Пример #1
        public static bool SpawnPlayer(StateSpaceComponents stateSpaceComponents, DungeonTile[,] dungeonGrid, Vector2 dungeonDimensions, int cellSize, List<Vector2> freeTiles)
            Entity player = stateSpaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => (x.ComponentFlags & ComponentMasks.Player) == ComponentMasks.Player).FirstOrDefault();
            if(player == null)
                Guid id = stateSpaceComponents.CreateEntity();
                stateSpaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == id).First().ComponentFlags = ComponentMasks.Player | Component.COMPONENT_INPUTMOVEMENT | ComponentMasks.InventoryPickup;
                //Set Position
                int tileIndex = stateSpaceComponents.random.Next(0, freeTiles.Count);
                stateSpaceComponents.PositionComponents[id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = freeTiles[tileIndex] };
                dungeonGrid[(int)stateSpaceComponents.PositionComponents[id].Position.X, (int)stateSpaceComponents.PositionComponents[id].Position.Y].Occupiable = true;
                //Set Display
                stateSpaceComponents.DisplayComponents[id] = new DisplayComponent()
                    Color = Color.White,
                    SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0 * cellSize, 0 * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize),
                    Origin = Vector2.Zero,
                    SpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None,
                    Scale = 1f,
                    Rotation = 0f,
                    Opacity = 1f,
                    AlwaysDraw = true
                //Set Sightradius
                stateSpaceComponents.SightRadiusComponents[id] = new SightRadiusComponent() { CurrentRadius = 15, MaxRadius = 15, DrawRadius = true };
                //Set first turn
                stateSpaceComponents.PlayerComponent = new PlayerComponent() { PlayerJustLoaded = true };
                //Collision information
                stateSpaceComponents.CollisionComponents[id] = new CollisionComponent() { CollidedObjects = new List<Guid>(), Solid = true };
                //Set name of player
                stateSpaceComponents.NameComponents[id] = new NameComponent() { Name = "You", Description = "This is me.  I came to these caves to find my fortune." };
                //Set Input of the player
                stateSpaceComponents.InputMovementComponents[id] = new InputMovementComponent() { TimeIntervalBetweenMovements = .09f, TimeSinceLastMovement = 0f, InitialWait = .5f, TotalTimeButtonDown = 0f, LastKeyPressed = Keys.None };
                //Set an alignment for AI to communicate with
                stateSpaceComponents.AIAlignmentComponents[id] = new AIAlignment() { Alignment = AIAlignments.ALIGNMENT_FRIENDLY };
                //Set combat messages
                stateSpaceComponents.EntityMessageComponents[id] = new EntityMessageComponent()
                    NormalDodgeMessages = new string[]
                    " and the attack misses you!",
                    " but nothing happened.",
                    " ... but it failed!",
                    " and your defense protects you.",
                    " but it fails to connect."
                    StreakDodgeMessages = new string[]
                    " but you don't even notice.",
                    " and you laugh at the attempt.",
                    " but you easily dodge it again.",
                    " and misses you. Again!"
                    AttackNPCMessages = new string[]
                    "{0} attack the {1}",
                    "{0} take a swing at the {1}",
                    "{0} swipe at {1}",
                    "{0} try to damage the {1}",
                    "{0} slash viciously at the {1}"
                    NormalTakeDamageMessages = new string[]
                    " and you take {0} damage.",
                    " and it hurts! You take {0} damage.",
                    "! Ow. You lose {0} health.",
                    " and hits you for {0} damage."
                    BrokenDodgeStreakTakeDamageMessages = new string[]
                    " and you finally take {0} damage.",
                    " and this time you lose {0} health! Ow!",
                    " and hits you for {0} THIS time.",
                    "! {0} damage taken! Don't get cocky..."
                    PickupItemMessages = new string[]
                    "{0} pick up the {1}.",
                    "{0} find a {1}.",
                    "{0} got a {1}!"
                    ConsumablesFullMessages = new string[]
                    "You cannot carry any more consumables.",
                    "Your consumable slots are full!",
                    "You don't have any place to store this consumable."
