Пример #1
         * Loads a collection the QA test objects. Returns the collection of tests. Null indicates an error.
         * Passing an empty or null operationalArea will return all QA tests
        private QATestCollection LoadTests(string operationalArea)
            QATestCollection theTestColl = null;

            // no longer stored in the DB. Need to store either in local PGDB, or hard-code
                string path = Extension.get_SystemValue(DAOUtils.ISDUT_SEE_TEMP);

                IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                IWorkspace theIsdutWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(path, 0);

                if (theIsdutWorkspace != null)
                    util.IsdutHourGlass theHourGlass = new ISDUTLib.util.IsdutHourGlass(this._app);

                        theHourGlass.start("Loading QA test information");
                        theTestColl = new QATestCollection(theIsdutWorkspace, operationalArea);
                    catch (util.PermissionsException pex)
                        util.Logger.Write("qa.QAManager::LoadTests - Exception thrown reading permissions on QA config tables."
                            + Environment.NewLine + pex.Message + Environment.NewLine + pex.ToString(), util.Logger.LogLevel.Warn);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        util.Logger.Write("qa.QAManager::LoadTests - Failed to open database connection to QA config tables."
                            + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString(), util.Logger.LogLevel.Warn);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occured loading the QA tests and defaults. " + e.Message);

            return theTestColl;
Пример #2
         * Executes each of the DataQualityTests in order and collects their results
        public int Execute()
            // Establish the place to store the errors
                tm.TransactionManager theTM = this.Extension.TransactionManager;
                string theFCName = this.Extension.get_SystemValue("tm.template.dataerrors.table");

                if (theTM.Current() == null)
                    // This isn't tied to any transaction, so prompt the user to save a pgdb
                    SaveFileDialog theSaveDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

                    theSaveDialog.Filter = "Personal Geodatabase files (*.mdb)|*.mdb";
                    theSaveDialog.FilterIndex = 1;
                    theSaveDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
                    theSaveDialog.Title = "Save Test Results";

                    if(theSaveDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                        string theTemplate = this.Extension.get_SystemValue("tm.template.tant.pgdb");
                        this._errors = new QAErrorStorage(theTemplate, theSaveDialog.FileName, theFCName);
                        return -2;
                    if (this._errors == null || this._errors.StorageWorkspace != theTM.Current().PGDBConnection)
                        this._errors = new QAErrorStorage(theTM.Current().PGDBConnection, theFCName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error raised when establishing place to save errors:" + Environment.NewLine
                    + ex.Message,
                    "Error Storage Error",
                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                util.Logger.Write("Error raised when establishing place to save errors:" + Environment.NewLine
                    + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
                return -1;

            bool bShowErrorManager = false;
            ArrayList theNewErrors = new ArrayList();

            // Initialize log file
            string logDirectory = this.Extension.get_SystemValue(util.Logger.LOG_DIRECTORY_KEY)
                + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
            String logFileName = logDirectory + "isdut_qa_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("s").Replace(":", "-") + ".log";

            // Will put up a progress dialog, with a proper CancelTracker
            IProgressDialog2 thePDialog = null;

                ITrackCancel theCancelTracker = new CancelTrackerClass();
                IProgressDialogFactory theFactory = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass();
                thePDialog = (IProgressDialog2)theFactory.Create(theCancelTracker, this._app.hWnd);
                thePDialog.CancelEnabled = true;
                thePDialog.Description = "";
                thePDialog.Title = "Running QA Tests";
                thePDialog.Animation = esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressGlobe;

                IStepProgressor theStepProgressor = (IStepProgressor)thePDialog;
                theStepProgressor.MinRange = 0;
                theStepProgressor.MaxRange = this.TestCount + 2;
                theStepProgressor.StepValue = 1;

                bool bContinue = true;
                bool bProblemWithTest = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < this.TestCount; i++)
                    QATest theQATest = this._tests.get_Test(i);

                    theStepProgressor.Message = theQATest.Name;

                    if (theQATest != null && theQATest.IsActive)
                        IDataQualityTest theTest = theQATest.Test;
                        if (theTest != null)
                            int errCount = theTest.Execute(logFileName);

