public override void Open() { this.searchTryIndex = 0; this._permenantBlacklist.Clear(); this._newStatusList.Add("|DGYELLOW|Connecting to servers on the Moon."); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@QUACK@ABORT"); Music.Play("jazzroom"); this._triesSinceSearch = 0; this.triedHostingAlready = false; this._tryConnectLobby = (Lobby)null; this._tryHostingLobby = (Lobby)null; this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.ConnectToMoon); this._tryHostingWait = 0.0f; this._tryConnectTimeout = 0.0f; this._quit = false; this._tries = 0; this._tryHostingWait = 0.0f; this._totalLobbiesFound = -1; this._failedAttempts.Clear(); base.Open(); }
public override void Initialize() { if (Music.currentSong != "RaceDay") { Music.Play("RaceDay"); } this._door = new Sprite("litDoor"); this._door.CenterOrigin(); this._unlitDoor = new Sprite("unlitDoor"); this._unlitDoor.CenterOrigin(); this._profiles = Profiles.allCustomProfiles; this._profile = this._profiles[this._selectorPosition]; HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "MOVE@DPAD@"); if (this._profiles.Count > 0) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SELECT@SELECT"); } HUD.AddCornerMessage(HUDCorner.TopLeft, "ALBUM@GRAB@"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.TopRight, "@QUACK@EXIT"); this.backgroundColor = Color.Black; base.Initialize(); }
public override void Update() { Options.openOnClose = this._pauseMenu; if (this.spawnKey) { if ((double)this.spawnKeyWait > 0.0) { this.spawnKeyWait -= Maths.IncFrameTimer(); } else { SFX.Play("ching"); this.spawnKey = false; Key key = new Key(this._prizeTable.x, this._prizeTable.y); key.vSpeed = -4f; key.depth = this._duck.depth + 50; Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)SmallSmoke.New(key.x + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f), key.y + Rando.Float(-4f, 4f))); Level.Add((Thing)key); } } Chancy.Update(); if (this._pendingSpawns != null && this._pendingSpawns.Count > 0) { Duck pendingSpawn = this._pendingSpawns[0]; this.AddThing((Thing)pendingSpawn); this._pendingSpawns.RemoveAt(0); this._duck = pendingSpawn; this._arcade = this.things[typeof(ArcadeMode)].First <Thing>() as ArcadeMode; } Layer.Lighting.fade = Layer.Lighting2.fade = 1f - Math.Min(1f, Math.Max(0.0f, (float)((1.0 - (double)Layer.Game.fade) * 1.5))); this.backgroundColor = Color.Black; if ( || { foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = false; } this._prizeTable.visible = false; } else { foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = true; } this._prizeTable.visible = true; } if (this._state == this._desiredState && this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine && this._state != ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._quitting) { if (Input.Pressed("START")) { this._pauseGroup.Open(); this._pauseMenu.Open(); MonoMain.pauseMenu = this._pauseGroup; if (!this._paused) { Music.Pause(); SFX.Play("pause", 0.6f); this._paused = true; this._duck.immobilized = true; } this.simulatePhysics = false; return; } if (this._paused && MonoMain.pauseMenu == null) { this._paused = false; SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); if (this._quit.value) { this._quitting = true; } else { Music.Resume(); this._duck.immobilized = false; this.simulatePhysics = true; } } } else { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.02f); if ((double)Graphics.fade > 0.00999999977648258) { return; } Level.current = (Level) new TitleScreen(); return; } } if (this._paused) { return; } if (this._hud.launchChallenge) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge; } if (this._desiredState != this._state) { = false; bool flag = false; if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._hud.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.Normal) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._duck); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } if (Unlockables.HasPendingUnlocks()) { MonoMain.pauseMenu = (UIComponent) new UIUnlockBox(Unlockables.GetPendingUnlocks().ToList <Unlockable>(), / 2f, / 2f, 190f); } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge || this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList || this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._duck); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._flipState) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } Music.volume = Lerp.Float(Music.volume, 0.0f, 0.01f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.02f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0) { flag = true; } } if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._unlockScreen.