public ResponseEBL reversalEBL(string amount, string rrn, string version) { string acquirer = "EBL"; ResponseEBL cres = new ResponseEBL(); try { bool log_Debug = Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["log_Debug"]); log.Info(string.Format("Request received from {0}", this.GetClientIP())); //VALIDATE THE REQUEST if (log_Debug) { log.Info(string.Format("REQ.REVERSAL Channel:{0}, Amount:{1}, RRN:{2}, Version:{3}", acquirer, amount, rrn, version)); } string errMsg = null; bool valid = Utils.validReversalRequest(acquirer, amount, rrn, version, ref errMsg); if (!valid) { throw new Exception(errMsg); } //TRIGGER ARCUS DLL THROUGH A FRIEND ;) ArcComHelper.CArcusDll dll = new ArcComHelper.CArcusDll(); Hashtable hsh = dll.execReversal(amount, rrn, log_Debug); //ASSIGN VARIABLES TO RESPONSE CONTRACT CLASS cres.Amount = (string)hsh["amount"]; cres.Cashback = (string)hsh["cashBack"]; cres.AuthCode = (string)hsh["authCode"]; cres.RespCode = (string)hsh["respCode"]; cres.CardExpiry = (string)hsh["cardExpiry"]; cres.Currency = (string)hsh["currency"]; cres.Msg = (string)hsh["msg"]; cres.Pan = (string)hsh["pan"]; cres.Tid = (string)hsh["tid"]; cres.MID = (string)hsh["tid"]; cres.RRN = (string)hsh["rrn"]; cres.TransactionType = (string)hsh["transType"]; cres.PaymentDetails = (string)hsh["payDetails"]; if (log_Debug) { log.Info( string.Format("RES.REVERSAL Channel:{0}, Amount:{1}, RRN:{2}, RspCode:{3}, AuthCode:{4}, PAN:{5}, Msg:{6}, Version:{7}", acquirer, amount, cres.RRN, cres.RespCode, cres.AuthCode, cres.Pan, cres.Msg, version)); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); cres.Msg = ex.Message; } return(cres); }
public ResponseEBL execSaleEBL(RequestEBL creq) { ResponseEBL res = null; try { var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(creq); log.Info( "Request------" + jsonString); if (creq != null) { res = this.saleEBL(creq.Amount, creq.CashBack, creq.TillNO, creq.TransKey, "100.1.0"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Error(e); } return(res); }
public ResponseEBL saleEBL(string amount, string cashBack, string tillNO, string transKey, string version) { string acquirer = "EBL"; ResponseEBL cres = new ResponseEBL(); try { bool log_Debug = Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["log_Debug"]); log.Info(string.Format("Request received from {0}", this.GetClientIP())); //VALIDATE THE REQUEST if (log_Debug) { log.Info(string.Format("REQ.SALE Channel:{0}, Amount:{1}, Cashback:{2}, TillNo:{3}, TransKey:{4}, Version:{5}", acquirer, amount, cashBack, tillNO, transKey, version)); } string errMsg = null; bool valid = Utils.validSaleRequest(acquirer, amount, cashBack, tillNO, transKey, version, ref errMsg); if (!valid) { throw new Exception(errMsg); } //Check Comports // utilies.Comports.Start(); //TRIGGER ARCUS DLL THROUGH A FRIEND ;) ======================================================= ArcComHelper.CArcusDll arcusHelper = new ArcComHelper.CArcusDll(); Hashtable hsh = arcusHelper.execSale(amount, cashBack, tillNO, transKey, log_Debug); //assign data to the response contract class cres.Amount = (string)hsh["amount"]; cres.Cashback = (string)hsh["cashBack"]; cres.AuthCode = (string)hsh["authCode"]; cres.RespCode = (string)hsh["respCode"]; cres.CardExpiry = (string)hsh["cardExpiry"]; cres.Currency = (string)hsh["currency"]; cres.Msg = (string)hsh["msg"]; cres.Pan = (string)hsh["pan"]; cres.Tid = (string)hsh["tid"]; cres.MID = (string)hsh["tid"]; cres.RRN = (string)hsh["rrn"]; cres.TransactionType = (string)hsh["transType"]; cres.PaymentDetails = (string)hsh["payDetails"]; cres.Rfu = (string)hsh["rfu"]; cres.TransactionID = (string)hsh["transactionID"]; cres.HoldersName = getname((string)hsh["slip"]); cres.ResponseCodeHost = (string)hsh["responseCodeHost"]; cres.ProviderCode = (string)hsh["providerCode"]; cres.PathParameters = (string)hsh["pathParameters"]; cres.Hash = (string)hsh["hash"]; cres.FileNameResult = (string)hsh["fileNameResult"]; cres.FileNameReport = (string)hsh["fileNameReport"]; cres.FileName = (string)hsh["fileName"]; cres.EncData = (string)hsh["encData"]; cres.DateTimeHost = (string)hsh["dateTimeHost"]; cres.DateTimeCRM = (string)hsh["dateTimeCRM"]; cres.CRMID = (string)hsh["cRMID"]; cres.CommodityCode = (string)hsh["commodityCode"]; cres.CardType = (string)hsh["cardType"]; cres.CardEntryMode = (int)hsh["cardEntryMode"]; cres.BIN = (string)hsh["bIN"]; if (log_Debug) { log.Info( string.Format("RES.SALE Channel:{0}, Amount:{1}, Cashback:{2}, TillNo:{3}, TransKey:{4}, RspCode:{5}, AuthCode:{6}, RRN:{7}, PAN:{8}, Msg:{9}, Version:{10}", acquirer, amount, cashBack, tillNO, transKey, cres.RespCode, cres.AuthCode, cres.RRN, cres.Pan, cres.Msg, version)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.Error(e); cres.Msg = e.Message; } return(cres); }