                            bContinue = theCancelTracker.Continue();
                            if (bContinue == false)

                            if (errCount < 0)
                                bProblemWithTest = true;

                            if (theTest.ErrorCount > 0)
                                DataQualityError theDQError;
                                for (int j = 0; j < theTest.ErrorCount; j++)
                                    theDQError = theTest.get_Error(j);
                                    theDQError.Status = DataQualityError.STATUS_NEW;


                theStepProgressor.Message = "Filtering exceptions...";

                string path = RestTransactionManager.Instance.BaseTransactionManager.extension().get_SystemValue(DAOUtils.ISDUT_SEE_TEMP);

                IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                IWorkspace theIsdutWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(path, 0);

                this._exceptions = new QAExceptionStorage(

                // Check each error to see if it is an exception
                foreach (object obj in theNewErrors)
                    DataQualityError theError = (DataQualityError)obj;

                    if (_exceptions != null)
                        QAException theException = this._exceptions.FindException(theError);
                        if (theException != null) theError.Status = theException.Status;

                theStepProgressor.Message = "Storing results...";

                // Pass the new errors to the QAErrorStorage
                this._errors.SetNewErrors(theNewErrors, this._operationalAreaForLoadedTests); // IsValid is true at this point


                bShowErrorManager = true;

                // If any of the tests returned an error value, invalidate
                if (bProblemWithTest)
                    MessageBox.Show("At least one test returned an error code, The test results have been written, but are not valid.",
                        "Problem Testing",
            catch (ErrorStorageException ese)
                MessageBox.Show("There was an error storing the errors:" +Environment.NewLine
                    + ese.Message + Environment.NewLine + ese.StackTrace,
                    "Error Storage Problem",
            catch (Exception e)
                if (theNewErrors.Count > 0)
                    util.Logger.Write("Error raised while testing data: " + Environment.NewLine
                        + e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace,
                    DialogResult theResult =
                        MessageBox.Show("An error occurred when testing data. Would you like to store the partial results?",
                        "Partial QA Results", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                    if (theResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                        this._errors.SetNewErrors(theNewErrors, this._operationalAreaForLoadedTests);
                        bShowErrorManager = true;
                if (thePDialog != null)
                thePDialog = null;

            if (bShowErrorManager)
                UID theUID = new UIDClass();
                theUID.Value = "{73519A57-E89E-4773-87DA-E93661E23F6D}"; //ErrorManagerCmd
                // TODO:
                ICommandItem theCItem = this._app.Document.CommandBars.Find(theUID, false, false);
                if (theCItem != null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not locate the Error Manager command button", "COM Registration", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            return this.ErrorCount;
Пример #3
         * Loads a collection of the available OperationalDatasetNames (TANT, FADM).
         * Returns the collection of names. Null indicates an error.
        internal dao.OperationalDatasetCollection LoadOperationalDatasetNames()
            OperationalDatasetCollection theNameColl = null;

            string path = Extension.get_SystemValue(DAOUtils.ISDUT_SEE_TEMP);

            IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
            IWorkspace theIsdutWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(path, 0);

            if (theIsdutWorkspace != null)
                util.IsdutHourGlass theHourGlass = new ISDUTLib.util.IsdutHourGlass(this._app);

                    theHourGlass.start("Loading Operational Dataset information");
                    theNameColl = new OperationalDatasetCollection(theIsdutWorkspace);
                catch (util.PermissionsException pex)
                    util.Logger.Write("qa.QAManager::LoadOperationalDatasetNames - Exception thrown reading permissions on QA config tables."
                        + Environment.NewLine + pex.Message + Environment.NewLine + pex.ToString(), util.Logger.LogLevel.Warn);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    util.Logger.Write("qa.QAManager::LoadOperationalDatasetNames - Failed to open database connection to QA config tables."
                        + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString(), util.Logger.LogLevel.Warn);

            return theNameColl;
Пример #4
         * Applies new status, saves errors and creates/deletes exceptions as necessary
        public void ApplyNewStatusToErrors(dao.QAError[] errors, string newStatus)
            if (errors == null || errors.Length == 0)

