public DataTable ListBind(System.Web.HttpRequest Request, string dwbm, string gh, string zzzt, string strWhere, ref int count) { string page = Request.Form["page"]; string rows = Request.Form["pagesize"]; string zzztTo = Request.Form["zzzt"]; string ajmc = Request.Form["ajmc"]; string ajlb = Request.Form["ajlb"]; string lar = Request.Form["lar"]; string ajbh = Request.Form["ajbh"]; string wsbh = Request.Form["wsbh"]; string timebegin = Request.Form["timebegin"]; string timeend = Request.Form["timeend"]; //扫描人和时间 string smr = Request.Form["zzr"]; string smsj_bg = Request.Form["zztimebegin"]; string smsj_en = Request.Form["zztimeend"]; //排序 //string sortname = Request["sortname"]; //string sortorder = Request["sortorder"]; //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortname)) //{ // sortname = "CJSJ DESC"; // sortorder = ""; //} //if (sortname == "AJ_DWMC" || sortname == "CBDW_MC") // sortname = "CBDW_BM"; //if (sortname == "SFZZ") // sortname = "ISREGARD"; string sortname = " CJSJ DESC "; int pageNumber = int.Parse(page); int pageSize = int.Parse(rows); string where = strWhere; List <object> values = new List <object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajmc)) { where += " and AJMC like :AJMC"; values.Add("%" + ajmc + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lar)) { where += " and CBR like :CBR"; values.Add("%" + lar + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajbh)) { where += " and AJBH like :AJBH"; values.Add("%" + ajbh + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wsbh)) { where += " and WSBH like :WSBH"; values.Add("%" + wsbh + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zzztTo) && zzztTo != "-1") { where += " and ZZZT = :ZZZT"; values.Add(zzztTo); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zzzt)) { string zt = ""; string[] zzzts = zzzt.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < zzzts.Length; i++) { zt += zzzts[i]; if (i < zzzts.Length - 1) { zt += ","; } } where += " and ZZZT in (" + zt + ")"; //values.Add(zt); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin)) { where += " and SLRQ >= :SLRQ"; values.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend)) { where += " and SLRQ < :SLRQ1"; values.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(timeend).AddDays(1)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smr)) { where += " and JZSCRXM like :JZSCRXM"; values.Add("%" + smr + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smsj_bg)) { where += " and CJSJ >= :CJSJ"; values.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(smsj_bg)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smsj_en)) { where += " and CJSJ <= :CJSJ1"; values.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(smsj_en).AddDays(1)); } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.UserInfo.DWBM)) //{ // where += " and CBDW_BM = :CBDWBM"; // values[6] = base.UserInfo.DWBM; //} where += " and SFSC='N'"; where += " and trim(CBDW_BM) in(select distinct trim(QXBM) from xt_dm_qx a join XT_QX_RYJSFP b on trim(a.jsbm) = b.jsbm and trim(a.bmbm)=b.bmbm and trim(a.dwbm)=b.dwbm and gh=:GH1 and b.dwbm=:DWBM1 and a.qxlx=0)"; values.Add(gh); values.Add(dwbm); // StringBuilder strWhere = new StringBuilder(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ajlb)) { where += " and trim(AJLB_BM) in ( select distinct trim(QXBM) from xt_dm_qx a join XT_QX_RYJSFP b on trim(a.jsbm) = b.jsbm and trim(a.bmbm)=b.bmbm and trim(a.dwbm)=b.dwbm and gh=:GH2 and b.dwbm=:DWBM2 and a.qxlx=1) "; values.Add(gh); values.Add(dwbm); } else { where += " and trim(AJLB_BM) in (:AJLB_BM ) "; string[] ajlbs = ajlb.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string ajlbsParm = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ajlbs.Length; i++) { ajlbsParm += ajlbs[i]; if (i < ajlbs.Length - 1) { ajlbsParm += ","; } } values.Add(ajlbsParm); } TYYW_GG_AJJBXX bll = new TYYW_GG_AJJBXX(Request); DataSet ds = bll.GetListByPageUnite(where, sortname, (pageSize * pageNumber) - pageSize + 1, (pageSize * pageNumber), values.ToArray()); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; count = bll.GetRecordCountUnite(where, values.ToArray()); return(dt); //OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.案件卷宗制作Web, "案件数据查询", UserInfo, UserRole, this.Request); //return "{\"Total\":" + count + ",\"Rows\":" + JsonHelper.JsonString(dt) + "}"; } return(null); //OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.案件卷宗制作Web, "案件数据查询未找到案件", UserInfo, UserRole, this.Request); //return ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "未找到案件信息", null); }
