public Text(string text, Font font, int maxWidth) { _text = text; _font = font; _maxWidth = maxWidth; CreateText(0, 0, _maxWidth); }
/// <summary> /// This is a slow but often convient function. /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="font"></param> public void DrawText(double x, double y, string text, Font font) { Text textObj = new Text(text, font); textObj.SetColor(new Color(0,0,0,1)); textObj.SetPosition(x, y); DrawText(textObj); }
private void InitializeMenu() { menuFont = new Font(textureManager.Get("menu_font"), FontParser.Parse("menuFont.fnt")); menu = new VerticalMenu(0, -100, input, new Color(1, 1, 1, 1), new Color(0, 0, 1, 1)); // Create start, controls, exit for menu Button start = new Button(delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { stateSystem.ChangeState("inner_game"); ResetGameData(); }, new Text("Start", menuFont)); Button controls = new Button(delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { stateSystem.ChangeState("controls"); }, new Text("Controls", menuFont)); Button exit = new Button(delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.Application.Exit(); }, new Text("Exit", menuFont)); menu.AddButton(start); menu.AddButton(controls); menu.AddButton(exit); }
public StartMenuState(Engine.Font titleFont) { _title = new Text("Shooter", titleFont); _title.SetColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); // Centerre on the x and place somewhere near the top _title.SetPosition(-_title.Width / 2, 300); }
private void InitializeFonts() { // Fonts are loaded here. _titleFont = FontParser.CreateFont("title_font.fnt", _textureManager); _generalFont = FontParser.CreateFont("general_font.fnt", _textureManager); }
private void InitializeFonts() { // Fonts are loaded here. _titleFont = new Engine.Font(_textureManager.Get("title_font"), FontParser.Parse("title_font.fnt")); }
public Text(string text, Font font, int maxWidth) { this.text = text; this.font = font; color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); this.maxWidth = maxWidth; CreateText(0, 0); }
public InnerGameState(StateSystem system, Input input, PersistantGameData gameData, Font generalFont) { _input = input; _system = system; _gameData = gameData; _generalFont = generalFont; OnGameStart(); }
private void InitializeFonts() { // Fonts are loaded here. _titleFont = new Engine.Font(_textureManager.Get("title_font"), FontParser.Parse("title_font.fnt")); _generalFont = new Engine.Font(_textureManager.Get("general_font"), FontParser.Parse("general_font.fnt")); }
public Scoreboard(GameData gameData, TextureManager textureManager) { this.gameData = gameData; font = new Font(textureManager.Get("effects_font"), FontParser.Parse("effectsFont.fnt")); level = new Text("Level: " + gameData.Level.ToString(), font); score = new Text("Score : " + gameData.Score.ToString(), font); position = new Point((float)Block.WIDTH * 7, -30); UpdateWidth(); }
public InnerGameState(StateSystem system, Input input, TextureManager textureManager, PersistentGameData gameData, Font generalFont) { _system = system; _input = input; _textureManager = textureManager; _gameData = gameData; _generalFont = generalFont; OnGameStart(); }
//int fontSize; public Font(String fontName, float fontSize) { try{ this.font = new Font(fontName, fontSize); }catch (Exception e){ Console.Write("Font not found" + e); this.font = new Font("Times New Roman", 12.0f); } }
public InnerGameState(StateSystem system, Input input, TextureManager textureManager, PersistantGameData gameData, Font generalFont, Font titleFont, Size windowSize) { _input = input; _system = system; _gameData = gameData; _generalFont = generalFont; _textureManager = textureManager; _titleFont = titleFont; _windowSize = windowSize; OnGameStart(); }
public StartMenuState(Font titleFont, Font generalFont, Input input, StateSystem system) { _input = input; _system = system; _generalFont = generalFont; InitializeMenu(); _title = new Text("Another Castle", titleFont); _title.SetColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); // Center on x and move toward the top _title.SetPosition(-_title.Width/2, 300); }
public PauseGameState(Engine.Font titleFont, Engine.Font generalFont, Input input, StateSystem system) { _input = input; _system = system; _generalFont = generalFont; InitializeMenu(); _title = new Text("Pause", titleFont); _title.SetColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); // Center on x and move toward the top _title.SetPosition(-_title.Width / 2, 300); }
