Пример #1
        public static List <Task> AssignTasksGreedy(List <Task> newGoals, List <CreatureAI> creatures, int maxPerDwarf = 100, int maxToAssign = -1)
            if (maxToAssign < 0)
                maxToAssign = newGoals.Count;
            // We are going to keep track of the unassigned goal count
            // to avoid having to parse the list at the end of the loop.
            int goalsUnassigned = newGoals.Count;

            // Randomized list changed from the CreatureAI objects themselves to an index into the
            // List passed in.  This is to avoid having to shift the masterCosts list around to match
            // each time we randomize.
            List <int> randomIndex = new List <int>(creatures.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < creatures.Count; i++)

            // We create the comparer outside of the loop.  It gets reused for each sort.
            CostComparer toCompare = new CostComparer();

            // One of the biggest issues with the old function was that it was recalculating the whole task list for
            // the creature each time through the loop, using one item and then throwing it away.  Nothing changed
            // in how the calculation happened between each time so we will instead make a costs list for each creature
            // and keep them all.  This not only avoids rebuilding the list but the sheer KeyValuePair object churn there already was.
            List <List <KeyValuePair <int, float> > > masterCosts = new List <List <KeyValuePair <int, float> > >(creatures.Count);
            List <int> creatureTaskCounts = new List <int>();

            // We will set this up in the next loop rather than make it's own loop.
            List <int> costsPositions = new List <int>(creatures.Count);

            for (int costIndex = 0; costIndex < creatures.Count; costIndex++)
                List <KeyValuePair <int, float> > costs = new List <KeyValuePair <int, float> >();
                CreatureAI creature = creatures[costIndex];

                // We already were doing an index count to be able to make the KeyValuePair for costs
                // and foreach uses Enumeration which is slower.
                for (int i = 0; i < newGoals.Count; i++)
                    Task task = newGoals[i];
                    // We are checking for tasks the creature is already assigned up here to avoid having to check
                    // every task in the newGoals list against every task in the newGoals list.  The newGoals list
                    // should reasonably not contain any task duplicates.
                    if (creature.Tasks.Contains(task))

                    float cost = 0;
                    // We've swapped the order of the two checks to take advantage of a new ComputeCost that can act different
                    // if we say we've already called IsFeasible first.  This allows us to skip any calculations that are repeated in both.
                    if (task.IsFeasible(creature.Creature) == Feasibility.Infeasible)
                        cost += 1e10f;
                    cost += task.ComputeCost(creature.Creature, true);
                    cost += creature.Tasks.Sum(existingTask => existingTask.ComputeCost(creature.Creature, true));
                    costs.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, float>(i, cost));
                // The sort lambda function has been replaced by an IComparer class.
                // This is faster but I mainly did it because VS can not Edit & Continue
                // any function with a Lambda function in it which was slowing down dev time.


            // We are going to precalculate the maximum iterations and count down
            // instead of up.
            int iters       = goalsUnassigned * creatures.Count;
            int numAssigned = 0;

            while (goalsUnassigned > 0 && iters > 0 && numAssigned < maxToAssign)
                for (int creatureIndex = 0; creatureIndex < randomIndex.Count; creatureIndex++)
                    int        randomCreature = randomIndex[creatureIndex];
                    CreatureAI creature       = creatures[randomCreature];

                    List <KeyValuePair <int, float> > costs = masterCosts[randomCreature];
                    int costPosition = costsPositions[randomCreature];
                    // This loop starts with the previous spot we stopped.  This avoids us having to constantly run a task we
                    // know we have processed.
                    for (int i = costPosition; i < costs.Count; i++)
                        // Incremented at the start in case we find a task and break.

                        KeyValuePair <int, float> taskCost = costs[i];
                        // We've swapped the checks here.  Tasks.Contains is far more expensive so being able to skip
                        // if it's going to fail the maxPerGoal check anyways is very good.
                        if (newGoals[taskCost.Key].AssignedCreatures.Count < newGoals[taskCost.Key].MaxAssignable &&
                            !creature.Tasks.Contains(newGoals[taskCost.Key]) &&
                            (creatureTaskCounts[randomCreature] < maxPerDwarf || newGoals[taskCost.Key].Priority >= TaskPriority.High) &&
                            newGoals[taskCost.Key].IsFeasible(creature.Creature) == Feasibility.Feasible)
                            // We have to check to see if the task we are assigning is fully unassigned.  If so
                            // we reduce the goalsUnassigned count.  If it's already assigned we skip it.
                            if (newGoals[taskCost.Key].AssignedCreatures.Count == 0)

                    // We have to set the position we'll start the loop at the next time based on where we found
                    // our task.
                    costsPositions[randomCreature] = costPosition;
                    // The loop at the end to see if all are unassigned is gone now, replaced by a countdown
                    // variable: goalsUnassigned.

            List <Task> unassigned = new List <Task>();

            for (int i = 0; i < newGoals.Count; i++)
                if (newGoals[i].AssignedCreatures.Count < newGoals[i].MaxAssignable)