <int>(); addChannels(DEFAULTNUMCHANNELS); cfinished = freeChannel; SdlMixer.Mix_ChannelFinished(cfinished); }
} //The active joysticks /** * desc here * * @param paramsdeschere * * @return returndeschere */ public InputComponent(MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(theEngine) { // Set up joysticks Sdl.SDL_InitSubSystem(Sdl.SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); // Open all joysticks joys = new JoyInfo[Sdl.SDL_NumJoysticks()]; for (int i = 0; i < joys.Length; i++) { joys[i] = new JoyInfo(Sdl.SDL_JoystickOpen(i)); } // Enable joystick events Sdl.SDL_JoystickEventState(Sdl.SDL_ENABLE); bindings = new Dictionary <Tuple <Type, object>, InputBinding[]>(); currentContexts = new Dictionary <Type, object>(); }
public ResourceComponent(ContentManager contentManager, MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(theEngine) { //Dynamic Loading this.contentManager = contentManager; contentManager.RootDirectory = "Content"; //Load TextureSets textureSets = new Dictionary <string, TextureSet>(); discoverGUI(); discoverTiles(); discoverSprites(); //Load AudioSets audioSets = new Dictionary <string, AudioSet>(); discoverAudio(); //Load Worlds worldNames = new Dictionary <string, uint>(); discoverWorlds(); }
internal Dictionary <string, World> worlds; //Dictionary of world-keys to Worlds /** * Constructor. Sets the rootDirectory based on the current build. * Initializes the cache, the scripting engine, freetype, and the world dictionary. * * @param engine the engine */ public ResourceComponent(MirrorEngine engine) : base(engine) { // Set root directory rootDirectory = DEFAULTROOTDIRECTORY; #if ENGINEDEVELOP rootDirectory = DEVELOPROOTPREFIX + rootDirectory; #endif //Initialize cache cache = new Handle[SIZE_OF_CACHE]; cacheLookup = new Dictionary <string, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_CACHE; i++) { freeList.AddLast(i); } // Initialize Scripting Engine Dictionary <string, object> opts = new Dictionary <string, object>(); opts["Debug"] = true; ScriptEngine eng = Python.CreateEngine(opts); scriptRuntime = eng.Runtime; // Inject executing C# assembly scriptRuntime.LoadAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); // Inject game C# assembly scriptRuntime.LoadAssembly(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()); //Initialize script scopes dictionary scriptScopes = new Dictionary <ScriptScope, string>(); //Initialize Freetype if (SdlTtf.TTF_Init() == -1) { throw new Exception("Could not initialize SDL_ttf"); } //Intialize world Dictionary worlds = new Dictionary <string, World>(); }
protected const float UNKNOWNVALUE = -1f; //Represents an unknown value to solve for public PhysicsComponent(MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(theEngine) { }
public GameWorld(MirrorEngine theEngine, String theMap) : base(theEngine, theMap) { tileTextureSet = tileEngine.resourceComponent.getTextureSet("Tiles"); game = theEngine as Graven; actorFactory = new GameActorFactory(this); }
public Component(MirrorEngine theEngine) { this.tileEngine = theEngine; }
public GameGraphics(MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(theEngine, screenSize, FULLSCREEN) { guiComponent = new GameGUIComponent(this); }
public GameResources(ContentManager cm, MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(cm, theEngine) { }
public EditorGraphics(MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(theEngine, screenSize, FULLSCREEN) { AMBIENT = 0f; guiComponent = new EditorGUI(this); }
public EditorAudio(MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(theEngine) { }
public GameAudio(MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(theEngine) { }
public AudioComponent(MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(theEngine) { resourceComponent = theEngine.resourceComponent; audioSets = resourceComponent.audioSets; }
public EditorInput(Editor editor) : base(editor as MirrorEngine) { theEngine = editor as Editor; editBindings = new InputBinding[Enum.GetValues(typeof(EditBindings)).Length]; }
//public int dieSound; public EditorResources(ContentManager cm, MirrorEngine theEngine) : base(cm, theEngine) { string path; path = Path.Combine("Test", "GUI"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Tiles"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "005_Arrow"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "001_Blob"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "000_Lucy"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "006_HealthOrb"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "007_ManaOrb"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "012_Octo"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "014_Spikon"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "015_Sentinel"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "003_FireShuriken"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "008_IceSpike"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "011_Numbers"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "004_FirstBoss"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "010_LevelUp"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "009_Laser"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "016_Zazzle"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "002_BlueBlob"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "013_RedBlob"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "017_DemonQuestionMark"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); path = Path.Combine("Test", "Sprites", "018_EmptyActor"); textureSets.Add(path, new TextureSet(this, path)); }