Пример #1
        #region Convert Functions

        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert ASP.NET code using language-autodetection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aspxSource">The ASPX source code.</param>
        /// <returns>New instance of Class ASPXConverter</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Supported is only ASP.NET code with inline serverside code of the languages Visual Basic .NET or C#.
        /// </remarks>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static ASPXConverter Convert(string aspxSource, ConverterLanguagesAutodetectable converterLanguage = ConverterLanguagesAutodetectable.Autodetect)
            ASPXConverter RetConv = new ASPXConverter();
            Int32         TmpStart;
            Int32         TmpEnd;
            Int32         TmpLastEnd;
            string        TmpDirective;
            string        TmpComment = "";
            string        TmpCodeLines;
            string        TmpConvertCode = "";
            ArrayList     TmpHtmlBlocks  = new ArrayList();
            string        TmpS;

            try {
                //set language
                if (converterLanguage == ConverterLanguagesAutodetectable.Autodetect)
                    RetConv.FConverterLanguage = SearchLanguage(aspxSource);
                    RetConv.FConverterLanguage = converterLanguage;

                //get Before-Convert-Comment-Sign
                switch (RetConv.FConverterLanguage)
                case ConverterLanguagesAutodetectable.CSharpToVBNet:
                    TmpComment = "//";

                case ConverterLanguagesAutodetectable.VBNetToCSharp:
                    TmpComment = "'";

                //for each <%...%> block
                TmpStart   = -1;
                TmpLastEnd = 0;
                    //search "<%"
                    TmpStart = aspxSource.IndexOf("<%", TmpStart + 1);
                    if (TmpStart > -1)
                        //search "%>"
                        TmpEnd = aspxSource.IndexOf("%>", TmpStart + 2);
                        if (TmpEnd > -1)
                            if (aspxSource.Substring(TmpStart + 2, 1) == "@")
                                //if @: replace language-attribute and codebehind file extension
                                TmpDirective = aspxSource.Substring(TmpStart, TmpEnd - TmpStart + 2);
                                switch (RetConv.FConverterLanguage)
                                case ConverterLanguagesAutodetectable.CSharpToVBNet:
                                    TmpDirective = TmpDirective.Replace("\"c#\"", "\"vb\"").Replace(".cs\"", ".vb\"").Replace("=cs ", "=vb ").Replace("=c# ", "=vb ").Replace("\"cs\"", "\"vb\"");

                                case ConverterLanguagesAutodetectable.VBNetToCSharp:
                                    TmpDirective = TmpDirective.Replace("\"vb\"", "\"c#\"").Replace(".vb\"", ".cs\"").Replace("=vb ", "=c# ");
                                aspxSource = aspxSource.Substring(0, TmpStart) + TmpDirective + aspxSource.Substring(TmpEnd + 2, aspxSource.Length - TmpEnd - 2);
                                //else: convert statements
                                TmpHtmlBlocks.Add(aspxSource.Substring(TmpLastEnd, TmpStart - TmpLastEnd + 2));
                                TmpConvertCode += TmpComment + "HTMLBLOCK-" + TmpHtmlBlocks.Count.ToString + "." + vbCrLf;
                                TmpCodeLines    = aspxSource.Substring(TmpStart + 2, TmpEnd - TmpStart - 2);
                                TmpS            = TmpCodeLines.TrimStart(char.Parse(" "), Chr(9), Chr(10), Chr(13));
                                if ((TmpS != "") && (TmpS.Substring(0, 1) == "="))
                                    //Add Temporary Out-Variable-Prefix
                                    TmpCodeLines = "NETVERTASPNETOUT " + TmpS;
                                try {
                                } catch (Exception ex) {
                                //if StrTrimmLeft(StrTrimmLeft(StrTrimmLeft(tmpcodelines," "), chr(9).ToString)
                                TmpConvertCode += TmpCodeLines + vbCrLf;
                                TmpLastEnd      = TmpEnd;
                } while (TmpStart > -1);
                //Append last HTML-Block
                if (aspxSource.Length > TmpLastEnd)
                    TmpHtmlBlocks.Add(aspxSource.Substring(TmpLastEnd, aspxSource.Length - TmpLastEnd));
                    TmpConvertCode += TmpComment + "HTMLBLOCK-" + TmpHtmlBlocks.Count.ToString + "." + vbCrLf;
                //Convert Code
                switch (RetConv.FConverterLanguage)
                case ConverterLanguagesAutodetectable.CSharpToVBNet:
                    // ERROR: Not supported in C#: WithStatement

                    //get After-Convert-Comment-Sign
                    TmpComment = "'";

                case ConverterLanguagesAutodetectable.VBNetToCSharp:
                    // ERROR: Not supported in C#: WithStatement

                    //get After-Convert-Comment-Sign
                    TmpComment = "//";

