Наследование: Expr, ICall
 protected override ICode VisitCall(ExprCall e) {
     var expr = this.HandleCall(e, (obj, args) => new ExprCall(e.Ctx, e.CallMethod, obj, args, e.IsVirtualCall, e.ConstrainedType, e.Type));
     var res = JsResolver.ResolveCallSite(expr);
     if (res != null) {
         return this.Visit(res);
     if (expr.ConstrainedType != null) {
         if (expr.ConstrainedType.IsValueType) {
             // Map constrained virtual call to a method on a value-type, to a non-virtual call.
             // This is important as it prevents having to box the value-type, which is expensive
             var impl = expr.ConstrainedType.EnumResolvedMethods().FirstOrDefault(x => x.MatchMethodOnly(expr.CallMethod));
             if (impl != null) {
                 var constrainedCall = new ExprCall(expr.Ctx, impl, expr.Obj, expr.Args, false, null, expr.Type);
                 return constrainedCall;
             } else {
                 throw new Exception();
     if (expr.IsVirtualCall) {
         var ctx = expr.Ctx;
         var objIsVar = expr.Obj.IsVar();
         var temp = objIsVar ? null : new ExprVarLocal(ctx, expr.Obj.Type);
         var getTypeObj = objIsVar ? expr.Obj : new ExprAssignment(ctx, temp, expr.Obj);
         var getType = new ExprCall(ctx, typeof(object).GetMethod("GetType"), getTypeObj);
         var eJsVCall = new ExprJsVirtualCall(ctx, expr.CallMethod, getType, temp ?? expr.Obj, expr.Args);
         return eJsVCall;
     return expr;
 protected override ICode VisitNewArray(ExprNewArray e) {
     var ctx = e.Ctx;
     MethodInfo caGenDef;
     if (e.ElementType.IsValueType) {
         caGenDef = ((Func<int, int[]>)InternalFunctions.CreateArrayValueType<int>).Method.GetGenericMethodDefinition();
     } else {
         caGenDef = ((Func<int, object[]>)InternalFunctions.CreateArrayRefType<object>).Method.GetGenericMethodDefinition();
     var mCreateArray = ctx.Module.Import(caGenDef).MakeGeneric(e.ElementType);
     var expr = new ExprCall(ctx, mCreateArray, null, e.ExprNumElements);
     return expr;
 protected override ICode VisitCall(ExprCall e) {
     var isDelegate = e.CallMethod.DeclaringType.EnumThisAllBaseTypes().Any(x => x.IsDelegate());
     if (isDelegate) {
         var ctx = e.Ctx;
         switch (e.CallMethod.Name) {
         case "Invoke":
             return new ExprJsDelegateInvoke(ctx, e.Obj, e.Args);
             throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot handle delegate call: " + e.CallMethod.Name);
     } else {
         return base.VisitCall(e);
 protected override ICode VisitCall(ExprCall e) {
     if (e.IsVirtualCall) {
         var objType = e.Obj.Type.FullResolve(e.Ctx);
         if (objType.Resolve().IsSealed) {
             // Virtual calls to sealed classes can be rewritten as instance calls
             var methods = objType.EnumResolvedMethods().ToArray();
             var instMethod = methods.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MatchMethodOnly(e.CallMethod));
             if (instMethod != null) {
                 var expr = new ExprCall(e.Ctx, instMethod, e.Obj, e.Args, false);
                 return expr;
     return base.VisitCall(e);
        // TODO: Make these methods share most of the code...

