void OnContentViewSizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs args)
            // Get View whose size is changing.
            View view = (View)sender;

            if (view.Width <= 0 || view.Height <= 0)

            label.Text =
                "This is a paragraph of text displayed with " +
                "a FontSize value of ?? that is empirically " +
                "calculated in a loop within the SizeChanged " +
                "handler of the Label's container. This technique " +
                "can be tricky: You don't want to get into " +
                "an infinite loop by triggering a layout pass " +
                "with every calculation. Does it work?";

            // Calculate the height of the rendered text.
            FontCalc lowerFontCalc = new FontCalc(label, 10, view.Width);
            FontCalc upperFontCalc = new FontCalc(label, 100, view.Width);

            while (upperFontCalc.FontSize - lowerFontCalc.FontSize > 1)
                // Get the average font size of the upper and lower bounds.
                double fontSize = (lowerFontCalc.FontSize + upperFontCalc.FontSize) / 2;

                // Check the new text height against the container height.
                FontCalc newFontCalc = new FontCalc(label, fontSize, view.Width);

                if (newFontCalc.TextHeight > view.Height)
                    upperFontCalc = newFontCalc;
                    lowerFontCalc = newFontCalc;

            // Set the final font size and the text with the embedded value.
            label.FontSize = lowerFontCalc.FontSize;
            label.Text     = label.Text.Replace("??", label.FontSize.ToString("F0"));
        void OnContentViewSizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs args)
            // Get View whose size is changing.
            View view = (View)sender;

            if (view.Width <= 0 || view.Height <= 0)

            label.Text =
                "This is a paragraph of text displayed with " +
                "a FontSize value of ?? that is empirically " +
                "calculated in a loop within the SizeChanged " +
                "handler of the Label's container. This technique " +
                "can be tricky: You don't want to get into " +
                "an infinite loop by triggering a layout pass " +
                "with every calculation. Does it work?";

            // Calculate the height of the rendered text.
            FontCalc lowerFontCalc = new FontCalc(label, 10, view.Width);
            FontCalc upperFontCalc = new FontCalc(label, 100, view.Width);

            while (upperFontCalc.FontSize - lowerFontCalc.FontSize > 1)
                // Get the average font size of the upper and lower bounds.
                double fontSize = (lowerFontCalc.FontSize + upperFontCalc.FontSize) / 2;

                // Check the new text height against the container height.
                FontCalc newFontCalc = new FontCalc(label, fontSize, view.Width);

                if (newFontCalc.TextHeight > view.Height)
                    upperFontCalc = newFontCalc;
                    lowerFontCalc = newFontCalc;

            // Set the final font size and the text with the embedded value.
            label.FontSize = lowerFontCalc.FontSize;
            label.Text = label.Text.Replace("??", label.FontSize.ToString("F0"));