Пример #1
        private static async Task <RedisClient> CreateClient(int clientNumber, BenchmarkConfiguration config, CancellationToken ct)
            var options = new ConfigurationOptions
                Password        = config.Password,
                ClientName      = "redis-benchmark-client",
                DefaultDatabase = config.DatabaseNumber,


            var connection = await ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync(options);

            var faker = new Faker();
            var seedDateTimeOffset = faker.Date.BetweenOffset(DateTimeOffset.MinValue, DateTimeOffset.MaxValue);
            var rnd   = new Random((int)seedDateTimeOffset.ToUnixTimeSeconds());
            var bytes = new byte[(int)config.ValueSize.Bytes];

            Log.Verbose("Client #{ClientNumber} created.", clientNumber);

            return(new RedisClient
                ClientNumber = clientNumber,
                Config = config,
                Connection = connection,
                Db = connection.GetDatabase(config.DatabaseNumber),
                Faker = faker,
                Random = rnd,
                Bytes = bytes,
Пример #2
        private static async Task ExecuteBenchmarks(BenchmarkConfiguration config)
            if (config.IsBenchmarkEnabled("ping"))
                await ExecuteTest("PING", async client =>
                    await client.Db.PingAsync();
                }, config, cts.Token);

            if (config.IsBenchmarkEnabled("set"))
                await ExecuteTest("SET", async client =>
                    await client.Db.StringSetAsync(client.GetKey("foo"), client.Bytes);
                }, config, cts.Token);

            if (config.IsBenchmarkEnabled("get"))
                await ExecuteTest("GET", async client =>
                    await client.Db.StringGetAsync(client.GetKey("foo"));
                }, config, cts.Token);

            if (config.IsBenchmarkEnabled("del"))
                await ExecuteTest("DEL", async client =>
                    await client.Db.KeyDeleteAsync(client.GetKey("foo"));
                }, config, cts.Token);
Пример #3
        private static async Task <IEnumerable <RedisClient> > CreateClients(BenchmarkConfiguration config, CancellationToken ct)
            if (config.LongLivedConnections && StaticClients != null)

            var clientTasks = Enumerable.Range(0, config.ClientCount).Select(num => CreateClient(num, config, ct));
            var clients     = await Task.WhenAll(clientTasks);

            if (config.LongLivedConnections)
                StaticClients = clients;

Пример #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, cancelArgs) =>
                Log.Verbose("Cancelling execution...");

            var app = new CommandLineApplication
                Name             = "redis-benchmark",
                FullName         = "Minimal redis-benchmark clone using StackExchange.Redis",
                ExtendedHelpText = $@"
The version of StackExchange.Redis can be changed by specifying
the environment variable StackExchangeRedisVersion and providing a
value that is a valid version of the NuGet package.

If no value is specified it will default to {HighestTestedVersion}.

Note that the version must be compatible with the APIs used in the 
tool. The lowest version tested was {LowestTestedVersion} and the highest was {HighestTestedVersion}."


            var hostOption                 = app.Option("-h|--host", "Server hostname (default", CommandOptionType.SingleValue, false);
            var portOption                 = app.Option("-p|--port", "Server port (default 6379)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue, false);
            var socketOption               = app.Option("-s|--socket", "Server socket (overrides host and port)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue, false);
            var passwordOption             = app.Option("-a|--auth-password", "Password for Redis Auth", CommandOptionType.SingleValue, false);
            var clientsOption              = app.Option("-c|--clients", "Number of parallel connections (default 50)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue, false);
            var requestsOption             = app.Option("-n|--num-requests", "Total number of requests (default 100000)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue, false);
            var sizeOption                 = app.Option("-d|--data-size", "Data size of SET/GET value, specified  (default 2B)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue, false);
            var dbNumOption                = app.Option("--dbnum", "SELECT the specified db number (default 0)", CommandOptionType.SingleValue, false);
            var keyspaceLenOption          = app.Option("-r|--keyspace-length", @"Use random keys for SET/GET/INCR, random values for SADD
  Using this option the benchmark will expand the string __rand_int__
  inside an argument with a 12 digits number in the specified range
  from 0 to keyspacelen - 1.The substitution changes every time a command
  is executed.Default tests use this to hit random keys in the
  specified range.", CommandOptionType.SingleValue, false);
            var quietOption                = app.Option("-q|--quiet", "Quiet. Just show query/sec values", CommandOptionType.NoValue, false);
            var loopOption                 = app.Option("-l|--loop", "Loop. Run the tests forever", CommandOptionType.NoValue, false);
            var testsOption                = app.Option("-t|--tests", "Only run the comma separated list of tests. The test names are the same as the ones produced as output", CommandOptionType.SingleValue, false);
            var longLivedConnectionsOption = app.Option("-L|--long-lived-connections", "Use long lived connections for all test runs", CommandOptionType.NoValue, false);

