priority() публичный Метод

public priority ( string name ) : int
name string
Результат int
Пример #1
        // Say something with a custom resolver
        public void Say(ScriptResolver resolver, Ship ship, string scriptName, Event theEvent = null, int?priority = null, string voice = null, bool sayOutLoud = true, bool invokedFromVA = false)
            Dictionary <string, Cottle.Value> dict = createVariables(theEvent);
            string speech = resolver.resolve(scriptName, dict);

            if (speech != null)
                if (subtitles)
                    // Log a tidied version of the speech
                    log(Regex.Replace(speech, "<.*?>", string.Empty));
                if (sayOutLoud && !(subtitles && subtitlesOnly))
                    SpeechService.Instance.Say(ship, speech, (priority == null ? resolver.priority(scriptName) : (int)priority), voice, false, theEvent?.type, invokedFromVA);
Пример #2
        public void TestScript(string scriptName, Dictionary <string, Script> scripts)
            // See if we have a sample
            List <Event> sampleEvents;
            object       sample = Events.SampleByName(scriptName);

            if (sample == null)
                sampleEvents = new List <Event>();
            else if (sample is string)
                // It's a string so a journal entry.  Parse it
                sampleEvents = JournalMonitor.ParseJournalEntry((string)sample);
            else if (sample is Event)
                // It's a direct event
                sampleEvents = new List <Event>()
                Logging.Warn("Unknown sample type " + sample.GetType());
                sampleEvents = new List <Event>();

            ScriptResolver testScriptResolver = new ScriptResolver(scripts);

            if (sampleEvents.Count == 0)
            foreach (Event sampleEvent in sampleEvents)
                Say(testScriptResolver, null, scriptName, sampleEvent, testScriptResolver.priority(scriptName));
Пример #3
        private void testButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Splice the new script in to the existing scripts
            Dictionary <string, Script> newScripts = new Dictionary <string, Script>(scripts);
            Script testScript = new Script(ScriptName, ScriptDescription, false, ScriptValue);

            newScripts.Add(ScriptName, testScript);

            SpeechResponder responder = new SpeechResponder();


            // See if we have a sample
            List <Event> sampleEvents;
            object       sample = Events.SampleByName(script.Name);

            if (sample == null)
                sampleEvents = new List <Event>();
            else if (sample is string)
                // It's a string so a journal entry.  Parse it
                sampleEvents = JournalMonitor.ParseJournalEntry((string)sample);
            else if (sample is Event)
                // It's a direct event
                sampleEvents = new List <Event>()
                Logging.Warn("Unknown sample type " + sample.GetType());
                sampleEvents = new List <Event>();

            ScriptResolver scriptResolver = new ScriptResolver(newScripts);

            if (sampleEvents.Count == 0)
            foreach (Event sampleEvent in sampleEvents)
                responder.Say(scriptResolver, ((ShipMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Ship monitor"))?.GetCurrentShip(), ScriptName, sampleEvent, scriptResolver.priority(script.Name));
Пример #4
        private void testScript(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Script          script    = ((KeyValuePair <string, Script>)((Button)e.Source).DataContext).Value;
            SpeechResponder responder = new SpeechResponder();

            // See if we have a sample
            List <Event> sampleEvents;
            object       sample = Events.SampleByName(script.Name);

            if (sample == null)
                sampleEvents = new List <Event>();
            else if (sample is string)
                // It's as tring so a journal entry.  Parse it
                sampleEvents = JournalMonitor.ParseJournalEntry((string)sample);
            else if (sample is Event)
                // It's a direct event
                sampleEvents = new List <Event>()
                Logging.Warn("Unknown sample type " + sample.GetType());
                sampleEvents = new List <Event>();

            ScriptResolver scriptResolver = new ScriptResolver(Personality.Scripts);

            if (sampleEvents.Count == 0)
            foreach (Event sampleEvent in sampleEvents)
                responder.Say(scriptResolver, ((ShipMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Ship monitor"))?.GetCurrentShip(), script.Name, sampleEvent, scriptResolver.priority(script.Name));
        // Say something with a custom resolver
        public void Say(ScriptResolver resolver, string scriptName, Event theEvent = null, int?priority = null, string voice = null, bool?wait = null)
            Dictionary <string, Cottle.Value> dict = createVariables(theEvent);
            string speech = resolver.resolve(scriptName, dict);

            if (speech != null)
                if (subtitles)
                    // Log a tidied version of the speech
                    log(Regex.Replace(speech, "<.*?>", string.Empty));
                if (!(subtitles && subtitlesOnly))
                    SpeechService.Instance.Say(EDDI.Instance.Ship, speech, (wait == null ? true : (bool)wait), (priority == null ? resolver.priority(scriptName) : (int)priority), voice);
 // Say something with a custom resolver
 public void Say(ScriptResolver resolver, string scriptName, Event theEvent = null, int? priority = null, bool? wait = null)
     Dictionary<string, Cottle.Value> dict = createVariables(theEvent);
     string script = resolver.resolve(scriptName, dict);
     if (script != null)
         SpeechService.Instance.Say(EDDI.Instance.Ship, script, (wait == null ? true : (bool)wait), (priority == null ? resolver.priority(scriptName) : (int)priority));
        // Say something with a custom resolver
        public void Say(ScriptResolver resolver, string scriptName, Event theEvent = null, int?priority = null, bool?wait = null)
            Dictionary <string, Cottle.Value> dict = createVariables(theEvent);
            string script = resolver.resolve(scriptName, dict);

            if (script != null)
                SpeechService.Instance.Say(EDDI.Instance.Ship, script, (wait == null ? true : (bool)wait), (priority == null ? resolver.priority(scriptName) : (int)priority));