Пример #1
        public void RemoveChunkedDataClearsAlreadyRetrievedChunks()
            // given
            var target = new BeaconCache();

            target.AddActionData(1, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(1, 1001L, "iii");
            target.AddActionData(42, 2000L, "z");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1000L, "b");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1001L, "jjj");

            // when retrieving the first chunk and removing retrieved chunks
            var obtained = target.GetNextBeaconChunk(1, "prefix", 10, '&');


            // then
            Assert.That(obtained, Is.EqualTo("prefix&b&jjj"));

            Assert.That(target.GetActionsBeingSent(1), Is.EqualTo(new[] { new BeaconCacheRecord(1000L, "a"), new BeaconCacheRecord(1001L, "iii") }));
            Assert.That(target.GetEventsBeingSent(1), Is.Empty);

            // when retrieving the second chunk and removing retrieved chunks
            obtained = target.GetNextBeaconChunk(1, "prefix", 10, '&');

            // then
            Assert.That(obtained, Is.EqualTo("prefix&a&iii"));

            Assert.That(target.GetActionsBeingSent(1), Is.Empty);
            Assert.That(target.GetEventsBeingSent(1), Is.Empty);
Пример #2
        public void ResetChunkedDoesNothingIfEntryDoesNotExist()
            // given
            var target = new BeaconCache();

            target.AddActionData(1, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(1, 1001L, "iii");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1000L, "b");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1001L, "jjj");

            // do same step we'd do when we send the
            target.GetNextBeaconChunk(1, "prefix", 10, '&');

            // data has been copied, but still add some new event & action data
            target.AddActionData(1, 6666L, "123");
            target.AddEventData(1, 6666L, "987");

            var notifyCount = 0;

            target.RecordAdded += (s, a) => { notifyCount += 1; };

            // and when resetting the previously copied data

            // then
            Assert.That(target.NumBytesInCache, Is.EqualTo(12L));
            Assert.That(notifyCount, Is.EqualTo(0));
Пример #3
        public void ResetChunkedRestoresData()
            // given
            var target = new BeaconCache();

            target.AddActionData(1, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(1, 1001L, "iii");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1000L, "b");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1001L, "jjj");

            // do same step we'd do when we send the
            target.GetNextBeaconChunk(1, "prefix", 10, '&');

            // data has been copied, but still add some new event & action data
            target.AddActionData(1, 6666L, "123");
            target.AddEventData(1, 6666L, "987");

            // and when resetting the previously copied data

            // then
            Assert.That(target.GetActionsBeingSent(1), Is.Null);
            Assert.That(target.GetEventsBeingSent(1), Is.Null);
            Assert.That(target.GetActions(1), Is.EqualTo(new[] { new BeaconCacheRecord(1000L, "a"), new BeaconCacheRecord(1001L, "iii"), new BeaconCacheRecord(6666L, "123") }));
            Assert.That(target.GetEvents(1), Is.EqualTo(new[] { new BeaconCacheRecord(1000L, "b"), new BeaconCacheRecord(1001L, "jjj"), new BeaconCacheRecord(6666L, "987") }));
Пример #4
        public void RemoveChunkedDataDoesNothingIfCalledWithNonExistingBeaconID()
            // given
            var target = new BeaconCache();

            target.AddActionData(1, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(1, 1001L, "iii");
            target.AddActionData(42, 2000L, "z");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1000L, "b");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1001L, "jjj");

            // when retrieving the first chunk and removing the wrong beacon chunk
            target.GetNextBeaconChunk(1, "prefix", 10, '&');

            // then
            Assert.That(target.GetActionsBeingSent(1), Is.EqualTo(new[] { new BeaconCacheRecord(1000L, "a"), new BeaconCacheRecord(1001L, "iii") }));
            var expectedEventRecords = new[] { new BeaconCacheRecord(1000L, "b"), new BeaconCacheRecord(1001L, "jjj") };

            foreach (BeaconCacheRecord record in expectedEventRecords)
            Assert.That(target.GetEventsBeingSent(1), Is.EqualTo(expectedEventRecords));
Пример #5
        public void getNextBeaconChunkRetrievesNextChunk()
            // given
            var target = new BeaconCache();

            target.AddActionData(1, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(1, 1001L, "iii");
            target.AddActionData(42, 2000L, "z");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1000L, "b");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1001L, "jjj");