            app.OnExecute(async() =>
                var config = new BenchmarkConfiguration();

                if (socketOption.HasValue())
                    var values      = socketOption.Value().Split(":");
                    config.Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(values[0]), int.Parse(values[1]));
                else if (hostOption.HasValue() || portOption.HasValue())
                    var host        = IPAddress.Parse(hostOption.HasValue() ? hostOption.Value() : "");
                    var port        = int.Parse(portOption.HasValue() ? portOption.Value() : "6379");
                    config.Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(host, port);

                if (testsOption.HasValue())
                    var tests             = testsOption.Value().ToLower().Split(",");
                    config.BenchmarkTests = new HashSet <string>(tests);

                if (passwordOption.HasValue())
                    config.Password = passwordOption.Value();
                if (clientsOption.HasValue())
                    config.ClientCount = int.Parse(clientsOption.Value());
                if (requestsOption.HasValue())
                    config.RequestCount = int.Parse(requestsOption.Value());
                if (sizeOption.HasValue())
                    config.ValueSize = ByteSize.Parse(sizeOption.Value());
                if (dbNumOption.HasValue())
                    config.DatabaseNumber = int.Parse(dbNumOption.Value());
                if (keyspaceLenOption.HasValue())
                    config.KeyspaceLength = int.Parse(keyspaceLenOption.Value());
                if (quietOption.HasValue())
                    config.QuietOutput = true;
                if (loopOption.HasValue())
                    config.LoopIndefinitely = true;
                if (longLivedConnectionsOption.HasValue())
                    config.LongLivedConnections = true;

                Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
                             .MinimumLevel.Is(config.QuietOutput ? LogEventLevel.Information : LogEventLevel.Verbose)

                if (!config.LoopIndefinitely)
                    await ExecuteBenchmarks(config);
                    while (true)
                        await ExecuteBenchmarks(config);

                // Clean up all connections if long lived connections are configured
                if (config.LongLivedConnections && StaticClients != null)
                    foreach (var client in StaticClients)
                    StaticClients = null;


Пример #5
        private static async Task ExecuteTest(
            string operation, Func <RedisClient, Task> testFunc, BenchmarkConfiguration config, CancellationToken ct)
            if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)

            var clients = await CreateClients(config, ct);

            var testTasks = clients.Select(client =>
                           async() =>
                    for (var i = 0; i < config.RequestCount; ++i)
                        if (i % 100 == 0)
                            if (Log.IsEnabled(LogEventLevel.Debug))
                                Log.Verbose("Client #{ClientNumber} has sent {Number} of {Total} {Operation}.",
                                            client.ClientNumber, i, config.RequestCount, operation);

                            if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)

                            await testFunc(client);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Log.Error(e, "Error occurred when running test for Client #{ClientNumber} for {Operation}.",
                                      client.ClientNumber, operation);

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            await Task.WhenAll(testTasks);


            var totalRequests     = config.ClientCount * config.RequestCount;
            var requestsPerSecond = totalRequests / stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

            Log.Information("{Operation}: {RequestPerSecond:F3} requests per second ({TotalRequests} requests over {TotalRuntime:F3} seconds)",
                            operation, requestsPerSecond, totalRequests, stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

            // Dispose all connections if it is desired to recreate them per test, otherwise keep them live
            if (!config.LongLivedConnections)
                foreach (var client in clients)
                clients = null;