Пример #1
        public List<Coordinates> CheckAdjacentSquares(Coordinates Square, Coordinates Parent, Coordinates Destination, List<Coordinates> ClosedList, List<Coordinates> OpenList)
            List<Coordinates> WalkableSquares = new List<Coordinates>();

            Coordinates CheckingSquare = new Coordinates(Square.X + Coordinates.Step, Square.Y); // East
            if (IsTileWalkable(CheckingSquare, ClosedList, OpenList) || SamePosition(CheckingSquare, Destination))
                WalkableSquares.Add(new Coordinates(CheckingSquare.X, CheckingSquare.Y, CalculateHeuristic(CheckingSquare, Destination), (G + Parent.G), Parent));

            CheckingSquare = new Coordinates(Square.X - Coordinates.Step, Square.Y); // West
            if (IsTileWalkable(CheckingSquare, ClosedList, OpenList) || SamePosition(CheckingSquare, Destination)) {
                WalkableSquares.Add(new Coordinates(CheckingSquare.X, CheckingSquare.Y, CalculateHeuristic(CheckingSquare, Destination), (G + Parent.G), Parent));

            CheckingSquare = new Coordinates(Square.X, Square.Y - Coordinates.Step); // North
            if (IsTileWalkable(CheckingSquare, ClosedList, OpenList) || SamePosition(CheckingSquare, Destination)) {
                WalkableSquares.Add(new Coordinates(CheckingSquare.X, CheckingSquare.Y, CalculateHeuristic(CheckingSquare, Destination), (G + Parent.G), Parent));

            CheckingSquare = new Coordinates(Square.X, Square.Y + Coordinates.Step); // South
            if (IsTileWalkable(CheckingSquare, ClosedList, OpenList) || SamePosition(CheckingSquare, Destination)) {
                WalkableSquares.Add(new Coordinates(CheckingSquare.X, CheckingSquare.Y, CalculateHeuristic(CheckingSquare, Destination), (G + Parent.G), Parent));

            return WalkableSquares;
Пример #2
        public Creature(string name, Coordinates coordinates, int targetID, int magicstr = 0, int strength = 1, int health = 1, int id = 0, int defense = 0, int experience = 1, int spriteid = 0, List<Loot> loot = null, List<Spell> spell = null)
            /* Spöken */
            Name = name;
            Position = coordinates;
            SpawnPosition = coordinates;
            MaxHealth = health;
            Health = health;
            ID = id;
            TargetID = targetID;
            SuperPowerSteps = -1;
            Visible = true;
            EntityType = Entity.CreatureEntity;
            Strength = strength;
            TimeOfLastAttack = 0;
            Defense = defense;
            Experience = experience;
            MagicStrength = magicstr;

            if(loot != null)
            if(spell != null)
            SpriteID = spriteid;
Пример #3
 public UI(Texture2D sprite, int id, int entitytype, Coordinates pos, string name = "null", int _SpellID = 0)
     Sprite = sprite;
     ID = id;
     EntityType = entitytype;
     Position = pos;
     Name = name;
     SpellID = _SpellID;
Пример #4
 public Tile(string name, Coordinates pos, ConsoleColor color, int tileID = 0, bool visible = true)
     Name = name;
     ID = tileID;
     Position = pos;
     Color = color;
     Visible = true;
     EntityType = Entity.TileEntity;
Пример #5
 public Tile(string name, int spriteID, Coordinates pos, int tileID, bool visible = true, bool walkable = true)
     Name = name;
     ID = tileID;
     Position = pos;
     SpriteID = spriteID;
     Visible = visible;
     Walkable = walkable;
Пример #6
 public SpriteObject(Texture2D sprite, int id, int entitytype, string name, bool walkthrough = true, bool _MovePlayer = false, Coordinates _MovePos = null)
     Sprite = sprite;
     ID = id;
     EntityType = entitytype;
     SpriteName = name;
     Walkable = walkthrough;
     MovePlayer = _MovePlayer;
     RelativeMovePosition = _MovePos;
Пример #7
 public DamageObject(Creature monster, int Damage, int _text_type, int _StartTime, int _EndTime, int id = 0, Coordinates pos = null)
     creature = monster;
     damageDealt = Damage;
     ID = id;
     EndTime = _EndTime;
     StartTime = _StartTime;
     Position = pos;
     Text_Type = _text_type;
Пример #8
 public DamageObject(Creature monster, int Damage, bool healing, int _StartTime, int _EndTime, int id = 0, Coordinates pos = null)
     creature = monster;
     damageDealt = Damage;
     ID = id;
     EndTime = _EndTime;
     StartTime = _StartTime;
     Position = pos;
     Healing = healing;
Пример #9
        public bool IsTileInList(Coordinates Tile, List<Coordinates> List)
            bool isClosed = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < List.Count; i++)
                if (List[i].X == Tile.X && List[i].Y == Tile.Y) { isClosed = true; }