public StartMenuState(Engine.Font titleFont, Engine.Font generalFont, Input input, StateSystem system) { _system = system; _input = input; _generalFont = generalFont; InitializeMenu(); _title = new Text("Immunity vs. Invaders", titleFont); _title.SetColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); _title.SetPosition(-_title.Width / 2, 300); }
public StartMenuState(Engine.Font titleFont, Engine.Font generalFont, Input input, StateSystem system) { _system = system; _generalFont = generalFont; _input = input; InitializeMenu(); _title = new Text("Shooter", titleFont); _title.SetColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); // Centerre on the x and place somewhere near the top _title.SetPosition(-_title.Width / 2, 300); }
public StartMenuState(Engine.Font titleFont, Engine.Font generalFont, Input input, StateSystem system, TextureManager textureManager) { _system = system; _generalFont = generalFont; _input = input; _textureManager = textureManager; _blockManager = new BlockManager(_textureManager, 0, 0, new Vector(1, 1, 1)); DropBlocks(); InitializeMenu(); _title = new Text("Subway Tetris", titleFont); _title.SetColor(new Color(0.85f, 0.85f, 0.10f, 1)); // Centerre on the x and place somewhere near the top _title.SetPosition(-_title.Width / 2, 300); }
public InnerGameState(StateSystem system, Input input, TextureManager textureManager, PersistentGameData gameData, Font generalFont) { _input = input; _system = system; _gameData = gameData; _generalFont = generalFont; _textureManager = textureManager; _bloodStream = new Text("BloodStream", generalFont); _bloodStream.SetColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); _bloodStream.SetPosition(-600, 0); OnGameStart(); }
public StartMenuState(StateSystem stateSystem, TextureManager textureManager, Input input, GameData gameData) { this.input = input; this.textureManager = textureManager; this.stateSystem = stateSystem; this.gameData = gameData; // Create title titleFont = new Font(textureManager.Get("title_font"), FontParser.Parse("titleFont.fnt")); titleText = new Text("bTris", titleFont); titleText.SetPosition(-titleText.Width / 2, 150); titleText.SetColor(new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); InitializeMenu(); }
public CreditState(PersistantGameData data, StateSystem system, Input input, Font generalFont, Font titleFont) { _gameData = data; _system = system; _input = input; _generalFont = generalFont; _titleFont = titleFont; _titleHelp = new Text("How to Play", _titleFont); _blurbHelp = new Text("", _generalFont); _blurbHelp = new Text("Directional keys-move,Enter or X(gamepad) to fire", _generalFont); FormatText(_titleHelp, 300); FormatText(_blurbHelp, 200); }
public KabajiEgara(PersistantGameData data, StateSystem system, Input input, Font generalFont, Font titleFont) { _gameData = data; _system = system; _input = input; _generalFont = generalFont; _titleFont = titleFont; _titleHelp = new Text("Kabaji Egara", _titleFont); //_blurbHelp = new Text("", _generalFont); _blurbHelp = new Text("COM-0513-10 2013", _generalFont); FormatText(_titleHelp, 300); FormatText(_blurbHelp, 200); }
//EnemyManager _enemyManager; public Level(Input input, TextureManager textureManager, PersistantGameData gameData, Engine.Font generalFont, Engine.Font titleFont, Size windowSize) { //_testSprite.Texture = textureManager.Get("explosion"); //_testSprite.SetAnimation(4, 4); _input = input; _gameData = gameData; _textureManager = textureManager; _effectsManager = new EffectsManager(_textureManager); _background = new Background(textureManager.Get("background")); //_background.Speed = 0.15f; widthScale2 = _windowSize.Width / 900.0; heightScale2 = _windowSize.Height / 695.0; _background.SetScale(2.0, 2.0); //_backgroundLayer = new Background(textureManager.Get("background_layer_1")); //_backgroundLayer.Speed = 0.1f; //_backgroundLayer.SetScale(2.0, 2.0); m_ChessBoard = Form1.InitChessBoard; _chessBoard = new ChessBoard(_textureManager, _moveChessManager); //_system = system; //_input = input; _generalFont = generalFont; _titleFont = titleFont; settingChecked = SettingMenu(); Option optionChecked = OptionMenu(); Engines engineChecked = EngineMenu(); _enginemenu._rvdisable = true; _optiontitle = new Text("选项", _titleFont); _optiontitle.SetColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); //Center on the x and place somewhere near the top _optiontitle.SetPosition(-_optiontitle.Width / 2 - 450, 300); //EngineMenu(); _optiontitle = new Text("引擎", _titleFont); _optiontitle.SetColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); // Center on the x and place somewhere near the top _optiontitle.SetPosition(-_optiontitle.Width / 2 + 450, 300); //_enemyManager = new EnemyManager(_textureManager, _effectsManager, _bulletManager, _playerCharacter, -1300); }