        protected override ICode VisitCall(ExprCall e) {
            var ctx = e.Ctx;
            var byRefs = new List<Tuple<Expr, Expr>>();
            var args = e.CallMethod.Parameters.Zip(e.Args, (p, a) => new { p, a })
                .Select(x => {
                    if (x.p.ParameterType.IsByReference) {
                        var wrapper = ctx.Local(ctx.IntPtr);
                        byRefs.Add(Tuple.Create(x.a, (Expr)wrapper));
                        return wrapper;
                    } else {
                        return x.a;
            if (!args.SequenceEqual(e.Args)) {
                var call = new ExprCall(ctx, e.CallMethod, e.Obj, args, e.IsVirtualCall, e.ConstrainedType, e.Type);
                var resultTemp = ctx.Local(e.Type);
                return new ExprJsByRefWrapper(e.Ctx, call, resultTemp, byRefs);
            return base.VisitCall(e);
 protected override ICode VisitUnary(ExprUnary e) {
     if (e.Expr.Type.IsInt64() || e.Expr.Type.IsUInt64()) {
         var ctx = e.Ctx;
         var signed = e.Expr.Type.IsInt64();
         Delegate d;
         switch (e.Op) {
         case UnaryOp.Negate:
             var zero = ctx.Literal(0L, ctx.Int64);
             var subCall = new ExprBinary(ctx, BinaryOp.Sub, ctx.Int64, zero, e.Expr);
             return subCall;
         case UnaryOp.BitwiseNot:
             d = signed ? (Delegate)(Func<Int64, Int64>)_Int64.BitwiseNot : (Func<UInt64, UInt64>)_UInt64.BitwiseNot;
             throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot handle: " + e.Op);
         var m = ctx.Module.Import(d.Method);
         var expr = (Expr)this.Visit(e.Expr);
         var call = new ExprCall(ctx, m, null, expr);
         return call;
     return base.VisitUnary(e);
 protected override ICode VisitIsInst(ExprIsInst e) {
     var ctx = e.Ctx;
     var mIsInst = ctx.Module.Import(((Func<object, Type, object>)InternalFunctions.IsInst).Method);
     var eType = new ExprJsTypeVarName(ctx, e.Type);
     var expr = new ExprCall(ctx, e.Type, mIsInst, null, e.Expr, eType);
     return expr;
 protected override ICode VisitUnboxAny(ExprUnboxAny e) {
     if (!e.Type.IsValueType) {
         // On ref-type, unbox-any becomes a castclass
         var expr = (Expr)this.Visit(e.Expr);
         var cast = new ExprCast(e.Ctx, expr, e.Type);
         return cast;
     var ctx = e.Ctx;
     if (e.Type.IsNullable()) {
         // If obj==null create Nullable with hasValue=false
         // If obj.Type not assignable to e.InnerType throw InvalidCastEx
         var innerType = e.Type.GetNullableInnerType();
         var unboxMethod = ((Func<object, int?>)InternalFunctions.UnboxAnyNullable<int>).Method.GetGenericMethodDefinition();
         var mUnbox = ctx.Module.Import(unboxMethod).MakeGeneric(innerType);
         var unboxAnyCall = new ExprCall(ctx, mUnbox, null, e.Expr);
         return unboxAnyCall;
     } else {
         // If obj==null throw NullRefEx
         // If obj.Type not assignable to e.Type throw InvalidCastEx
         // otherwise unbox
         var unboxMethod = ((Func<object, int>)InternalFunctions.UnboxAnyNonNullable<int>).Method.GetGenericMethodDefinition();
         var mUnbox = ctx.Module.Import(unboxMethod).MakeGeneric(e.Type);
         var unboxAnyCall = new ExprCall(ctx, mUnbox, null, e.Expr);
         return unboxAnyCall;
Пример #9
 public static Stmt GetHashCode(Ctx ctx) {
     var toString = new ExprJsResolvedMethod(ctx, ctx.String, ctx.This, "toExponential");
     var getHashCode = new ExprCall(ctx, typeof(string).GetMethod("GetHashCode"), toString);
     var stmt = new StmtReturn(ctx, getHashCode);
     return stmt;
 protected override ICode VisitCall(ExprCall e) {
     return this.HandleCall(e, (obj, args) => new ExprCall(e.Ctx, e.CallMethod, obj, args, e.IsVirtualCall, e.ConstrainedType, e.Type));
Пример #11
 protected override ICode VisitCall(ExprCall e) {
     var mRef = e.CallMethod;
     var mDef = mRef.Resolve();
     if (mDef.DeclaringType.IsInterface) {
