public void RegisterButton_OnClick() { string username = RegisterUserName.text; string password = RegisterPassword.text; string confirm = ConfirmPassword.text; if (username == string.Empty || password == string.Empty) { return; } if (confirm != password) { return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.NewAccount { AccountID = username, Password = password, EMailAddress = "*****@*****.**", BirthDate = DateTime.Now, UserName = "******", SecretQuestion = "na", SecretAnswer = "na" }); }
void Start() { ScrollBar.size = 0.4f; Network.Enqueue(new C.RequestMapInformation { }); Inventory.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) { if (ChatBar.gameObject.activeSelf) { if (ChatBar.text.Length > 0) { Network.Enqueue(new C.Chat() { Message = ChatBar.text }); } ChatBar.text = string.Empty; ChatBar.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { ChatBar.gameObject.SetActive(true); ChatBar.Select(); } } if ((Input.GetMouseButton(0) || Input.GetMouseButton(1)) && !eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject()) { GameManager.CheckMouseInput(); } if (SelectedItemImage.gameObject.activeSelf) { SelectedItemImage.transform.position = Input.mousePosition; SelectedItemImage.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); } }
void StartGame() { Network.Enqueue(new C.StartGame() { CharacterIndex = selectedCharacter.Index }); }
public void MapChanged(S.MapChanged p) { foreach (var ob in ObjectList.ToArray()) { Destroy(ob.Value.gameObject); } ObjectList.Clear(); ClearAction(); User.Player.CurrentLocation = new Vector2(p.Location.X, p.Location.Y); if (p.SceneName != { FindObjectOfType <LoadScreenManager>().ChangeScene(p.SceneName, p.FileName, CurrentScene.gameObject.scene); } else { if (p.FileName != CurrentScene.FileName) { CurrentScene.LoadMap(p.FileName); } Network.Enqueue(new C.MapChanged { }); UserGameObject.transform.position = CurrentScene.Cells[(int)User.Player.CurrentLocation.x, (int)User.Player.CurrentLocation.y].position; } }
public void LogOut_Click() { MessageBox.Show($"Return to Character Select?", true, true); MessageBox.OK += () => { Network.Enqueue(new C.LogOut()); FindObjectOfType <LoadScreenManager>().Show(); }; }
public void OnLoaded() { audioSource.Play(); SelectCharacterBox.SetActive(true); LogOutButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); GameManager.gameStage = GameStage.Select; Network.Enqueue(new C.RequestCharacters { }); }
public void LogoutButton_OnClick() { MessageBox.Show($"Return to Login?", true, true); MessageBox.OK += () => { Network.Enqueue(new C.Logout() { }); }; }
public void ChangeAttackMode(int amode) { if (amode >= Enum.GetNames(typeof(AttackMode)).Length) { return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.ChangeAMode() { Mode = (AttackMode)amode }); }
public void NPCTextButton(string LinkId) { if (LinkId == "@exit") { NPCDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.CallNPC { ObjectID = NPCID, Key = "[" + LinkId + "]" }); GameManager.InputDelay = Time.time + 0.5f; }
public void Create_Click() { if (NameInput.text.Length < 5) { ShowMessageBox("Name must be minimum 5 characters"); return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.NewCharacter { Name = NameInput.text, Class = selectedClass, Gender = selectedGender }); }
private IEnumerator BeginLoad(string sceneName) { operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName, LoadSceneMode.Additive); while (!operation.isDone) { UpdateProgressUI(operation.progress); yield return(null); } UpdateProgressUI(operation.progress); operation = null; canvas.gameObject.SetActive(false); Network.Enqueue(new C.MapLoaded { }); }
public void DeleteCharacter_OnClick() { if (selectedCharacter == null) { return; } MessageBox.Show($"Delete {selectedCharacter.Name}?", true, true); MessageBox.OK += () => { Network.Enqueue(new C.DeleteCharacter() { CharacterIndex = selectedCharacter.Index }); }; }
private IEnumerator BeginLoad(string sceneName, string fileName) { AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName, LoadSceneMode.Additive); while (!operation.isDone) { Network.Process(); float progress = Mathf.Clamp01(operation.progress / .9f); slider.value = progress; yield return(null); } GameManager.CurrentScene.LoadMap(fileName); slider.value = operation.progress; operation = null; Hide(); Network.Enqueue(new C.MapLoaded { }); }
public void LoginButton_OnClick() { string username = UserName.text; string password = Password.text; if (username == string.Empty || password == string.Empty) { return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.Login { AccountID = username, Password = password }); UserName.text = string.Empty; Password.text = string.Empty; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { gameStage = GameStage.Login; networkInfo = new NetworkInfo(); string fileName = Application.dataPath + "/Settings.json"; string json = string.Empty; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { json = File.ReadAllText(fileName); } else { json = JsonUtility.ToJson(networkInfo); File.WriteAllText(fileName, json); } networkInfo = JsonUtility.FromJson <NetworkInfo>(json); Network.Connect(); }
