Пример #1
        protected void LineManagees_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LMName.InnerHtml = LineManagees.SelectedItem.ToString();
            ERS.BAL.Reviews rev = new ERS.BAL.Reviews();

            int lCategoryID = rev.GetCategoryID("Director");
            int LMIDWhoisOn = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["LMID"]);
            int EmpID = Int32.Parse(LineManagees.SelectedValue);
            int DirectorID = Int32.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString());
            int ReviewID = rev.GetReviewID(LMIDWhoisOn , DirectorID , EmpID );
            if (ReviewID != -1)
                ERS.ReviewInfo RevInfo = rev.GetReviewInfo(ReviewID, lCategoryID);
                if (RevInfo != null)
                    CommentsTxt.Text = RevInfo.Comments;
                    RatingsTxt.Text = RevInfo.Rating.ToString();
                CommentsTxt.Text = "";
                RatingsTxt.Text = "";

               // ERS.BAL.Reviews rev = new ERS.BAL.Reviews();
            List<ERS.DAL.EmpWithRevInfo_Cat> Source = rev.GetAllReviewsOf_Peer_GivenCategory(Int32.Parse(LineManagees.SelectedValue), Int32.Parse(ViewState["SelCatID"].ToString()));
            AllReviews.DataSource = Source;
Пример #2
 protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!Session["isLM"].Equals(false))
         LinkButton SendButton = (LinkButton)sender;
         int a = Int32.Parse(SendButton.CommandArgument);
         ERS.BAL.Reviews rev = new ERS.BAL.Reviews();
         List<ERS.DAL.EmpWithRevInfo_Cat> Source = rev.GetAllReviewsOf_Peer_GivenCategory(Int32.Parse(ViewState["EmpID"].ToString()), a);
         PeerReviews.DataSource = Source;
Пример #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //   Permissions perm = new Permissions();
              //  perm.Insert(1, 2);
            MenuItemMyReviews = "active";
            if (Session["UserId"] == null)

            if (!IsPostBack)
                Reviews BReviews = new Reviews();
                ReviewList.DataSource = BReviews.GetReviewsList((Int32)Session["UserID"]);
Пример #4
        protected void ManageeList_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
                switch (e.Row.RowType)

                    case DataControlRowType.Header:

                    case DataControlRowType.DataRow:

                        int LMID = Int32.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString());
                        Button ConsoBtn = (Button)e.Row.FindControl("ConsoBtn");
                        List<ERS.DAL.Managees> mylist = (List<ERS.DAL.Managees>)((GridView)sender).DataSource;
                        int EmpID = (int)((GridView)sender).DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex]["EmpID"];
                        Managees BALManageeInst = new Managees();
                        Reviews RevInst = new Reviews();

                        if (BALManageeInst.CanConsolidate(EmpID))
                            ConsoBtn.Enabled = true;
                            ConsoBtn.Enabled = false;

                        if (BALManageeInst.isConsolidated(EmpID, LMID))
                            ConsoBtn.Text = "Show Consolidated Review";

                     Label Fail = (e.Row.FindControl("Fail") as Label);

                     if (RevInst.GetStatus(LMID, EmpID) == "Completed")
                         ConsoBtn.ToolTip = "Self Review Has Been Filled By This Managee";
                         ConsoBtn.ToolTip = "Self Review Has Not Been Filled";

Пример #5
        protected void ButtonHeading_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LinkButton SendButton = (LinkButton)sender;
            int CatID = Int32.Parse(SendButton.CommandArgument);
            var item = (RepeaterItem)SendButton.NamingContainer;
            System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl LI = (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl)item.FindControl("CatLI");
            LI.Attributes["class"] = "active";
            foreach (RepeaterItem a in Categories.Items)
                System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl LI2 = (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl)a.FindControl("CatLI");
                if( LI2 != LI )
                    LI2.Attributes["class"] = "";

            ERS.BAL.Reviews rev = new ERS.BAL.Reviews();
            List<ERS.DAL.EmpWithRevInfo_Cat> Source = rev.GetAllReviewsOf_Peer_GivenCategory(Int32.Parse(LineManagees.SelectedValue), CatID);
            AllReviews.DataSource = Source;

            ViewState["SelCatID"] = CatID;
Пример #6
        protected void ManageeList_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            switch (e.CommandName.ToString())
              case "ShowPeers":

                    int rowIndex = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString());

                // Which is one of LM's ManageeID
                    int EmpID = (int)((GridView)sender).DataKeys[rowIndex]["EmpID"];
                    GridViewRow row = ((GridView)sender).Rows[rowIndex];
                    Managees BManagees = new Managees();
                    GridView Peers = (GridView) row.FindControl("ManageePeers");
                    Peers.DataSource = null;
                    int LMID = Int32.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString());
                    Peers.DataSource = BManagees.GetPeerList(EmpID,LMID);
                    Reviews rev = new Reviews();
                    rev.AddReview(EmpID, LMID, EmpID, "Self" , "Solicitation");