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Interface calls should never occur here");
     if (e.IsVirtualCall) {
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Virtual calls should never occur here");
     var name = this.resolver.MethodNames[mRef];
     return e;
Пример #12
        public static Stmt FormatInt64(Ctx ctx) {
                        var value = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "value");
            var format = ctx.MethodParameter(1, "format");
            var neg = ctx.Local(ctx.Boolean, "neg");
            var precision = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32.MakeNullable(), "precision");
            var fmt0 = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "fmt0");
            var i = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "i");
            var s = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "s");
            var ss = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "ss");
            var c = ctx.Local(ctx.String, "c");
            var inc = ctx.Local(ctx.Boolean, "inc");
            var divMod10 = ctx.Local(ctx.Int64.MakeArray(), "divMod10");
            var valueDivMod10 = new ExprCall(ctx, (Func<UInt64, UInt64, object>)_Int64UInt64.UInt64DivRem, null, value.Expr, ctx.Literal(10L)).Named("valueDivMod10");
            var valueNeg = new ExprCall(ctx, (Func<Int64, Int64, Int64>)_Int64.Subtract, null, ctx.Literal(0L), value.Expr).Named("valueNeg");
            var sLen = ctx.Local(ctx.Int32, "sLen");
            var newFmtEx = new ExprNewObj(ctx, ctx.Module.Import(typeof(FormatException).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes))).Named("newFmtEx");
            var js = @"
format = format || 'G';
precision = format.length > 1 ? +format.substr(1) : null;
fmt0 = format.charAt(0);
if (fmt0 === 'x' || fmt0 === 'X') {
    s = value[1].toString(16);
    if (value[0] !== 0) {
        s = value[0].toString(16) + Array(9 - s.length).join('0') + s;
    if (fmt0 === 'X') {
        s = s.toUpperCase();
    if (precision !== null && precision > s.length) {
        s = Array(precision - s.length + 1).join('0') + s;
    return s;
if (value[0] === 0 && value[1] === 0) {
    s = '0';
} else if (value[0] === 0x80000000 && value[1] === 0) {
    s = '9223372036854775808';
    neg = true;
} else {
    if (value[0] >= 0x80000000) {
        value = valueNeg;
        neg = true;
    s = '';
    while (value[0] !== 0 || value[1] !== 0) {
        divMod10 = valueDivMod10;
        value = divMod10[0];
        s = String.fromCharCode(48 + divMod10[1][1]) + s;
switch (fmt0) {
case 'g':
case 'G':
    if (precision !== null && precision < s.length && precision > 0) {
        sLen = s.length;
        inc = +(s.charAt(precision)) >= 5;
        s = s.substr(0, precision);
        ss = '';
        for (i = precision - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            c = s.charAt(i);
            if (inc) {
                c = (+c) + 1;
                if (c > 9) {
                    c = 0;
                } else {
                    inc = false;
                ss = String.fromCharCode(48 + c) + ss;
            } else {
                ss = c + ss;
        if (inc) {
            ss = '1' + ss.substr(0, ss.length - 1);
        if (ss.length > 1) {
            ss = ss.charAt(0) + '.' + ss.substr(1);
        s = ss.replace(/(\d)\.?0+$/, '$1');
        s += (fmt0 === 'g' ? 'e' : 'E') + '+' + (sLen - 1).toFixed().replace(/^(\d)$/, '0$1');;
case 'd':
case 'D':
    if (precision !== null && precision > s.length) {
        s = Array(precision - s.length + 1).join('0') + s;
case 'n':
case 'N':
    if (precision === null) precision = 2;
    s = s.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, '$1,');
    if (precision > 0) {
        s += '.' + Array(precision + 1).join('0');
    throw newFmtEx;
return neg ? '-' + s : s;
            return new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, value, format, neg, precision, fmt0, i, s, ss, c, inc, divMod10, valueDivMod10, valueNeg, sLen, newFmtEx);
Пример #13
