// MoveCommand
 public static Dictionary<string, Object> GetMoveCommandArgs(Vector direction, double speed)
     args = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
     args.Add("Direction", direction);
     args.Add("Speed", speed);
     return args;
 public static Dictionary<string, Object> GetSetPositionArgs(Vector positionVector, bool isRelative)
     args = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
     args.Add("PositionVector", positionVector);
     args.Add("IsRelative", isRelative);
     return args;
Пример #3
 public Matrix(Vector x, Vector y, Vector z, Vector o)
     _m11 = x.X; _m12 = x.Y; _m13 = x.Z;
     _m21 = y.X; _m22 = y.Y; _m23 = y.Z;
     _m31 = z.X; _m32 = z.Y; _m33 = z.Z;
     _m41 = o.X; _m42 = o.Y; _m43 = o.Z;
Пример #4
 public override void Move(double elapsedTime)
     _speed = 2 * Math.PI * _radius / _timeToRotate;
     _currentAngle += elapsedTime * 2 * Math.PI / _timeToRotate;
     if (_currentAngle > 2 * Math.PI) { _currentAngle -= 2 * Math.PI; }
     _direction = new Vector(-1 * Math.Sin(_currentAngle), Math.Cos(_currentAngle));
Пример #5
        public static double Distance(Vector v1, Vector v2)
            double XDiff = v1.X - v2.X;
            double YDiff = v1.Y - v2.Y;

            double length = System.Math.Sqrt(XDiff * XDiff + YDiff * YDiff);

            return length;
Пример #6
        private Vector CalculateCatmullRom(double t, Vector p1, Vector p2, Vector p3, Vector p4)
            double t2 = t * t;
            double t3 = t2 * t;

            double b1 = 0.5 * (-t3 + 2 * t2 - t);
            double b2 = 0.5 * (3 * t3 - 5 * t2 + 2);
            double b3 = 0.5 * (-3 * t3 + 4 * t2 + t);
            double b4 = 0.5 * (t3 - t2);

            return (p1 * b1 + p2 * b2 + p3 * b3 + p4 * b4);
Пример #7
        public Vector MeasureFont(string text, double maxWidth)
            Vector dimensions = new Vector();

            foreach (char c in text)
                CharacterData data = _characterData[c];
                dimensions.X += data.XAdvance;
                dimensions.Y = Math.Max(dimensions.Y, data.Height + data.YOffset);

            return dimensions;
Пример #8
        public Sprite(Texture texture, Vector startingPosition, double width, double height)
            if (width <= 0) width = texture.Width;
            if (height <= 0) height = texture.Height;

            _xPosition = startingPosition.X;
            _yPosition = startingPosition.Y;
            _texture = texture;

            SetScale(width / texture.Width, height / texture.Height);

            InitVertexPositions(new Vector(_xPosition, _yPosition, 0), width, height);
            this.Color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
            SetUVs(new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1));
 public override void Update(double elapsedTime)
     if (_mouse.LeftHeld)
         wasMovingLastFrame = true;
         Vector direction = Vector.Normalize(new Vector(_mouse.Position) - _parent.Model.Center);
         SingletonFactory.GetEventHub().SendEvent("MoveCommand", this, EventArgWriteUtil.GetMoveCommandArgs(direction, ConfigSettings.PLAYER_SPEED), _parent);
     else if (wasMovingLastFrame)
         wasMovingLastFrame = false;
         SingletonFactory.GetEventHub().SendEvent("MoveCommand", this, EventArgWriteUtil.GetMoveCommandArgs(new Vector(0, 0), 0), _parent);
     else if (ControlMapping.IsKeyPressed(InputCommand.PositionRight))
         Vector positionVector = new Vector(100, 0);
         SingletonFactory.GetEventHub().SendEvent("SetPositionCommand", this, EventArgWriteUtil.GetSetPositionArgs(positionVector), _parent);
        private static bool IsSeparatingAxis(Vector sepAxisPoint1, Vector sepAxisPoint2, Vector thirdPoint, CollisionRectangle otherRectangle)
            Vector[] otherQuadPoints = new Vector[4];
            otherQuadPoints[0] = otherRectangle.TopLeft;
            otherQuadPoints[1] = otherRectangle.TopRight;
            otherQuadPoints[2] = otherRectangle.BottomLeft;
            otherQuadPoints[3] = otherRectangle.BottomRight;

