public RecordLootDialog(frmMain owner, string name, string date) { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("frmRecordLoot.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Begin Method: frmRecordLoot.frmRecordLoot(frmMain,string,string) (" + owner.ToString() + "," + name.ToString() + "," + date.ToString() + ")"); InitializeComponent(); this.owner = owner; lblRaidName.Text = name; lblRaidDate.Text = date; string connectionStr; connectionStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + owner.DBString; try { dbConnect = new OleDbConnection(connectionStr); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to open data connection: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Could not create data connection. \n(" + ex.Message + ")", "Error"); } try { this.dtPeople = new DataTable("People"); this.dtLoot = new DataTable("Loot"); dkpDA = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT DISTINCT DKS.Name FROM DKS", dbConnect); dbConnect.Open(); dkpDA.Fill(dtPeople); dkpDA = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM LootDKP ORDER BY LootName ASC", dbConnect); cmdBld = new OleDbCommandBuilder(dkpDA); dkpDA.Fill(dtLoot); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to load loot tables: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Could not open data connection. \n(" + ex.Message + ")", "Error"); } finally { dbConnect.Close(); } dtPeople.Rows.Add(new object[] { "*** Select" }); dtLoot.Rows.Add(new object[] { "*** Select", 0 }); DataView dvP = new DataView(dtPeople, "", "Name ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataView dvL = new DataView(dtLoot, "", "LootName ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); cboPrice.DataSource = dvL; cboPrice.DisplayMember = "DKP"; cboPeople.DataSource = dvP; cboPeople.DisplayMember = "Name"; cboLoot.DataSource = dvL; cboLoot.DisplayMember = "LootName"; debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: frmRecordLoot.frmLootRecord()"); }
public DailyReportDialog() { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("frmDailyReport.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Enter Method: frmDailyReport.frmDailyReport()"); InitializeComponent(); debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: frmDailyReport.frmDailyReport()"); }
public RecordLootDialog() { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("frmRecordLoot.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Begin Method: frmRecordLoot.frmRecordLoot()"); InitializeComponent(); debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: frmRecordLoot.frmRecordLoot()"); }
public Raider(frmMain owner, string p, string t, double d, double a) { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("Raider.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Begin Method: Raider.Raider(frmMain,string,string,double,double) (" + owner.ToString() + "," + p.ToString() + "," + t.ToString() + "," + d.ToString() + "," + a.ToString() + ")"); this.owner = owner; Person = p; Tier = t; DKP = d; AttendancePCT = a; MINDKP = owner.MinDKP; debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: Raider.Raider()"); }
public TableViewer(frmMain owner, DataTable dt) { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("frmTable.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Begin Method: frmTable.frmTable(frmMain,DataTable) (" + owner.ToString() + "," + dt.ToString() + ")"); this.owner = owner; local=true; InitializeComponent(); dataGrid.ReadOnly = true; dbTable = dt; dataGrid.SetDataBinding(dbTable,""); this.dbTable.RowChanged += new DataRowChangeEventHandler(dbTable_Changed); this.dbTable.RowDeleted += new DataRowChangeEventHandler(dbTable_Changed); debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: frmTable.frmTable()"); }
public AddRemoveDialog(frmMain owner, DataTable dt, int addOrRemove, string raidname, DateTime date) { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("frmAddRemove.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Begin Method: frmAddRemove.frmAddRemove(frmMain,DataTable,int,string,DateTime) (" + owner.ToString() + "," + dt.ToString() + "," + addOrRemove.ToString() + "," + date.ToShortDateString() + ")"); InitializeComponent(); this.owner = owner; cboPeople.DataSource = dt; cboPeople.DisplayMember = "Name"; lblRaid.Text = "Raid: " + raidname; lblDate.Text = "Date: " + date.Month + "/" + date.Day + "/" + date.Year; if (addOrRemove == ADD) { btnAddRemove.Text = "Add"; add = true; } else if (addOrRemove == REMOVE) { btnAddRemove.Text = "Remove"; add = false; } debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: frmAddRemove.frmAddRemove()"); }
public LogParser(frmMain owner, string log) { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("LogParser.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Begin Method: LogParser.LogParser(frmMain,log) (" + owner.ToString() + "," + log.ToString() + ")"); this.owner = owner; this.log = log; try { logStream = new FileStream(log,FileMode.OpenOrCreate,FileAccess.Read); logPointer = logSize = logStream.Length; logStream.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to initialize log parser: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Error initializing log parser.\n\n" + ex.Message,"Error"); } try { logWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(Path.GetDirectoryName(log),Path.GetFileName(log)); logWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.Size; logWatcher.Changed += new System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged); logWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to initialize log watcher: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Error initializing file system watcher.\n\n" + ex.Message,"Error"); } TellsOn = false; AttendanceOn = false; Tells = new ArrayList(); TellsDKP = new ArrayList(); logTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(5000); logTimer.Start(); logTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(logTimer_Elapsed); LoadNamesTiers(); debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: LogParser.LogParser()"); }
