private void Window_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var tokenCachePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), "droptoken"); var secretCachePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), "dropsecret"); if (File.Exists(tokenCachePath) && File.Exists(secretCachePath)) { var cachedUserToken = File.ReadAllText(tokenCachePath); var cachedUserSecret = File.ReadAllText(secretCachePath); _client = new DropNetClient(appKey, appSecret, cachedUserToken, cachedUserSecret); } else { _client = new DropNetClient(appKey, appSecret); var userToken = _client.GetToken(); var tokenUrl = _client.BuildAuthorizeUrl("http://localhost:8000/token"); browser1.DocumentCompleted += Browser1OnDocumentCompleted; browser1.Navigated += Browser1OnNavigated; browser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true; browser1.Navigate(new Uri(tokenUrl)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } }
internal DropboxModel() { try { DropNetClient client = new DropNetClient("763s7xzmvkxmfkn", "dzl7p8qdt0p1f5v"); client.GetToken(); string url = client.BuildAuthorizeUrl(); Process proc = Process.Start("iexplore", url); bool authenticated = false; while (!authenticated) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); try { client.GetAccessToken(); } catch { } authenticated = true; } this.client = client; } catch (Exception ex) { LogController.AddEntryDropbox(string.Format("Unable to authenticate user: {0}", ex.Message)); throw new Exception("Authentication failed"); } }
public static void Main() { var client = new DropNetClient(DropboxAppKey, DropboxAppSecret); var token = client.GetToken(); var url = client.BuildAuthorizeUrl(); Console.WriteLine("COPY?PASTE Link: {0}", url); Console.WriteLine("Press enter when clicked allow"); Process.Start(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe", url); Console.ReadLine(); var accessToken = client.GetAccessToken(); client.UseSandbox = true; var metaData = client.CreateFolder("NewUpload" + DateTime.Now.ToString()); string[] dir = Directory.GetFiles("../../images/", "*.JPG"); foreach (var item in dir) { Console.WriteLine("Reading file....."); FileStream stream = File.Open(item, FileMode.Open); var bytes = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)stream.Length); Console.WriteLine(bytes.Length + " bytes uploading..."); client.UploadFile("/" + metaData.Name.ToString(), item.Substring(6), bytes); Console.WriteLine("{0} uploaded!", item); stream.Close(); } Console.WriteLine("Job Done!"); var picUrl = client.GetShare(metaData.Path); Process.Start(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe", picUrl.Url); }
private void downloadVerseDatabase(DropNetClient client) { const string VerseDbFileName = "verses.sqlite3"; client.GetMetaDataAsync("/", metadata => { var versesDb = metadata.Contents .Where(x => !x.Is_Dir && x.Name == VerseDbFileName) .FirstOrDefault(); if (versesDb == null) { notifyError("Could not find '" + VerseDbFileName + "' in your Dropbox root folder."); return; } client.GetFileAsync(versesDb.Path, file => { var fileBytes = file.RawBytes; var fileStream = new MemoryStream(fileBytes); writeDatabaseToIsolatedStorage(fileStream); }, ex => notifyError(ex)); }, ex => notifyError(ex)); }
public FolderBrowser(DropNetClient client) { _client = client; InitializeComponent(); treeView.Nodes.Add(Recurse("/")); }
public DropBoxAuth() { InitializeComponent(); _indicator = AddIndicator(); _client = DropBoxUtils.Create(); }
public ActionResult CreateDirectory(string path, string name) { var _client = new DropNetClient(accessKey, secretAccessKey, userTokenKey, userSecretKey); path = Path.Combine(path, name).Replace('\\', '/'); _client.CreateFolder(path); return Content(""); }