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } this._flipState = true; if (this._launchedChallenge) { Layer.Background.fade = 0.0f; Layer.Game.fade = 0.0f; } if (!flag) { return; } this._flipState = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._state = this._desiredState; if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play("Arcade"); this._afterChallenge = false; } this._hud.MakeActive(); Level.Add((Thing)this._hud); = false; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { ArcadeLevel.currentArcade = this; foreach (Thing thing in this.things[typeof(ChallengeConfetti)]) { Level.Remove(thing); } Music.Stop(); Level.current = (Level) new ChallengeLevel(this._hud.selected.challenge.fileName); if (!this.launchSpecialChallenge) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._hud.launchChallenge = false; this._launchedChallenge = false; this._afterChallenge = true; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; this._hud.launchChallenge = false; this._launchedChallenge = false; this._afterChallenge = true; this.launchSpecialChallenge = false; } } else { if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { this._unlockMachines.Clear(); foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { if (challenge.CheckUnlocked()) { this._unlockMachines.Add(challenge); } } if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockMachine; } else { if (!this.basementWasUnlocked && Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY",[0])) { this.spawnKey = true; this.basementWasUnlocked = true; } = true; } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge) { = false; if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play("Arcade"); this._afterChallenge = false; HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.TopLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); Chancy.afterChallenge = true; Chancy.afterChallengeWait = 1f; } else { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "ACCEPT@SELECT@"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@QUACK@CANCEL"); HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.TopLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); } = false; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { = false; ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole == null) { return; } HUD.CloseAllCorners(); arcadeHatConsole.Open(); } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList) { = false; HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "ACCEPT@SELECT@"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@QUACK@BACK"); } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { return; } this.basementWasUnlocked = Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY",[0]); this._unlockScreen.MakeActive(); = false; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { object obj = (object)null; foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { double length = (double)(this._duck.position - challenge.position).length; if (challenge.hover) { obj = (object)challenge; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._hud.activeChallengeGroup =; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)challenge); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } if (this._prizeTable.hover) { obj = (object)this._prizeTable; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockScreen; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._prizeTable); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } } if (Chancy.hover && Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = true; Chancy.OpenChallengeView(); } else { ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole != null && Input.Pressed("SHOOT") && arcadeHatConsole.hover) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; } else { Chancy.hover = false; if (!Chancy.atCounter) { if ((double)(this._duck.position - Chancy.standingPosition).length < 22.0) { obj = (object)Chancy.context; Chancy.hover = true; } if ((double)Chancy.standingPosition.x < (double) - 16.0 || (double)Chancy.standingPosition.x > (double) + 16.0 || ((double)Chancy.standingPosition.y < (double) - 16.0 || (double)Chancy.standingPosition.y > (double) + 16.0)) { Chancy.atCounter = true; Chancy.activeChallenge = (ChallengeData)null; } } else if (this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { obj = (object)this._arcade; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); Chancy.OpenChallengeList(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = true; return; } } if (this._hoverThing == obj) { return; } HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverThing = obj; this._hoverMachine = !