Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method and its overloads can be used to simplify adding data bindings to controls contained in
        /// the template.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control">The control to which to add the data binding</param>
        /// <param name="controlProperty">The name of the control property to bind</param>
        /// <param name="dataMember">The property or list to which to bind</param>
        /// <param name="clearBindings">Specify true to clear all existing bindings before adding the new binding
        /// or false to keep all existing bindings.</param>
        /// <param name="formatEvent">An event handler for the binding's <c>Format</c> event if wanted</param>
        /// <param name="parseEvent">An event handler for the binding's <c>Parse</c> event if wanted</param>
        /// <remarks>This version will only clear the existing data bindings if the <c>clearBindings</c>
        /// parameter is true.  It will also add the specified format and parse event handlers to the binding if
        /// they are specified.  Use null if you do not want a particular handler added.</remarks>
        /// <returns>The newly created data binding</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">This is thrown if the control parameter is null</exception>
        public Binding AddBinding(Control control, string controlProperty, string dataMember, bool clearBindings,
                                  ConvertEventHandler formatEvent, ConvertEventHandler parseEvent)
            if (control == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("control", LR.GetString("ExNullParameter"));

            Binding b = new Binding(controlProperty, rowSource, dataMember);

            if (formatEvent != null)
                b.Format += formatEvent;

            if (parseEvent != null)
                b.Parse += parseEvent;

            if (clearBindings)

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the check state of the item at the specified index to the specified value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the item to change</param>
        /// <param name="state">The new check state of the item</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">This is thrown if the index value is not within the
        /// bounds of the item collection.</exception>
        /// <overloads>There are two overloads for this method</overloads>
        public void SetItemCheckState(int index, CheckState state)
            if (index < 0 || index >= this.Items.Count)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, LR.GetString("ExItemIndexOutOfRange"));

            ((CheckBox)this.ButtonPanel.Controls[index]).CheckState = state;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a value indicating whether the specified item is checked
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the item to examine</param>
        /// <returns>True if the item is checked, false if it is not</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">This is thrown if the index value is not within the
        /// bounds of the item collection.</exception>
        /// <overloads>There are two overloads for this method</overloads>
        public bool GetItemChecked(int index)
            if (index < 0 || index >= this.Items.Count)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, LR.GetString("ExItemIndexOutOfRange"));

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a value indicating the current check state of the item with the specified value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The item in the data source to examine.  The <see cref="BaseListControl.ValueMember"/>
        /// is searched for this value.</param>
        /// <returns>The current check state of the specified item</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">This is thrown if the value is not found in the
        /// collection.</exception>
        public CheckState GetItemCheckState(object key)
            int index = this.Find(key);

            if (index == -1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("key", key, LR.GetString("ExItemIndexOutOfRange"));

Пример #5

        /// <summary>
        /// This is called to force the control to refresh the checkboxes with information from the data source
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">This is thrown if a <see cref="BindingMembersDataSource"/>
        /// has been specified and there are more checkbox list items that members specified in
        /// <see cref="BindingMembers"/>.</exception>
        public override void RefreshSubControls()
            Panel    bp = this.ButtonPanel;
            Binding  b;
            CheckBox cb;

            CheckState[] states;
            int          idx = 0, imageIdx = 0, memberIdx = 0;

            ControlCollection cc = bp.Controls;

            states = new CheckState[cc.Count];

            // Dispose of any prior checkboxes
            while (cc.Count > 0)
                cb                    = (CheckBox)cc[0];
                states[idx]           = cb.CheckState;
                cb.Enter             -= CheckBox_Enter;
                cb.CheckStateChanged -= CheckBox_CheckStateChanged;

            idx = 0;

            foreach (object oItem in this.Items)
                cb = new CheckBox();