                //Remove Temporary Out-Variable-Prefix
                TmpConvertCode = TmpConvertCode.Replace("NETVERTASPNETOUT ", "");
                //Insert HTML-Blocks
                for (Int32 iBlock = 0; iBlock <= TmpHtmlBlocks.Count - 1; iBlock++)
                    TmpConvertCode = TmpConvertCode.Replace(TmpComment + "HTMLBLOCK-" + (iBlock + 1).ToString + ".", TmpHtmlBlocks(iBlock));

                //set result
                RetConv.FResultSource = TmpConvertCode;

#if (DEBUG)
                //catch only internal exceptions
            } catch (NetVertException nEx) {
                RetConv.FHasError  = true;
                RetConv.FErrorText = nEx.Message;
                //catch all exceptions
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                RetConv.FHasError  = true;
                RetConv.FErrorText = ex.Message;
Пример #2
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert single ASPX file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFile">The full path and filename to the source ASPX file.</param>
        /// <param name="targetFile">The full path and filename to the destination ASPX file.</param>
        /// <param name="overwriteExistingFile">True if existing file should be overwriten ([default] is false).</param>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void ConvertFile(string sourceFile, string targetFile, bool overwriteExistingFile = false)
            ASPXConverter          TmpConv;
            string                 TmpS;
            ProcessedFileEventArgs TmpE;

            try {
                // ERROR: Not supported in C#: WithStatement

                FTotalCount += 1;
                if (File.Exists(targetFile) && !overwriteExistingFile)
                    //Skipped, file exists
                    if (AfterFileProcessed != null)
                        AfterFileProcessed(this, new ProcessedFileEventArgs(ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterFileTypes.ASPXFile, sourceFile, "", targetFile, "", ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterOperations.Skipped_Exists, FLanguage, ""));
                    // ERROR: Not supported in C#: WithStatement

                    //create EventArgs
                    TmpE = new ProcessedFileEventArgs(ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterFileTypes.ASPXFile, sourceFile, TmpS, targetFile, "", ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterOperations.Before_Conversion, FLanguage, "");
                    if (BeforeFileProcessed != null)
                        BeforeFileProcessed(this, TmpE);
                    //convert now
                    TmpConv = ASPXConverter.Convert(TmpS, FLanguage);
                    if (TmpConv.HasError)
                        //has an error
                        FFailedCount += 1;
                        TmpE.ModifyStatus(ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterOperations.Skipped_Error, TmpConv.ErrorText, TmpConv.ConverterLanguage);
                        if (AfterFileProcessed != null)
                            AfterFileProcessed(this, TmpE);
                        //no error
                        FConvertedCount += 1;
                        if (File.Exists(targetFile))
                            TmpE.ModifyStatus(ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterOperations.Success_Overwriting, "", TmpConv.ConverterLanguage);
                            TmpE.ModifyStatus(ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterOperations.Success_Creating, "", TmpConv.ConverterLanguage);
                        TmpE.OutputSource = TmpConv.ASPXOutputSource;
                        if (AfterFileProcessed != null)
                            AfterFileProcessed(this, TmpE);
                        //save new stream to file
                        try {
                            // ERROR: Not supported in C#: WithStatement
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            TmpE.ModifyStatus(ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterOperations.Skipped_Error, ex.Message);
                            if (AfterFileProcessed != null)
                                AfterFileProcessed(this, TmpE);

#if (DEBUG)
            } catch (NetVertException ex) {
                //common error
                if (AfterFileProcessed != null)
                    AfterFileProcessed(this, new ProcessedFileEventArgs(ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterFileTypes.ASPXFile, sourceFile, "", targetFile, "", ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterOperations.Skipped_Error, FLanguage, ex.Message));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                //common error
                if (AfterFileProcessed != null)
                    AfterFileProcessed(this, new ProcessedFileEventArgs(ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterFileTypes.ASPXFile, sourceFile, "", targetFile, "", ProcessedFileEventArgs.ConverterOperations.Skipped_Error, FLanguage, ex.Message));

            //With Directory.GetParent(targetFile)
            //  If Not .Exists Then
            //    OutputText("Creating directory " & .FullName)
            //    .Create()
            //  End If
            //End With
            //FTotalCount += 1
            //If File.Exists(targetFile) AndAlso _
            //   Not overwriteExistingFile Then
            //  OutputText("Skipped, file exists " & targetFile)

            //  TmpReader = File.OpenText(sourceFile)
            //  TmpS = TmpReader.ReadToEnd
            //  TmpReader.Close()
            //  'TmpError = ""
            //  TmpConv = ASPXConverter.Convert(TmpS, FLanguage)
            //  If TmpConv.HasError Then
            //    'has an error
            //    FFailedCount += 1
            //    OutputText("Error in " & sourceFile & vbCrLf & TmpConv.ErrorText)
            //  Else
            //    'no error
            //    If File.Exists(targetFile) Then
            //      OutputText("Overwriting " & targetFile)
            //    Else
            //      OutputText("Creating " & targetFile)
            //    End If
            //    FConvertedCount += 1
            //    TmpWriter = File.CreateText(targetFile)
            //    TmpWriter.Write(TmpConv.ASPXOutputSource)
            //    TmpWriter.Close()
            //  End If

            //End If