(this._hoverThing is ArcadeMachine) ? (ArcadeMachine)null : obj as ArcadeMachine; if (this._hoverMachine != null) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "PLAY@SHOOT@"); string text = + " "; foreach (string challenge1 in { ChallengeData challenge2 = Challenges.GetChallenge(challenge1); if (challenge2 != null) { ChallengeSaveData saveData = Challenges.GetSaveData(challenge2.levelID, this._duck.profile); if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Baseline) { text += "@BASELINE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Bronze) { text += "@BRONZE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Silver) { text += "@SILVER@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Gold) { text += "@GOLD@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Platinum) { text += "@PLATINUM@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Developer) { text += "@DEVELOPER@"; } } } HUD.AddCornerMessage(HUDCorner.TopLeft, text); } else if (this._prizeTable.hover) { if (this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@VIEW CHALLENGES"); } else { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@SPEND TICKETS"); HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); } } else { switch (obj) { case ArcadeMode _: if (!this._prizeTable.hoverChancyChallenge) { break; } HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@VIEW CHALLENGES"); break; case Chancy _: HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "CHANCY@SHOOT@"); break; } } } } } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } this._unlockMachineWait -= 0.02f; Layer.Lighting2.targetFade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Lighting2.targetFade, 0.5f, 0.01f); if ((double)this._unlockMachineWait >= 0.0) { return; } if (this._unlockingMachine) { this._unlockingMachine = false; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; } else if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._unlockMachines[0].unlocked = true; this._unlockMachines.RemoveAt(0); this._unlockingMachine = this._unlockMachines.Count > 0; SFX.Play("lightTurnOn", pitch: Rando.Float(-0.1f, 0.1f)); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; Layer.Lighting2.targetFade = 1f; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.05f); if (!this._hud.quitOut) { return; } this._hud.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; if (Chancy.activeChallenge != null) { return; } List <ChallengeData> chancyChallenges = Challenges.GetEligibleIncompleteChancyChallenges([0]); if (chancyChallenges.Count <= 0) { return; } Vec2 position = this._duck.position; ArcadeMachine arcadeMachine = Level.Nearest <ArcadeMachine>(this._duck.x, this._duck.y); if (arcadeMachine != null) { position = arcadeMachine.position; } chancyChallenges.OrderBy <ChallengeData, int>((Func <ChallengeData, int>)(v => v.GetRequirementValue())); Chancy.AddProposition(chancyChallenges[chancyChallenges.Count - 1], position); } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { if (!this._unlockScreen.quitOut) { return; } this._unlockScreen.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge) { if (!this.launchSpecialChallenge) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { if (this.returnToChallengeList) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = true; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("consoleCancel"); } else { if (!Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { return; } this.launchSpecialChallenge = true; SFX.Play("consoleSelect"); } } else { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); if ((double)Graphics.fade >= 0.00999999977648258) { return; } this._hud.launchChallenge = true; this._hud.selected = new ChallengeCard(0.0f, 0.0f, Chancy.activeChallenge); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallengeList) { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = false; Chancy.lookingAtList = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("consoleCancel"); } else { if (!Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { return; } Chancy.AddProposition(Chancy.selectedChallenge, Chancy.standingPosition); this.returnToChallengeList = true; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; Chancy.hover = false; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = true; Chancy.lookingAtList = false; Chancy.OpenChallengeView(); } } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.ViewProfileSelector) { return; } Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 1f, 0.05f); ArcadeHatConsole arcadeHatConsole = (ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>(); if (arcadeHatConsole == null || arcadeHatConsole.IsOpen()) { return; } foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.unlocked = challenge.CheckUnlocked(false); } this._unlockMachines.Clear(); this.UpdateDefault(); this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } }
public override void Initialize() { TeamSelect2.DefaultSettings(); base.Initialize(); this.UpdateDefault(); bool flag = true; foreach (Profile prof in { if (flag) { flag = false; } else { if ( != null) {; } prof.inputProfile = (InputProfile)null; } } this._pendingSpawns = new Deathmatch((Level)this).SpawnPlayers(); this._pendingSpawns = this._pendingSpawns.OrderBy <Duck, float>((Func <Duck, float>)(sp => sp.x)).ToList <Duck>(); foreach (Duck pendingSpawn in this._pendingSpawns) { this.followCam.Add((Thing)pendingSpawn); ((ArcadeHatConsole)Level.First <ArcadeHatConsole>())?.MakeHatSelector(pendingSpawn); } this.followCam.Adjust(); foreach (ArcadeMachine arcadeMachine in this.things[typeof(ArcadeMachine)]) { this._challenges.Add(arcadeMachine); }[0].ticketCount = Challenges.GetTicketCount([0]); if ([0].ticketCount < 0) {[0].ticketCount = 0; } foreach (ArcadeFrame arcadeFrame in this.things[typeof(ArcadeFrame)]) { this._frames.Add(arcadeFrame); } foreach (ChallengeSaveData challengeSaveData in Challenges.GetAllSaveData()) { if (challengeSaveData.frameID != "") { ArcadeFrame frame = this.GetFrame(challengeSaveData.frameID); if (frame != null) { frame.saveData = challengeSaveData; } } } foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.unlocked = challenge.CheckUnlocked(false); } this._hud = new ArcadeHUD(); this._hud.alpha = 0.0f; Level.Add((Thing)this._hud); this._unlockScreen = new UnlockScreen(); this._unlockScreen.alpha = 0.0f; Level.Add((Thing)this._unlockScreen); this._pauseGroup = new UIComponent( / 2f, / 2f, 0.0f, 0.0f); this._pauseMenu = new UIMenu("@LWING@CHALLENGE MODE@RWING@", / 2f, / 2f, 160f, conString: "@DPAD@MOVE @SELECT@SELECT"); this._confirmMenu = new UIMenu("REALLY QUIT?", / 2f, / 2f, 160f, conString: "@SELECT@SELECT"); UIDivider uiDivider = new UIDivider(true, 0.8f); uiDivider.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("RESUME", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenu(this._pauseGroup), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("OPTIONS", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this._pauseMenu, (UIComponent)Options.optionsMenu), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("QUIT", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this._pauseMenu, (UIComponent)this._confirmMenu), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIImage("pauseIcons", UIAlign.Right), true); this._pauseMenu.Add((UIComponent)uiDivider, true); this._pauseMenu.Close(); this._pauseGroup.Add((UIComponent)this._pauseMenu, false); this._pauseGroup.Add((UIComponent)Options.optionsMenu, false); Options.openOnClose = this._pauseMenu; this._confirmMenu.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("NO!", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this._confirmMenu, (UIComponent)this._pauseMenu)), true); this._confirmMenu.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("YES!", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._pauseGroup, this._quit)), true); this._confirmMenu.Close(); this._pauseGroup.Add((UIComponent)this._confirmMenu, false); this._pauseGroup.Close(); Level.Add((Thing)this._pauseGroup); this._prizeTable = this.things[typeof(PrizeTable)].FirstOrDefault <Thing>() as PrizeTable; if (this._prizeTable == null) { this._prizeTable = new PrizeTable(730f, 124f); } Chancy.activeChallenge = (ChallengeData)null; Chancy.atCounter = true; Chancy.lookingAtChallenge = false; Graphics.fade = 1f; this.basementWasUnlocked = Unlocks.IsUnlocked("BASEMENTKEY",[0]); Level.Add((Thing)this._prizeTable); Music.Play("Arcade"); }