 private Stmt Call(Instruction inst, bool isVirtualCallInst) {
     var callingRef = ((MethodReference)inst.Operand).FullResolve(this.ctx);
     bool isVirtualCall = isVirtualCallInst && callingRef.Resolve().IsVirtual;
     var numArgs = callingRef.Parameters.Count;
     var argExprs = new Expr[numArgs];
     for (int i = numArgs - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
         argExprs[i] = this.stack.Pop();
     for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
         var argType = callingRef.Parameters[i].ParameterType.FullResolve(callingRef);
         if (argType.IsGenericParameter) {
             throw new InvalidOperationException();
         argExprs[i] = this.InsertConvIfRequired(argExprs[i], argType);
     var obj = callingRef.HasThis ? this.stack.Pop() : null;
     var exprCall = new ExprCall(this.ctx, callingRef, obj, argExprs, isVirtualCall, this.ConstrainedType);
     if (callingRef.ReturnType.IsVoid()) {
         return new StmtWrapExpr(this.ctx, exprCall);
     } else {
         return this.SsaLocalAssignment(exprCall);
Пример #14
 public Stmt GetImpl(Ctx ctx) {
     var a = ctx.MethodParameter(0);
     var b = ctx.MethodParameter(1);
     var divMod = new ExprCall(ctx, (Func<UInt64, UInt64, object>)_Int64UInt64.UInt64DivRem, null, a, b).Named("divMod");
     var js = "return divMod[1];";
     var stmt = new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, divMod);
     return stmt;
Пример #15
            public Stmt GetImpl(Ctx ctx) {
                var a = ctx.MethodParameter(0, "a");
                var b = ctx.MethodParameter(1, "b");
                var neg = ctx.Local(ctx.Boolean, "neg");
                var aNegate = new ExprUnary(ctx, UnaryOp.Negate, ctx.Int64, a.Expr).Named("aNegate");
                var bNegate = new ExprUnary(ctx, UnaryOp.Negate, ctx.Int64, b.Expr).Named("bNegate");
                var divMod = new ExprCall(ctx, (Func<UInt64, UInt64, object>)_Int64UInt64.UInt64DivRem, null, a.Expr, b.Expr).Named("divMod");
                var r = ctx.Local(ctx.Int64, "r");
                var rNegate = new ExprUnary(ctx, UnaryOp.Negate, ctx.Int64, r.Expr).Named("rNegate");
                // TODO: Throw ArithmeticException if a == Int64.MinValue and b == -1
                // TODO: Handle a or b being Int64.MinValue
                var js = @"
neg = false;
if (a[0] >>> 31) {
    a = aNegate;
    neg = true;
if (b[0] >>> 31) b = bNegate;
r = divMod[1];
return neg ? rNegate : r;
                var stmt = new StmtJsExplicit(ctx, js, a, b, neg, r, aNegate, bNegate, divMod, rNegate);
                return stmt;
Пример #16
 /// <summary>
 /// If a call/newobj requires translating to an Expr that is not a call/newobj, then it is done here.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="call"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Expr ResolveCallSite(ICall call) {
     var ctx = call.Ctx;
     var mRef = call.CallMethod;
     var tRefDecl = mRef.DeclaringType;
     var mDef = mRef.Resolve();
     // A call to a method in a "JsClass" class - all external methods/properties require translating to JS
     var tDefDecl = mDef.DeclaringType;
     var jsClassAttr = tDefDecl.GetCustomAttribute<JsClassAttribute>() ?? tDefDecl.GetCustomAttribute<JsAbstractClassAttribute>();
     if (jsClassAttr != null) {
         if (mDef.IsExternal()) {
             var jsDetail = mDef.GetCustomAttribute<JsDetailAttribute>(true);
             var jsDetailName = jsDetail.NullThru(x => (string)x.Properties.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Name == "Name").Argument.Value);
             var jsDetailIsDomEventProp = jsDetail.NullThru(x => ((bool?)x.Properties.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Name == "IsDomEvent").Argument.Value) ?? false);
             if (mDef.IsGetter || mDef.IsSetter) {
                 // Property access
                 if (jsDetailIsDomEventProp) {
                     // Special handling of DOM events
                     if (!mDef.IsSetter) {
