protected void cmdSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // EQUELLA SOAP Contribution Code

            //Create the item on the server.  The general process is:
            // 1. newItem (creates a new item in the staging folder, doesn't get committed until saveItem is called)
            // 2. set metadata on the item XML (some are system fields e.g. /xml/item/attachments, others could be custom schema fields)
            // 3. saveItem (commits the changes to a previous newItem or editItem call)

            string collectionUuid        = lstCollections.SelectedValue;
            string itemName              = txtItemName.Text;
            string itemDescription       = txtItemDescription.Text;
            string attachmentDescription = txtAttachmentDescription.Text;
            int    filesize              = fileAttach.FileBytes.Length;

            EQUELLASOAP equella = new EQUELLASOAP(
            XElement itemXml = equella.NewItem(collectionUuid);
            XElement item    = itemXml.Element("item");

            //set item name and description
            string stagingUuid = (string)item.Element("staging");

            //name and description xpaths are collection dependent!  You need to find the correct xpath to use for the name and description nodes
            XElement collection = equella.GetCollection(collectionUuid);
            XElement schema     = equella.GetSchema((string)collection.Element("schemaUuid"));

            string itemNameXPath        = (string)schema.Element("itemNamePath");
            string itemDescriptionXPath = (string)schema.Element("itemDescriptionPath");


            //check attachments
            if (fileAttach.HasFile && filesize > 0)
                string attachmentFilename = Path.GetFileName(fileAttach.FileName);
                equella.UploadFile(stagingUuid, attachmentFilename, fileAttach.FileBytes);

                //create the attachment object on the item
                XElement attachmentsNode = item.ElementOrCreate("attachments");

                XElement attachmentNode = new XElement("attachment");
                attachmentNode.Add(new XAttribute("type", "local"));
                attachmentNode.Add(new XElement("file", attachmentFilename));
                attachmentNode.Add(new XElement("description", attachmentDescription));
                attachmentNode.Add(new XElement("size", filesize.ToString()));

            //save and submit
            equella.SaveItem(itemXml, true);

            feedback.Text = "<h3>Item \"" + itemName + "\" contributed</h3>";

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                EQUELLASOAP equella = new EQUELLASOAP(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["username"],

                XElement          collectionsXml = equella.ContributableCollections();
                List <Collection> collections    = new List <Collection>();
                foreach (XElement collectionNode in collectionsXml.Elements("itemdef"))
                    string collectionUuid = (string)collectionNode.Element("uuid");
                    collections.Add(new Collection {
                        Name = (string)collectionNode.Element("name"), Uuid = collectionUuid
                collections.Sort(new Comparison <Collection>(sortCollection));

                foreach (Collection collection in collections)
                    lstCollections.Items.Add(new ListItem(collection.Name, collection.Uuid));