public override void Initialize() { this._background = new SpriteThing(313f, -40f, new Sprite("arcade/arcadeOuya")); = new Vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); this._background.layer = Layer.Background; this._duck = new Duck(730f, 100f,[0]); Level.Add((Thing)this._background); Level.Add((Thing)this._duck); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._duck); Chancy.Add("SUP MOTHARFUCKAR :P"); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(0.0f, 187f, 295f, 53f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(289f, 195f, 14f, 45f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(290f, 203f, 190f, 37f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(467f, 195f, 17f, 45f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(475f, 187f, 217f, 53f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(639f, 179f, 32f, 16f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(647f, 171f, 32f, 16f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(655f, 163f, 32f, 16f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(663f, 155f, 32f, 16f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(671f, 147f, 32f, 16f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(679f, 139f, 124f, 16f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(787f, 0.0f, 64f, 300f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(-16f, 0.0f, 21f, 300f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Platform(648f, 131f, 12f, 8f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Platform(640f, 123f, 12f, 8f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Platform(632f, 115f, 12f, 8f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(624f, 107f, 12f, 8f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(616f, 99f, 12f, 8f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(-100f, 91f, 720f, 14f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(251f, 83f, 268f, 10f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(259f, 75f, 252f, 10f)); Level.Add((Thing) new Block(254f, 0.0f, 64f, 300f)); List <Vec2> vec2List = new List <Vec2>() { new Vec2(380f, 186f), new Vec2(520f, 170f), new Vec2(565f, 74f), new Vec2(375f, 58f), new Vec2(455f, 58f) }; Vec2 vec2_1 = vec2List[this._challenges.Count]; Vec2 vec2_2 = vec2List[this._challenges.Count]; ArcadeMachine arcadeMachine1 = new ArcadeMachine(vec2_2.x, vec2_2.y, new ChallengeGroup() { name = "TARGETS", challenges = { "challenge/targets01", "challenge/targets03ouya", "challenge/targets02ouya" }, trophiesRequired = 0 }, 0); arcadeMachine1.lightColor = 2; arcadeMachine1.unlocked = true; Level.Add((Thing)arcadeMachine1); this._challenges.Add(arcadeMachine1); Vec2 vec2_3 = vec2List[this._challenges.Count]; ArcadeMachine arcadeMachine2 = new ArcadeMachine(vec2_3.x, vec2_3.y, new ChallengeGroup() { name = "VARIETY ZONE", challenges = { "challenge/obstacle", "challenge/shootout02", "challenge/jetpack02" }, trophiesRequired = 0 }, 6); arcadeMachine2.lightColor = 1; Level.Add((Thing)arcadeMachine2); this._challenges.Add(arcadeMachine2); Vec2 vec2_4 = vec2List[this._challenges.Count]; ArcadeMachine arcadeMachine3 = new ArcadeMachine(vec2_4.x, vec2_4.y, new ChallengeGroup() { name = "TELEPORTER", challenges = { "challenge/tele02", "challenge/tele01", "challenge/tele03" }, trophiesRequired = 1 }, 4); arcadeMachine3.lightColor = 1; Level.Add((Thing)arcadeMachine3); this._challenges.Add(arcadeMachine3); Vec2 vec2_5 = vec2List[this._challenges.Count]; ArcadeMachine arcadeMachine4 = new ArcadeMachine(vec2_5.x, vec2_5.y, new ChallengeGroup() { name = "WEAPON TRAINING", challenges = { "challenge/magnumouya", "challenge/chaingunouya", "challenge/sniper" }, trophiesRequired = 4 }, 5); arcadeMachine4.lightColor = 2; Level.Add((Thing)arcadeMachine4); this._challenges.Add(arcadeMachine4); Vec2 vec2_6 = vec2List[this._challenges.Count]; ArcadeMachine arcadeMachine5 = new ArcadeMachine(vec2_6.x, vec2_6.y, new ChallengeGroup() { name = "VARIETY ZONE 2", challenges = { "challenge/ball01", "challenge/glass01ouya", "challenge/grapple04" }, trophiesRequired = 9 }, 8); arcadeMachine5.lightColor = 1; Level.Add((Thing)arcadeMachine5); this._challenges.Add(arcadeMachine5); this._prizeTable = new PrizeTable(730f, 124f); Level.Add((Thing)this._prizeTable); this._hud = new ArcadeHUD(); this._hud.alpha = 0.0f; this._unlockScreen = new UnlockScreen(); this._unlockScreen.alpha = 0.0f; Level.Add((Thing)this._unlockScreen); this._pauseGroup = new UIComponent( / 2f, / 2f, 0.0f, 0.0f); this._pauseMenu = new UIMenu("@LWING@CHALLENGE MODE@RWING@", / 2f, / 2f, 160f, conString: "@DPAD@MOVE @SELECT@SELECT"); this._confirmMenu = new UIMenu("REALLY QUIT?", / 2f, / 2f, 160f, conString: "@SELECT@SELECT"); UIDivider uiDivider = new UIDivider(true, 0.8f); uiDivider.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("RESUME", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenu(this._pauseGroup), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("OPTIONS", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this._pauseMenu, (UIComponent)Options.optionsMenu), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider.leftSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("QUIT", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this._pauseMenu, (UIComponent)this._confirmMenu), UIAlign.Left), true); uiDivider.rightSection.Add((UIComponent) new UIImage("pauseIcons", UIAlign.Right), true); this._pauseMenu.Add((UIComponent)uiDivider, true); this._pauseMenu.Close(); this._pauseGroup.Add((UIComponent)this._pauseMenu, false); this._pauseGroup.Add((UIComponent)Options.optionsMenu, false); Options.openOnClose = this._pauseMenu; this._confirmMenu.