            return isClosed;
Пример #10
        public Coordinates GetTileInList(Coordinates Tile, List<Coordinates> List)
            Coordinates TileCoordinates = new Coordinates();
            for (int i = 0; i < List.Count; i++)
                if (List[i].X == Tile.X && List[i].Y == Tile.Y) { TileCoordinates = List[i]; break; }

            return TileCoordinates;
Пример #11
 public Animation(int _Duration, double _StartOffsetY, int _Steps, int _StartTime, string _Text = "", int id = 0, Coordinates pos = null)
     ID = id;
     EndTime = _StartTime + _Duration;
     StartTime = _StartTime;
     Position = pos;
     Steps = _Steps;
     Duration = _Duration;
     StartOffsetY = _StartOffsetY;
     Text = _Text;
Пример #12
 public Tile(string name, int spriteID, Coordinates pos, Coordinates drawPos, int tileID, bool visible = true, bool walkable = true, int zorder = 0, bool movePlayer = false, Coordinates movePos = null)
     Name = name;
     ID = tileID;
     Position = pos;
     drawPosition = drawPos;
     SpriteID = spriteID;
     Visible = visible;
     Walkable = walkable;
     EntityType = Entity.TileEntity;
     Z_order = zorder;
     MovePlayer = movePlayer;
     RelativeMovePosition = movePos;
Пример #13
 public Player(string name, Coordinates coordinates, int health = 1, int mana = 1, int level = 1, int id = 0)
     /* Spelare */
     Name = name;
     Position = coordinates;
     SpawnPosition = coordinates;
     MaxHealth = health;
     Health = health;
     ID = id;
     Visible = true;
     EntityType = Entity.PlayerEntity;
     TargetID = -1;
     EquippedItems = new Equipment();
     MaxMana = mana;
     Mana = mana;
     Level = level;
     MagicStrength = 0;
Пример #14
 public Item(string name, string wearslot, Coordinates pos, int spriteid, int id = 0, int strength = 0, int defense = 0, bool visible = true)
     Name = name;
     ID = id;
     Position = pos;
     Visible = visible;
     EntityType = Entity.ItemEntity;
     SpriteID = spriteid;
     Strength = strength;
     Defense = defense;
     WearSlot = wearslot;
     if (wearslot == ItemSlot.Bag)
         Container = new Backpack();
         Container.ID = this.ID;
         Container.ItemID = spriteid;
     Parent = new Backpack();
Пример #15
 public Item(string name, int realid, string wearslot, Coordinates pos, int spriteid, int id = 0, int strength = 0, int defense = 0, bool visible = true, int wearingplayerid = 0, int zorder = 0)
     RealID = realid;
     Name = name;
     ID = id;
     Position = pos;
     Visible = visible;
     EntityType = Entity.ItemEntity;
     SpriteID = spriteid;
     Strength = strength;
     Defense = defense;
     WearSlot = wearslot;
     WearingPlayerID = wearingplayerid;
     if (wearslot == ItemSlot.Bag)
         Container = new Backpack();
         Container.ID = this.ID;
         Container.ItemID = spriteid;
     Z_order = zorder;
     Parent = new Backpack();
Пример #16
 public void SetFoodEaten(Coordinates step)
     for (int i = 0; i < Food.Count; i++)
         if (SamePosition(step, Food[i].Position) && Food[i].Visible)
             Food[i].Visible = false;
Пример #17
 public int CalculateHeuristic(Coordinates Source, Coordinates Destination)
     return (G + (G * (Math.Abs(Source.X - Destination.X) + Math.Abs(Source.Y - Destination.Y)))); // Manhattan-metoden
Пример #18
 public bool SamePosition(Coordinates Source, Coordinates Destination)
     return (Source.X == Destination.X && Source.Y == Destination.Y);
Пример #19
        public List<Coordinates> PathTo(Coordinates Target, Coordinates FromCreature)
            List<Coordinates> OpenList = new List<Coordinates>(); // Den öppna listan med rutor som vi fortfarande kollar
            List<Coordinates> ClosedList = new List<Coordinates>(); // Den stängda listan med rutor som vi inte behöver kolla längre
            Coordinates Parent = FromCreature; // Parent-rutan
            Coordinates Destination = Target; // Destinationen
            int tries = 0;
            bool havePath = false;