                    // Label Fail = (row.FindControl("Fail") as Label);
                    // Fail.Text = rev.GetType(SelfId);


                case "Consolidate":

                    rev = new Reviews();
                    rowIndex = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString());
                    row = ((GridView)sender).Rows[rowIndex];
                    EmpID = (int)((GridView)sender).DataKeys[rowIndex]["EmpID"];
                    int ReviewID = rev.CreateReviewForConsolidate(EmpID, (int)Session["UserID"]);
                    Response.Redirect("ReviewForm.aspx?OpenedFor=consolidate&ROE=" + EmpID + "&SRI=" + ReviewID);


Пример #7
        protected void ManageePeers_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            int rowIndex = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString());

            // This is the Review ID of his LineManagee with that Particular Peer
            int ReviewID = (int)((GridView)sender).DataKeys[rowIndex]["ReviewID"];
            GridViewRow row = ((GridView)sender).Rows[rowIndex];

            switch (e.CommandName.ToString())
                case "Show":

                    int EmpID = Int32.Parse((row.FindControl("ImPeerOf") as HiddenField).Value);  // He is the Person i.e LM's Managee whose review will be Opened
                    int peerID = Int32.Parse((row.FindControl("PeerID") as HiddenField).Value);
                    Response.Redirect("ReviewForm.aspx?ROE=" + EmpID + "&SRI=" + ReviewID);


                case "Ask":

                       // ERS.DAL.ERSRepository Rep = new ERS.DAL.ERSRepository();
                       // ERS.Review temp = new ERS.Review();
                       // temp.Date =  DateTime.Now;
                        Reviews rev = new Reviews();
                        EmpID = Int32.Parse((row.FindControl("ImPeerOf") as HiddenField).Value);
                        peerID = Int32.Parse((row.FindControl("PeerID") as HiddenField).Value);
                        rev.AddReview(EmpID, (int)Session["UserID"], peerID, "None" , "Solicitation");

                        string script = "OnSelectedIndexChange();";
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "UserSecurity", script, true);
                        GridView Peers = ((GridView)sender);
                            Managees BManagees = new Managees();
                            int LMID = Int32.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString());
                            Peers.DataSource = BManagees.GetPeerList(EmpID,LMID);


Пример #8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Init , check session
            MenuItemMyReviews = "active";
            if (Session["UserId"] == null)

            if (Request.QueryString["SRI"] != null && !IsPostBack)
                string referer = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
                int ReviewID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["SRI"].ToString());

                ERS.BAL.Reviews rev = new ERS.BAL.Reviews();
                String Type = rev.GetType(ReviewID);
                ERS.DAL.EmployeeWithLM ReviewedEmp = rev.GetEmployeeFromReview(ReviewID);
                LMName.InnerText = ReviewedEmp.CurrEmployeeLM.Name;
                EmpName.InnerText = ReviewedEmp.CurrEmployee.Name;
                EmpDesignation.InnerText = ReviewedEmp.CurrEmployee.Position.PositionName;

                bool isLMOfReview = rev.isLMOfReview(Int32.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()), ReviewID);
                bool isEmpOfReview = rev.isEmpOfReview(Int32.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()), ReviewID);
                // Is it LM's Filled Review For Employee
                bool LMSConsolidation = rev.isLMSConsolidation(ReviewID);

                // If this review is opened by someone who is not LM of this review
                // OR it is opened by employee himself or Reviewer Self OR Reviewers

                //Setting all to false;
                PeerPanel.Visible = false;
                LineManagerRating.Visible = false;
                DirectorRating.Visible = false;
                CalcRating.Visible = false;
                submit.Visible = false;
                save.Visible = false;
                Reject.Visible = false;

                 if (!(isLMOfReview || isEmpOfReview))

                // LM Opens for seeing And is not his own consolidation
                if (isLMOfReview && LMSConsolidation)
                        PeerPanel.Visible = true;
                        LineManagerRating.Visible = true;
                        Reject.Visible = false;
                else if ( isLMOfReview &&  Type == "Solicitation"  )
                        PeerPanel.Visible = true;
                        Reject.Visible = true;

                    {   // Review is opened by an Employee
                        PeerPanel.Visible = false;
                        LineManagerRating.Visible = false;
                        DirectorRating.Visible = false;
                        CalcRating.Visible = false;
                        submit.Visible = false;   // Disabling , will enable after querying and gettiing actual status of review
                        save.Visible = false;
                        Reject.Visible = false;