                // In .NET 2.0, we could use the UseMnemonic property but it doesn't work with FlatStyle.System
                // so we'll modify the text which works with it and with .NET 1.1.
                if (this.UseMnemonic)
                    cb.Text = this.GetItemText(oItem).Replace("&&", "&");
                    cb.Text = this.GetItemText(oItem).Replace("&", "&&");

                cb.Appearance = base.Appearance;
                cb.FlatStyle  = this.FlatStyle;
                cb.ThreeState = threeState;
                cb.CheckAlign = base.CheckAlign;
                cb.TextAlign  = base.TextAlign;
                cb.ImageAlign = base.ImageAlign;
                cb.ImageList  = base.ImageList;

                // Don't hook up the event in design mode.  They are clickable.  We'll also skip hooking up the
                // data bindings.
                if (!this.DesignMode)
                    cb.Enter             += CheckBox_Enter;
                    cb.CheckStateChanged += CheckBox_CheckStateChanged;

                    // If we have a data source and available members, bind the checkbox's CheckState to the
                    // member.
                    if (bindingDataSource != null)
                        if (memberIdx < bindingMembers.Count)
                            if (bindingContext != null)
                                cb.BindingContext = bindingContext;

                            b         = new Binding("CheckState", bindingDataSource, bindingMembers[memberIdx]);
                            b.Format += BindingMember_Format;
                            b.Parse  += BindingMember_Parse;
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(LR.GetString("ExTooFewBindingMembers"));

                if (base.ImageList != null)
                    cb.ImageIndex = imageIdx;

                    // Wrap the index if there are more items than images
                    if (imageIdx == base.ImageList.Images.Count)
                        imageIdx = 0;

                // Restore the state if necessary
                if (this.SelectedIndex != -1 && idx < states.Length)
                    cb.CheckState = states[idx];


Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// This is used to bind controls to the row source.  Derived controls must override this to provide data
 /// binding support even if they contain no bound controls.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>This will not be called until the template is scrolled into view.  This saves time and
 /// resources during the initial startup phase of a form that contains a data list control.  Templates
 /// are re-bound under many conditions.  If adding bindings to controls manually, be sure to clear the
 /// <c>DataBindings</c> collection on all bound controls first.  A better alternative is to use the
 /// overloaded <see cref="AddBinding(Control, string, string)"/> method as it will take care of that for
 /// you.</remarks>
 /// <exception cref="NotImplementedException">This is thrown if the method is not overridden and the base
 /// implementation is called.</exception>
 /// <example>
 /// <code language="cs">
 /// protected override void Bind()
 /// {
 ///     this.AddBinding(txtFName, "Text", "FirstName");
 ///     this.AddBinding(txtLName, "Text", "LastName");
 ///     this.AddBinding(txtAddress, "Text", "Address");
 ///     this.AddBinding(txtCity, "Text", "City");
 ///     this.AddBinding(cboState, "SelectedValue", "State");
 ///     this.AddBinding(txtZip, "Text", "Zip");
 ///     this.AddBinding(udcSumValue, "Text", "SumValue");
 /// }
 /// </code>
 /// <code language="vbnet">
 /// Protected Overrides Sub Bind()
 ///     Me.AddBinding(txtFName, "Text", "FirstName")
 ///     Me.AddBinding(txtLName, "Text", "LastName")
 ///     Me.AddBinding(txtAddress, "Text", "Address")
 ///     Me.AddBinding(txtCity, "Text", "City")
 ///     Me.AddBinding(cboState, "SelectedValue", "State")
 ///     Me.AddBinding(txtZip, "Text", "Zip")
 ///     Me.AddBinding(udcSumValue, "Text", "SumValue")
 /// End Sub
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 protected internal virtual void Bind()
     throw new NotImplementedException(LR.GetString("TCBindNotOverridden", this.GetType().Name));
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle vertical scroll to make it smoother
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>The default scrolling increments are quite small and the frequent redraws cause a messy
        /// display when the thumb is dragged.  By handling it ourselves, we can initialize and bind the rows
        /// before they are displayed and can also control the increments to provide a smoother scroll with a
        /// cleaner visual appearance.</remarks>
        /// <param name="m">The vertical scroll message parameters</param>
        private void HandleVerticalScroll(ref Message m)
            TemplateControl tc;
            DataList        owner = (DataList)this.Parent;