/// <summary> /// 获取本地案件基本信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="Request"></param> /// <param name="dwbm"></param> /// <param name="gh"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable ListBind(System.Web.HttpRequest Request, string dwbm, string gh, string qxzt, string bmbm, string no, ref int count) { string page = Request["page"]; string rows = Request["pagesize"]; string key = Request["key"]; string wsbh = Request["wsbh"]; string casename = Request["casename"]; string dutyman = Request["dutyman"]; string relevance = Request["relevance"]; string timebegin = Request["timebegin"]; string timeend = Request["timeend"]; //单位编码和案件类别 string caseUnit = Request["caseUnit"]; string caseAjlb = Request["caseajlb"]; //排序 string sortname = Request["sortname"]; string sortorder = Request["sortorder"]; string smr = Request.Form["smr"]; string smsj_bg = Request.Form["smsj_bg"]; string smsj_en = Request.Form["smsj_en"]; string xyr = Request.Form["xyr"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortname)) { sortname = "GGCJSJ DESC"; sortorder = ""; } if (sortname == "AJ_DWMC" || sortname == "CBDW_MC") { sortname = "CBDW_BM"; } if (sortname == "SFZZ") { sortname = "ISREGARD"; } sortname += " " + sortorder; int pageNumber = int.Parse(page); int pageSize = int.Parse(rows); string where = string.Empty; List <object> values = new List <object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { where += " and AJBH like :AJBH"; values.Add("%" + key + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wsbh)) { where += " and WSBH like :WSBH"; values.Add("%" + wsbh + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(casename)) { where += " and AJMC like :AJMC"; values.Add("%" + casename + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dutyman)) { where += " and CBR like :CBR"; values.Add("%" + dutyman + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relevance) && relevance != "-2") { where += " and ZZZT in (" + relevance + ")"; //values.Add(relevance); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timebegin)) { where += " and SLRQ >= :SLRQ"; values.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(timebegin)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeend)) { where += " and SLRQ <= :SLRQ1"; values.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(timeend).AddDays(1)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smr)) { where += " and JZSCRXM like :JZSCRXM"; values.Add("%" + smr + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smsj_bg)) { where += " and CJSJ >= :CJSJ"; values.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(smsj_bg)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smsj_en)) { where += " and CJSJ <= :CJSJ1"; values.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(smsj_en).AddDays(1)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xyr)) { where += " and XYR like :XYR"; values.Add("%" + xyr + "%"); } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.UserInfo.DWBM)) //{ // where += " and CBDW_BM = :CBDWBM"; // values[6] = base.UserInfo.DWBM; //} where += " and SFSC='N'"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caseUnit)) { where += " and trim(CBDW_BM) in(select distinct trim(QXBM) from xt_dm_qx a join XT_QX_RYJSFP b on trim(a.jsbm) = b.jsbm and trim(a.bmbm)=b.bmbm and trim(a.dwbm)=b.dwbm and gh=:GH1 and b.dwbm=:DWBM1 and a.qxlx=0)"; values.Add(gh); values.Add(dwbm); } else { string[] dwbms = caseUnit.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string dwbmParm = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dwbms.Length; i++) { dwbmParm += "'" + dwbms[i] + "'"; if (i < dwbms.Length - 1) { dwbmParm += ","; } } where += " and trim(CBDW_BM) in (" + dwbmParm + ") "; // values.Add(dwbmParm); } // StringBuilder strWhere = new StringBuilder(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caseAjlb)) { where += " and trim(AJLB_BM) in ( select distinct trim(QXBM) from xt_dm_qx a join XT_QX_RYJSFP b on trim(a.jsbm) = b.jsbm and trim(a.bmbm)=b.bmbm and trim(a.dwbm)=b.dwbm and gh=:GH2 and b.dwbm=:DWBM2 and a.qxlx=1) "; values.Add(gh); values.Add(dwbm); } else { string[] ajlbs = caseAjlb.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string ajlbsParm = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ajlbs.Length; i++) { ajlbsParm += "'" + ajlbs[i] + "'"; if (i < ajlbs.Length - 1) { ajlbsParm += ","; } } where += " and trim(AJLB_BM) in (" + ajlbsParm + ") "; //values.Add(ajlbsParm); } //根据角色权限状态判断获取数据 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qxzt)) { if (qxzt == "G") { where += " and JZSCRGH='" + gh + "'"; } else if (qxzt == "B") { XT_QX_RYJSFP ryjsBll = new XT_QX_RYJSFP(Request); DataSet dsryjs = ryjsBll.GetListChildrenBmAll(" and BMBM =:BMBM and SFSC='N'", new object[] { bmbm }); if (dsryjs != null && dsryjs.Tables.Count > 0 && dsryjs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { where += " and JZSCRGH in ("; int num = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dsryjs.Tables[0].Rows) { where += "'" + dr["GH"] + "'"; if (num < dsryjs.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1) { where += ","; } num++; } where += ") "; } } } TYYW_GG_AJJBXX bll = new TYYW_GG_AJJBXX(Request); DataSet ds = bll.GetListByPageUnite(where, sortname, (pageSize * pageNumber) - pageSize + 1, (pageSize * pageNumber), values.ToArray()); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; count = bll.GetRecordCountUnite(where, values.ToArray()); return(dt); //OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.案件卷宗制作Web, "案件数据查询", UserInfo, UserRole, this.Request); //return "{\"Total\":" + count + ",\"Rows\":" + JsonHelper.JsonString(dt) + "}"; } return(null); //OperateLog.AddLog(OperateLog.LogType.案件卷宗制作Web, "案件数据查询未找到案件", UserInfo, UserRole, this.Request); //return ReturnString.JsonToString(Prompt.error, "未找到案件信息", null); }