            // Make sure we've got a connection to ISDUT for exceptions
            string path = RestTransactionManager.Instance.BaseTransactionManager.extension().get_SystemValue(DAOUtils.ISDUT_SEE_TEMP);

            IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
            IWorkspace theIsdutWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(path, 0);

            // What's the OperDSName of the incoming errors?
            string dsName = errors[0].OperationalDatasetName;

            // Initialize an exception storage object
            if (this._exceptions == null || this._exceptions.OperationalDatasetName.Equals(dsName) == false)
                this._exceptions = new QAExceptionStorage(

            // Loop through each error
            for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++)
                if (errors[i].Error.Status.Equals(newStatus) == false)
                    // Currently an exception? Remove it.
                    if (errors[i].Error.Status.Equals(DataQualityError.STATUS_EXCEPTION)
                        || errors[i].Error.Status.Equals(DataQualityError.STATUS_DEFERRED)
                        || newStatus.Equals(DataQualityError.STATUS_EXCEPTION)
                        || newStatus.Equals(DataQualityError.STATUS_DEFERRED))
                        QAException theException = this._exceptions.FindException(errors[i].Error);

                    // Update the status
                    errors[i].Error.Status = newStatus;

                    // New status is an exception? Create one.
                    if (newStatus.Equals(DataQualityError.STATUS_EXCEPTION)
                        || newStatus.Equals(DataQualityError.STATUS_DEFERRED))
                        this._exceptions.AddException(errors[i], newStatus);
Пример #5
         * Removes exceptions in preparation for deleting a test
        public bool DeleteExceptionsForTest(dao.QATest test)
            // What's the OperDSName of the incoming errors?
            string dsName = "";

            // Make sure we've got a connection to ISDUT for exceptions
            string path = RestTransactionManager.Instance.BaseTransactionManager.extension().get_SystemValue(DAOUtils.ISDUT_SEE_TEMP);

            IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
            IWorkspace theIsdutWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(path, 0);

            // Initialize an exception storage object
            if (this._exceptions == null || this._exceptions.OperationalDatasetName.Equals(dsName) == false)
                this._exceptions = new QAExceptionStorage(

            return this._exceptions.RemoveAll(test.Name);
Пример #6
        public override void OnClick()
            m_featureSelected = false;
            m_graphicSelected = false;

                IFeatureSelection pFeatureSelection;

                // use this for a local connection... debugging/development only
                //IWorkspaceFactory pWSF = new FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                //IWorkspace pWorkspace = pWSF.OpenFromFile(@"D:\Project\64235_SUT\development\testdata\Subdivision.mdb",m_app.hWnd);
                string path = m_pISDUTExt.get_SystemValue(DAOUtils.ISDUT_SEE_TEMP);

                IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                IWorkspace pWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(path, 0);
                IMap pMap = m_pISDUTExt.FocusMap; //pMxDoc.FocusMap;

                // on the TOC?
                    m_pFeatureLayer = ISDUTLib.tools.utils.FindTOCFeatureLayerByDatasetName(ISDUT_LOGLAYER, pMap);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // ignore any exception here, we'll just reload
                // If not, load it
                if(m_pFeatureLayer == null) m_pFeatureLayer = ISDUTLib.tools.utils.LoadFeatureLayerByDatasetName(ISDUT_LOGLAYER, pMap, pWorkspace);

                // if we find a matching feature layer then we should reconnect it using the TM workspace
                // to make sure the layer permissions match the user permissions
                //if (m_pFeatureLayer != null)

                //    IDataset pDSTemp = (IDataset)m_pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
                //    Debug.WriteLine("Current dataset workspace user = "******"user").ToString());

                //    IPropertySet pPropSet = pWorkspace.ConnectionProperties;
                //    Debug.WriteLine("TM workspace user = "******"user").ToString());

                //    if (pDSTemp.Workspace.ConnectionProperties.GetProperty("user").ToString().ToLower() != pPropSet.GetProperty("user").ToString().ToLower())
                //    {
                //        if (MessageBox.Show("Currently the layer: " + m_pFeatureLayer.Name + "\n" +
                //            "in the Table of Contents is connected with different permissions \n" +
                //            "than the ISDUT connection set with the Transaction Manager. \n\n" +
                //            "To use this tool, it must correct the connection but it will clear \n" +
                //            "any feature selection you have made.  Proceed?", "ISDUT Question", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) ==
                //            DialogResult.Yes)
                //        {