public void MapChanged(S.MapChanged p) { ClearObjects(); ClearAction(); User.Player.CurrentLocation = new Vector2Int(p.Location.X, p.Location.Y); if (p.SceneName != { FindObjectOfType <LoadScreenManager>().ChangeScene(p.SceneName, p.FileName, CurrentScene.gameObject.scene); } else { if (p.FileName != CurrentScene.FileName) { CurrentScene.LoadMap(p.FileName); } Network.Enqueue(new C.MapChanged { }); UserGameObject.transform.position = CurrentScene.Cells[User.Player.CurrentLocation.x, User.Player.CurrentLocation.y].position; } }
public void OnLoaded() { activeLocation = GameObject.Find("ActiveLocation"); inactiveLocation = GameObject.Find("InactiveLocation"); previewLocation = GameObject.Find("PreviewLocation"); loginCamera = GameObject.Find("LoginCamera"); LoginPosition = GameObject.Find("LoginCameraPosition").transform; CharSelPosition = GameObject.Find("CharSelCameraPosition").transform; loginCamera.gameObject.SetActive(false); loginCamera.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(CharSelPosition.position, CharSelPosition.rotation); loginCamera.gameObject.SetActive(true); loginCamera.GetComponent <CameraFade>().Reset(); loginCamera.GetComponent <CameraFade>().CurrentCurve = loginCamera.GetComponent <CameraFade>().FadeInCurve; audioSource.Play(); Camera.main.fieldOfView = 50; SelectCharacterBox.SetActive(true); LogOutButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); GameManager.gameStage = GameStage.Select; Network.Enqueue(new C.RequestCharacters { }); FindObjectOfType <LoadScreenManager>().Hide(); }
public void ChangePasswordButton_OnClick() { string username = ChangeUserName.text; string password = ChangeCurrentPassword.text; string newpassword = ChangeNewPassword.text; string confirm = ChangeConfirmPassword.text; if (username == string.Empty || password == string.Empty || newpassword == string.Empty) { return; } if (confirm != newpassword) { return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.ChangePassword { AccountID = username, CurrentPassword = password, NewPassword = newpassword }); }
private IEnumerator BeginChange(string sceneName, string fileName, Scene oldScene) { GameManager.CurrentScene = null; AsyncOperation unloadoperation = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(oldScene); AsyncOperation loadoperation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName, LoadSceneMode.Additive); while (!unloadoperation.isDone || !loadoperation.isDone) { Network.Process(); float progress = Mathf.Clamp01(loadoperation.progress / .9f) + Mathf.Clamp01(unloadoperation.progress / .9f); progress /= 2f; slider.value = progress; yield return(null); } GameManager.CurrentScene.LoadMap(fileName); GameManager.UserGameObject.transform.position = GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[(int)GameManager.User.Player.CurrentLocation.x, (int)GameManager.User.Player.CurrentLocation.y].position; slider.value = 1f; loadoperation = null; unloadoperation = null; Hide(); Network.Enqueue(new C.MapChanged { }); }
private void MoveItem() { if (GridType == MirGridType.BuyBack || GridType == MirGridType.DropPanel || GridType == MirGridType.Inspect || GridType == MirGridType.TrustMerchant || GridType == MirGridType.Craft) { return; } if (GameScene.SelectedCell != null) { if (GameScene.SelectedCell.Item == null || GameScene.SelectedCell == this) { GameScene.SelectedCell = null; return; } switch (GridType) { #region To Inventory case MirGridType.Inventory: // To Inventory switch (GameScene.SelectedCell.GridType) { #region From Inventory case MirGridType.Inventory: //From Invenotry if (Item != null) { /*if (CMain.Ctrl) * { * MirMessageBox messageBox = new MirMessageBox("Do you want to try and combine these items?", MirMessageBoxButtons.YesNo); * messageBox.YesButton.Click += (o, e) => * { * //Combine * Network.Enqueue(new C.CombineItem { IDFrom = GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.UniqueID, IDTo = Item.UniqueID }); * Locked = true; * GameScene.SelectedCell.Locked = true; * GameScene.SelectedCell = null; * }; * * messageBox.Show(); * return; * }*/ if (GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.Info == Item.Info && Item.Count < Item.Info.StackSize) { //Merge Network.Enqueue(new C.MergeItem { GridFrom = GameScene.SelectedCell.GridType, GridTo = GridType, IDFrom = GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.UniqueID, IDTo = Item.UniqueID }); Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell.Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell = null; return; } } Network.Enqueue(new C.MoveItem { Grid = GridType, From = GameScene.SelectedCell.ItemSlot, To = ItemSlot }); Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell.Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell = null; return; #endregion #region From Equipment case MirGridType.Equipment: //From Equipment if (Item != null && GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.Info.Type == ItemType.Amulet) { if (GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.Info == Item.Info && Item.Count < Item.Info.StackSize) { Network.Enqueue(new C.MergeItem { GridFrom = GameScene.SelectedCell.GridType, GridTo = GridType, IDFrom = GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.UniqueID, IDTo = Item.UniqueID }); Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell.Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell = null; return; } } if (!CanRemoveItem(GameScene.SelectedCell.Item)) { GameScene.SelectedCell = null; return; } if (Item == null) { Network.Enqueue(new C.RemoveItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.UniqueID, To = ItemSlot }); Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell.Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell = null; return; } for (int x = 6; x < ItemArray.Length; x++) { if (ItemArray[x] == null) { Network.Enqueue(new C.RemoveItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.UniqueID, To = x }); MirItemCell temp = x < GameManager.User.BeltIdx ? GameScene.BeltCells[x] : GameScene.Inventory.Cells[x - GameManager.User.BeltIdx]; if (temp != null) { temp.Locked = true; } GameScene.SelectedCell.Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell = null; return; } } break; #endregion } break; #endregion #region To Equipment case MirGridType.Equipment: //To Equipment if (GameScene.SelectedCell.GridType != MirGridType.Inventory && GameScene.SelectedCell.GridType != MirGridType.Storage) { return; } if (Item != null && GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.Info.Type == ItemType.Amulet) { if (GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.Info == Item.Info && Item.Count < Item.Info.StackSize) { Network.Enqueue(new C.MergeItem { GridFrom = GameScene.SelectedCell.GridType, GridTo = GridType, IDFrom = GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.UniqueID, IDTo = Item.UniqueID }); Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell.Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell = null; return; } } if (CorrectSlot(GameScene.SelectedCell.Item)) { if (CanWearItem(GameScene.SelectedCell.Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GameScene.SelectedCell.GridType, UniqueID = GameScene.SelectedCell.Item.UniqueID, To = ItemSlot }); Locked = true; GameScene.SelectedCell.Locked = true; } GameScene.SelectedCell = null; } return; #endregion } return; } if (Item != null) { GameScene.SelectedCell = this; } }
public void UseItem() { if (Locked || GridType == MirGridType.Inspect || GridType == MirGridType.TrustMerchant || GridType == MirGridType.GuildStorage || GridType == MirGridType.Craft) { return; } //if (MapObject.User.RidingMount && Item.Info.Type != ItemType.Scroll && Item.Info.Type != ItemType.Potion && Item.Info.Type != ItemType.Torch) return; if (GridType == MirGridType.BuyBack) { //BuyItem(); return; } if (GridType == MirGridType.Equipment || GridType == MirGridType.Mount || GridType == MirGridType.Fishing) { RemoveItem(); return; } if ((GridType != MirGridType.Inventory && GridType != MirGridType.Storage) || Item == null || !CanUseItem() || GameScene.SelectedCell == this) { return; } if ((Item.SoulBoundId != -1) && (User.Player.ObjectID != Item.SoulBoundId)) { return; } switch (Item.Info.Type) { case ItemType.Weapon: if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Weapon].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.Weapon }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Weapon].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Armour: if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Armour].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.Armour }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Armour].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Helmet: if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Helmet].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.Helmet }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Helmet].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Necklace: if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Necklace].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.Necklace }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Necklace].