                    ArtifactsFullMessages = new string[]
                    "Your artifact slots are too full for another.",
                    "Drop or scrap one of your artifacts to pick this up.",
                    "You can't pick up this artifact; you already have enough."
                stateSpaceComponents.InventoryComponents[id] = new InventoryComponent() { Artifacts = new List<Guid>(), Consumables = new List<Guid>(), MaxArtifacts = 3, MaxConsumables = 2 };
                //If there's already a player, just make a new starting location on the floor
                //Set Position
                int tileIndex = stateSpaceComponents.random.Next(0, freeTiles.Count);
                stateSpaceComponents.PositionComponents[player.Id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = freeTiles[tileIndex] };
                dungeonGrid[(int)stateSpaceComponents.PositionComponents[player.Id].Position.X, (int)stateSpaceComponents.PositionComponents[player.Id].Position.Y].Occupiable = true;

            return true;
Пример #2
        public static bool SpawnWildVines(StateSpaceComponents spaceComponents, DungeonTile[,] dungeonGrid, Vector2 dungeonDimensions, int cellSize, List<Vector2> freeTiles)
            Guid id = spaceComponents.CreateEntity();
            spaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == id).First().ComponentFlags = ComponentMasks.Drawable | ComponentMasks.CombatReadyAI | ComponentMasks.AIView | ComponentMasks.InventoryPickup;

            int tileIndex = spaceComponents.random.Next(0, freeTiles.Count);
            spaceComponents.PositionComponents[id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = freeTiles[tileIndex] };
            spaceComponents.DisplayComponents[id] = new DisplayComponent()
                Color = Colors.Monsters.Red, // Color.DarkRed,
                Origin = Vector2.Zero,
                Rotation = 0f,
                Scale = 1f,
                SpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None,
                SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0 * cellSize, 0 * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize),
                Symbol = "W",
                SymbolColor = Color.White,
                Opacity = 1f
            spaceComponents.SkillLevelsComponents[id] = new SkillLevelsComponent() { CurrentHealth = 45, DieNumber = 2, Health = 45, Defense = 10, Accuracy = 135, Wealth = 25, MinimumDamage = 5, MaximumDamage = 14 };
            spaceComponents.CollisionComponents[id] = new CollisionComponent() { Solid = true, CollidedObjects = new List<Guid>() };
            spaceComponents.NameComponents[id] = new NameComponent() { Name = "WILD ROOTS", Description = "Imported fresh from Japan." };
            spaceComponents.AIAlignmentComponents[id] = new AIAlignment() { Alignment = AIAlignments.ALIGNMENT_HOSTILE };
            spaceComponents.AICombatComponents[id] = new AICombat() { AttackType = AIAttackTypes.ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, FleesWhenLowHealth = true };
            spaceComponents.AIStateComponents[id] = new AIState() { State = AIStates.STATE_ROAMING };
            spaceComponents.AIFieldOfViewComponents[id] = new AIFieldOfView() { DrawField = false, Opacity = .3f, radius = 5, SeenTiles = new List<Vector2>(), Color = FOVColors.Roaming };
            spaceComponents.AISleepComponents[id] = new AISleep() { ChanceToWake = 10, FOVRadiusChangeOnWake = 2 };
            spaceComponents.AIRoamComponents[id] = new AIRoam() { ChanceToDetect = 40 };
            spaceComponents.AIFleeComponents[id] = new AIFlee() { DoesFlee = false, FleeAtHealthPercent = 25, FleeUntilHealthPercent = 30 };
            spaceComponents.EntityMessageComponents[id] = new EntityMessageComponent()
                AttackNPCMessages = new string[]
                        "{0} swings its tentacles toward {1}",
                        "{0} applies fury to the {1}'s face",
                        "{0} attempts brute force against {1}",
                        "{0} uses a walking attack fearlessly at {1}"
                AttackPlayerMessages = new string[]
                        "{0} wiggles its tentacles at you",
                        "The {0} swipes at you multiple times",
                        "Gross.. the tentacles of {0} smear around you"
                NormalDodgeMessages = new string[]
                        " but the attack missed!",
                        " and the creature dodges the attack.",
                        " but the creature's defense protects it.",
                        " but it uses its tentacle vines to protect itself.",
                        " but the vines are too thick for the attack!"
                StreakDodgeMessages = new string[]
                        " and, as always, the attack misses.",
                        " and it misses again!",
                        " and it slithers around, cackling",
                        " and taunts at the attack. \"Give up!\""
                NormalTakeDamageMessages = new string[]
                        " and it takes {0} damage.",
                        " and it cries out, {0} health weaker.",
                        " and takes {0}, some of its vines dropping dead",
                        " for {0} damage."
