Пример #1
        //Decide which terrain rule to apply
        public void UpdateTerrainRule()
            if (MoveToNextTerrainRule())
                //If we reach the end but we are looping rules, go back to the first one
                TerrainRule lastTerrainRule = TerrainRules[TerrainRules.Count - 1];
                if (CurrentTerrainRule == lastTerrainRule)
                    if (LoopRules)
                        CurrentTerrainRule = TerrainRules[0];

                        //Track where our rule is starting
                        RuleStartLocation = CurrentLocation;
                        CurrentTerrainRule = null;
                    CurrentTerrainRule = TerrainRules[GetCurrentTerrainRuleIndex() + 1];

                    //Track where our rule is starting
                    RuleStartLocation = CurrentLocation;

                //Reset this
                RepeatingPointsAtTop = false;
Пример #2
        public void PlacePrefabs(TerrainManager tm)
            terrainManager = tm;

            List <PrefabQueue> prefabsToAdd = new List <PrefabQueue>();

            for (int i = 0; i < terrainManager.AllFrontTopVerticies.Count(); i++)
                Vector3 current = terrainManager.AllFrontTopVerticies[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < settings.PrefabRules.Count(); j++)
                    PrefabRule rule = settings.PrefabRules[j];

                    //Can't do anything without a prefab
                    if (rule.PrefabToClone == null)
                        Debug.LogWarning("PrefabToClone required");

                    //If we haven't started yet, set our initial values
                    if (rule.LastPrefabLocation == Vector3.zero)
                        rule.LastPrefabLocation = current;
                    rule.CurrentLocation = current;

                    //Save it because it is randomized and changes every time
                    float repeatDistance = rule.RepeatDistance;

                    if (rule.AddPrefab(repeatDistance))
                        //Find the location of the first prefab
                        float   nextXLocation = rule.NextPrefabXLocation(repeatDistance);
                        Vector3 nextLocation  = FindLocationAlongTerrain(nextXLocation);
                        float   angle         = FindSlopeAngle(nextLocation.x);

                        //Store a list of the prefabs to add.  Only add them if every prefab in this ruleset can be added.
                        //If they can't, add them at the start of the next mesh
                        bool addAllPrefabs = true;

                        prefabsToAdd.Add(new PrefabQueue()
                            location = nextLocation, angle = angle

                        if (rule.GroupSize > 1)
                            float increase = 0;
                            for (int k = 1; k < rule.GroupSize; k++)
                                //Find the location of the next prefab in this group
                                increase     = increase + rule.GroupSpacing;
                                nextLocation = FindLocationAlongTerrain(nextXLocation + increase);

                                //We can't place all prefabs.  Break out
                                if (nextLocation == Vector3.zero)
                                    addAllPrefabs = false;
                                    //Store the location of these prefabs as well
                                    angle = FindSlopeAngle(nextXLocation + increase);
                                    prefabsToAdd.Add(new PrefabQueue()
                                        location = nextLocation, angle = angle
                        //Can we add all the prefabs?  Then go ahead and instatiate them
                        if (addAllPrefabs)
                            for (int k = 0; k < prefabsToAdd.Count(); k++)
                                PrefabQueue pq = prefabsToAdd[k];

                                //Determine if this prefab is allowed to be placed on this terrain rule
                                TerrainRule currentRule = tm.VertexGen.CurrentTerrainRule;
                                bool        allowedForThisTerrainRule = currentRule.AllowedPrefabs.Where(ap => ap.Allowed && ap.Index == j).Any();
                                bool        meetsDistanceReqs         = true;

                                //Determine if this prefab is within the distance rules
                                if (rule.UseMinDistance)
                                    if (pq.location.x < rule.MinDistance)
                                        meetsDistanceReqs = false;
                                if (rule.UseMaxDistance)
                                    if (pq.location.x > rule.MaxDistance)
                                        meetsDistanceReqs = false;

                                //Only add if it is within the slope limits
                                if (pq.angle >= rule.MinSlope && pq.angle <= rule.MaxSlope && allowedForThisTerrainRule && meetsDistanceReqs)
                                    rule.InstantiatePrefab(pq.location, PrefabManagerObject, Pool, pq.angle);
                                    rule.LastPrefabLocation = pq.location;
                                    //Just update this so we can keep placing prefabs, but don't actually create the prefab
                                    rule.LastPrefabLocation = pq.location;