private void updateInputParamsPage()
     // Update input parameters page
     if (configuration != null && configuration.InputParameters != null && configuration.InputParameters.Count > 0)
         // Create input params page content and add page to collection if not already present
         inputParamsPage.Content = createPageContent(GPConfigUIBuilder.GenerateParameterUI(configuration.InputParameters));
         if (!Pages.Contains(inputParamsPage))
             Pages.Insert(1, inputParamsPage);
     // Remove input params page if current GP task has no input parameters
     else if (Pages.Contains(inputParamsPage))
 private void updateOutputParamsPage()
     // Update output parameters page
     if (configuration != null && configuration.OutputParameters != null && configuration.OutputParameters.Count > 0)
         // Create output params page content
         outputParamsPage.Content = createPageContent(GPConfigUIBuilder.GenerateParameterUI(configuration.OutputParameters));
         // Add page to collection if not already present.  Note that insertion index depends on whether
         // input prams page is present.
         if (!Pages.Contains(outputParamsPage) && Pages.Contains(inputParamsPage))
             Pages.Insert(2, outputParamsPage);
         else if (!Pages.Contains(outputParamsPage))
             Pages.Insert(1, outputParamsPage);
     // Remove output params page if current GP task has no output parameters
     else if (Pages.Contains(outputParamsPage))