Пример #1
        static bool CanUseExit(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, ExitInfo s)
            var mobileInfo = producee.TraitInfoOrDefault <MobileInfo>();

            self.NotifyBlocker(self.Location + s.ExitCell);
            return(mobileInfo == null || mobileInfo.CanEnterCell(self.World, self, self.Location + s.ExitCell, self));
Пример #2
        public virtual void DoProduction(Actor self, ActorInfo producee, ExitInfo exitinfo, string productionType, TypeDictionary inits)
            var exit         = CPos.Zero;
            var exitLocation = CPos.Zero;
            var target       = Target.Invalid;

            //Clone the initializer dictionary for the new actor.
            var td = new TypeDictionary();

            foreach (var init in inits)

            if (self.OccupiesSpace != null)
                exit = self.Location + exitinfo.ExitCell;

                var spawn = self.CenterPosition + exitinfo.SpawnOffset;
                var to    = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(exit);

                var initialFacing = exitinfo.Facing;

                if (exitinfo.Facing < 0)
                    var delta = to - spawn;

                    if (delta.HorizontalLengthSquared == 0)
                        var fi = producee.TraitInfoOrDefault <IFacingInfo>();
                        initialFacing = fi != null?fi.GetInitialFacing() : 0;
                        initialFacing = delta.Yaw.Facing;

                exitLocation = rp.Value != null ? rp.Value.Location : exit;
                target       = Target.FromCell(self.World, exitLocation);

                td.Add(new LocationInit(exit));
                td.Add(new CenterPositionInit(spawn));
                td.Add(new FacingInit(initialFacing));

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => {
                var newUnit = self.World.CreateActor(producee.Name, td);

                var move = newUnit.TraitOrDefault <IMove>();

                if (move != null)
                    if (exitinfo.MoveIntoWorld)
                        if (exitinfo.ExitDelay > 0)
                            newUnit.QueueActivity(new Wait(exitinfo.ExitDelay, false));

                        newUnit.QueueActivity(move.MoveIntoWorld(newUnit, exit));
                        newUnit.QueueActivity(new AttackMoveActivity(newUnit, move.MoveTo(exitLocation, 1)));

                newUnit.SetTargetLine(target, rp.Value != null ?Color.Red:Color.Green, false);

                if (!self.IsDead)
                    foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing <INotifyProduction>())
                        t.UnitProduced(self, newUnit, exit);

                var notifyOthers = self.World.ActorsWithTrait <INotifyOtherProduction>();

                foreach (var notify in notifyOthers)
                    notify.Trait.UnitProducedByOther(notify.Actor, self, newUnit, productionType);

                foreach (var t in newUnit.TraitsImplementing <INotifyBuildComplete>())