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("NO!", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this._confirmMenu, (UIComponent)this._pauseMenu)), true); this._confirmMenu.Add((UIComponent) new UIMenuItem("YES!", (UIMenuAction) new UIMenuActionCloseMenuSetBoolean(this._pauseGroup, this._quit)), true); this._confirmMenu.Close(); this._pauseGroup.Add((UIComponent)this._confirmMenu, false); this._pauseGroup.Close(); Level.Add((Thing)this._pauseGroup); Music.Play(nameof(Arcade)); base.Initialize(); }
public override void Update() { this.backgroundColor = Color.Black; if ( || { this._background.visible = false; foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = false; } this._prizeTable.visible = false; } else { this._background.visible = true; foreach (Thing challenge in this._challenges) { challenge.visible = true; } this._prizeTable.visible = true; } if (this._state == this._desiredState && this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine && this._state != ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._quitting) { if (Input.Pressed("START")) { this._pauseGroup.Open(); this._pauseMenu.Open(); MonoMain.pauseMenu = this._pauseGroup; if (!this._paused) { Music.Pause(); SFX.Play("pause", 0.6f); this._paused = true; this._duck.immobilized = true; } this.simulatePhysics = false; return; } if (this._paused && MonoMain.pauseMenu == null) { this._paused = false; SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); if (this._quit.value) { this._quitting = true; } else { Music.Resume(); this._duck.immobilized = false; this.simulatePhysics = true; } } } else { Graphics.fade = Lerp.Float(Graphics.fade, 0.0f, 0.02f); if ((double)Graphics.fade <= 0.00999999977648258) { Level.current = (Level) new TitleScreen(); } } } if (this._paused) { return; } this._hud.Update(); if (this._hud.launchChallenge) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge; } if (this._desiredState != this._state) { = false; bool flag = false; if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._hud.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.Normal) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._duck); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { if (!this._flipState) { this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, this._followCam.viewSize, 0.14f, 1.05f); } this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 1f, 0.1f, 1.1f); Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; if (((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 0.0 || (double)this._followCam.manualViewSize == (double)this._followCam.viewSize) && ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 1.0)) { flag = true; this._followCam.manualViewSize = -1f; this._duck.alpha = 1f; } } else if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { if (!this._flipState) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); } Music.volume = Lerp.Float(Music.volume, 0.0f, 0.01f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.02f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._hud.alpha == 0.0) { flag = true; } } if (this._desiredState == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._duck.alpha = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._duck.alpha, 0.0f, 0.1f); this._followCam.manualViewSize = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this._followCam.manualViewSize, 2f, 0.16f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 30.0) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.08f); this._unlockScreen.