Пример #1
        public double Overlap(ColorAssignment other)
            double score = 0;

            //score the two palettes
            if (colors.Keys.SequenceEqual <String>(other.colors.Keys))
                foreach (String key in colors.Keys)
                    if (other.colors[key] == this.colors[key])
                        score += 1;
                score /= colors.Keys.Count();
                //something is wrong
                Console.WriteLine("The two palettes are not compatible");
                throw new ArgumentException();

Пример #2
        public Bitmap RenderAssignment(ColorAssignment assignment)
            int numMembers = assignment.Keys.Count();
            int colorSize  = 20;
            int padding    = 2;
            int textWidth  = 120;
            int topPadding = 10;

            Bitmap   result = new Bitmap(textWidth + colorSize + padding, numMembers * colorSize + padding + topPadding);
            Graphics pg     = Graphics.FromImage(result);

            pg.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, result.Width, result.Height);

            Brush black   = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
            Font  headers = new Font("Arial", 9);

            //write out the concept titles
            for (int w = 0; w < numMembers; w++)
                pg.DrawString(assignment.Keys[w], headers, black, 0, w * colorSize + topPadding);

            //draw the assigned colors
            for (int w = 0; w < assignment.Keys.Count(); w++)
                int x = textWidth;
                int y = w * colorSize + topPadding;
                pg.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(assignment.Get(assignment.Keys[w])), x, y, colorSize - padding, colorSize - padding);

Пример #3
        public ColorAssignment AssignColors(Category category)
            //check that number of category members is less than number of palette colors
            if (category.members.Count() > paletteHex.Count())
                throw new ArgumentException("Too many category members, or not enough palette colors!");

            //Get the images, if needed
            SearchImages(category, 3);

            //Compute the histograms

            //Compute affinities and assign colors
            double[,] affinities = ComputeAffinities(category);

            //Since the Hungarian Algorithm minimizes sum of affinities, let's invert the affinities
            //Assume that the number of category members is less than the number of palette colors
            double[,] matrix = new double[paletteHex.Count(), paletteHex.Count()];
            for (int c = 0; c < paletteHex.Count(); c++)
                for (int w = 0; w < category.members.Count(); w++)
                    matrix[w, c] = 1 - affinities[c, w];

            //create an assignment from colors to concept names
            List <int> assignIds = HungarianAlgorithm.Solve(matrix);

            ColorAssignment assignment = new ColorAssignment(category);

            for (int w = 0; w < category.members.Count(); w++)
                assignment.Set(category.members[w], paletteRGB[assignIds[w]]);

Пример #4
        public double Overlap(ColorAssignment other)
            double score = 0;

            //score the two palettes
            if (colors.Keys.SequenceEqual<String>(other.colors.Keys))
                foreach (String key in colors.Keys)
                    if (other.colors[key] == this.colors[key])
                        score += 1;
                score /= colors.Keys.Count();
                //something is wrong
                Console.WriteLine("The two palettes are not compatible");
                throw new ArgumentException();

            return score;
Пример #5
        public Bitmap RenderAssignment(ColorAssignment assignment)
            int numMembers = assignment.Keys.Count();
            int colorSize = 20;
            int padding = 2;
            int textWidth = 120;
            int topPadding = 10;

            Bitmap result = new Bitmap(textWidth + colorSize+padding, numMembers * colorSize + padding+topPadding);
            Graphics pg = Graphics.FromImage(result);

            pg.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, result.Width, result.Height);

            Brush black = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
            Font headers = new Font("Arial", 9);

            //write out the concept titles
            for (int w = 0; w < numMembers; w++)
                pg.DrawString(assignment.Keys[w], headers, black, 0, w * colorSize+topPadding);

            //draw the assigned colors
            for (int w = 0; w < assignment.Keys.Count(); w++)
                int x = textWidth;
                int y = w * colorSize+topPadding;
                pg.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(assignment.Get(assignment.Keys[w])), x, y, colorSize - padding, colorSize - padding);

            return result;
Пример #6
        public ColorAssignment AssignColors(Category category)
            //check that number of category members is less than number of palette colors
            if (category.members.Count() > paletteHex.Count())
                throw new ArgumentException("Too many category members, or not enough palette colors!");

            //Get the images, if needed
            SearchImages(category, 3);

            //Compute the histograms

            //Compute affinities and assign colors
            double[,] affinities = ComputeAffinities(category);

            //Since the Hungarian Algorithm minimizes sum of affinities, let's invert the affinities
            //Assume that the number of category members is less than the number of palette colors
            double[,] matrix = new double[paletteHex.Count(), paletteHex.Count()];
            for (int c=0; c<paletteHex.Count(); c++)
                for (int w=0; w<category.members.Count(); w++)
                    matrix[w,c] = 1-affinities[c,w];

            //create an assignment from colors to concept names
            List<int> assignIds = HungarianAlgorithm.Solve(matrix);

            ColorAssignment assignment = new ColorAssignment(category);
            for (int w = 0; w < category.members.Count(); w++)
                assignment.Set(category.members[w], paletteRGB[assignIds[w]]);

            return assignment;