                // Save in Viewstate
                ViewState["PreviousPageUrl"] = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
                ViewState["ReviewID"] = ReviewID;
                ViewState["EmpID"] = ReviewedEmp.CurrEmployee.EmpID;

                // Load Cats
                Categories.DataSource = rev.GetCategories();

                # region Decide To Show LM Comment Or Not

                bool toShowOrNot = true;
                String StatusOfCurrentReview = rev.GetStatus(ReviewID);
                if (StatusOfCurrentReview != null)
                    if (StatusOfCurrentReview == "Complete")
                        toShowOrNot = false;
                        submit.Visible = false;
                        save.Visible = false;
                    else if (StatusOfCurrentReview != "Rejected")
                        toShowOrNot = true;
                        submit.Visible = true;
                        save.Visible = true;

                # region Loading Saved Text

                foreach (RepeaterItem a in Categories.Items)
                         int pReviewID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["SRI"].ToString());
                         int pCategoryID = Int32.Parse((a.FindControl("CatID") as HiddenField).Value);
                         String str = rev.GetStatus(ReviewID);

                             ERS.ReviewInfo RevInfo = rev.GetReviewInfo(ReviewID, pCategoryID);
                             if(RevInfo != null )
                                 TextBox RatingsTxt = (a.FindControl("RatingsTxt") as TextBox);
                                 RatingsTxt.Text = RevInfo.Rating.ToString();
                                 RatingsTxt.Enabled = toShowOrNot;

                                 TextBox CommentsTxt = (a.FindControl("CommentsTxt") as TextBox);
                                 CommentsTxt.Text = RevInfo.Comments.ToString();
                                 CommentsTxt.Enabled = toShowOrNot;



                    if (Session["isLM"].Equals(true))
                        int lCategoryID = rev.GetCategoryID("LineManager");
                         ERS.ReviewInfo RevInfo = rev.GetReviewInfo(ReviewID,lCategoryID);
                         if(RevInfo != null )
                                 LMCommentsTxt.Text = RevInfo.Comments;
                                 LMRatingsTxt.Text = RevInfo.Rating.ToString();
                                 LMCommentsTxt.Enabled = toShowOrNot;
                                 LMRatingsTxt.Enabled = toShowOrNot;


Пример #9
        protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Reviews rev = new Reviews();
            List<ERS.ReviewInfo> Result = new List<ERS.ReviewInfo>();
            int pReviewID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["SRI"].ToString());

            // Filling Categories Comments & Ratings
            foreach (RepeaterItem a in Categories.Items)
                int pCategoryID = Int32.Parse((a.FindControl("CatID") as HiddenField).Value);
                Double pRating = Double.Parse((a.FindControl("RatingsTxt") as TextBox).Text);
                String pComments = (a.FindControl("CommentsTxt") as TextBox).Text;

                // THe statement Below should be done by rev.AddReviewInfo
                Result.Add(new ERS.ReviewInfo() { CategoryID = pCategoryID, Comments = pComments, Rating = (decimal)pRating, ReviewId = rev.GetAReviewID(pReviewID) });

            // Filling LMS Comments and Ratings
            bool isLMOfReview = rev.isLMOfReview(Int32.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()), pReviewID);
            if (Session["isLM"].Equals(true) && isLMOfReview)
                int lReviewID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["SRI"].ToString());
                int lCategoryID = rev.GetCategoryID("LineManager");
                Double lRating = Double.Parse(LMRatingsTxt.Text);
                String lComments = LMCommentsTxt.Text;

                // THe statement Below should be done by rev.AddReviewInfo
                Result.Add(new ERS.ReviewInfo() { CategoryID = lCategoryID, Comments = lComments, Rating = (decimal)lRating, ReviewId = rev.GetAReviewID(lReviewID) });

            //If Review is filled by LM , its consolidated if by employee its just filled
            if( isLMOfReview)
                rev.FillReviews(Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["SRI"].ToString()), Result, "Consolidated");
                rev.FillReviews(Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["SRI"].ToString()), Result, "Completed");

Пример #10
        protected void save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Reviews rev = new Reviews();
            List<ERS.ReviewInfo> Result = new List<ERS.ReviewInfo>();

               // SaveCategories Comments and Ratings
            foreach (RepeaterItem a in Categories.Items)
                int pReviewID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["SRI"].ToString());
                int pCategoryID = Int32.Parse((a.FindControl("CatID") as HiddenField).Value);
                TextBox RatingTxt = (a.FindControl("RatingsTxt") as TextBox);
                TextBox CommentsTxt = (a.FindControl("CommentsTxt") as TextBox);
                Double pRating = 0 ;
                if(RatingTxt.Text.Length > 0 )
                pRating = (Double.Parse(RatingTxt.Text));
                    String pComments = CommentsTxt.Text;