// Shouldn't be constructing client here in static constructor. // needs to be 1) not static (need multiple of these)... 2) generated maybe in the GetClient() method. static DropboxHelper() { if (client == null) { // dummy names, avoiding obvious names. var key = ConfigHelper.DropBoxAPIKey; var secret = ConfigHelper.DropBoxAPISecret; var userSecret = ConfigHelper.DropBoxUserSecret; var userToken = ConfigHelper.DropBoxUserToken; // Obviously don't share DropBoxAPIKey or DropBoxAPISecret in source. This is to be kept private. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { key = APIKeys.DropBoxAPIKey; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(secret)) { secret = APIKeys.DropBoxAPISecret; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userSecret) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(userToken)) { client = new DropNetClient(key, secret); } else { client = new DropNetClient(key, secret, userToken, userSecret, null); } } }
public JsonResult Browse(string path) { path = Path.Combine(ContentPaths[0], path).Replace('\\', '/') + "/"; var _client = new DropNetClient(accessKey, secretAccessKey, userTokenKey, userSecretKey); var _metaData = _client.GetMetaData(path); BrowseResult result = new BrowseResult(); result.ContentPaths = ContentPaths; result.Path = path; result.Files = _metaData.Contents.Where(e => e.Extension != "").Select(e => { long size = 0; if (e.Size.Contains(" B")) size = (long)double.Parse(e.Size.Replace(" B", "").Replace('.', ',')); else if( e.Size.Contains(" KB")) size = (long)(double.Parse(e.Size.Replace(" KB", "").Replace('.', ',')) * 1024); else if (e.Size.Contains(" MB")) size = (long)(double.Parse(e.Size.Replace(" MB", "").Replace('.', ',')) * 1024 * 1024); else if (e.Size.Contains(" GB")) size = (long)(double.Parse(e.Size.Replace(" GB", "").Replace('.', ',')) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); return new FileEntry { Name = e.Name, Size = size }; }); result.Directories = _metaData.Contents.Where(e => e.Extension == "").Select(e => new DirectoryEntry { Name = e.Name }); return this.Json(result); }
private DropboxHelper() { //_client = new DropNetClient("yre3pe1t1rsub96", "i9qrsbs5mbzkn2g", "05kuo18k341af6z", "kjij2aqhmzjk9wm"); try { var _setting = EmployeeManagement._context.GetSharedPreferences("dropbox_token", FileCreationMode.Private); string _userSecret = _setting.GetString("dropbox_secret", string.Empty); string _userToken = _setting.GetString("dropbox_token", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_userSecret) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_userToken)) { _client = new DropNetClient("yre3pe1t1rsub96", "i9qrsbs5mbzkn2g"); _isLogined = false; } else { _client = new DropNetClient("yre3pe1t1rsub96", "i9qrsbs5mbzkn2g", _userToken, _userSecret); _isLogined = true; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { _client = new DropNetClient("yre3pe1t1rsub96", "i9qrsbs5mbzkn2g"); _isLogined = false; } _client.UseSandbox = true; }
public MainWindow() { try { this.dropNetClient = new DropNetClient(API_KEY, APP_SECRET); this.dropNetClient.UseSandbox = true; this.employees = HierarchyGenerator.GenerateEmployees(); InitializeComponent(); this.importDataBtn.Click += (sender, eventArgs) => { var reportsPage = new ReportsPage(employees); this.pagesFrame.Navigate(reportsPage); this.currentPage = reportsPage; }; this.exportToDropBoxBtn.Click += ExportToDropBoxAccount; this.exportToWordBtn.Click += (sender, e) => { try { ExportToWordFile(sender, e); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowError(ex); } }; this.aboutBtn.Click += ShowAboutBox; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public string SaveAttachment(AttachmentRequest request) { try { DropNetClient _client = new DropNetClient(AppConstants.DropboxClientId, AppConstants.DropboxClientSecret); _client.UserLogin = Storage.Dropbox.Token; DropNet.Models.UserLogin login = _client.GetAccessToken(); Attachment attachment = AppUtility.GetAttachment(request.AttachmentId, request.AuthToken, request.EwsUrl); _client.UploadFile("/", attachment.AttachmentName, attachment.AttachmentBytes); return "Uploaded Sucessfully."; } catch (Exception s) { return s.Message; } //return ""; }
static Dropbox() { client = new DropNetClient( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DropboxClientID"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DropboxSecret"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DropboxAccessToken")); }
