private ChessSquare[] randomSquares(byte length)
 // Generates an array with the specified length such that no square has the same
 // coordinates as another. length must not exceed 64.
     if (length > 64)
         throw new ArgumentException("length > 64");
     ChessSquare[] squares = new ChessSquare[length];
     for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
         bool cont = true;
         while (cont)
             squares[i] = SQUARES[RANDOM.Next(8), RANDOM.Next(8)];
             cont       = false;
             for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
                 if (squares[i] == squares[j])
                     cont = true;
 public ChessLeaper(ChessSquare square) : base(square)
     if (POSSIBLE_RELATIVE_MOVES.GetUpperBound(1) != 1) // If not a [_,2] array
         throw new Exception(
                   "POSSIBLE_RELATIVE_MOVES's 2nd dimension does not have length 2");
 public override void FindMoves(ChessSquare[,] squares)
     for (int p = MAX_ATTACKS - 1; p >= 0; --p)
         int c = this.Square.COL + POSSIBLE_RELATIVE_MOVES[p, 0];
         int r = this.Square.ROW + POSSIBLE_RELATIVE_MOVES[p, 1];
         if (c >= 0 && r >= 0 && c <= 7 && r <= 7)
             ChessSquare square = squares[c, r];
             if (square.Piece == null || square.Piece.WHITE != this.WHITE)
Пример #4
 public override void FindMoves(ChessSquare[,] squares)
     for (int p = 0; p <= 7; ++p)
         int c = this.Square.COL + DIRECTIONS[p, 0];
         int r = this.Square.ROW + DIRECTIONS[p, 1];
         if (c >= 0 && r >= 0 && c <= 7 && r <= 7)
             ChessSquare square = squares[c, r];
             if (square.Piece == null || !square.Piece.WHITE)
 public void Move(ChessSquare newSquare)
 // Removes this ChessPiece from its current ChessSquare and moves it to newSquare. If a
 // piece is on newSquare, that piece is replaced (captured) by this piece. The two
 // ChessSquares' images are automatically updated in that class through assignment.
     if (this.Square != null)
         this.Square.Piece = null;
     if (newSquare.Piece != null)
         newSquare.Piece.Square = null;
     this.Square     = newSquare;
     newSquare.Piece = this;
     // The first 4 lines are just as important as the last 2. Omitting them caused errors.
        public void TakeBlackTurn(out bool gameOver)
        // Takes Black's turn, moving its king. Checks for and handles checkmate and stalemate.
        // Handles draw for King vs King but not for any other situation such as King and Bishop
        // vs King. In checkmate, stalemate, or draw, sets gameOver to true; otherwise, sets it to
        // false. Does not enable/disable squares.

            ChessSquare BlackKingChoice = BlackKing.ChooseMove();

            if (BlackKingChoice != null)
                if (BlackKingChoice.Piece != null)

                if (White.Count == 1) // Draw by lack of material
                    // This would be slightly better with a custom message box with a bigger font.
                    MessageBox.Show("Draw by lack of material 😞\nIn " + numMoves + " moves");
                    gameOver = true;
                    gameOver = false;
            else // Black King cannot move, is in checkmate or stalemate
                if (BlackKing.Square.WhiteAttacked)
                    MessageBox.Show("Checkmate! 😁\nIn " + numMoves + " moves");
                    MessageBox.Show("Stalemate 😞\nIn " + numMoves + " moves");
                gameOver = true;
        protected void FindAttacksInDirection(ChessSquare[,] squares, byte dir)
        // Similar to FindMovesInDirection. Sets WhiteAttacked or BlackAttacked to true for all
        // attacked squares in direction dir. The line of attack is blocked by a piece of the same
        // color but, unlike the line of moves, continues beyond a piece of the opposite color.
        // This method is implemented almost exactly the same as FindMovesInDirection. Only the
        // middle of the body of the while loop is different.
            if (dir < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("dir < 0");
            if (dir > 7)
                throw new ArgumentException("dir > 7");

            // (dc,dr) = change in coordinates per square in line
            sbyte dc = DIRECTIONS[dir, 0];
            sbyte dr = DIRECTIONS[dir, 1];

            int c = this.Square.COL + dc;
            int r = this.Square.ROW + dr;

            while (c >= 0 && r >= 0 && c <= 7 && r <= 7)
                ChessSquare square = squares[c, r];

                if (WHITE)
                    square.WhiteAttacked = true;
                    square.BlackAttacked = true;

                if (square.Piece != null && (square.Piece.WHITE == this.WHITE))

                c += dc;
                r += dr;
        protected void FindMovesInDirection(ChessSquare[,] squares, byte dir)
        // Adds to this.Moves (without clearing this.Moves first, unlike FindMoves()) by finding
        // the squares along an orthogonal or diagonal ray in direction dir that a piece moving
        // in that direction would be able to move to. In other words, finds the squares that a
        // queen moving in direction dir would be able to move to without being blocked or leaving
        // the board. This method is only applicable to queens, rooks, and bishops.
        // dir stores a value from 0 to 7. From square (3,3) in the center, dir 0 points to (7,3),
        // dir 1 points to (7,7), ..., dir 7 points to (7,0). In other words, dir d corresponds to
        // the vector represented by the dth pair in DIRECTIONS, where column comes before row in
        // the pair.
            if (dir < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("dir < 0");
            if (dir > 7)
                throw new ArgumentException("dir > 7");

            // (dc,dr) = change in coordinates per square in line
            sbyte dc = DIRECTIONS[dir, 0];
            sbyte dr = DIRECTIONS[dir, 1];

            int c = this.Square.COL + dc;
            int r = this.Square.ROW + dr;

            while (c >= 0 && r >= 0 && c <= 7 && r <= 7)
                ChessSquare square = squares[c, r];
                if (square.Piece != null && (square.Piece.WHITE == this.WHITE))
                if (square.Piece != null)
                c += dc;
                r += dr;
 public WhiteChampion(ChessSquare square) : base(square)
Пример #10
 public WhiteBishop(ChessSquare square) : base(square)
Пример #11
 public WhiteMann(ChessSquare square) : base(square)
 public WhiteKnight(ChessSquare square) : base(square)
Пример #13
 public BlackKing(ChessSquare square) : base(square)
     this.RANDOM = new Random();
        // Finds what Squares this piece can move to. Sets this.Moves to a list of all and only
        // those squares.

        public ChessPiece(ChessSquare square)
            this.Moves = new List <ChessSquare>(capacity: MAX_ATTACKS);
 public WhiteWazir(ChessSquare square) : base(square)
Пример #16
 public WhiteKing(ChessSquare square) : base(square)
 public WhiteRook(ChessSquare square) : base(square)
Пример #18
 public WhiteFerz(ChessSquare square) : base(square)
Пример #19
 public WhiteWizard(ChessSquare square) : base(square)
 public WhiteQueen(ChessSquare square) : base(square)