Пример #1
        public FileWhiteList()
            _whiteListedFiles = new SortedList <string, string>();

            //Ensure whitelist file exists
            if (File.Exists(WHITE_LIST_PATH) == false)
                //File doesn't exist. Create it
            string[] files = File.ReadAllLines(WHITE_LIST_PATH);
            Console.WriteLine("Loading " + files.Length + " whitelisted files");

            //Clean file
            //The file is rewritten every time to ensure the files still exist
            File.WriteAllText(WHITE_LIST_PATH, string.Empty);

            for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                //If the item is succsfully added append it to the file
                //Make temp item
                DeletableItem item = DeletableItem.Make(files[i], 0);
Пример #2
        public void RunCleaner()
            //Run unless we need to stop
            while (_stopCleaning == false)
                //Check if cleaner should stop and again ask later
                if (_askLater)
                    Console.WriteLine("Asking later will take " + _config.BreakTime + " minute break!");
                    Thread.Sleep(1000 * 60 * _config.BreakTime);
                    _askLater = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Does anything need to be cleaned?");
                //Search for new files

                //Run through every item to see if it should be deleted
                List <DeletableItem> deletionList = new List <DeletableItem>();
                bool deletingAFile = false;
                int  combiningTime = 0;

                for (int index = 0; index < _itemsForDeletion.Count; index++)
                    DeletableItem item = _itemsForDeletion[index];
                    Console.WriteLine("Considering " + item);
                    if (item.ShouldBeDeleted(combiningTime) && deletingAFile == false)
                        Console.WriteLine("Should be deleted!");

                        //Atleast one file must be deleted, so redo the search with a broader time search
                        //to avoid spamming the user
                        deletingAFile = true;
                        combiningTime = _config.CombineTime;
                        //Restart search
                        index = -1;

                    if (item.ShouldBeDeleted(combiningTime))

                //Clean those files

                //Only run every so many seconds
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting on cleaner... " + _itemsForDeletion.Count + " possible files for cleaning");
                Thread.Sleep(CLEANER_RUN_INTERVAL * 1000);

            //Reset lists and whitelist
            _itemsForDeletion = new List <DeletableItem>();
            _whiteList        = new FileWhiteList();
Пример #3
        public void AddToWhiteList(DeletableItem item)
            if (item == null)

            //Ensure item actually exists
            if (item.Exists())
                Console.WriteLine("Added " + item.Path + " to whitelist");
                _whiteListedFiles.Add(item.Path, item.Path);
                File.AppendAllText(WHITE_LIST_PATH, item.Path + "\r\n");
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for all old files that are ready to be deleted
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="delayedStart">If an item should be deleted now, what time should it be delayed to</param>
        public void SearchForFiles()
            //Search through all directories
            for (int i = 0; i < _config.SearchedDirectories.Count; i++)
                SearchedDirectory searchedDirectory = _config.SearchedDirectories[i];
                int deletionTime = _config.SearchedDirectories[i].FileAgeLimit;

                //Ensure directory exists
                if (Directory.Exists(searchedDirectory.Path) == false)

                //Find all files in directory
                DeletableItem[] files = Directory.GetFiles(searchedDirectory.Path, "*").Select(s => DeletableItem.Make(s, deletionTime)).ToArray();
                //Search for directories as well
                DeletableItem[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(searchedDirectory.Path, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Select(s => DeletableItem.Make(s, deletionTime)).ToArray();

                //Combine files and directories into one array
                DeletableItem[] itemsInDirectory = new DeletableItem[files.Length + directories.Length];
                files.CopyTo(itemsInDirectory, 0);
                directories.CopyTo(itemsInDirectory, files.Length);

                for (int j = 0; j < itemsInDirectory.Length; j++)
                    DeletableItem item = itemsInDirectory[j];
                    //Ensure file is not whitelisted or already is in cleaner
                    if (_whiteList.IsInWhiteList(item) || _itemsForDeletion.Contains(item))

                    DateTime timeToDelete = item.DeleteTime;
                    Console.WriteLine(item.Path + " is " + (timeToDelete - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalMinutes + " minutes off, deleted: " + item.ShouldBeDeleted());

Пример #5
 public bool IsInWhiteList(DeletableItem item)