            // when retrieving the first chunk
            var obtained = target.GetNextBeaconChunk(1, "prefix", 10, '&');

            // then
            Assert.That(obtained, Is.EqualTo("prefix&b&jjj"));

            // then
            Assert.That(target.GetActionsBeingSent(1), Is.EqualTo(new[] { new BeaconCacheRecord(1000L, "a"), new BeaconCacheRecord(1001L, "iii") }));
            var expectedEventRecords = new[] { new BeaconCacheRecord(1000L, "b"), new BeaconCacheRecord(1001L, "jjj") };

            foreach (var record in expectedEventRecords)
            Assert.That(target.GetEventsBeingSent(1), Is.EqualTo(expectedEventRecords));
Пример #6
        public void ResetChunkedRaisesEvent()
            // given
            var key = new BeaconKey(1, 0);

            var target = new BeaconCache(logger);

            target.AddActionData(key, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(key, 1001L, "iii");
            target.AddEventData(key, 1000L, "b");
            target.AddEventData(key, 1001L, "jjj");

            // do same step we'd do when we send the
            target.GetNextBeaconChunk(key, "prefix", 10, '&');

            // data has been copied, but still add some new event & action data
            target.AddActionData(key, 6666L, "123");
            target.AddEventData(key, 6666L, "987");

            var notifyCount = 0;

            target.RecordAdded += (s, a) => { notifyCount += 1; };

            // and when resetting the previously copied data

            // then
            Assert.That(notifyCount, Is.EqualTo(1));
Пример #7
        public void ResetChunkedRestoresCacheSize()
            // given
            var key = new BeaconKey(1, 0);

            var target = new BeaconCache(logger);

            target.AddActionData(key, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(key, 1001L, "iii");
            target.AddEventData(key, 1000L, "b");
            target.AddEventData(key, 1001L, "jjj");

            // do same step we'd do when we send the
            target.GetNextBeaconChunk(key, "prefix", 10, '&');

            // data has been copied, but still add some new event & action data
            target.AddActionData(key, 6666L, "123");
            target.AddEventData(key, 6666L, "987");

            // and when resetting the previously copied data

            // then
            Assert.That(target.NumBytesInCache, Is.EqualTo(28L));
Пример #8
        public void GetNextBeaconChunkDoesNotCopyDataForSending()
            // given
            var keyOne = new BeaconKey(1, 0);
            var keyTwo = new BeaconKey(42, 0);

            var target = new BeaconCache(logger);

            target.AddActionData(keyOne, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(keyOne, 1001L, "iii");
            target.AddActionData(keyTwo, 2000L, "z");
            target.AddEventData(keyOne, 1000L, "b");
            target.AddEventData(keyOne, 1001L, "jjj");

            // when
            var obtained = target.GetNextBeaconChunk(keyOne, "prefix", 0, '&');

            // then
            Assert.That(obtained, Is.Empty);

            Assert.That(target.GetActions(keyOne), Is.EqualTo(new[] { new BeaconCacheRecord(1000L, "a"), new BeaconCacheRecord(1001L, "iii") }));
            Assert.That(target.GetEvents(keyOne), Is.EqualTo(new[] { new BeaconCacheRecord(1000L, "b"), new BeaconCacheRecord(1001L, "jjj") }));
            Assert.That(target.GetActionsBeingSent(keyOne), Is.Null);
            Assert.That(target.GetEventsBeingSent(keyOne), Is.Null);
Пример #9
        public void IsEmptyGivesTrueIfBeaconDoesNotContainActiveData()
            // given
            var target = new BeaconCache();

            target.AddActionData(1, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1000L, "b");

            target.GetNextBeaconChunk(1, "prefix", 0, '&');