                //            pFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)m_pFeatureLayer;
                //            pFeatureSelection.Clear();

                //            if (tools.utils.SwitchSource((IDataLayer2)m_pFeatureLayer, pPropSet, ISDUT_LOGLAYER) == false)
                //            {

                //                throw new Exception("Cannot connect to layer: " + ISDUTschema + ISDUT_LOGLAYER + "\n" +
                //                    "with the database connection information defined in the Transaction Manager");

                //            }

                //            IActiveView pAV = (IActiveView)m_pISDUTExt.MxDocument.FocusMap;
                //            pAV.Refresh();
                //            m_pFeatureLayer.Selectable = true;
                //            return;
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            return;
                //        }
                //    }

            //    // if the layer is not found, add it to the TOC using the correct connection from the TM
            //    if (m_pFeatureLayer == null)
            //    {
            //        m_pFeatureLayer = ISDUTLib.tools.utils.LoadFeatureLayerByDatasetName(ISDUTschema + ISDUT_LOGLAYER, pMap, pWorkspace);
            //    }

                if (m_pFeatureLayer == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Cannot access the database layer: \n" +
                                    ISDUT_LOGLAYER + "\n" +
                                    "Please locate the layer or fix your database connections\n" +
                                    "before using this tool.", "ISDUT Error");

                // check permissions
                IDataset pDataset = (IDataset)m_pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
                int privs = util.PermissionsAnalyzer.Analyze(pDataset);

                //m_canSUID = (privs == 15);
                //m_canSI = (privs == 5) || m_canSUID;

                m_canSUID = true;
                m_canSI = true;

                Debug.WriteLine(ISDUT_LOGLAYER + " permissions");
                Debug.WriteLine("can select, insert = " + m_canSI);
                Debug.WriteLine("can select, insert, update, delete = " + m_canSUID);

                /*				IDataset pDataset = (IDataset)m_pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
                                int privs = util.PermissionsAnalyzer.Analyze(pDataset);

                                m_canWrite = (privs == util.PermissionsAnalyzer.READWRITE_PERMISSION);
                                m_canRead = (privs == util.PermissionsAnalyzer.READONLY_PERMISSION) || m_canWrite;

                                Debug.WriteLine(ISDUT_LOGLAYER + " permissions");
                                Debug.WriteLine("canWrite = " + m_canWrite);
                                Debug.WriteLine("canRed = " + m_canRead); */

                pFeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)m_pFeatureLayer;

                // determine if we have 1 or more 2d graphics elements selected

                IGraphicsContainerSelect theGSel = (IGraphicsContainerSelect)m_pISDUTExt.FocusMap;// pMxDoc.FocusMap;
                if (theGSel.ElementSelectionCount > 0)
                    bool bMultipart;
                    int theDimensionality = get_Dimensionality(theGSel.SelectedElements, out bMultipart);
                    if (theDimensionality == 2)
                        m_graphicSelected = true;

                IFeature pFeature = null;
                string lognote = string.Empty;
                string operationalDS = string.Empty;

                // determine if these is a single feature selected in the log layer feature class
                if (pFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Count == 1)
                    m_featureSelected = true;

                    // get existing feature information

                    IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
                    IEnumIDs pEnumIDs = pFeatureSelection.SelectionSet.IDs;
                    pFeature = m_pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.GetFeature(pEnumIDs.Next());

                    lognote = pFeature.get_Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField("LOG_NOTE")).ToString();
                    operationalDS = pFeature.get_Value(pFeature.Fields.FindField("OPERATIONAL_DATASET_NAME")).ToString();


                // get operational dataset types
                //IFeatureWorkspace pFeatureWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)pWorkspace;
                //ITable pTableOpDataset = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenTable(ISDUTschema + ISDUT_OPDATASET);
                //ICursor pCursor = pTableOpDataset.Search(null, false);

                ArrayList aryOperationDS = new ArrayList();

