Пример #1
        public unsafe void Return(ref RawBuffer buffer)
            DecomposeId(buffer.Id, out var powerIndex, out var slotIndex);
            pools[powerIndex].ValidateBufferIsContained(ref buffer);
            buffer = default;
Пример #2
            public unsafe void Take(out RawBuffer buffer)
                var slot       = Slots.Take();
                var blockIndex = slot >> SuballocationsPerBlockShift;

                if (blockIndex >= Blocks.Length)
                    Array.Resize(ref Blocks, 1 << SpanHelper.GetContainingPowerOf2(blockIndex + 1));
                if (blockIndex >= BlockCount)
                    for (int i = 0; i < blockIndex; ++i)
                        Debug.Assert(Blocks[i].Allocated, "If a block index is found to exceed the current block count, then every block preceding the index should be allocated.");
                    BlockCount = blockIndex + 1;
                    Blocks[blockIndex] = new Block(BlockSize);

                var indexInBlock = slot & SuballocationsPerBlockMask;
                buffer = new RawBuffer(Blocks[blockIndex].Allocate(indexInBlock, SuballocationSize), SuballocationSize, (Power << IdPowerShift) | slot);
                Debug.Assert(buffer.Id >= 0 && Power >= 0 && Power < 32, "Slot/power should be safely encoded in a 32 bit integer.");
                const int maximumOutstandingCount = 1 << 20;
                Debug.Assert(outstandingIds.Count <= maximumOutstandingCount,
                             $"Do you actually truly really need to have {maximumOutstandingCount} allocations taken from this power pool, or is this a memory leak?");
                Debug.Assert(outstandingIds.Add(slot), "Should not be able to request the same slot twice.");
                var allocator = new StackTrace().ToString();
                if (!outstandingAllocators.TryGetValue(allocator, out var idsForAllocator))
                    idsForAllocator = new HashSet <int>();
                    outstandingAllocators.Add(allocator, idsForAllocator);
                Debug.Assert(idsForAllocator.Count < (1 << 25), "Do you actually have that many allocations for this one allocator?");
Пример #3
            internal unsafe void ValidateBufferIsContained(ref RawBuffer buffer)
                //There are a lot of ways to screw this up. Try to catch as many as possible!
                var slotIndex             = buffer.Id & ((1 << IdPowerShift) - 1);
                var blockIndex            = slotIndex >> SuballocationsPerBlockShift;
                var indexInAllocatorBlock = slotIndex & SuballocationsPerBlockMask;

                Debug.Assert(buffer.Length <= SuballocationSize,
                             "A buffer taken from a pool should have a specific size.");
                Debug.Assert(blockIndex >= 0 && blockIndex < BlockCount,
                             "The block pointed to by a returned buffer should actually exist within the pool.");
                var memoryOffset = buffer.Memory - Blocks[blockIndex].Pointer;

                Debug.Assert(memoryOffset >= 0 && memoryOffset < Blocks[blockIndex].Array.Length,
                             "If a raw buffer points to a given block as its source, the address should be within the block's memory region.");
                Debug.Assert(Blocks[blockIndex].Pointer + indexInAllocatorBlock * SuballocationSize == buffer.Memory,
                             "The implied address of a buffer in its block should match its actual address.");
                Debug.Assert(buffer.Length + indexInAllocatorBlock * SuballocationSize <= Blocks[blockIndex].Array.Length,
                             "The extent of the buffer should fit within the block.");
Пример #4
 public unsafe void Resize(ref RawBuffer buffer, int targetSize, int copyCount)
     ResizeToAtLeast(ref buffer, targetSize, copyCount);
     buffer.Length = targetSize;
Пример #5
 public void TakeForPower(int power, out RawBuffer buffer)
     Debug.Assert(power >= 0 && power <= SpanHelper.MaximumSpanSizePower);
     pools[power].Take(out buffer);
Пример #6
 public void Take(int count, out RawBuffer buffer)
     TakeAtLeast(count, out buffer);
     buffer.Length = count;
Пример #7
 public void TakeAtLeast(int count, out RawBuffer buffer)
     TakeForPower(SpanHelper.GetContainingPowerOf2(count), out buffer);
Пример #8
 public static ref T Get(ref RawBuffer buffer, int index)
     Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index * Unsafe.SizeOf <T>() < buffer.Length, "Index out of range.");
     return(ref Get(buffer.Memory, index));