public Raid(frmMain owner) { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("Raid.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Begin Method: Raid.Raid(frmMain) (" + owner.ToString() + ")"); this.owner = owner; this.ignore = new ArrayList(); DoubleTier = false; string connectionStr; connectionStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + owner.DBString; try { dbConnect = new OleDbConnection(connectionStr); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to create data connection: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Could not create data connection. \n(" + ex.Message + ")","Error"); } dkpDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(); dbRaid = new DataTable("Raid"); dbRaid.Columns.Add("Name",System.Type.GetType("System.String")); dbRaid.Columns.Add("Date",System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime")); dbRaid.Columns.Add("EventNameOrLoot",System.Type.GetType("System.String")); dbRaid.Columns.Add("PTS",System.Type.GetType("System.Double")); dbRaid.Columns.Add("Comment",System.Type.GetType("System.String")); dbRaid.Columns.Add("LootRaid",System.Type.GetType("System.String")); dbPeople = new DataTable("People"); try { string query = "SELECT DISTINCT Name FROM DKS WHERE (Name<>\"zzzDKP Retired\")"; dkpDA.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand(query,dbConnect); dbConnect.Open(); dkpDA.Fill(dbPeople); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to load people table: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Could not open data connection. \n(" + ex.Message + ")","Error"); } finally { dbConnect.Close(); } debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: Raid.Raid()"); }
public AppAltDialog(frmMain owner, string name, DataTable dt) { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("frmAppAlt.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Begin Method: frmAppAlt.frmAppAlt(frmMain,string,DataTable) (" + owner.ToString() + "," + name.ToString() + "," + dt.ToString() + ")"); InitializeComponent(); this.owner = owner; = name; lblNotFound.Text = name + " not found in database. Who is s/he?"; cboPeople.DataSource = dt; cboPeople.DisplayMember = "Name"; rdoApp.Checked = true; cboClass.Items.AddRange( new object[] { "BER", "BRD", "BST", "CLR", "DRU", "ENC", "MAG", "MNK", "NEC", "PAL", "RNG", "ROG", "SHD", "SHM", "WAR", "WIZ" }); debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: frmAppAlt.frmAppAlt()"); }
public ChooseRaidDialog(frmMain owner) { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("frmChooseRaid.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Enter Method: frmChooseRaid.frmChooseRaid(frmMain) (" + owner.ToString() + ")"); this.owner = owner; InitializeComponent(); string connectionStr; connectionStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + owner.DBString; try { dbConnect = new OleDbConnection(connectionStr); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to create data connection: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Could not create data connection. \n(" + ex.Message + ")","Error"); } try { this.dateTable = new DataTable("Dates"); dkpDA = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT DISTINCT FORMAT(DKS.Date,\"yyyy/mm/dd\") AS formatDate FROM DKS",dbConnect); dbConnect.Open(); dkpDA.Fill(dateTable); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to open list of dates: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Could not open data connection. \n(" + ex.Message + ")","Error"); } finally { dbConnect.Close(); } cboDate.DataSource = new DataView(dateTable,"","formatDate DESC",DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); cboDate.DisplayMember = "formatDate"; debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: frmChooseRaid.frmChooseRaid()"); }
public SettingsDialog(frmMain owner) { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("frmSettings.txt"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Begin Method: frmSettings.frmSettings(frmMain) (" + owner.ToString() + ")"); this.owner = owner; InitializeComponent(); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName); iniFile = new IniConfigSource(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\settings.ini"); txtLogFile.Text = iniFile.Configs["Files"].GetString("logfile",""); txtLocalDBFile.Text = iniFile.Configs["Files"].GetString("dbfile",""); txtOutputDirectory.Text = iniFile.Configs["Files"].GetString("outdir",""); txtTax.Text = iniFile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tax",0)*100 + ""; txtMinDKP.Text = iniFile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("mindkp", 0) + ""; txtTierAPct.Text = iniFile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tierapct", 0.60) + ""; txtTierBPct.Text = iniFile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tierbpct", 0.40) + ""; txtTierCPct.Text = iniFile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tiercpct", 0.30) + ""; txtGuildNames.Text = iniFile.Configs["Other"].GetString("GuildNames", "Eternal Sovereign"); debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: frmSettings.frmSettings()"); }