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Bracelet: if ((GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.BraceletR].Item == null || GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.BraceletR].Item.Info.Type == ItemType.Amulet) && GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.BraceletR].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.BraceletR }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.BraceletR].Locked = true; Locked = true; } else if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.BraceletL].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.BraceletL }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.BraceletL].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Ring: if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.RingR].Item == null && GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.RingR].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.RingR }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.RingR].Locked = true; Locked = true; } else if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.RingL].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.RingL }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.RingL].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Amulet: //if (Item.Info.Shape == 0) return; if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Amulet].Item != null && Item.Info.Type == ItemType.Amulet) { if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Amulet].Item.Info == Item.Info && GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Amulet].Item.Count < GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Amulet].Item.Info.StackSize) { Network.Enqueue(new C.MergeItem { GridFrom = GridType, GridTo = MirGridType.Equipment, IDFrom = Item.UniqueID, IDTo = GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Amulet].Item.UniqueID }); Locked = true; return; } } if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Amulet].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.Amulet }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Amulet].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Belt: if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Belt].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.Belt }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Belt].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Boots: if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Boots].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.Boots }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Boots].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Stone: if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Stone].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.Stone }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Stone].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Torch: if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Torch].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.Torch }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Torch].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Potion: case ItemType.Scroll: case ItemType.Book: case ItemType.Food: case ItemType.Script: case ItemType.Pets: case ItemType.Transform: if (CanUseItem() && GridType == MirGridType.Inventory) { if (Time.time < GameScene.UseItemTime) { return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.UseItem { UniqueID = Item.UniqueID }); if (Item.Count == 1 && ItemSlot < 6) { for (int i = User.BeltIdx; i < User.Inventory.Length; i++) { if (ItemArray[i] != null && ItemArray[i].Info == Item.Info) { Network.Enqueue(new C.MoveItem { Grid = MirGridType.Inventory, From = i, To = ItemSlot }); GameScene.Inventory.Cells[i - User.BeltIdx].Locked = true; break; } } } Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Mount: if (GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Mount].CanWearItem(Item)) { Network.Enqueue(new C.EquipItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = (int)EquipmentSlot.Mount }); GameScene.EquipmentCells[(int)EquipmentSlot.Mount].Locked = true; Locked = true; } break; case ItemType.Reins: case ItemType.Bells: case ItemType.Ribbon: case ItemType.Saddle: case ItemType.Mask: case ItemType.Hook: case ItemType.Float: case ItemType.Bait: case ItemType.Finder: case ItemType.Reel: //UseSlotItem(); break; } GameScene.UseItemTime = Time.time + 0.3f; PlayItemSound(); }