                //IRow pRow = pCursor.NextRow();
                //while (pRow != null)
                //    OperationDSDataClass OpDSData = new OperationDSDataClass();
                //    OpDSData.description = pRow.get_Value(pRow.Fields.FindField("DESCRIPTION")).ToString();
                //    OpDSData.code = pRow.get_Value(pRow.Fields.FindField("OPERATIONAL_DATASET_NAME")).ToString();

                //    aryOperationDS.Add(OpDSData);
                //    pRow = pCursor.NextRow();

                OperationDSDataClass OpDSData = new OperationDSDataClass();
                OpDSData.description = "Tantalis";
                OpDSData.code = "TANT";

                m_frmCompilationLog = new CompilationLogForm();
                m_frmCompilationLog.CompilationLogFormEvent += new LogNote_EventHander(CompilationFormEventHandler);

                // if use can write then we evalute normal logic for update,create,delete
                if (m_canSUID == true)
                    // decision logic for enabling form functionality
                    if (m_graphicSelected == true && m_featureSelected == true)
                        m_frmCompilationLog.EnableButtons(true, true, true); //update,delete,create
                    else if (m_graphicSelected == true && m_featureSelected == false)
                        m_frmCompilationLog.EnableButtons(false, false, true); // create only
                    else if (m_graphicSelected == false && m_featureSelected == true)
                        m_frmCompilationLog.EnableButtons(true, true, false); // update,delete only
                else //otherwise make it readonly
                    //					if (m_featureSelected == true)
                    //					{
                    //						m_frmCompilationLog.EnableButtons(false,false,false); 	// cancel or 'read' only mode;
                    //					}

                    // decision logic for enabling form functionality
                    if (m_graphicSelected == true && m_featureSelected == true)
                        m_frmCompilationLog.EnableButtons(false, false, true); //create only
                    else if (m_graphicSelected == true && m_featureSelected == false)
                        m_frmCompilationLog.EnableButtons(false, false, true); // create only
                    else if (m_graphicSelected == false && m_featureSelected == true)
                        m_frmCompilationLog.EnableButtons(false, false, false); // read-only

                m_frmCompilationLog.SetFormData(aryOperationDS, lognote, operationalDS);
                //SetWindowLongA(m_frmCompilationLog.Handle.ToInt32(), GWL_HWNDPARENT, m_app.hWnd);

            catch (Exception ex)
                util.Logger.Write(" Descrip  : looking for data, getting access permissions, setting up Compilation log form and displaying it." +
                "\n Message  : " + ex.Message +
                "\n StackTrc : " + ex.StackTrace, util.Logger.LogLevel.Debug);

                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);
                Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);
Пример #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
                pathToLocalFileGDB = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("LocalFileGDBPath").ToString();
                apiBase = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AGOLAPIBase").ToString();


                aoLicenseInitializer.InitializeApplication(new esriLicenseProductCode[] { esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeArcView },
                new esriLicenseExtensionCode[] { });

                IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                IFeatureWorkspace ws = (IFeatureWorkspace)workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(pathToLocalFileGDB, 0);
                IFeatureClass recSitesFeatureClass = ws.OpenFeatureClass("wenatchee_rec_sites");
                int typeFieldIndex = recSitesFeatureClass.FindField("TYPE");
                int areaFieldIndex = recSitesFeatureClass.FindField("AREA");
                int perimeterFieldIndex = recSitesFeatureClass.FindField("PERIMETER");
                int nameFieldIndex = recSitesFeatureClass.FindField("REC_NAME");
                //string featureJSONArrayString = "[";
                IFeatureCursor fcur = recSitesFeatureClass.Search(null, false);
                IFeature recFeature = fcur.NextFeature();
                while (recFeature != null)
                    IPoint pt = (IPoint)recFeature.Shape;
                    string jsonFeature = string.Empty;
                    jsonFeature += "[{'geometry': {'x': " + pt.X + ",'y': " + pt.Y + ",'spatialReference': {'wkid': 4326}},'attributes': {'TYPE': '";
                    jsonFeature += recFeature.get_Value(typeFieldIndex) + "','AREA': '" + recFeature.get_Value(areaFieldIndex);
                    jsonFeature += "','PERIMETER': '" + "','REC_NAME': '" + recFeature.get_Value(nameFieldIndex) + "'}}]";