public TableViewer(frmMain owner, int queryType, string query, bool readOnly) { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("frmTable.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Begin Method: frmTable.frmTable(frmMain,int,string,bool) (" + owner.ToString() + "," + queryType.ToString() + "," + query.ToString() + "," + readOnly.ToString() + ")"); this.owner = owner; local = false; if (queryType == TableViewer.DKPSELECT) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_2("SELECT query initiated: " + query); InitializeComponent(); changed = false; dataGrid.ReadOnly = readOnly; this.query = query; string connectionStr; connectionStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + owner.DBString; try { dbConnect = new OleDbConnection(connectionStr); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to create data connection: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Could not create data connection. \n(" + ex.Message + ")", "Error"); } try { this.dbTable = new DataTable("Data"); dkpDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, dbConnect); dbConnect.Open(); dkpDA.Fill(dbTable); dataGrid.SetDataBinding(dbTable, ""); cmdBld = new OleDbCommandBuilder(dkpDA); this.dbTable.RowChanged += new DataRowChangeEventHandler(dbTable_Changed); this.dbTable.RowDeleted += new DataRowChangeEventHandler(dbTable_Changed); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to retrieve SELECT query: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Could not open data connection. \n(" + ex.Message + ")", "Error"); } finally { dbConnect.Close(); } } else if (queryType == TableViewer.DKPUPDATE) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_2("UPDATE query initiated: " + query); string connectionStr; connectionStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + owner.DBString; try { dbConnect = new OleDbConnection(connectionStr); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to create data connection: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Could not create data connection. \n(" + ex.Message + ")", "Error"); } try { OleDbCommand updateCommand = new OleDbCommand(query, dbConnect); dbConnect.Open(); int changes = updateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("UPDATE query changed " + changes + " rows."); MessageBox.Show("Updated " + changes + " rows."); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to perform UPDATE query: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Could not open data connection. \n(" + ex.Message + ")", "Error"); } finally { dbConnect.Close(); } this.Dispose(); } }
public frmMain() { #if (DEBUG_1||DEBUG_2||DEBUG_3) debugLogger = new DebugLogger("frmMain.log"); #endif debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Begin Method: frmMain.frmMain()"); InitializeComponent(); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName); debugLogger.WriteDebug_2("Set Current Directory to " + Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName); // TODO: Determine why this is a double nested try/catch to load some INI settings try { inifile = new IniConfigSource(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\settings.ini"); DBString = inifile.Configs["Files"].GetString("dbfile",""); LogFile = inifile.Configs["Files"].GetString("logfile",""); OutputDirectory = inifile.Configs["Files"].GetString("outdir",""); DKPTax = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tax",0.0); MinDKP = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("mindkp", 0); TierAPct = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tierapct", 0.6); TierBPct = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tierbpct", 0.3); TierCPct = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tiercpct", 0.0); GuildNames = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetString("GuildNames", "Eternal Sovereign"); debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Read settings from INI: DBFile=" + DBString + ", LogFile=" + LogFile + ", OutputDirectory=" + OutputDirectory + ", DKPTax=" + DKPTax + ", GuildNames=" + GuildNames); StatusMessage ="Read settings from INI..."; try { parser = new LogParser(this,LogFile); debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("Created log parser"); } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to create log parser: " + ex.Message); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("settings.ini not found, creating"); FileStream a = File.Create(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\settings.ini"); a.Close(); sbpMessage.Text = "settings.ini not found... Loading defaults"; try { inifile = new IniConfigSource(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\settings.ini"); inifile.AddConfig("Files"); inifile.AddConfig("Other"); LogFile = inifile.Configs["Files"].GetString("logfile",""); DBString = inifile.Configs["Files"].GetString("dbfile",""); OutputDirectory = inifile.Configs["Files"].GetString("outdir",""); DKPTax = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tax",0.0); MinDKP = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("mindkp", 0); TierAPct = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tierapct", 0.6); TierBPct = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tierbpct", 0.3); TierCPct = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetDouble("tiercpct", 0.0); GuildNames = inifile.Configs["Other"].GetString("GuildNames", "Eternal Sovereign"); inifile.Save(); debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Read settings from INI: dbFile=" + DBString + ", logFile=" + LogFile + ", outDir=" + OutputDirectory + ", tax=" + DKPTax + ", mindkp=" + MinDKP + ", GuildNames=" + GuildNames); } catch (Exception exc) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to create new settings.ini: " + exc.Message); MessageBox.Show("Error opening settings.ini","Error"); Environment.Exit(1); } } catch (Exception ex) { debugLogger.WriteDebug_1("Failed to load settings.ini: " + ex.Message); MessageBox.Show("Error opening settings.ini","Error"); Environment.Exit(1); } UITimer = new Timer(); UITimer.Interval = 100; UITimer.Tick += new EventHandler(UITimer_Tick); UITimer.Start(); debugLogger.WriteDebug_3("End Method: frmMain.frmMain()"); }