                BrokenDodgeStreakTakeDamageMessages = new string[]
                        " and against all odds deals {0} damage!",
                        " and the cocky creature allows {0} damage to go through!",
                        ", breaking impossible odds, landing {0} damage!!",
                        " and the test is broken! It takes {0} damage!"
            spaceComponents.InventoryComponents[id] = new InventoryComponent() { Artifacts = new List<Guid>(), Consumables = new List<Guid>(), MaxArtifacts = 0, MaxConsumables = 0 };

            return true;
Пример #3
        public static bool CrazedMiner(StateSpaceComponents spaceComponents, DungeonTile[,] dungeonGrid, Vector2 dungeonDimensions, int cellSize, List<Vector2> freeTiles)
            Guid id = spaceComponents.CreateEntity();
            spaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == id).First().ComponentFlags = ComponentMasks.Drawable | ComponentMasks.CombatReadyAI | ComponentMasks.AIView | ComponentMasks.InventoryPickup;

            int tileIndex = spaceComponents.random.Next(0, freeTiles.Count);
            spaceComponents.PositionComponents[id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = freeTiles[tileIndex] };
            spaceComponents.DisplayComponents[id] = new DisplayComponent()
                Color = Color.MediumPurple, // Color.DarkRed,
                Origin = Vector2.Zero,
                Rotation = 0f,
                Scale = 1f,
                SpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None,
                SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0 * cellSize, 0 * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize),
                Symbol = "C",
                SymbolColor = Color.White,
                Opacity = 1f
            spaceComponents.SkillLevelsComponents[id] = new SkillLevelsComponent() { CurrentHealth = 25, DieNumber = 1, Health = 25, Defense = 4, Accuracy = 80, Wealth = 100, MinimumDamage = 2, MaximumDamage = 7 };
            spaceComponents.CollisionComponents[id] = new CollisionComponent() { Solid = true, CollidedObjects = new List<Guid>() };
            spaceComponents.NameComponents[id] = new NameComponent() { Name = "CRAZED MINER", Description = "An injured, shambling husk of a man.  He clutches a pickaxe in his hands and precious gems are stuffed in his pockets.  It looks like greed got the better of his mind long ago." };
            spaceComponents.AIAlignmentComponents[id] = new AIAlignment() { Alignment = AIAlignments.ALIGNMENT_HOSTILE };
            spaceComponents.AICombatComponents[id] = new AICombat() { AttackType = AIAttackTypes.ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, FleesWhenLowHealth = true };
            spaceComponents.AIStateComponents[id] = new AIState() { State = AIStates.STATE_ROAMING };
            spaceComponents.AIFieldOfViewComponents[id] = new AIFieldOfView() { DrawField = false, Opacity = .3f, radius = 3, SeenTiles = new List<Vector2>(), Color = FOVColors.Roaming };
            spaceComponents.AISleepComponents[id] = new AISleep() { ChanceToWake = 10, FOVRadiusChangeOnWake = 1 };
            spaceComponents.AIRoamComponents[id] = new AIRoam() { ChanceToDetect = 25 };
            spaceComponents.AIFleeComponents[id] = new AIFlee() { DoesFlee = false, FleeAtHealthPercent = 25, FleeUntilHealthPercent = 30 };
            spaceComponents.EntityMessageComponents[id] = new EntityMessageComponent()
                AttackNPCMessages = new string[]
                        "{0} swings its pickaxe at {1}",
                        "{0} shambles toward {1}",
                        "{0} claws madly at {1}",
                AttackPlayerMessages = new string[]
                        "{0} swings its pickaxe at you",
                        "{0} shambles toward you",
                        "{0} claws madly at you",
                NormalDodgeMessages = new string[]
                        " but the attack missed!",
                        " and the creature dodges the attack.",
                        " but the creature's defense protects it.",
                StreakDodgeMessages = new string[]
                        " and, as always, the attack misses.",
                        " and it misses again!",
                        " and it laughs madly.",
                        " and taunts at the attack. \"Give up!\""
                NormalTakeDamageMessages = new string[]
                        " and it takes {0} damage.",
                        " and it cries out, {0} health weaker.",
                        " for {0} damage."