                    //string jsonf = "[{'geometry': {'x': -120.663242,'y': 47.784908,'spatialReference': {'wkid': 4326}},"
                     //+ "'attributes': {'TYPE': 'Picnic Area','AREA': '0','PERIMETER': '0','REC_NAME': 'Chumstick!!!'}}]";

                    string reqString = apiBase + "/WenatcheeNationalForestRecSites/FeatureServer/0/addFeatures?f=json&features=" + jsonFeature;
                    HttpWebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(new Uri(reqString)) as HttpWebRequest;
                    req.Method = "POST";
                    req.ContentType = "application/json";

                    // Encode the parameters as form data:
                    byte[] formData = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reqString);
                    // Send the request:
                    using (Stream post = req.GetRequestStream())
                        post.Write(formData, 0, formData.Length);
                    // Pick up the response:
                    string result = null;
                    using (HttpWebResponse resp = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
                        StreamReader reader =
                            new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());
                        result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    recFeature = fcur.NextFeature();
            catch(Exception e)
                string ouch = e.Message;
Пример #8
        // form startup goodies
        private void GeoRefSelectionForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                // use this for a local connection... debugging/development only
                //IWorkspaceFactory pWSF = new FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                //IWorkspace pWorkspace = pWSF.OpenFromFile(@"D:\Project\64235_SUT\development\testdata\ISDUT.mdb",m_pApp.hWnd);
                //IWorkspace pWorkspace = m_pISDUTExt.TransactionManager.ConnectionManager.Isdut;

                IMap pMap = m_pISDUTExt.FocusMap; //m_pMxDoc.FocusMap;

                // try to find the layer in the TOC
                m_pFeatureLayer = ISDUTLib.tools.utils.FindTOCFeatureLayerByDatasetName(ISDUT_GPSLAYER, pMap);

                // if we find a matching feature layer then we should reconnect it using the TM workspace
                // to make sure the layer permissions match the user permissions
                if (m_pFeatureLayer != null)
                    IDataset pDSTemp = (IDataset)m_pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;

                    //IPropertySet pPropSet = pWorkspace.ConnectionProperties;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("TM workspace user = "******"user").ToString());

                    //if(tools.utils.SwitchSource((IDataLayer2)m_pFeatureLayer,pPropSet,ISDUT_GPSLAYER) == false)
                    //	throw new Exception("Cannot connect to layer: " + ISDUT_GPSLAYER + "\n" +
                    //		"with the database connection information defined in the Transaction Manager");

                    // TODO:
                    //IMxDocument pMxDoc = (IMxDocument)m_pApp.Document;
                    m_pFeatureLayer.Selectable = true;


                // if the layer is not found, add it to the TOC
                if (m_pFeatureLayer == null)
                    string path = m_pISDUTExt.get_SystemValue(DAOUtils.ISDUT_SEE_TEMP);

                    IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                    IWorkspace pWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(path, 0);

                    m_pFeatureLayer = ISDUTLib.tools.utils.LoadFeatureLayerByDatasetName(ISDUT_GPSLAYER, pMap, pWorkspace);

                // if still not found we have to exit the tool
                if (m_pFeatureLayer == null)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot locate layer: " + ISDUT_GPSLAYER + "\nPlease check your database connections.");

                // check permissions - NO LONGER NEEDED IF ON A PGDB AND NOT DATABASE ACCESS

                m_canSUID = true;
                m_canSI = true;

                IDataset pDataset = (IDataset)m_pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
                int privs = util.PermissionsAnalyzer.Analyze(pDataset);

                m_canSUID = (privs == 15);
                m_canSI = (privs == 5) || m_canSUID;

                Debug.WriteLine(ISDUT_GPSLAYER + " permissions");
                Debug.WriteLine("can select, insert = " + m_canSI);
                Debug.WriteLine("can select, insert, update, delete = " + m_canSUID);
            //				if (m_canWrite == false)
            //				{
            //					MessageBox.Show("You do not have write permissions on the GPS dataset.\n\n" +
            //						"The edit dialog will be shown in read-only mode","ISDUT");
            //					btnNew.Enabled = false;
            //				}