public void RemoveItem() { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < User.Inventory.Length; i++) { MirItemCell itemCell = i < User.BeltIdx ? GameScene.BeltCells[i] : GameScene.Inventory.Cells[i - User.BeltIdx]; if (itemCell.Item == null) { count++; } } if (Item == null || count < 1 /*|| (User.RidingMount && Item.Info.Type != ItemType.Torch)*/) { return; } if (Item.Info.StackSize > 1) { UserItem item = null; for (int i = 0; i < User.Inventory.Length; i++) { MirItemCell itemCell = i < User.BeltIdx ? GameScene.BeltCells[i] : GameScene.Inventory.Cells[i - User.BeltIdx]; if (itemCell.Item == null || itemCell.Item.Info != Item.Info) { continue; } item = itemCell.Item; } if (item != null && ((item.Count + Item.Count) <= item.Info.StackSize)) { //Merge. Network.Enqueue(new C.MergeItem { GridFrom = GridType, GridTo = MirGridType.Inventory, IDFrom = Item.UniqueID, IDTo = item.UniqueID }); Locked = true; PlayItemSound(); return; } } for (int i = 0; i < User.Inventory.Length; i++) { MirItemCell itemCell = null; if (Item.Info.Type == ItemType.Amulet) { itemCell = i < User.BeltIdx ? GameScene.BeltCells[i] : GameScene.Inventory.Cells[i - User.BeltIdx]; } else { itemCell = i < (User.Inventory.Length - User.BeltIdx) ? GameScene.Inventory.Cells[i] : GameScene.BeltCells[i - User.Inventory.Length]; } if (itemCell.Item != null) { continue; } if (GridType != MirGridType.Equipment) { Network.Enqueue(new C.RemoveSlotItem { Grid = GridType, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = itemCell.ItemSlot, GridTo = MirGridType.Inventory }); } else { Network.Enqueue(new C.RemoveItem { Grid = MirGridType.Inventory, UniqueID = Item.UniqueID, To = itemCell.ItemSlot }); } Locked = true; PlayItemSound(); break; } }
public override void SetAction() { if (this == GameManager.User.Player && GameScene.QueuedAction != null) { ActionFeed.Clear(); ActionFeed.Add(GameScene.QueuedAction); GameScene.QueuedAction = null; } if (ActionFeed.Count == 0) { CurrentAction = MirAction.Standing; } else { if (this == GameManager.User.Player && Time.time < GameManager.NextAction) { return; } QueuedAction action = ActionFeed[0]; ActionFeed.RemoveAt(0); CurrentAction = action.Action; Direction = action.Direction; Model.transform.rotation = ClientFunctions.GetRotation(Direction); switch (CurrentAction) { case MirAction.Walking: case MirAction.Running: int steps = 1; if (CurrentAction == MirAction.Running) { steps = 2; } Vector3 targetpos = GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[(int)action.Location.x, (int)action.Location.y].position; TargetPosition = targetpos; if (this != GameManager.User.Player) { Vector2 back = ClientFunctions.Back(action.Location, Direction, steps); gameObject.transform.position = GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[(int)back.x, (int)back.y].position; } GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[(int)CurrentLocation.x, (int)CurrentLocation.y].RemoveObject(this); GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[(int)action.Location.x, (int)action.Location.y].AddObject(this); StartPosition = gameObject.transform.position; TargetDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetpos); IsMoving = true; break; } CurrentLocation = action.Location; if (this == GameManager.User.Player) { switch (CurrentAction) { case MirAction.Standing: Network.Enqueue(new C.Turn { Direction = action.Direction }); GameManager.NextAction = Time.time + 2.5f; GameManager.InputDelay = Time.time + 0.5f; GameManager.User.CanRun = false; break; case MirAction.Walking: Network.Enqueue(new C.Walk { Direction = action.Direction }); GameManager.NextAction = Time.time + 2.5f; GameManager.InputDelay = Time.time + 0.5f; GameManager.User.LastRunTime = Time.time; GameManager.User.CanRun = true; break; case MirAction.Running: Network.Enqueue(new C.Run { Direction = action.Direction }); GameManager.NextAction = Time.time + 2.5f; GameManager.InputDelay = Time.time + 0.5f; GameManager.User.LastRunTime = Time.time; break; case MirAction.Attack: Network.Enqueue(new C.Attack { Direction = Direction, Spell = Spell.None }); GameManager.NextAction = Time.time + 2.5f; break; } } switch (CurrentAction) { case MirAction.Attack: GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().Play("Attack", -1, normalizedTime: 0f); break; } } GetComponentInChildren <Animator>()?.SetInteger("CurrentAction", (int)CurrentAction); }
void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) { if (ChatBar.gameObject.activeSelf) { if (ChatBar.text.Length > 0) { Network.Enqueue(new C.Chat() { Message = ChatBar.text }); } ChatBar.text = string.Empty; ChatBar.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { ChatBar.gameObject.SetActive(true); ChatBar.Select(); } } if (SelectedItemImage.gameObject.activeSelf) { SelectedItemImage.transform.position = Input.mousePosition; SelectedItemImage.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); } MouseObject = GetMouseObject(); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Tab)) { if (Time.time > PickUpTime) { PickUpTime = Time.time + 0.2f; Network.Enqueue(new C.PickUp()); } } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) { if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { if (!eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject() && CanAttack()) { GameManager.InputDelay = Time.time + 0.5f; NextHitTime = Time.time + 1.6f; QueuedAction = new QueuedAction { Action = MirAction.Attack, Direction = GameManager.MouseUpdate(), Location = User.Player.CurrentLocation }; } return; } else if (TargetObject != null && !