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._unlockScreen.alpha, 1f, 0.08f); if ((double)this._followCam.manualViewSize < 3.0 && (double)this._unlockScreen.alpha == 1.0 && (double)Layer.Game.fade == 0.0) { flag = true; } } } this._flipState = true; if (this._launchedChallenge) { Layer.Background.fade = 0.0f; Layer.Game.fade = 0.0f; } if (!flag) { return; } this._flipState = false; HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._state = this._desiredState; if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play(nameof(Arcade)); this._afterChallenge = false; } this._hud.MakeActive(); = false; } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.LaunchChallenge) { Arcade.currentArcade = this; foreach (Thing thing in this.things[typeof(ChallengeConfetti)]) { Level.Remove(thing); } Music.Stop(); Level.current = (Level) new ChallengeLevel(this._hud.selected.challenge.fileName); this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._hud.launchChallenge = false; this._launchedChallenge = false; this._afterChallenge = true; } else { if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { this._unlockMachines.Clear(); foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { if (challenge.CheckUnlocked()) { this._unlockMachines.Add(challenge); } } if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockMachine; } else { = true; } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockScreen) { this._unlockScreen.MakeActive(); = false; } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.ViewSpecialChallenge) { return; } if (this._afterChallenge) { Music.Play(nameof(Arcade)); this._afterChallenge = false; } Chancy.afterChallenge = true; Chancy.afterChallengeWait = 1f; = false; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal || this._state == ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 1f, 0.08f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 0.0f, 0.08f); if (this._state == ArcadeState.Normal) { object obj = (object)null; foreach (ArcadeMachine challenge in this._challenges) { double length = (double)(this._duck.position - challenge.position).length; if (challenge.hover) { obj = (object)challenge; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._hud.activeChallengeGroup =; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.ViewChallenge; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)challenge); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } if (this._prizeTable.hover) { obj = (object)this._prizeTable; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.UnlockScreen; this._followCam.manualViewSize = this._followCam.viewSize; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._prizeTable); HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverMachine = (ArcadeMachine)null; this._hoverThing = (object)null; return; } } } if (this._hoverThing == obj) { return; } HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._hoverThing = obj; this._hoverMachine = !(this._hoverThing is ArcadeMachine) ? (ArcadeMachine)null : obj as ArcadeMachine; if (this._hoverMachine != null) { HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "PLAY@SHOOT@", this._duck.inputProfile); string text = + " "; foreach (string challenge in { ChallengeSaveData saveData = Challenges.GetSaveData(Challenges.GetChallenge(challenge).levelID, this._duck.profile); if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Baseline) { text += "@BASELINE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Bronze) { text += "@BRONZE@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Silver) { text += "@SILVER@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Gold) { text += "@GOLD@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Platinum) { text += "@PLATINUM@"; } else if (saveData.trophy == TrophyType.Developer) { text += "@DEVELOPER@"; } } HUD.AddCornerMessage(HUDCorner.TopLeft, text); } else { if (!this._prizeTable.hover) { return; } HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SHOOT@SPEND TICKETS", this._duck.inputProfile); HUD.AddCornerCounter(HUDCorner.BottomLeft, "@TICKET@ ", new FieldBinding((object)[0], "ticketCount"), animateCount: true); } } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockMachine) { return; } this._unlockMachineWait -= 0.02f; if ((double)this._unlockMachineWait >= 0.0) { return; } if (this._unlockingMachine) { this._unlockingMachine = false; this._followCam.Clear(); this._followCam.Add((Thing)this._unlockMachines[0]); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; } else if (this._unlockMachines.Count > 0) { this._unlockMachines[0].unlocked = true; this._unlockMachines.RemoveAt(0); this._unlockingMachine = this._unlockMachines.Count > 0; SFX.Play("lightTurnOn", pitch: Rando.Float(-0.1f, 0.1f)); this._unlockMachineWait = 1f; } else { this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } } } else if (this._state == ArcadeState.ViewChallenge) { Layer.Game.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); Layer.Background.fade = Lerp.Float(Layer.Game.fade, 0.0f, 0.05f); this._hud.alpha = Lerp.Float(this._hud.alpha, 1f, 0.05f); if (!this._hud.quitOut) { return; } this._hud.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } else { if (this._state != ArcadeState.UnlockScreen || !this._unlockScreen.quitOut) { return; } this._unlockScreen.quitOut = false; this._desiredState = ArcadeState.Normal; } }