public GameOverState(PersistentGameData data, StateSystem system, Input input, Font generalFont, Font titleFont) { _gameData = data; _system = system; _input = input; _generalFont = generalFont; _titleFont = titleFont; _titleWin = new Text("Completed this level!", _titleFont); _blurbWin = new Text("You defeated the invaders!", _generalFont); _titleLose = new Text("Game Over!", _titleFont); _blurbLose = new Text("Try again . ..", _generalFont); FormatText(_titleWin, 300); FormatText(_blurbWin, 200); FormatText(_titleLose, 300); FormatText(_blurbLose, 200); }
public GameOverState(Input input, StateSystem stateSystem, GameData gameData, TextureManager textureManager) { this.input = input; this.stateSystem = stateSystem; this.gameData = gameData; this.textureManager = textureManager; scoreboard = new Scoreboard(gameData, textureManager); scoreboard.SetPosition(new Point(-scoreboard.Width / 2, 0)); gameOverFont = new Font(textureManager.Get("title_font"), FontParser.Parse("titleFont.fnt")); gameOverText = new Text("Game Over", gameOverFont); gameOverText.SetPosition(-gameOverText.Width / 2, 100); returnFont = new Font(textureManager.Get("effects_font"), FontParser.Parse("effectsFont.fnt")); returnText = new Text("Press Enter to return to the start menu", returnFont); returnText.SetPosition(-returnText.Width / 2, -200); }
public GameOverState(PersistentGameData data, StateSystem system, Input input, Font generalFont, Font titleFont) { _gameData = data; _system = system; _input = input; _generalFont = generalFont; _titleFont = titleFont; _titleWin = new Text("Complete!", _titleFont); _blurbWin = new Text("Congratulations, you won!", _generalFont); _titleLose = new Text("Game Over!", _titleFont); _blurbLose = new Text("Please try again...", _generalFont); FormatText(_titleWin, 300); FormatText(_blurbWin, 200); FormatText(_titleLose, 300); FormatText(_blurbLose, 200); }
public StartMenuState(Engine.Font titleFont, Engine.Font generalFont, Input input, StateSystem system, TextureManager textureManager, Size windowSize) { _system = system; _input = input; _generalFont = generalFont; _textureManager = textureManager; _windowSize = windowSize; _effectsManager = new EffectsManager(_textureManager); InitializeMenu(); _backgroundLayer = new Background(textureManager.Get("background_layer_1")); //_background.Speed = 0.15f; widthScale = _windowSize.Width / 500.0; heightScale = _windowSize.Height / 375.0; _backgroundLayer.SetScale(widthScale, heightScale); _title = new Text("中国象棋", titleFont); _title.SetColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); // Center on the x and place somewhere near the top _title.SetPosition(-_title.Width / 2, 300); }
public PlayingState(StateSystem system, TextureManager manager, Input input, Engine.Font infoFont, Vector playArea, Vector clientSize) { _system = system; _textureManager = manager; _input = input; _infoFont = infoFont; _playArea = playArea; _clientSize = clientSize; InitializeMenu(); _paused = false; _blockManager = new BlockManager(_textureManager, clientSize.X, clientSize.Y, new Vector(_scalingFactor, _scalingFactor, 0)); if (_scalingFactor < 1.0 && _scalingFactor > 0.5) { _playArea.X += _blockManager.BlockWidth * _scalingFactor; } _blockManager.SetBounds(-(_playArea.Y), _playArea.Y, -(_playArea.X), _playArea.X); _scoreText = new Text("Score: " + _blockManager.CompletedRows, _infoFont); _scoreText.SetPosition((clientSize.X / 2) - 250, 0); _scoreText.SetColor(new Color(0.19f, 0.8f, 0.19f, 1)); _pausedText = new Text("PAUSED", _infoFont); _pausedText.SetPosition(-_pausedText.Width/2, 250); _pausedText.SetColor(new Color(0.35f, 0.35f, 0.67f, 1)); GameStart(); }
private void InitializeFonts() { // Fonts are loaded here. _numberFont = Engine.FontParser.CreateFont("numberFont.fnt", _textureManager); }
private void InitializeFonts() { _titleFont = new Font(_textureManager.Get("title_font"), FontParser.Parse("./Content/Fonts/title_font.fnt")); _generalFont = new Font(_textureManager.Get("general_font"), FontParser.Parse("./Content/Fonts/general_font.fnt")); }
