public MainWindow(string[] args) { Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML("", "EithneWindow"); gxml.BindFields(this); if (EithneWindow.Screen.RgbaColormap != null) { AlphaChannel = true; EithneWindow.Colormap = EithneWindow.Screen.RgbaColormap; } EithneWindow.IconList = new Gdk.Pixbuf[2] { new Gdk.Pixbuf(null, "icon-48.png"), new Gdk.Pixbuf(null, "icon-16.png") }; EithneWindow.DeleteEvent += OnWindowDelete; EithneWindow.Title = About.Name; StatusBar.Push(1, String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Welcome to {0}!"), About.Name)); MenuFileNew.Image = new Image(null, "document-new.png"); MenuFileNew.Activated += OnNew; MenuFileOpen.Image = new Image(null, "document-open.png"); MenuFileOpen.Activated += OnLoad; MenuFileSave.Image = new Image(null, "document-save.png"); MenuFileSave.Activated += OnSave; MenuFileSaveAs.Image = new Image(null, "document-save-as.png"); MenuFileSaveAs.Activated += OnSaveAs; MenuFilePrint.Activated += OnPrint; MenuFilePreferences.Image = new Image(null, "preferences-desktop.png"); MenuFilePreferences.Activated += delegate(object o, EventArgs eargs) { new Preferences(); }; MenuFileQuit.Image = new Image(null, "system-log-out.png"); MenuFileQuit.Activated += OnWindowDelete; MenuSystemRun.Image = new Image(null, "media-playback-start.png"); MenuSystemRun.Activated += OnRun; MenuSystemStop.Image = new Image(null, "media-playback-stop.png"); MenuSystemStop.Activated += OnRun; MenuHelpPluginList.Image = new Image(null, "plugin-16.png"); MenuHelpPluginList.Activated += delegate(object o, EventArgs eargs) { new PluginList(); }; MenuHelpAbout.Image = new Image(null, "help-browser.png"); MenuHelpAbout.Activated += delegate(object o, EventArgs eargs) { new About(); }; ToolbarNew.IconWidget = new Image(null, "document-new-22.png"); ToolbarNew.Clicked += OnNew; ToolbarOpen.IconWidget = new Image(null, "document-open-22.png"); ToolbarOpen.Clicked += OnLoad; ToolbarSave.IconWidget = new Image(null, "document-save-22.png"); ToolbarSave.Clicked += OnSave; ToolbarRun.IconWidget = new Image(null, "media-playback-start-22.png"); ToolbarRun.Clicked += OnRun; schematic = new Schematic(StatusBar); PluginToolboxSocket.AddWithViewport(new PluginToolbox(StatusBar, schematic)); SchematicSocket.AddWithViewport(schematic); engine = new Engine2(schematic, SetRunToStart, progress.Pulse); progress.PulseStep = 0.05; }
public Block(Schematic s, Context c, Plugin.Base plugin, int x, int y) { this.schematic = s; this.plugin = plugin; this.x = x; this.y = y; plugin.Block = this; UpdateCoordinates(c); socketin = new Socket[plugin.NumIn]; socketout = new Socket[plugin.NumOut]; int curpos = 10 + (h - 20 - CalcHeight(plugin.NumIn)) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < plugin.NumIn; i++) { socketin[i] = new Socket(0, curpos, this, Socket.T.In, i); curpos += 15; } curpos = 10 + (h - 20 - CalcHeight(plugin.NumOut)) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < plugin.NumOut; i++) { socketout[i] = new Socket(w - 10, curpos, this, Socket.T.Out, i); curpos += 15; } }
public static ArrayList Load(string fn, Schematic s) { ArrayList errors = new ArrayList(); ArrayList blocks = new ArrayList(); Hashtable h = new Hashtable(); XmlDocument x = new XmlDocument(); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fn); x.Load(sr); sr.Close(); XmlNode root = x.DocumentElement; if (root.Name != "eithne") { new DialogMessage(String.Format(Catalog.GetString("File <i>{0}</i> is not an eithne system schematic!"), fn)); return(null); } XmlNodeList nl = root.SelectNodes("schematic/block"); Context c = Gdk.Context.CreateDrawable(s.GdkWindow); foreach (XmlNode n in nl) { blocks.Add(LoadBlock(n, c, h, errors, s)); } ((IDisposable)c.Target).Dispose(); ((IDisposable)c).Dispose(); if (errors.Count == 0) { int i = 0; foreach (XmlNode n in nl) { MakeConnections(n, h, (Block)blocks[i++]); } return(blocks); } else { new LoadError(fn, errors); return(null); } }