public override SyncInfo Initialize(DatabaseInfo info) { if (info == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); var details = info.Details; var url = new Uri(details.Url); _client = CreateClient(url.UserInfo); _info = new SyncInfo { Path = url.LocalPath, Modified = details.Modified, HasLocalChanges = details.HasLocalChanges, }; info.OpenDatabaseFile(x => { using (var buffer = new MemoryStream()) { BufferEx.CopyStream(x, buffer); _info.Database = buffer.ToArray(); } }); return _info; }
public ActionResult Image(string filename) { var _client = new DropNetClient(accessKey, secretAccessKey, userTokenKey, userSecretKey); var file = _client.GetFile("/Public/Images/" + filename); return File(file, Common.GetMimeType(filename)); }
public string AskForRegistrationUrl(UserProfileInfo user, string redirectUrl, out int tempCredentialId) { var _client = new DropNetClient(MogConstants.DROPBOX_KEY, MogConstants.DROPBOX_SECRET); UserLogin login = _client.GetToken(); // UserLogin login = _client.GetAccessToken(); var url = _client.BuildAuthorizeUrl(login, redirectUrl); var query = repoAuthCredential.GetByUserId(user.Id); List<AuthCredential> existingCredentials = null; if (query != null) {//TODO : gerer le cas des accounts multiples existingCredentials = query.Where(a => a.CloudService == CloudStorageServices.Dropbox).ToList(); foreach (var credential in existingCredentials) { repoAuthCredential.Delete(credential); } } AuthCredential newCredential = new AuthCredential(); newCredential.Token = login.Token; newCredential.Secret = login.Secret; newCredential.UserId = user.Id; newCredential.CloudService = CloudStorageServices.Dropbox; this.repoAuthCredential.Create(newCredential); tempCredentialId = newCredential.Id; return url; }
/// <summary> /// Start dropbox sync /// </summary> public void Start() { Debug.Assert(_ws.HasDropBoxToken); _client = new DropNetClient( AppSetting.DROPBOX_API_KEY, AppSetting.DROPBOX_API_SECRET, _ws.DropBoxToken, _ws.DropBoxSecret); // // is first time sync? // bool isfirstsync = (_ws.HasLastSyncHashCode == false); if (isfirstsync) { Log("First sync:{0}...", _ws.Name); _client.GetMetaDataAsync(_ws.DropBoxPath, OnFirstSyncMetaDataReceived, OnFirstSyncMetaDataError); return; } Log("Sync was done once before"); SyncFiles(); }
public static void Login(Action<string, string> callback) { var json = StorageIo.ReadTextFile(LOGIN_HELPER_FILE); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { var client = new DropNetClient(AppSetting.DROPBOX_API_KEY, AppSetting.DROPBOX_API_SECRET); client.LoginAsync( "*****@*****.**", "emfkqqkrtm", (login) => { string[] credintial = new string[] { login.Token, login.Secret }; var jsonsaving = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(credintial); StorageIo.WriteTextFile(LOGIN_HELPER_FILE, jsonsaving); ThreadUtil.UiCall(() => callback(login.Token, login.Secret)); }, (err) => { MessageBox.Show("err happened:" + err.Response); } ); return; } string[] info = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string[]>(json); callback(info[0], info[1]); }
public MainRegistry() { ForSingletonOf<ICache>().Use<WebBasedCache>(); For<ServerVariables>().Use(ctx => new ServerVariables(ctx.GetInstance<HttpContextBase>().Request.ServerVariables)); For<RequestHeaders>().Use(ctx => new RequestHeaders(ctx.GetInstance<HttpContextBase>().Request.Headers)); DbAccessBits(); #if DEBUG For<ICloudStorageFacade>().Use<FileSystemFacade>(); #else For<DropNetClient>().Use(ctx => { var cfg = ctx.GetInstance<DropboxSettings>(); var dropnet = new DropNetClient(cfg.ApiKey, cfg.AppSecret, cfg.UserToken, cfg.UserSecret) { UseSandbox = true }; return dropnet; }); For<ICloudStorageFacade>().Use<DropboxFacade>(); #endif Scan(s => { s.TheCallingAssembly(); s.AddAllTypesOf<ISearchPlugin>(); s.Convention<WireUpSettings>(); }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("You must first login in your dropbox account."); string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(currentDir).Parent.Parent; FileInfo[] pictures = info.GetFiles("*.jpg"); List<int> indexesOfChosen = new List<int>(); PrintAndChoosePictures(pictures, indexesOfChosen); DropNetClient client = new DropNetClient("8lc93q5ybq85syv", "nt6wrs7m0maixnl"); var token = client.GetToken(); var url = client.BuildAuthorizeUrl(); Clipboard.SetText(url); Console.WriteLine("\n\nUrl copied to clipboard. Paste in browser and allow.