                /*if (m_canSUID == false)
                    if (m_canSI == true)
                        this.Text += " - Create and View Only Mode";
                        throw new Exception("Permissions Error for current ISDUT user on the \n"
                                            + ISDUT_GPSLAYER + " table.\n\n" +
                                            "Please check your ISDUT database connection.");

                if (LoadBCGSLayer() == false)
                    // Add the 20K mapsheet.
                    string path = m_pISDUTExt.get_SystemValue(DAOUtils.ISDUT_SEE_TEMP);

                    IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                    IWorkspace pWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(path, 0);

                    ISDUTLib.tools.utils.LoadFeatureLayerByDatasetName(BCGSMAPLAYER, pMap, pWorkspace);

                    //MessageBox.Show("The layer: '" + BCGSMAPLAYER + "' could not be found in the current map.\n" +
                    //	"It is needed for creating and editing GPS points. " +
                    //	"Please add it using normal means (e.g. TSAT Tools).\n\n" +
                    //	"The edit dialog will be shown in read-only mode","ISDUT");

                 // ****** set some form related data up  *******

                lvGPS.Sorting = SortOrder.None;  // automatic sorting disable because we have a custom sort implemented

                for(int i = 0; i < lvGPS.Columns.Count;i++)
                cboSearchColumn.SelectedIndex = 1;


                //timerFilter.Enabled = true;
            catch(Exception ex)
                util.Logger.Write(" Descrip  : Permforming prelim data access and management form setup " +
                                "\n Message  : " + ex.Message +
                                "\n StackTrc : " + ex.StackTrace,util.Logger.LogLevel.Debug);

Пример #9
        // can be called from tool when activated
        void finishTransaction()
            startHourGlass("Update Spatial Edit Extent");
            // cleanup visuals

            if(featureClass != null)

                // TEST Apr 3, 2008
                // Setting featureclass to null is causing an exception
                // when the user clicks on the expands the see and manually draws a larger SEE area
                // featureClass = null;

            if (see == null)
                return; // cancelled
                    // open the SEE pgdb
                    IFeatureClass fc = null;

                    string path = ext.get_SystemValue(DAOUtils.ISDUT_SEE_TEMP);

                    IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                    IFeatureWorkspace workspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(path, 0);
                    fc = workspace.OpenFeatureClass(SEEDAO.OSDB_SEE_NAME);


            System.IntPtr myIntPtr = new IntPtr(app.hWnd);
            Utils.Win32WindowWrapper wrapper = new Utils.Win32WindowWrapper(myIntPtr);


                startHourGlass("Expanding Transaction");
                    // fetch the original transaction
                    string sourcePath = RestTransactionManager.Instance.BaseTransactionManager.Current().PGDB.FullName;
                    string sourceMxdPath = RestTransactionManager.Instance.BaseTransactionManager.Current().MXD.FullName;
                    IWorkspace sourceWorkspace = RestTransactionManager.Instance.BaseTransactionManager.Current().PGDBConnection;
                    string sourceSeeID = RestTransactionManager.Instance.BaseTransactionManager.Current().SeeID;

                    // Create a new transaction from the expanded SEE area
                    BusinessArea ba = BusinessArea.Null; // (BusinessArea)metadata[BUSINESS_AREA_KEY];
                    string filePath = this.ext.TransactionManager.Current().PGDB.Directory.FullName;
                    string name = this.ext.TransactionManager.Current().PGDB.Name.TrimEnd(".gdb".ToCharArray()) + "_Expanded";
                    string description = this.ext.TransactionManager.Current().Description;
                    string userName = this.ext.TransactionManager.Current().UserName;
                    bool generated = false;

                    RestTransactionManager.Instance.CreateTransaction(name, description, filePath, userName, see, generated);

                    // merge the old PGDB with the new PGDB
                    IWorkspace destinationeWorkspace = RestTransactionManager.Instance.BaseTransactionManager.Current().PGDBConnection;
                    string destinationSeeID = RestTransactionManager.Instance.BaseTransactionManager.Current().SeeID;

                    // do the merge here
                    startHourGlass("Merging transaction states");
                    MergeTransactions(sourceWorkspace, destinationeWorkspace);