private static XmlNode GenSchematic(XmlDocument x, Schematic s) { XmlNode root = x.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "schematic", ""); ArrayList l = s.Blocks; Hashtable h = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < l.Count; i++) { h.Add(l[i], i); } foreach (Block b in l) { root.AppendChild(GenBlock(x, b, h)); } return(root); }
public static void Save(string fn, Schematic s) { XmlDocument x = new XmlDocument(); XmlNode n; n = x.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration, "", ""); (n as XmlDeclaration).Encoding = "utf-8"; x.AppendChild(n); n = x.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Comment, "", ""); n.InnerText = String.Format(" {0} schematic. Do not hand modify. ", About.Name); x.AppendChild(n); n = x.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "eithne", ""); x.AppendChild(n); n.AppendChild(GenInfo(x, fn)); n.AppendChild(GenSchematic(x, s)); x.Save(fn); }
public PluginToolbox(Statusbar status, Schematic schematic) : base() { this.status = status; this.schematic = schematic; TreeStore store = new TreeStore(typeof(string), typeof(IFactory)); TreeIter iter = store.AppendValues(Catalog.GetString("Input")); Populate(store, iter, PluginDB.In); iter = store.AppendValues(Catalog.GetString("Image processing")); Populate(store, iter, PluginDB.ImgProc); iter = store.AppendValues(Catalog.GetString("Comparator")); Populate(store, iter, PluginDB.Comparator); iter = store.AppendValues(Catalog.GetString("Result processing")); Populate(store, iter, PluginDB.ResProc); iter = store.AppendValues(Catalog.GetString("Output")); Populate(store, iter, PluginDB.Out); iter = store.AppendValues(Catalog.GetString("Other")); Populate(store, iter, PluginDB.Other); Model = store; HeadersVisible = false; CellRendererText cr = new CellRendererText(); AppendColumn("Name", cr, "text", 0); Columns[0].SetCellDataFunc(cr, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc(RenderCell)); ExpandAll(); }
private static void UpdateHandler() { Block.CheckGConf(); Schematic.CheckGConf(); Engine2.CheckGConf(); }
public static Block LoadBlock(XmlNode root, Context c, Hashtable h, ArrayList errors, Schematic schematic) { int x = Int32.Parse(root.SelectSingleNode("x").InnerText); int y = Int32.Parse(root.SelectSingleNode("y").InnerText); string sassembly = root.SelectSingleNode("info/assembly").InnerText; string sclass = root.SelectSingleNode("info/class").InnerText; int n = Int32.Parse(root.Attributes["id"].Value); XmlNode config = root.SelectSingleNode("config"); Block b; Source s = new Source(sassembly, sclass); IFactory f = (IFactory)PluginDB.RevOrigin[s]; if (f == null) { string sname = root.SelectSingleNode("info/name").InnerText; string sversion = root.SelectSingleNode("info/version").InnerText; BlockError e = new BlockError(sname, sversion, sassembly, sclass); if (!errors.Contains(e)) { errors.Add(e); } b = null; } else { Plugin.Base p = f.Create(); p.Source = s; b = new Block(schematic, c, p, x, y); b.Plugin.Config = config; h.Add(n, b); } return(b); }
public Engine2(Schematic s, FinishCallback finish, Progress progress) { this.s = s; this.finish = finish; this.progress = progress; }
protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent(Gdk.EventButton args) { status.Pop(1); Schematic _t = this; object selected = _t.selected; object tmp = CheckSelection((int)args.X, (int)args.Y); if (selected != null && selected == tmp) { if (selected is Block) { Block b = selected as Block; if (args.Button == 1) { if (args.Type == Gdk.EventType.ButtonPress) { status.Push(1, Catalog.GetString("Move block to desired location")); // move clicked block to the top if (blocks[blocks.Count - 1] != selected) { blocks.Remove(selected); blocks.Add(selected); QueueDraw(); } Action.m = Action.Mode.Move; tmpx = (int)args.X; tmpy = (int)args.Y; } else if (args.Type == Gdk.EventType.TwoButtonPress) { Action.m = Action.Mode.Normal; if (b.Plugin is Plugin.Out && b.Plugin.WorkDone) { try { (b.Plugin as Plugin.Out).DisplayResults(); } catch (Exception e) { b.ShowError = true; QueueDraw(); new PluginError(e, b, true); } } else if (b.Plugin.HasSetup) { try { b.Plugin.Setup(); } catch (Exception e) { b.ShowError = true; QueueDraw(); new PluginError(e, b, true); } } } } else if (args.Button == 3) { ImageMenuItem mi; status.Push(1, String.Format(Catalog.GetString("{0} menu"), b.Plugin.Info.Name)); Action.m = Action.Mode.Normal; Menu m = new Menu(); if (b.Plugin is Plugin.Out) { mi = new ImageMenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Display _results")); mi.Image = new Image(null, "system-search.png"); mi.Activated += PluginResults; if (!b.Plugin.WorkDone) { mi.Sensitive = false; } m.Append(mi); } if (b.Plugin.HasSetup) { mi = new ImageMenuItem(Catalog.GetString("_Setup")); mi.Image = new Image(null, "preferences-desktop.png"); mi.Activated += PluginSetup; m.Append(mi); } if (b.Plugin.HasSetup || b.Plugin is Plugin.Out) { m.Append(new SeparatorMenuItem()); } mi = new ImageMenuItem(Catalog.GetString("D_isconnect all")); mi.Image = new Image(null, "edit-cut.png"); mi.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs eargs) { b.Disconnect(); QueueDraw(); status.Pop(1); status.Push(1, Catalog.GetString("Removed all block's connections")); }; m.Append(mi); mi = new ImageMenuItem(Catalog.GetString("In_validate")); mi.Image = new Image(null, "user-trash-full.png"); if (b.CheckState() != Block.State.Good) { mi.Sensitive = false; } mi.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs eargs) { b.Invalidate(); status.Pop(1); status.Push(1, Catalog.GetString("Invalidated results")); }; m.Append(mi); mi = new ImageMenuItem(Catalog.GetString("_Delete")); mi.Image = new Image(null, "edit-delete.png"); mi.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs eargs) { b.Disconnect(); blocks.Remove(selected); QueueDraw(); status.Pop(1); status.Push(1, String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Deleted {0} block"), b.Plugin.Info.Name)); }; m.Append(mi); m.Append(new SeparatorMenuItem()); mi = new ImageMenuItem(Catalog.GetString("_About")); mi.Image = new Image(null, "help-browser.png"); mi.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs eargs) { new PluginAbout(b.Plugin); }; m.Append(mi); m.ShowAll(); m.Popup(); } } else if (selected is Socket) { Socket s = selected as Socket; if (s.Other == null) { if (s.Type == Socket.T.Out) { if (args.Button == 1) { status.Push(1, Catalog.GetString("Connect block with another")); Action.m = Action.Mode.Connect; = Connection.None; tmpx = (int)args.X; tmpy = (int)args.Y; QueueDraw(); } } } else { if (args.Button == 1 && args.Type == Gdk.EventType.TwoButtonPress) { status.Push(1, Catalog.GetString("Removed connection")); s.Disconnect(); QueueDraw(); } else if (args.Button == 3) { Menu m = new Menu(); ImageMenuItem mi = new ImageMenuItem(Catalog.GetString("_Disconnect")); mi.Image = new Image(null, "edit-cut.png"); mi.Activated += delegate(object sender, EventArgs eargs) { s.Disconnect(); _t.QueueDraw(); _t.status.Pop(1); _t.status.Push(1, Catalog.GetString("Removed connection")); }; m.Append(mi); m.ShowAll(); m.Popup(); } } } } else { Action.m = Action.Mode.Normal; selected = tmp; QueueDraw(); } return(true); }