(TargetObject is MonsterObject) && !TargetObject.Dead && TargetObject.gameObject.activeSelf && CanAttack()) { Point self = new Point((int)User.Player.CurrentLocation.x, (int)User.Player.CurrentLocation.y); Point targ = new Point((int)TargetObject.CurrentLocation.x, (int)TargetObject.CurrentLocation.y); if (Functions.InRange(self, targ, 1)) { NextHitTime = Time.time + 1.6f; MirDirection direction = Functions.DirectionFromPoint(self, targ); QueuedAction = new QueuedAction { Action = MirAction.Attack, Direction = direction, Location = User.Player.CurrentLocation }; return; } MirDirection targetdirection = Functions.DirectionFromPoint(self, targ); if (!CanWalk(targetdirection)) { return; } QueuedAction = new QueuedAction { Action = MirAction.Walking, Direction = targetdirection, Location = ClientFunctions.VectorMove(User.Player.CurrentLocation, targetdirection, 1) }; } } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && !eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject()) { GameManager.User.CanRun = false; if (SelectedCell != null) { SelectedItemImage.gameObject.SetActive(false); MessageBox.Show($"Drop {SelectedCell.Item.Name}?", true, true); MessageBox.OK += () => { Network.Enqueue(new C.DropItem { UniqueID = SelectedCell.Item.UniqueID, Count = 1 }); SelectedCell.Locked = true; SelectedCell = null; }; MessageBox.Cancel += () => { SelectedCell = null; }; return; } if (MouseObject != null) { switch (MouseObject.gameObject.layer) { case 9: //Monster MonsterObject monster = (MonsterObject)MouseObject; if (monster.Dead) { break; } TargetObject = monster; return; } } TargetObject = null; GameManager.CheckMouseInput(); } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(1) && !eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject()) { GameManager.CheckMouseInput(); } else { GameManager.User.CanRun = false; if (TargetObject != null && TargetObject is MonsterObject && !TargetObject.Dead && TargetObject.gameObject.activeSelf && CanAttack()) { Point self = new Point((int)User.Player.CurrentLocation.x, (int)User.Player.CurrentLocation.y); Point targ = new Point((int)TargetObject.CurrentLocation.x, (int)TargetObject.CurrentLocation.y); if (Functions.InRange(self, targ, 1)) { NextHitTime = Time.time + 1.6f; MirDirection direction = Functions.DirectionFromPoint(self, targ); QueuedAction = new QueuedAction { Action = MirAction.Attack, Direction = direction, Location = User.Player.CurrentLocation }; return; } MirDirection targetdirection = Functions.DirectionFromPoint(self, targ); if (!CanWalk(targetdirection)) { return; } QueuedAction = new QueuedAction { Action = MirAction.Walking, Direction = targetdirection, Location = ClientFunctions.VectorMove(User.Player.CurrentLocation, targetdirection, 1) }; } } }
void Update() { Network.Process(); ProcessScene(); }
void SetAction() { if (ActionFeed.Count == 0) { CurrentAction = MirAction.Standing; if (this == GameManager.User.Player) { GameManager.User.WalkStep = 0; } } else { if (Time.time < GameManager.NextAction) { return; } QueuedAction action = ActionFeed[0]; ActionFeed.RemoveAt(0); CurrentAction = action.Action; Direction = action.Direction; switch (CurrentAction) { case MirAction.Walking: case MirAction.Running: int steps = 1; if (CurrentAction == MirAction.Running) { steps = 2; } Vector3 targetpos = GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[(int)action.Location.x, (int)action.Location.y].position; Model.transform.rotation = ClientFunctions.GetRotation(Direction); TargetPosition = targetpos; if (this != GameManager.User.Player) { Vector2 back = ClientFunctions.Back(action.Location, Direction, steps); gameObject.transform.position = GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[(int)back.x, (int)back.y].position; } StartPosition = gameObject.transform.position; TargetDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetpos); IsMoving = true; break; } CurrentLocation = action.Location; if (this == GameManager.User.Player) { switch (CurrentAction) { case MirAction.Walking: Network.Enqueue(new C.Walk { Direction = action.Direction }); GameManager.NextAction = Time.time + 2.5f; GameManager.InputDelay = Time.time + 0.5f; break; case MirAction.Running: Network.Enqueue(new C.Run { Direction = action.Direction }); GameManager.NextAction = Time.time + 2.5f; GameManager.InputDelay = Time.time + 0.5f; break; } } } GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().SetInteger("CurrentAction", (int)CurrentAction); }