                BrokenDodgeStreakTakeDamageMessages = new string[]
                        " and against all odds deals {0} damage!",
                        " and the cocky creature allows {0} damage to go through!",
                        ", breaking impossible odds, landing {0} damage!!",
            spaceComponents.InventoryComponents[id] = new InventoryComponent() { Artifacts = new List<Guid>(), Consumables = new List<Guid>(), MaxArtifacts = 0, MaxConsumables = 0 };

            return true;
Пример #4
        public static void DropWholeInventory(StateSpaceComponents spaceComponents, Guid droppingEntity, Vector2 entityPos)
            Entity entity = spaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == droppingEntity).FirstOrDefault();
            if(entity != null && (entity.ComponentFlags & Component.COMPONENT_INVENTORY) == Component.COMPONENT_INVENTORY)
                InventoryComponent invo = spaceComponents.InventoryComponents[entity.Id];
                foreach(Guid artifact in invo.Artifacts)
                    Entity item = spaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == artifact).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (item != null)
                        item.ComponentFlags |= Component.COMPONENT_POSITION;
                        spaceComponents.PositionComponents[item.Id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = entityPos };

                foreach(Guid consumable in invo.Consumables)
                    Entity item = spaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == consumable).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (item != null)
                        item.ComponentFlags |= Component.COMPONENT_POSITION;
                        spaceComponents.PositionComponents[item.Id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = entityPos };

                if((entity.ComponentFlags & Component.COMPONENT_SKILL_LEVELS) == Component.COMPONENT_SKILL_LEVELS)
                    SkillLevelsComponent skills = spaceComponents.SkillLevelsComponents[entity.Id];
                    if(skills.Wealth > 0)
                        spaceComponents.DelayedActions.Add(new Action(() =>
                            Guid id = spaceComponents.CreateEntity();
                            spaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == id).First().ComponentFlags = ComponentMasks.Drawable | ComponentMasks.GlowingOutline | ComponentMasks.PickupItem;
                            spaceComponents.DisplayComponents[id] = new DisplayComponent()
                                AlwaysDraw = false,
                                Color = Colors.Messages.Special,
                                Opacity = 1f,
                                Origin = Vector2.Zero,
                                Rotation = 0f,
                                Scale = 1f,
                                SpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None,
                                SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0 * DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, 0 * DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, DevConstants.Grid.CellSize),
                                Symbol = "$",
                                SymbolColor = Color.White
                            Vector2 position = entityPos;
                            spaceComponents.PositionComponents[id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = position };
                            spaceComponents.OutlineComponents[id] = new OutlineComponent() { Color = Color.Purple, Opacity = 1f };
                            spaceComponents.SecondaryOutlineComponents[id] = new SecondaryOutlineComponent() { AlternateColor = Color.LightBlue, Seconds = 0f, SwitchAtSeconds = .75f };
                            spaceComponents.PickupComponents[id] = new PickupComponent() { PickupType = ItemType.GOLD };
                            spaceComponents.ValueComponents[id] = new ValueComponent() { Gold = skills.Wealth };
                            spaceComponents.NameComponents[id] = new NameComponent()
                                Name = "Gold",
                                Description = "Some people try and use fancy names for this mass of wealth. Credits, Stardust, Gil... it buys shelter and women all the same."