                    // delete the old PGDB
                    sourceWorkspace = null;

                    RestTransactionManager.Instance.SetTransactionStatus("CANCELLED", "AOI was expanded. Old transaction cancelled", sourceSeeID);

                catch (Exception e)

                //FormSEEConflicts form = new FormSEEConflicts();
                //SEEConflictDAO dao2 = new SEEConflictDAO(this.ext);
                //ArrayList l = null;

                //startHourGlass("Checking for SEE Conflicts");
                //    l = dao2.getConflicts(this.ext.TransactionManager.Current().TxId, see.Shape, this.ext.TransactionManager.Current().OperationalDatasetName);
                //    endHourGlass();

                //form.Conflicts = l;
                //if (l != null && l.Count > 0)
                //    form.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)wrapper);
            catch (Exception e)
                // log stack trace and re-throw
                throw e;
                app.CurrentTool = null;
Пример #10
        // can be called from tool when activated
        void finishCreatingTransaction()
            System.IntPtr myIntPtr = new IntPtr(app.hWnd);
            Utils.Win32WindowWrapper wrapper = new Utils.Win32WindowWrapper(myIntPtr);

            bool deac = false;
                // cleanup visuals

                featureClass = null;

                if (see == null)
                    return; // cancelled
                    // open the SEE pgdb
                    IFeatureClass fc = null;

                    string path = ext.get_SystemValue(DAOUtils.ISDUT_SEE_TEMP);

                    IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB.FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                    IFeatureWorkspace workspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(path, 0);
                    fc = workspace.OpenFeatureClass(SEEDAO.OSDB_SEE_NAME);


                    // This code stores the data to the database and grabs the feature class. We don't want to do this anymore
                    // write to the ISDUT pdgb instead?
                    /*string prefix = ext.get_SystemValue(DAOUtils.ISDUT_SCHEMA_KEY);
                    if (prefix != null && !prefix.Equals("") && !prefix.EndsWith("."))
                        prefix = prefix + ".";

                    IFeatureClass fc = null;
                        fc = ((IFeatureWorkspace)ext.TransactionManager.ConnectionManager.Isdut)
                            .OpenFeatureClass(prefix + SEEDAO.OSDB_SEE_NAME);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        MessageBox.Show("OSDB Feature Class " + prefix + SEEDAO.OSDB_SEE_NAME +
                            " Not Found in Isdut", "EXCEPTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
                        throw new HandledException(e);


                // get metadata -- including transaction type
                Hashtable metadata = getMetadata(wrapper);

                BusinessArea ba = BusinessArea.Null;// (BusinessArea)metadata[BUSINESS_AREA_KEY];
                string filePath = (string)metadata[FILE_PATH_KEY];
                string name = (string)metadata[FILE_NAME_KEY];
                string description = (string)metadata[DESCRIPTION_KEY];
                string userName = (string)metadata[USERNAME_KEY];
                bool generated = (bool)metadata[FILE_PATH_GENERATED_KEY];

                RestTransactionManager.Instance.CreateTransaction(name, description, filePath, userName, see, generated);

                // create transaction -- involved
                //this.ext.TransactionManager.Create(filePath, generated, ba, see,
                //    (string)metadata[DESCRIPTION_KEY], (string)metadata[USERNAME_KEY]);

                //FormSEEConflicts form = new FormSEEConflicts();
                //SEEConflictDAO dao = new SEEConflictDAO(this.ext);
                //ArrayList l = null;

                //startHourGlass("Checking for SEE Conflicts");
                //    l = dao.getConflicts(this.ext.TransactionManager.Current().TxId, see.Shape, this.ext.TransactionManager.Current().OperationalDatasetName);
                //    endHourGlass();

                //form.Conflicts = l;

                //if (l != null && l.Count > 0)
                //    form.ShowDialog((IWin32Window)wrapper);

                //deac = true;
                //app.CurrentTool = null;

                //this.ext.TransactionManager.initMap(BusinessArea.Tantalis, (string)metadata[DESCRIPTION_KEY], (string)metadata[USERNAME_KEY]);
            catch (Exception e)
                // log stack trace and re-throw
                throw e;
                    //app.CurrentTool = null;