Пример #1
        public void CanAddToCart()
            // Arrange - create the mock repository
            var mock = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
            mock.Setup(m => m.Products).Returns(
                new[] { new Product { ProductID = 1, Name = "P1", Category = "Apples" }, }.AsQueryable());

            // Arrange - create a Cart
            var cart = new Cart();

            // Arrange - create the controller
            var target = new CartController(mock.Object, null);

            // Act - add a product to the cart
            target.AddToCart(cart, 1, null);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(cart.Lines.Count(), 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(cart.Lines.ToArray()[0].Product.ProductID, 1);
Пример #2
        public void AddingProductToCartGoesToCartScreen()
            // Arrange - create the mock repository
            var mock = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
            mock.Setup(m => m.Products).Returns(
                new[] { new Product { ProductID = 1, Name = "P1", Category = "Apples" }, }.AsQueryable());

            // Arrange - create a Cart
            var cart = new Cart();

            // Arrange - create the controller
            var target = new CartController(mock.Object, null);

            // Act - add a product to the cart
            RedirectToRouteResult result = target.AddToCart(cart, 2, "myUrl");

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(result.RouteValues["action"], "Index");
            Assert.AreEqual(result.RouteValues["returnUrl"], "myUrl");
Пример #3
        public void CanCheckoutAndSubmitOrder()
            // Arrange - create a mock order processor
            var mock = new Mock<IOrderProcessor>();

            // Arrange - create a cart with an item
            var cart = new Cart();
            cart.AddItem(new Product(), 1);

            // Arrange - create an instance of the controller
            var target = new CartController(null, mock.Object);

            // Act - try to checkout
            ViewResult result = target.Checkout(cart, new ShippingDetails());

            // Assert - check that the order has been passed on to the processor
            mock.Verify(m => m.ProcessOrder(It.IsAny<Cart>(), It.IsAny<ShippingDetails>()), Times.Once());

            // Assert - check that the method is returning the Completed view
            Assert.AreEqual("Completed", result.ViewName);

            // Assert - check that we are passing a valid model to the view
            Assert.AreEqual(true, result.ViewData.ModelState.IsValid);
Пример #4
        public void Can_View_Cart_Contents()
            // Arrange - create a Cart
            var cart = new Cart();

            // Arrange - create the controller
            var target = new CartController(null, null);

            // Act - call the Index action method
            var result = (CartIndexViewModel)target.Index(cart, "myUrl").ViewData.Model;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreSame(result.Cart, cart);
            Assert.AreEqual(result.ReturnUrl, "myUrl");
Пример #5
        public void CannotCheckoutInvalidShippingDetails()
            // Arrange - create a mock order processor
            var mock = new Mock<IOrderProcessor>();

            // Arrange - create a cart with an item
            var cart = new Cart();
            cart.AddItem(new Product(), 1);

            // Arrange - create an instance of the controller
            var target = new CartController(null, mock.Object);

            // Arrange - add an error to the model
            target.ModelState.AddModelError("error", "error");

            // Act - try to checkout
            ViewResult result = target.Checkout(cart, new ShippingDetails());

            // Assert - check that the order hasn't been passed on to the processor
            mock.Verify(m => m.ProcessOrder(It.IsAny<Cart>(), It.IsAny<ShippingDetails>()), Times.Never());

            // Assert - check that the method is returning the default view
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, result.ViewName);

            // Assert - check that we are passing an invalid model to the view
            Assert.AreEqual(false, result.ViewData.ModelState.IsValid);
Пример #6
        public void CannotCheckoutEmptyCart()
            // Arrange - create a mock order processor
            var mock = new Mock<IOrderProcessor>();

            // Arrange - create an empty cart
            var cart = new Cart();

            // Arrange - create shipping details
            var shippingDetails = new ShippingDetails();

            // Arrange - create an instance of the controller
            var target = new CartController(null, mock.Object);

            // Act
            ViewResult result = target.Checkout(cart, shippingDetails);

            // Assert - check that the order hasn't been passed on to the processor
            mock.Verify(m => m.ProcessOrder(It.IsAny<Cart>(), It.IsAny<ShippingDetails>()), Times.Never());

            // Assert - check that the method is returning the default view
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, result.ViewName);

            // Assert - check that we are passing an invalid model to the view
            Assert.AreEqual(false, result.ViewData.ModelState.IsValid);