                         throw new InvalidOperationException("Only setters supported on DOM events");
                     if (!mDef.Name.StartsWith("set_On")) {
                         throw new InvalidOperationException("DOM event name must start with 'On'");
                     if (call.Args.Count() != 1) {
                         throw new InvalidOperationException("DOM event setter must have exactly one argument");
                     var eventName = jsDetailName ?? mDef.Name.Substring(6).ToLowerInvariant();
                     var eventNameExpr = ctx.Literal(eventName);
                     var safeCallFunction = (Action<object, string, Delegate>)InternalFunctions.SafeAddEventListener;
                     var safeCall = new ExprCall(ctx, safeCallFunction, null, call.Obj, eventNameExpr, call.Args.First());
                     return safeCall;
                 } else {
                     var propertyName = jsDetailName ?? JsCase(mDef.Name.Substring(4));
                     if (mDef.Name.Substring(4) == "Item") {
                         propertyName = null;
                     } else if (mDef.IsStatic) {
                         propertyName = JsCase(mDef.DeclaringType.Name) + "." + propertyName;
                     var jsProperty = new ExprJsResolvedProperty(ctx, call, propertyName);
                     return jsProperty;
             } else if (mDef.IsConstructor && !mDef.IsStatic) {
                 // Constructor new object call
                 var typeName = jsDetailName ?? (string)jsClassAttr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;
                 var expr = new ExprJsResolvedCtor(ctx, typeName, tRefDecl, call.Args);
                 return expr;
             } else {
                 // Normal method call
                 var methodName = jsDetailName ?? JsCase(mDef.Name);
                 if (mDef.IsStatic) {
                     methodName = JsCase(mDef.DeclaringType.Name) + "." + methodName;
                 var expr = new ExprJsResolvedMethod(ctx, call.Type, call.Obj, methodName, call.Args);
                 return expr;
         } else {
             return null;
     var jsRedirectAttr = mDef.GetCustomAttribute<JsRedirectAttribute>(true);
     if (jsRedirectAttr != null) {
         if (jsRedirectAttr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value == null) {
             return FindExprReturn(call, call.CallMethod.DeclaringType);
         var redirectToTRef = ((TypeReference)jsRedirectAttr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value).FullResolve(mRef);
         var redirectToMRef = redirectToTRef.EnumResolvedMethods(mRef).First(x => x.MatchMethodOnly(mRef));
         switch (call.ExprType) {
         case Expr.NodeType.NewObj:
             return new ExprNewObj(ctx, redirectToMRef, call.Args);
         case Expr.NodeType.Call:
             return new ExprCall(ctx, redirectToMRef, call.Obj, call.Args, call.IsVirtualCall, null, call.Type);
             throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot handle: " + call.ExprType);
     var exprRet = FindExprReturn(call);
     if (exprRet != null) {
         return exprRet;
     return null;
 protected override ICode VisitCall(ExprCall e) {
     var obj = this.Convert(e.Obj, e.CallMethod.DeclaringType);
     var args = e.Args.Select((x, i) => this.Convert(x, e.CallMethod.Parameters[i].ParameterType.FullResolve(e.CallMethod))).ToArray();
     return new ExprCall(e.Ctx, e.CallMethod, obj, args, e.IsVirtualCall, e.ConstrainedType, e.Type);
Пример #18
 protected override ICode VisitCall(ExprCall e) {
     this.VisitCall((ICall)e, false);
     return e;
        protected override ICode VisitConv(ExprConv e) {
            var fromType = e.Expr.Type;
            var toType = e.Type;

            var fromTypeMetadataType = fromType.MetadataType;
            var toTypeMetadataType = toType.MetadataType;
            if (e.ForceFromUnsigned) {
                switch (fromTypeMetadataType) {
                case MetadataType.SByte: fromTypeMetadataType = MetadataType.Byte; break;