                // DO IT VIA ADD REVIEW bitch
                Result.Add(new ERS.ReviewInfo() { CategoryID = pCategoryID, Comments = pComments, Rating = (decimal)pRating, ReviewId = rev.GetAReviewID(pReviewID) });


            int ReviewID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["SRI"].ToString());
            bool isLMOfReview = rev.isLMOfReview(Int32.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()), ReviewID);

            // Saving LM's
            if (Session["isLM"].Equals(true) && isLMOfReview)
                int lReviewID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["SRI"].ToString());
                int lCategoryID = rev.GetCategoryID("LineManager");
                Double lRating = Double.Parse(LMRatingsTxt.Text);
                String lComments = LMCommentsTxt.Text;

                // THe statement Below should be done by rev.AddReviewInfo
                Result.Add(new ERS.ReviewInfo() { CategoryID = lCategoryID, Comments = lComments, Rating = (decimal)lRating, ReviewId = rev.GetAReviewID(lReviewID) });

            rev.FillReviews(Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["SRI"].ToString()), Result, "Drafted");
Пример #11
 protected void Reject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Reviews rev = new Reviews();
     int ReviewID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["SRI"].ToString());
     rev.RejectReview(ReviewID, FeedbackTxt.Text.ToString(), Int32.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()));
Пример #12
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (Session["UserId"] == null)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                ViewState["PreviousPageUrl"] = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
                int DirectorID;
                if (Session["UserId"] != null)
                    DirectorID = Int32.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString());
                // Check if this person is valid

                int LMID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["LMID"]);

                ERS.BAL.Director Dir = new ERS.BAL.Director();
                ERS.BAL.Reviews rev = new ERS.BAL.Reviews();

                List<ERS.ReviewCategory> Source = rev.GetAllCategories();
                Categories.DataSource = Source;

                LineManagees.DataSource = Dir.GetManagees(LMID); ;
                LineManagees.DataTextField = "Name";
                LineManagees.DataValueField = "EmpID";

                if (ViewState["SelCatID"] == null)
                    ViewState["SelCatID"] = Source.First().CategoryID;
                System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl LI2 = (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl)Categories.Items[0].FindControl("CatLI");
                                LI2.Attributes["class"] = "active";

                AllReviews.DataSource = rev.GetAllReviewsOf_Peer_GivenCategory(Int32.Parse(LineManagees.SelectedValue), Int32.Parse(ViewState["SelCatID"].ToString())); ;
                LMName.InnerHtml = LineManagees.SelectedItem.ToString();

                int lCategoryID = rev.GetCategoryID("Director");
                int LMIDWhoisOn = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["LMID"]);
                int EmpID = Int32.Parse(LineManagees.SelectedValue);
                 DirectorID = Int32.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString());
                int ReviewID = rev.GetReviewID(LMIDWhoisOn, DirectorID, EmpID);
                if (ReviewID != -1)
                    ERS.ReviewInfo RevInfo = rev.GetReviewInfo(ReviewID, lCategoryID);
                    if (RevInfo != null)
                        CommentsTxt.Text = RevInfo.Comments;
                        RatingsTxt.Text = RevInfo.Rating.ToString();

Пример #13
        protected void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ERS.BAL.Reviews rev = new ERS.BAL.Reviews();
            int LMIDWhoisOn = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["LMID"]);
            int EmpID = Int32.Parse(LineManagees.SelectedValue);
            int  DirectorID = Int32.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString());
            // Creating Review For CrossLevel ( THere must be a seperat fun calling addReview in BAL )
            int ReviewID = rev.AddReview(EmpID, LMIDWhoisOn , DirectorID , "Directors Feedback" , "Crosslevel");
            int lCategoryID = rev.GetCategoryID("Director");
            Double lRating = Double.Parse(RatingsTxt.Text);
            String lComments = CommentsTxt.Text;

            // THe statement Below should be done by rev.AddReviewInfo
            rev.InsertReviewInfo( lCategoryID,  lComments, (decimal)lRating, ReviewID );

            AllReviews.DataSource = rev.GetAllReviewsOf_Peer_GivenCategory(Int32.Parse(LineManagees.SelectedValue), Int32.Parse(ViewState["SelCatID"].ToString())); ;
Пример #14
 protected void Reject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Reviews rev = new Reviews();
     int LMIDWhoisOn = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["LMID"]);
     int EmpID = Int32.Parse(LineManagees.SelectedValue);
     int ReviewID = rev.GetLatestReviewID(LMIDWhoisOn, EmpID);
     rev.RejectReview(ReviewID, FeedbackTxt.Text.ToString(), Int32.Parse(Session["UserID"].ToString()));
     // to reject
     //    Copy Old Column of AReviewID to New Review's AReviewID
     //    Increment Version