                            spaceComponents.CollisionComponents[id] = new CollisionComponent() { CollidedObjects = new List<Guid>(), Solid = false };

Пример #5
        public static bool SpawnTestEnemyNPC(StateSpaceComponents spaceComponents, DungeonTile[,] dungeonGrid, Vector2 dungeonDimensions, int cellSize, List<Vector2> freeTiles)
            Guid id = spaceComponents.CreateEntity();
            spaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == id).First().ComponentFlags = ComponentMasks.Drawable | ComponentMasks.CombatReadyAI | ComponentMasks.AIView | ComponentMasks.InventoryPickup;

            int tileIndex = spaceComponents.random.Next(0, freeTiles.Count);
            spaceComponents.PositionComponents[id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = freeTiles[tileIndex] };
            spaceComponents.DisplayComponents[id] = new DisplayComponent()
                Color = Colors.Monsters.Red, //Color.DarkRed,
                Origin = Vector2.Zero,
                Rotation = 0f,
                Scale = 1f,
                SpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None,
                SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0 * cellSize, 0 * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize),
                Symbol = "t",
                SymbolColor = Color.White,
                Opacity = 1f
            spaceComponents.SkillLevelsComponents[id] = new SkillLevelsComponent() { CurrentHealth = 25, DieNumber = 1, Health = 25, Defense = 1, Accuracy = 100, Wealth = 25, MinimumDamage = 1, MaximumDamage = 2 };
            spaceComponents.CollisionComponents[id] = new CollisionComponent() { Solid = true, CollidedObjects = new List<Guid>() };
            spaceComponents.NameComponents[id] = new NameComponent() { Name = "TEST ENEMY NPC", Description = "It seems harmless enough.  How dangerous could a red square be?" };
            spaceComponents.AIAlignmentComponents[id] = new AIAlignment() { Alignment = AIAlignments.ALIGNMENT_HOSTILE };
            spaceComponents.AICombatComponents[id] = new AICombat() { AttackType = AIAttackTypes.ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, FleesWhenLowHealth = true };
            spaceComponents.AIStateComponents[id] = new AIState() { State = AIStates.STATE_SLEEPING };
            spaceComponents.AIFieldOfViewComponents[id] = new AIFieldOfView() { DrawField = false, Opacity = .3f, radius = 2, SeenTiles = new List<Vector2>(), Color = FOVColors.Sleeping };
            spaceComponents.AISleepComponents[id] = new AISleep() { ChanceToWake = 15, FOVRadiusChangeOnWake = 2 };
            spaceComponents.AIRoamComponents[id] = new AIRoam() { ChanceToDetect = 25 };
            spaceComponents.AIFleeComponents[id] = new AIFlee() { DoesFlee = true, FleeAtHealthPercent = 25, FleeUntilHealthPercent = 30 };
            spaceComponents.EntityMessageComponents[id] = new EntityMessageComponent()
                AttackNPCMessages = new string[]
                        "{0} swings at the {1}",
                        "{0} applies fury to the {1}'s face",
                        "{0} attempts brute force against {1}",
                        "{0} uses a walking attack fearlessly at {1}"
                AttackPlayerMessages = new string[]
                        "{0} tests a mighty attack on you",
                        "The {0} glitches out against you",
                        "Watch out! {0} tries to attack you"
                NormalDodgeMessages = new string[]
                        " but the attack missed!",
                        " and the creature dodges the attack.",
                        " but the creature's defense protects it.",
                        " and the defense test is a success.",
                        " but the combat system test makes the attack miss."
                StreakDodgeMessages = new string[]
                        " and, as always, the attack misses.",
                        " and it misses again!",
                        " and shows how advanced its AI is by dodging again.",
                        " and taunts at the attack. \"Give up!\""
                NormalTakeDamageMessages = new string[]
                        " and it takes {0} damage.",
                        " and it cries out, {0} health weaker.",
                        " and it glitches out, health dropping by {0}.",
                        " for {0} damage."
                BrokenDodgeStreakTakeDamageMessages = new string[]
                        " and against all odds deals {0} damage!",
                        " and the cocky creature allows {0} damage to go through!",
                        ", breaking impossible odds, landing {0} damage!!",
                        " and the test is broken! It takes {0} damage!"
