public override void Initialize() { this._cape = new Cape(this.x, this.y, (PhysicsObject)this, true); this._cape._capeTexture = new Sprite("rainbowCarp").texture; Level.Add((Thing)this._cape); base.Initialize(); }
public override void Update() { if (this._switchFrames > 0) { --this._switchFrames; } if (this._ruined) { if (this._cape != null) { Level.Remove((Thing)this._cape); this._cape = (Cape)null; } this.graphic = this._damaged; if ((double)this._ghostWait > 0.0) { this._ghostWait -= 0.4f; } else { if (!this._madeGhost) { Level.Add((Thing) new EscapingGhost(this.x, this.y - 6f)); for (int index = 0; index < 8; ++index) { Level.Add((Thing)Spark.New(this.x + Rando.Float(-8f, 8f), this.y + Rando.Float(-8f, 8f), new Vec2(Rando.Float(-1f, 1f), Rando.Float(-1f, 1f)))); } } this._madeGhost = true; } } base.Update(); }
public override void Draw(float x, float y, Depth depth) { if (this._team == null) { return; } y -= 9f; float x1 = x; float y1 = y + 8f; this._persona.sprite.depth = depth; this._persona.sprite.color = Color.White; DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(this._persona.sprite, 0, x1, y1); this._persona.armSprite.frame = this._persona.sprite.imageIndex; this._persona.armSprite.scale = new Vec2(1f, 1f); this._persona.armSprite.depth = depth + 4; DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Sprite)this._persona.armSprite, x1 - 3f, y1 + 6f); Vec2 hatPoint = DuckRig.GetHatPoint(this._persona.sprite.imageIndex); this._team.hat.depth = depth + 2; = new Vec2(16f, 16f) + this._team.hatOffset; DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(this._team.hat, this._team.hat.frame, x1 + hatPoint.x, y1 + hatPoint.y); if (this._team.hat.texture.textureName == "hats/devhat" && this._cape == null) { this._hat = new TeamHat(x1 + hatPoint.x, (float)((double)y1 + (double)hatPoint.y + 5.0), Teams.GetTeam("CAPTAIN")); this._cape = new Cape(x1 + hatPoint.x, y1 + hatPoint.y, (PhysicsObject)this._hat); } if (this._team.hat.texture.textureName == "hats/moonwalker" && this._cape == null) { this._hat = new TeamHat(x1 + hatPoint.x, (float)((double)y1 + (double)hatPoint.y + 5.0), Teams.GetTeam("MOONWALK")); this._cape = new Cape(x1 + hatPoint.x, y1 + hatPoint.y, (PhysicsObject)this._hat); this._cape.SetCapeTexture((Texture2D)Content.Load <Tex2D>("hats/moonCape")); } if (this._team.hat.texture.textureName == "hats/royalty" && this._cape == null) { this._hat = new TeamHat(x1 + hatPoint.x, (float)((double)y1 + (double)hatPoint.y + 5.0), Teams.GetTeam("MAJESTY")); this._cape = new Cape(x1 + hatPoint.x, y1 + hatPoint.y, (PhysicsObject)this._hat); this._cape.SetCapeTexture((Texture2D)Content.Load <Tex2D>("hats/royalCape")); } if (this._cape == null) { return; } this._hat.position = new Vec2(x1 + hatPoint.x, (float)((double)y1 + (double)hatPoint.y + 5.0)); this._cape.depth = depth + 2; this._cape.Update(); this._cape.Draw(); }
void AddCape(Duck duck) { if (CapeTexture == null) { return; //The skin had no cape texture, return. } Cape cape = new Cape(0, 0, duck); cape.SetCapeTexture(CapeTexture); Level.Add(cape); //Add Cape to the level. if (Capes.ContainsKey(duck)) //If theres already a cape in the level { Level.Remove(Capes[duck]); //Remove the already existing cape from the level Capes[duck] = cape; //Change the cape. return; } Capes.Add(duck, cape); //If no existing cape was found, add it to the dictionary. }