public override void Initialize() { if (this._testMode) { this._endOfHighlights = true; Options.Data.sfxVolume = 0.0f; DuckStory duckStory = new DuckStory(); duckStory.text = "|SUAVE||RED|John Mallard|WHITE| here dancing|CALM| for you |EXCITED|and wearing ties!"; HighlightLevel._stories = new List <DuckStory>(); for (int index = 0; index < 9999; ++index) { HighlightLevel._stories.Add(duckStory); } } HighlightLevel._cancelSkip = false; this._tv = new Sprite("bigTV"); this._duck = new SpriteMap("newsDuck", 140, 100); this._duckBeak = new SpriteMap("newsDuckBeak", 140, 100); this._tie = new SpriteMap("ties", 12, 21); this._pumpkin = new Sprite("pump"); this._pumpkin.CenterOrigin(); this._newsTable = new Sprite("newsTable"); this._logo = new Sprite("duckGameTitle"); this._logo.CenterOrigin(); this._background = new Sprite("duckChannelBackground"); this._blurLayer = new Layer("BLUR", Layer.HUD.depth + 5,; Layer.Add(this._blurLayer); this._blurLayer.effect = Content.Load <Effect>("Shaders/blur"); this._transition = new DuckChannelLogo(); Level.Add((Thing)this._transition); this._tl = new Vec2(30f, 32f); this._size = new Vec2(207f, 141f); this._rockImage2 = new Sprite(RockScoreboard.finalImage, 0.0f, 0.0f); this._talker = new Teleprompter(0.0f, 0.0f, this._duck); = this._talker.visible = false; Level.Add((Thing)this._talker); if (HighlightLevel.didSkip) { this._skip = true; } if (this._endOfHighlights) { this._state = TVState.ShowNewscaster; this._desiredState = this._state; } else { HighlightLevel._image = (Sprite)null; HighlightLevel.currentTie = Rando.Int(15); Music.Play("SportsCap"); HighlightLevel._stories = DuckNews.CalculateStories(); } this._hotness = new HotnessAnimation(); this._tie.frame = HighlightLevel.currentTie; for (int index = 0; index < HighlightLevel._stories.Count; index = index - 1 + 1) { bool flag = HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "%CUEHIGHLIGHTS%"; if (HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "CUE%HOTNESSIMAGE%") { HighlightLevel._stories[index].OnStoryBegin += new DuckStory.OnStoryBeginDelegate(this.OnHotnessImage); } if (HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "CUE%CUEHOTNESS%") { HighlightLevel._stories[index].OnStoryBegin += new DuckStory.OnStoryBeginDelegate(this.OnHotnessStory); } if (HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "CUE%ENDHOTNESS%") { HighlightLevel._stories[index].OnStoryBegin += new DuckStory.OnStoryBeginDelegate(this.OnHotnessEnd); } if (HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "CUE%INTERVIEWIMAGE%") { HighlightLevel._stories[index].OnStoryBegin += new DuckStory.OnStoryBeginDelegate(this.OnInterviewImage); } if (HighlightLevel._stories[index].text == "CUE%CUEINTERVIEW%") { this._interviewIndex = index; HighlightLevel._stories[index].OnStoryBegin += new DuckStory.OnStoryBeginDelegate(this.OnInterview); } if (!flag) { this._talker.ReadLine(HighlightLevel._stories[index]); } HighlightLevel._stories.RemoveAt(index); if (flag) { break; } } Vote.OpenVoting("SKIP", "START"); }
public override void Update() { this.yOffset = Lerp.FloatSmooth(this.yOffset, this.down ? 150f : 0.0f, 0.3f, 1.1f); if (this.down) { if (this._unlocks.Count == 0) { if (!this.finished) { this.finished = true; this.Close(); } } else { this._downWait -= 0.06f; if ((double)this._downWait <= 0.0) { this._openWait = 1f; this._wrapped = true; this._downWait = 1f; this._unlock = this._unlocks.First <Unlockable>(); this._unlocks.RemoveAt(0); this.down = false; SFX.Play("pause", 0.6f); } } } else { this._openWait -= 0.06f; if ((double)this._openWait <= 0.0 && this._wrapped && !this._flash) { this._flash = true; } if (this._flash) { Graphics.flashAdd = Lerp.Float(Graphics.flashAdd, 1f, 0.2f); if ((double)Graphics.flashAdd > 0.990000009536743) { this._wrapped = !this._wrapped; if (!this._wrapped) { if (this._unlock != null && == "UR THE BEST") { this._oldSong = Music.currentSong; Music.Play("jollyjingle"); } SFX.Play("harp"); HUD.AddCornerControl(HUDCorner.BottomRight, "@SELECT@CONTINUE"); this._unlock.DoUnlock(); } this._flash = false; } } else { Graphics.flashAdd = Lerp.Float(Graphics.flashAdd, 0.0f, 0.2f); } if (!this._wrapped && Input.Pressed("SELECT")) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); SFX.Play("resume", 0.6f); if (this._oldSong != null && this._unlock != null && == "UR THE BEST") { Music.Play(this._oldSong); } this.down = true; } } base.Update(); }
public void Play(bool loop = true) => Music.Play(this, loop);