            spaceComponents.InventoryComponents[id] = new InventoryComponent() { Artifacts = new List<Guid>(), Consumables = new List<Guid>(), MaxArtifacts = 0, MaxConsumables = 0 };

            return true;
Пример #6
 public static bool TestUse(StateSpaceComponents spaceComponents, DungeonTile[,] dungeonGrid, Vector2 dungeonDimensions, Guid item, Guid user, Vector2 targetPosition)
     spaceComponents.GameMessageComponent.GameMessages.Add(new Tuple<Color, string>(Colors.Messages.StatusChange, "You use this item and something happens."));
     spaceComponents.DelayedActions.Add(new Action(() =>
         Guid id = spaceComponents.CreateEntity();
         spaceComponents.Entities.Where(c => c.Id == id).First().ComponentFlags = ComponentMasks.DrawableOutline | Component.COMPONENT_TIME_TO_LIVE | ComponentMasks.GlowingOutline;
         spaceComponents.PositionComponents[id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = targetPosition };
         spaceComponents.OutlineComponents[id] = new OutlineComponent() { Color = Color.CornflowerBlue, Opacity = .8f };
         spaceComponents.TimeToLiveComponents[id] = new TimeToLiveComponent() { CurrentSecondsAlive = 0f, SecondsToLive = 4f };
         spaceComponents.SecondaryOutlineComponents[id] = new SecondaryOutlineComponent() { AlternateColor = Color.Red, Seconds = 0f, SwitchAtSeconds = .6f };
     return true;
Пример #7
 public static bool SpawnTestArtifact(StateSpaceComponents spaceComponents, DungeonTile[,] dungeonGrid, Vector2 dungeonDimensions, List<Vector2> freeTiles)
     Guid id = spaceComponents.CreateEntity();
     spaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == id).First().ComponentFlags = ComponentMasks.Drawable | ComponentMasks.GlowingOutline | ComponentMasks.PickupItem
         | ComponentMasks.Artifact;
     spaceComponents.DisplayComponents[id] = new DisplayComponent()
         AlwaysDraw = false,
         Color = Colors.Messages.LootPickup,
         Opacity = 1f,
         Origin = Vector2.Zero,
         Rotation = 0f,
         Scale = 1f,
         SpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None,
         SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0 * DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, 0 * DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, DevConstants.Grid.CellSize),
         Symbol = "{}",
         SymbolColor = Color.White
     Vector2 position = freeTiles[spaceComponents.random.Next(0, freeTiles.Count)];
     spaceComponents.PositionComponents[id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = position };
     spaceComponents.OutlineComponents[id] = new OutlineComponent() { Color = Color.Purple, Opacity = 1f };
     spaceComponents.SecondaryOutlineComponents[id] = new SecondaryOutlineComponent() { AlternateColor = Color.LightBlue, Seconds = 0f, SwitchAtSeconds = .75f };
     spaceComponents.PickupComponents[id] = new PickupComponent() { PickupType = ItemType.ARTIFACT };
     spaceComponents.ValueComponents[id] = new ValueComponent() { Gold = 10 };
     spaceComponents.StatModificationComponents[id] = new StatModificationComponent()
         AccuracyChange = 10,
         DefenseChange = 25,
         DieNumberChange = 1,
         HealthChange = 50,
         MaximumDamageChange = 5,
         MinimumDamageChange = -2,
     spaceComponents.NameComponents[id] = new NameComponent()
         Name = "Test Artifact",
     spaceComponents.CollisionComponents[id] = new CollisionComponent() { CollidedObjects = new List<Guid>(), Solid = false };
     spaceComponents.ArtifactStatsComponents[id] = new ArtifactStatsComponent() { UpgradeLevel = 1, FloorFound = spaceComponents.GameplayInfoComponent.FloorsReached };
     return true;
Пример #8
 public static bool SpawnTestConsumable(StateSpaceComponents spaceComponents, DungeonTile[,] dungeonGrid, Vector2 dungeonDimensions, List<Vector2> freeTiles)
     Guid id = spaceComponents.CreateEntity();
     spaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == id).First().ComponentFlags = ComponentMasks.Drawable | ComponentMasks.GlowingOutline | ComponentMasks.PickupItem | ComponentMasks.Consumable;
     spaceComponents.DisplayComponents[id] = new DisplayComponent()
         AlwaysDraw = false,
         Color = Colors.Messages.LootPickup,
         Opacity = 1f,
         Origin = Vector2.Zero,
         Rotation = 0f,
         Scale = 1f,
         SpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None,
         SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0 * DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, 0 * DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, DevConstants.Grid.CellSize),
         Symbol = "!",
         SymbolColor = Color.White
     Vector2 position = freeTiles[spaceComponents.random.Next(0, freeTiles.Count)];
     spaceComponents.PositionComponents[id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = position };
     spaceComponents.OutlineComponents[id] = new OutlineComponent() { Color = Color.Purple, Opacity = 1f };
     spaceComponents.SecondaryOutlineComponents[id] = new SecondaryOutlineComponent() { AlternateColor = Color.LightBlue, Seconds = 0f, SwitchAtSeconds = .75f };
     spaceComponents.PickupComponents[id] = new PickupComponent() { PickupType = ItemType.CONSUMABLE };
     spaceComponents.ValueComponents[id] = new ValueComponent() { Gold = spaceComponents.random.Next(0, 231) };
     spaceComponents.NameComponents[id] = new NameComponent()
         Name = "Test Potion",
         Description = "It is... green."