public void DoRenderUI( GuiRenderer renderer ) { if( transparency == 0.0f ) return; if( firstRender ) { texture = TextureManager.Instance.Load( "Gui\\Various\\", Texture.Type.Type2D, 0 ); font = FontManager.Instance.LoadFont( "Default", .025f ); firstRender = false; } if( font == null ) return; Rect textureRect = new Rect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ); textureRect += textureOffset; renderer.AddQuad( new Rect( 0, 0, 1, .5f ), textureRect, texture, new ColorValue( 1, 1, 1, transparency ), false, new Rect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) ); renderer.AddQuad( new Rect( 0, .495f, 1, .5f ), new ColorValue( .8f, .8f, .8f, transparency ) ); string staticText = "Version " + EngineVersionInformation.Version; if( staticText != null && staticText != "" ) { renderer.AddText( font, staticText, new Vec2( .99f, .5f - font.Height ), HorizontalAlign.Right, VerticalAlign.Center, new ColorValue( 1, 1, 1, transparency ) ); } float fontheight = font.Height; float x = .01f; float y = .5f - fontheight; string str; if( stringDownPosition != strings.Count - 1 ) { str = "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" + " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" + " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" + " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" + " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"; } else str = currentString + "_"; renderer.AddText( font, str, new Vec2( x, y ), HorizontalAlign.Left, VerticalAlign.Center, new ColorValue( 1, 1, 1, transparency ) ); y -= fontheight + fontheight * .5f; int startpos = stringDownPosition; if( startpos > strings.Count - 1 ) startpos = strings.Count - 1; for( int n = startpos; n >= 0 && y - fontheight > 0; n-- ) { renderer.AddText( font, strings[ n ].text, new Vec2( x, y ), HorizontalAlign.Left, VerticalAlign.Center, strings[ n ].color * new ColorValue( 1, 1, 1, transparency ) ); y -= fontheight; } }
private void InitializeFonts() { // Fonts are loaded here. _titleFont = new Engine.Font(_textureManager.Get("title_font"), Engine.FontParser.Parse("Fonts/title_font.fnt")); _generalFont = new Engine.Font(_textureManager.Get("general_font"), Engine.FontParser.Parse("Fonts/general_font.fnt")); _blockFont = new Engine.Font(_textureManager.Get("block_font"), Engine.FontParser.Parse("Fonts/blockFont.fnt")); }
public PathCreationState(Input input, PathData pathData, Engine.Font numberFont) { _input = input; _pathData = pathData; _font = numberFont; }
private void AddTextWithShadow(GuiRenderer renderer, Font font, string text, Vec2 position, HorizontalAlign horizontalAlign, VerticalAlign verticalAlign, ColorValue color) { Vec2 shadowOffset = 1.0f / renderer.ViewportForScreenGuiRenderer.DimensionsInPixels.Size.ToVec2(); renderer.AddText(font, text, position + shadowOffset, horizontalAlign, verticalAlign, new ColorValue(0, 0, 0, color.Alpha / 2)); renderer.AddText(font, text, position, horizontalAlign, verticalAlign, color); }
private void InitializeFonts() { _titleFont = new Engine.Font(_textureManager.Get("title_font"), FontParser.Parse("title_font.fnt")); _generalFont = new Engine.Font(_textureManager.Get("general_font"), FontParser.Parse("general_font.fnt")); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化字体 /// </summary> private void InitializeFonts() { _titleFont = new Engine.Font(_textureManager.Get("chinese_font"), FontParser.Parse("chinese_font.fnt", 2)); _generalFont = new Engine.Font(_textureManager.Get("chinese_yy"), FontParser.Parse("chinese_yy.fnt", 1)); }
public void RenderScreenUI(GuiRenderer renderer) { for (int viewIndex = 0; viewIndex < views.Count; viewIndex++) { View view = views[viewIndex]; //draw view on screen if (view.Opacity > 0) { renderer.PushTextureFilteringMode(GuiRenderer.TextureFilteringModes.Point); renderer.AddQuad(view.Rectangle, new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), view.Texture, new ColorValue(1, 1, 1, view.Opacity), true); renderer.PopTextureFilteringMode(); } //draw debug info if (drawDebugInfo) { Viewport screenViewport = renderer.ViewportForScreenGuiRenderer; Vec2 pixelOffset = 1.0f / screenViewport.DimensionsInPixels.Size.ToVec2(); ColorValue color = new ColorValue(1, 1, 0); renderer.AddRectangle(new Rect( view.Rectangle.LeftTop + pixelOffset, view.Rectangle.RightBottom - pixelOffset * 2), color); renderer.AddLine(view.Rectangle.LeftTop, view.Rectangle.RightBottom, color); renderer.AddLine(view.Rectangle.RightTop, view.Rectangle.LeftBottom, color); if (debugFont == null) debugFont = FontManager.Instance.LoadFont("Default", .03f); string sizeString = ""; if (view.Texture != null) sizeString = string.Format("{0}x{1}", view.Texture.Size.X, view.Texture.Size.Y); string text = string.Format("View {0}, {1}", viewIndex, sizeString); Vec2 position = new Vec2(view.Rectangle.Right - pixelOffset.X * 5, view.Rectangle.Top); AddTextWithShadow(renderer, debugFont, text, position, HorizontalAlign.Right, VerticalAlign.Top, new ColorValue(1, 1, 1)); } } }