            // then
            Assert.That(target.IsEmpty(1), Is.True);
Пример #10
        public void GetNextBeaconChunkReturnsNullIfGivenBeaconIDDoesNotExist()
            // given
            var target = new BeaconCache();

            target.AddActionData(1, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(42, 1000L, "z");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1000L, "iii");

            // when
            var obtained = target.GetNextBeaconChunk(666, "", 1024, '&');

            // then
            Assert.That(obtained, Is.Null);
Пример #11
        public void GetNextBeaconChunkDecreasesBeaconCacheSize()
            // given
            var target = new BeaconCache();

            target.AddActionData(1, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(1, 1001L, "iii");
            target.AddActionData(42, 2000L, "z");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1000L, "b");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1001L, "jjj");

            // when
            target.GetNextBeaconChunk(1, "prefix", 0, '&');

            // cache stats are also adjusted
            Assert.That(target.NumBytesInCache, Is.EqualTo(new BeaconCacheRecord(2000L, "z").DataSizeInBytes));
Пример #12
        public void IsEmptyGivesTrueIfBeaconDoesNotContainActiveData()
            // given
            var key = new BeaconKey(1, 0);

            var target = new BeaconCache(logger);

            target.AddActionData(key, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddEventData(key, 1000L, "b");


            target.GetNextBeaconChunk(key, "prefix", 0, '&');

            // then
            Assert.That(target.IsEmpty(key), Is.True);
Пример #13
        public void GetNextBeaconChunkReturnsNullIfGivenBeaconIdDoesNotExist()
            // given
            var keyOne   = new BeaconKey(1, 0);
            var keyTwo   = new BeaconKey(42, 0);
            var keyThree = new BeaconKey(666, 0);

            var target = new BeaconCache(logger);

            target.AddActionData(keyOne, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(keyTwo, 1000L, "z");
            target.AddEventData(keyOne, 1000L, "iii");

            // when
            var obtained = target.GetNextBeaconChunk(keyThree, "", 1024, '&');

            // then
            Assert.That(obtained, Is.Null);
Пример #14
        public void GetNextBeaconChunkCopiesDataForSending()
            // given
            var target = new BeaconCache();

            target.AddActionData(1, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(1, 1001L, "iii");
            target.AddActionData(42, 2000L, "z");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1000L, "b");
            target.AddEventData(1, 1001L, "jjj");

            // when
            var obtained = target.GetNextBeaconChunk(1, "prefix", 0, '&');

            // then
            Assert.That(obtained, Is.EqualTo("prefix"));

            Assert.That(target.GetActions(1), Is.Empty);
            Assert.That(target.GetEvents(1), Is.Empty);
            Assert.That(target.GetActionsBeingSent(1), Is.EqualTo(new[] { new BeaconCacheRecord(1000L, "a"), new BeaconCacheRecord(1001L, "iii") }));
            Assert.That(target.GetEventsBeingSent(1), Is.EqualTo(new[] { new BeaconCacheRecord(1000L, "b"), new BeaconCacheRecord(1001L, "jjj") }));
Пример #15
        public void GetNextBeaconChunkDecreasesBeaconCacheSize()
            // given
            var keyOne = new BeaconKey(1, 0);
            var keyTwo = new BeaconKey(42, 0);

            var target = new BeaconCache(logger);

            target.AddActionData(keyOne, 1000L, "a");
            target.AddActionData(keyOne, 1001L, "iii");
            target.AddActionData(keyTwo, 2000L, "z");
            target.AddEventData(keyOne, 1000L, "b");
            target.AddEventData(keyOne, 1001L, "jjj");


            // when
            target.GetNextBeaconChunk(keyOne, "prefix", 0, '&');

            // cache stats are also adjusted
            Assert.That(target.NumBytesInCache, Is.EqualTo(new BeaconCacheRecord(2000L, "z").DataSizeInBytes));