            Vector separatingAxis = sepAxisPoint2 - sepAxisPoint1;
            Vector normalAxis = new Vector(separatingAxis.Y, -separatingAxis.X);
            bool referenceSign = normalAxis * (thirdPoint - sepAxisPoint1) >= 0;

            foreach (Vector cornerOfSecondRect in otherQuadPoints)
                bool sign = normalAxis * (cornerOfSecondRect - sepAxisPoint1) >= 0;
                // A point of the other quad is one the same side as thirdPoint
                if (sign == referenceSign) { return false; }
            // All points of the other quad are on the other side of the edge. Therefore the edge is a separating axis
            return true;
 public ForwardFacingMovement(String subclass, Vector direction, double speed)
     : base(subclass, direction, speed)
     _previousDirection = new Vector(direction.X, direction.Y);
Пример #12
 public Vector CrossProduct(Vector v)
     double nx = Y * v.Z - Z * v.Y;
     double ny = Z * v.X - X * v.Z;
     double nz = X * v.Y - Y * v.X;
     return new Vector(nx, ny, nz);
Пример #13
 // Vector addition and subtraction and scalar multiplication methods and overloads
 public Vector Add(Vector r)
     return new Vector(X + r.X, Y + r.Y, Z + r.Z);
 public AnimatedSprite GetAnimatedSprite(String textureName, int xPos, int yPos, double width, double height)
     Vector startingPosition = new Vector(xPos, yPos);
     AnimatedSprite animatedSprite = new AnimatedSprite(this.Get(textureName), startingPosition, width, height);
     return animatedSprite;
 public Sprite GetSprite(String textureName, int xPos, int yPos, double width, double height)
     Vector startingPosition = new Vector(xPos, yPos);
     Sprite sprite = new Sprite(this.Get(textureName), startingPosition, width, height);
     return sprite;
Пример #16
 public static Vector Normalize(Vector v)
     double r = v.Length;
     if (r != 0.0) // prevent division by zero
         return new Vector(v.X / r, v.Y / r, v.Z / r);
         return new Vector(0, 0, 0);
Пример #17
 public Vector Subtract(Vector r)
     return new Vector(X - r.X, Y - r.Y, Z - r.Z);
Пример #18
        public Vector GetScale()
            Vector result = new Vector();

            result.X = (new Vector(_m11, _m12, _m13)).Length;
            result.Y = (new Vector(_m21, _m22, _m23)).Length;
            result.Z = (new Vector(_m31, _m32, _m33)).Length;

            return result;
Пример #19
 public void SetTranslation(Vector translation)
     _m41 = translation.X;
     _m42 = translation.Y;
     _m43 = translation.Z;
Пример #20
        public void Move(Vector vector)
            double newX = this.Center.X + vector.X;
            double newY = this.Center.Y + vector.Y;
            double newZ = this.Center.Z + vector.Z;

            SetPosition(new Vector(newX, newY, newZ));
Пример #21
 public VerticalMenu(double x, double y, Input.Input input)
     _input = input;
     _position = new Vector(x, y, 0);
     Spacing = 50;
 public MovementComponent(string name, Vector direction, double speed)
     : base(name, ComponentType.Movement)
     _direction = Vector.Normalize(direction);
     _speed = speed;
Пример #23
        public void SetRotate(Vector axis, double angle)
            double angleSin = Math.Sin(angle);
            double angleCos = Math.Cos(angle);
            double a = 1.0 - angleCos;
            double ax = a * axis.X;
            double ay = a * axis.Y;
            double az = a * axis.Z;