            OpenList.Add(Parent); // Lägg till startpunkten
            OpenList.AddRange(CheckAdjacentSquares(Parent, Parent, Destination, ClosedList, OpenList)); // Lägg till de rutor runtom som går att gå på i den öppna listan
            OpenList.Remove(Parent); // Ta bort startpunkten
            ClosedList.Add(Parent); // Lägg till startpunkten i listan med rutor vi inte behöver kolla

            while (!havePath)
                if (tries == 4 * 200) { break; }
                Parent = LowestFScore(OpenList);
                if (bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DebugMode"]))
                    //draw.DrawObject(new Entity("F", new Coordinates(Parent.X, Parent.Y)));   // Endast för debugging
                OpenList.AddRange(CheckAdjacentSquares(Parent, Parent, Destination, ClosedList, OpenList));

                if (IsTileInList(Target, ClosedList)) { havePath = true; }
                if (OpenList.Count == 0 && havePath == false) { break; }
                tries += 4;

            List<Coordinates> path = new List<Coordinates>();

            if (havePath)
                Destination = GetTileInList(Target, ClosedList);
                while (Destination.hasParent())
                    if (bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DebugMode"]))
                        draw.DrawObject(new Entity("F", new Coordinates(Destination.X, Destination.Y)));      // Endast för debugging
                    Destination = Destination.Parent;

            return path;
Пример #20
 public Coordinates LowestFScore(List<Coordinates> OpenList)
     Coordinates lowestF = new Coordinates();
     for (int i = 0; i < OpenList.Count; i++)
         if (i == 0)
             lowestF = OpenList[i];
             if (OpenList[i].F < lowestF.F)
                 lowestF = OpenList[i];
     return lowestF;
Пример #21
 public Map(Coordinates WindowSize)
     windowSize = WindowSize;
Пример #22
 public int DistanceTo(Coordinates Source, Coordinates Destination)
     return (Math.Abs((Source.X - Destination.X) + Math.Abs(Source.Y - Destination.Y)));
Пример #23
 public int DistanceToDiagonal(Coordinates Source, Coordinates Destination)
     return (int)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((Source.X - Destination.X), 2) + Math.Pow(Source.Y - Destination.Y, 2));
Пример #24
 public void UnequipItem(Item item, UI equipment, Coordinates target)
     item.Slot = null;
     item.Position = new Coordinates(target.X, target.Y);
Пример #25
 public void ThrowItemToBag(Item item, Backpack Bag, Coordinates target, UI SourceEquipment = null, Backpack Parent = null)
     if (Parent != null)
     item.Slot = null;
     item.Position = new Coordinates(target.X, target.Y);
     if (SourceEquipment != null)
Пример #26
        public bool IsTileWalkable(Coordinates Tile)
            bool tileWalkable = true;

            int TileID = GetTileIDFromTile(Tile);
            if (TileID != -1) /* TODO: When map is finished, IsTileWalkable() should return false; if TileID == -1 (it should not be possible to walk where there is no sprite)*/
                tileWalkable = GetTileByID(TileID).Walkable;

            if (tileWalkable) { tileWalkable = !IsTilePlayer(Tile); }
            if (tileWalkable) { tileWalkable = !IsTileCreature(Tile); }
            if (tileWalkable) { tileWalkable = !IsTileFood(Tile); }
            if (tileWalkable) { tileWalkable = !OutOfBoundaries(Tile); }

            return tileWalkable;
Пример #27
 public void MoveCreature(Entity creature, Coordinates step)
     if (IsTileWalkable(step) && DistanceTo(creature.Position, step) == Coordinates.Step)
         creature.Position = new Coordinates(step.X, step.Y);
     //    int EntityType = GetEntityTypeFromTile(step);
     //    if (EntityType == Entity.CreatureEntity)
     //    {
     //        /* TODO: Change Players[0] to a variable ID and add method to attack other players to allow for multiplayer */
     //        if (creature.EntityType == Entity.PlayerEntity)
     //        {
     //            Creature monster = GetCreatureByID(GetCreatureIDFromTile(step));
     //            PlayerAttack(Players[0], monster);
     //        }
     //    }
     //    else if (EntityType == Entity.PlayerEntity)
     //    {
     //        if (creature.EntityType == Entity.CreatureEntity)
     //        {
     //            CreatureAttack(GetCreatureByID(creature.ID), Players[0]);
     //        }
     //    }
     //    else if (EntityType == Entity.ItemEntity)
     //    {
     //        /* TODO: Change Players[0] to a variable ID to allow for multiplayer */
     //        Eat(Players[0], step);
     //    }
Пример #28
 public bool OutOfBoundaries(Coordinates Coordinates)
     return !(Coordinates.X >= 0 && Coordinates.Y >= 0 && Coordinates.X < windowSize.X && Coordinates.Y < windowSize.Y);
Пример #29
 public bool IsTileWalkable(Coordinates Tile, List<Coordinates> ClosedList, List<Coordinates> OpenList)
     return (map.IsTileWalkable(Tile) && !IsTileInList(Tile, ClosedList) && !IsTileInList(Tile, OpenList));
Пример #30
 public void ThrowItemFromBag(Item item, Coordinates target)
     item.Slot = null;
     item.Position = new Coordinates(target.X, target.Y);