\nPress any key to continue", url); Console.ReadKey(true); var accessToken = client.GetAccessToken(); client.UserLogin.Secret = accessToken.Secret; client.UserLogin.Token = accessToken.Token; client.UseSandbox = true; Console.Write("Enter album name: "); var albumName = Console.ReadLine(); var folder = client.CreateFolder(albumName); Console.WriteLine("\nUploading...\n"); foreach (var i in indexesOfChosen) { MemoryStream sr = new MemoryStream((int)pictures[i].Length); FileStream fs = File.Open(pictures[i].FullName, FileMode.Open); var bytes = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(bytes, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length)); client.UploadFile(folder.Path, pictures[i].Name, bytes); fs.Close(); } var shareUrl = client.GetShare(folder.Path); Clipboard.SetText(shareUrl.Url); Console.WriteLine(shareUrl.Url); Console.WriteLine("Share Url is also in clipboard"); }
public DropboxCloudStorage() { this.client = new DropNetClient( DropboxAppKey, DropboxAppSecret, OauthAccessTokenValue, OauthAccessTokenSecret); }
private void Group1NextButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { groupBox1.Enabled = false; _client = new DropNetClient(AppKey.Text, AppSecret.Text); _client.UserLogin = _client.GetToken(); webBrowser.Navigate(_client.BuildAuthorizeUrl()); groupBox2.Enabled = true; }
public DropboxMediaSource(DropboxMediaSourceSettings settings) { _media = new List<Media>(); Settings = settings; Client = new DropNetClient(Settings.ApplicationKey, Settings.ApplicationSecret, Settings.UserToken, Settings.UserSecret) { UseSandbox = Settings.Sandbox }; }
protected DropNetClient GetAuthorizedClient() { var dropnet = new DropNetClient(ApiKey, AppSecret, UserToken, UserSecret) { UseSandbox = true }; return dropnet; }
public static void CreateAccount(string email, string firstName, string lastName, string password, Action<RestResponse> callback) { if (_client == null) { _client = new DropNetClient(ApiKey, AppSecret, string.Empty, string.Empty); } _client.CreateAccountAsync(email, firstName, lastName, password, callback); }
public void Connect() { Client = new DropNetClient("a8bg7nzyskpde54", "cxv67uum3k93pfv"); Client.UserLogin = new UserLogin { Token = "t44b3y1zjw0aeqri", Secret = "fc2cfuft0zg2381" }; //Client.GetToken(); //string AuthorizeUrl = Client.BuildAuthorizeUrl(); //Process.Start(AuthorizeUrl); //UserLogin AccessToken = Client.GetAccessToken(); }
public void Login() { AccessToken at = this.AccessToken; this.Client = new DropNetClient( ServerControler.apiKey , ServerControler.appSecret , at.UserToken , at.UserSecret , null ); }
public CloudService(IConfigService configService) { _configService = configService; var config = _configService.Current; _dropBoxClient = new DropNetClient( apiKey: config.Cloud.ConsumerKey, appSecret: config.Cloud.ConsumerSecret, userToken: config.Cloud.UserToken, userSecret: config.Cloud.UserSecret); }
public string GetAuthorizationUrl() { DropNetClient _client = new DropNetClient(AppConstants.DropboxClientId, AppConstants.DropboxClientSecret); var token = _client.GetToken(); Storage.Dropbox.Token = token; var url = _client.BuildAuthorizeUrl(RedirectUrl + "?dropboxcallback=1"); return url; }
private void ConnectToCloud() { try { _client = new DropNetClient(_configuration.ApiKey, _configuration.AppSecret, _configuration.AccessToken); } catch (Exception) { throw new CloudException("Couldn't connect to cloud"); } }
/// <summary> /// Uploads an album in dropbox client. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The dropbox client.</param> /// <returns></returns> private static ShareResponse UploadAlbum(DropNetClient client) { var folder = client.CreateFolder(ALBUM_NAME); DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(ALBUM_FOLDER); FileInfo[] images = info.GetFiles(IMAGES_EXTENSION); UploadImages(client, folder, images); var shareUrl = client.GetShare(folder.Path); return shareUrl; }
public SIM(DropNetClient client) { this.Client = client; }