            _m11 = ax * axis.X + angleCos;
            _m12 = ax * axis.Y + axis.Z * angleSin;
            _m13 = ax * axis.Z - axis.Y * angleSin;

            _m21 = ay * axis.X - axis.Z * angleSin;
            _m22 = ay * axis.Y + angleCos;
            _m23 = ay * axis.Z + axis.X * angleSin;

            _m31 = az * axis.X + axis.Y * angleSin;
            _m32 = az * axis.Y - axis.X * angleSin;
            _m33 = az * axis.Z + angleCos;
Пример #24
 // Dot product and cross product methods and overload
 public double DotProduct(Vector v)
     return (v.X * X) + (Y * v.Y) + (Z * v.Z);
Пример #25
 public void SetScale(Vector scale)
     _m11 = scale.X;
     _m22 = scale.Y;
     _m33 = scale.Z;
Пример #26
 // Vector equality method and overloads
 public bool Equals(Vector v)
     return (X == v.X) && (Y == v.Y) && (Z == v.Z);
Пример #27
 public void SetPosition(Vector position)
     Matrix m = new Matrix();
     m.SetTranslation(new Vector(_xPosition, _yPosition, 0));
Пример #28
 public Sprite(Texture texture, Vector startingPosition)
     : this(texture, startingPosition, texture.Width, texture.Height)
Пример #29
        public static void InitConfigSettings(string assemblyMainDirectory)
            assembly_main_dir = assemblyMainDirectory + @"\";
            prop_dir_root = assemblyMainDirectory + @"\Assets\Properties\";

            Dictionary<string, string> configProps = PropertyUtil.LoadPropertiesFromFile(prop_dir_root + @"master.prop");
            starting_screen_width = int.Parse(configProps["starting_screen_width"]);
            starting_screen_height = int.Parse(configProps["starting_screen_height"]);

            texture_directory = configProps["texture_directory"];

            camera_buffer = int.Parse(configProps["camera_buffer"]);
            camera_type = configProps["camera_type"];
            int x = configProps.ContainsKey("camera_scroll_direction_x") ? int.Parse(configProps["camera_scroll_direction_x"]) : 0;
            int y = configProps.ContainsKey("camera_scroll_direction_y") ? int.Parse(configProps["camera_scroll_direction_y"]) : 0;
            camera_scroll_direction = new Vector(x, y);

            clock_speed = double.Parse(configProps["clock_speed"]);

            player_speed = double.Parse(configProps["player_speed"]);
            default_non_player_speed = double.Parse(configProps["default_non_player_speed"]);
            gravity_pps = double.Parse(configProps["gravity_pps"]);
            max_x_velocity = double.Parse(configProps["max_x_velocity"]);
            max_y_velocity = double.Parse(configProps["max_y_velocity"]);

            log_directory = configProps["log_directory"];
Пример #30
        // Set sprite's quad centered at 'position', with dimensions 'width' and 'height'
        private void InitVertexPositions(Vector position, double width, double height)
            double halfWidth = width / 2;
            double halfHeight = height / 2;
            _vertexPositions[0] = new Vector(position.X - halfWidth, position.Y + halfHeight, position.Z);
            _vertexPositions[1] = new Vector(position.X + halfWidth, position.Y + halfHeight, position.Z);
            _vertexPositions[2] = new Vector(position.X - halfWidth, position.Y - halfHeight, position.Z);
            _vertexPositions[3] = new Vector(position.X + halfWidth, position.Y + halfHeight, position.Z);
            _vertexPositions[4] = new Vector(position.X + halfWidth, position.Y - halfHeight, position.Z);
            _vertexPositions[5] = new Vector(position.X - halfWidth, position.Y - halfHeight, position.Z);
            _width = width;
            _height = height;

            // Since this method implicitly un-rotates the matrix, we must re-rotate it.
            double rotation = _rotation;
            _rotation = 2 * Math.PI;