            Rectangle clientRect = base.ClientRectangle, displayRect = base.DisplayRectangle;

            int row, fillRange, maxRows, multiplier, rowHeight = owner.RowHeight, curPos = -displayRect.Y;
            int maxPos = -(clientRect.Height - displayRect.Height - rowHeight), scrollEvent = (int)m.WParam & 0xFFFF;

            switch (scrollEvent)
            case 0:         // Line up
                if (curPos <= 0)
                    curPos = 0;
                    curPos -= rowHeight;

            case 1:         // Line down
                if (curPos >= maxPos - rowHeight)
                    curPos = maxPos;
                    curPos += rowHeight;

            case 2:         // Page up
                if (curPos <= clientRect.Height)
                    curPos = 0;
                    curPos -= clientRect.Height;

            case 3:         // Page down
                if (curPos >= maxPos - clientRect.Height)
                    curPos = maxPos;
                    curPos += clientRect.Height;

            case 4:         // Thumb position (end tracking)
            case 5:         // Thumb track (drag)
                if (scrollTip == null)
                    scrollTip = new NativeToolTipWindow(this);

                // Round it to the nearest row start and show the position in a tool tip
                curPos = UnsafeNativeMethods.ScrollThumbPosition(base.Handle, 1) / rowHeight * rowHeight;
                scrollTip.ShowTooltip(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, LR.GetString("DLScrollPos"),
                                                    (curPos / rowHeight) + 1, owner.RowCount));

            case 6:         // Top
                curPos = 0;

            case 7:         // Bottom
                curPos = maxPos;

            case 8:         // End scroll
                if (scrollTip != null && scrollTip.IsVisible)

            case 32767:     // Custom call to scroll row into view
                curPos = m.LParam.ToInt32();

                if (curPos < 0)
                    curPos = 0;
                if (curPos >= maxPos)
                    curPos = maxPos;

            // Ignore if not displaying content while scrolling and it was a thumb tracking event
            if (this.GetScrollState(0x10) || scrollEvent != 5)
                // Initialize and bind the rows before they are displayed to smooth out the scrolling
                multiplier = (owner.SeparatorsVisible) ? 2 : 1;

                if (owner.ListManager != null && this.Controls.Count != 0)
                    maxRows = owner.ListManager.Count;

                    // Get the range of visible rows
                    row       = curPos / rowHeight;
                    fillRange = ((curPos + rowHeight + this.Height) / rowHeight) + 1;

                    if (fillRange < maxRows)
                        maxRows = fillRange;
                    row = maxRows = 0;

                while (row < maxRows)
                    if (row * multiplier < this.Controls.Count)
                        tc = (TemplateControl)this.Controls[row * multiplier];
                        tc = null;

                    // By waiting until the templates scroll into view, it saves some time and resources during
                    // the initial load and only binds what is actually shown.
                    if (tc != null && !tc.IsNewRowInternal && !tc.HasBeenBound)
                        if (!tc.HasBeenInitialized)
                            tc.HasBeenInitialized = true;

                        tc.HasBeenBound = true;
                        owner.OnItemDataBound(new DataListEventArgs(row, tc));


                // Set "user scrolled" flag and update the display rectangle
                this.SetScrollState(8, true);
                this.SetDisplayRectLocation(displayRect.X, -curPos);

                if (syncScrollbars != null)
                    syncScrollbars.Invoke(this, new object[] { this.AutoScroll });

                // Refresh the row headers if they are visible
                if (owner.RowHeadersVisible)
                    owner.Invalidate(new Rectangle(0, 0, owner.RowHeaderWidth, owner.Height), false);

            if (scrollEvent != 8)
                ScrollEventArgs se = new ScrollEventArgs((ScrollEventType)scrollEvent, -displayRect.Y, curPos,