     spaceComponents.ItemFunctionsComponents[id] = new ItemFunctionsComponent() { Ranged = false, UseFunctionValue = ItemUseFunctions.TESTUSE, Uses = 3, CostToUse = 20 };
     spaceComponents.CollisionComponents[id] = new CollisionComponent() { CollidedObjects = new List<Guid>(), Solid = false };
     return true;
Пример #9
 public static bool SpawnDownStairway(StateSpaceComponents spaceComponents, DungeonTile[,] dungeonGrid, Vector2 dungeonDimensions, List<Vector2> freeTiles)
     Guid id = spaceComponents.CreateEntity();
     spaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == id).First().ComponentFlags = ComponentMasks.Drawable | ComponentMasks.GlowingOutline | ComponentMasks.PickupItem;
     spaceComponents.DisplayComponents[id] = new DisplayComponent()
         AlwaysDraw = false,
         Color = Color.Black,
         Opacity = 1f,
         Origin = Vector2.Zero,
         Rotation = 0f,
         Scale = 1f,
         SpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None,
         SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0 * DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, 0 * DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, DevConstants.Grid.CellSize),
         Symbol = "<",
         SymbolColor = Color.White
     Vector2 position = freeTiles[spaceComponents.random.Next(0, freeTiles.Count)];
     spaceComponents.PositionComponents[id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = position };
     spaceComponents.OutlineComponents[id] = new OutlineComponent() { Color = Color.Goldenrod, Opacity = 1f };
     spaceComponents.SecondaryOutlineComponents[id] = new SecondaryOutlineComponent() { AlternateColor = Color.White, Seconds = 0f, SwitchAtSeconds = 2f };
     spaceComponents.PickupComponents[id] = new PickupComponent() { PickupType = ItemType.DOWNSTAIRS };
     spaceComponents.ValueComponents[id] = new ValueComponent() { Gold = spaceComponents.random.Next(0, 231) };
     spaceComponents.NameComponents[id] = new NameComponent()
         Name = "A Path Downward",
         Description = "A small passageway leading deeper into this cave system.  There's no telling what waits at the other end, but you have a feeling there's no going back once you descend."
     spaceComponents.CollisionComponents[id] = new CollisionComponent() { CollidedObjects = new List<Guid>(), Solid = true };
     return true;
Пример #10
 public static bool SpawnGold(StateSpaceComponents spaceComponents, DungeonTile[,] dungeonGrid, Vector2 dungeonDimensions, List<Vector2> freeTiles)
     Guid id = spaceComponents.CreateEntity();
     spaceComponents.Entities.Where(x => x.Id == id).First().ComponentFlags = ComponentMasks.Drawable | ComponentMasks.GlowingOutline | ComponentMasks.PickupItem;
     spaceComponents.DisplayComponents[id] = new DisplayComponent()
         AlwaysDraw = false,
         Color = Colors.Messages.Special,
         Opacity = 1f,
         Origin = Vector2.Zero,
         Rotation = 0f,
         Scale = 1f,
         SpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None,
         SpriteSource = new Rectangle(0 * DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, 0 * DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, DevConstants.Grid.CellSize),
         Symbol = "$",
         SymbolColor = Color.White
     Vector2 position = freeTiles[spaceComponents.random.Next(0, freeTiles.Count)];
     spaceComponents.PositionComponents[id] = new PositionComponent() { Position = position };
     spaceComponents.OutlineComponents[id] = new OutlineComponent() { Color = Color.Purple, Opacity = 1f };
     spaceComponents.SecondaryOutlineComponents[id] = new SecondaryOutlineComponent() { AlternateColor = Color.LightBlue, Seconds = 0f, SwitchAtSeconds = .75f };
     spaceComponents.PickupComponents[id] = new PickupComponent() { PickupType = ItemType.GOLD };
     spaceComponents.ValueComponents[id] = new ValueComponent() { Gold = spaceComponents.random.Next(0, 231) };
     spaceComponents.NameComponents[id] = new NameComponent()
         Name = "Gold",
         Description = "Some people try and use fancy names for this mass of wealth. Credits, Stardust, Gil... it buys shelter and women all the same."
     spaceComponents.CollisionComponents[id] = new CollisionComponent() { CollidedObjects = new List<Guid>(), Solid = false };
     return true;