                case MetadataType.Int16: fromTypeMetadataType = MetadataType.UInt16; break;
                case MetadataType.Int32: fromTypeMetadataType = MetadataType.UInt32; break;
                case MetadataType.Int64: fromTypeMetadataType = MetadataType.UInt64; break;
                case MetadataType.IntPtr: fromTypeMetadataType = MetadataType.UIntPtr; break;
            if (fromTypeMetadataType == MetadataType.Char) {
                fromTypeMetadataType = MetadataType.UInt16;
            if (toTypeMetadataType == MetadataType.Char) {
                toTypeMetadataType = MetadataType.UInt16;

            var fromIdx = indexMap.ValueOrDefault(fromTypeMetadataType, -1);
            var toIdx = indexMap.ValueOrDefault(toTypeMetadataType, -1);

            if (fromIdx == -1 || toIdx == -1) {
                return e.Expr;

            var ctx = e.Ctx;
            var js = jss[fromIdx, toIdx];
            if (js != null) {
                // In-place conversion
                var expr = new ExprJsExplicit(ctx, js, e.Type, e.Expr.Named("e"));
                return expr;
            } else {
                // Call conversion function
                var convMi = ((Func<int, int>)InternalFunctions.Conv<int, int>).Method.GetGenericMethodDefinition();
                var mConv = ctx.Module.Import(convMi).MakeGeneric(e.Expr.Type, e.Type);
                var convCall = new ExprCall(ctx, mConv, null, e.Expr);
                return convCall;
 protected override ICode VisitBinary(ExprBinary e) {
     if (e.Left.Type.IsInt64() || e.Left.Type.IsUInt64()) {
         var ctx = e.Ctx;
         var signed = e.Left.Type.IsInt64();
         Delegate d;
         switch (e.Op) {
         case BinaryOp.Add:
             d = signed ? (Delegate)(Func<Int64, Int64, Int64>)_Int64.Add : (Func<UInt64, UInt64, UInt64>)_UInt64.Add;
         case BinaryOp.Sub:
             d = signed ? (Delegate)(Func<Int64, Int64, Int64>)_Int64.Subtract : (Func<UInt64, UInt64, UInt64>)_UInt64.Subtract;
         case BinaryOp.Mul:
             d = signed ? (Delegate)(Func<Int64, Int64, Int64>)_Int64.Multiply : (Func<UInt64, UInt64, UInt64>)_UInt64.Multiply;
         case BinaryOp.Div:
             d = (Func<Int64, Int64, Int64>)_Int64.Divide;
         case BinaryOp.Div_Un:
             d = (Func<UInt64, UInt64, UInt64>)_UInt64.Divide;
         case BinaryOp.Rem:
             d = (Func<Int64, Int64, Int64>)_Int64.Remainder;
         case BinaryOp.Rem_Un:
             d = (Func<UInt64, UInt64, UInt64>)_UInt64.Remainder;
         case BinaryOp.BitwiseAnd:
             d = signed ? (Delegate)(Func<Int64, Int64, Int64>)_Int64.BitwiseAnd : (Func<UInt64, UInt64, UInt64>)_UInt64.BitwiseAnd;
         case BinaryOp.BitwiseOr:
             d = signed ? (Delegate)(Func<Int64, Int64, Int64>)_Int64.BitwiseOr : (Func<UInt64, UInt64, UInt64>)_UInt64.BitwiseOr;
         case BinaryOp.BitwiseXor:
             d = signed ? (Delegate)(Func<Int64, Int64, Int64>)_Int64.BitwiseXor : (Func<UInt64, UInt64, UInt64>)_UInt64.BitwiseXor;
         case BinaryOp.Equal:
             d = signed ? (Delegate)(Func<Int64, Int64, bool>)_Int64.Equals_ : (Func<UInt64, UInt64, bool>)_UInt64.Equals_;
         case BinaryOp.NotEqual:
             d = signed ? (Delegate)(Func<Int64, Int64, bool>)_Int64.NotEquals : (Func<UInt64, UInt64, bool>)_UInt64.NotEquals;
         case BinaryOp.LessThan:
             d = (Func<Int64, Int64, bool>)_Int64.LessThan;
         case BinaryOp.LessThan_Un:
             d = (Func<UInt64, UInt64, bool>)_UInt64.LessThan;
         case BinaryOp.LessThanOrEqual:
             d = (Func<Int64, Int64, bool>)_Int64.LessThanOrEqual;
         case BinaryOp.LessThanOrEqual_Un:
             d = (Func<UInt64, UInt64, bool>)_UInt64.LessThanOrEqual;
         case BinaryOp.GreaterThan:
             d = (Func<Int64, Int64, bool>)_Int64.GreaterThan;
         case BinaryOp.GreaterThan_Un:
             d = (Func<UInt64, UInt64, bool>)_UInt64.GreaterThan;
         case BinaryOp.GreaterThanOrEqual:
             d = (Func<Int64, Int64, bool>)_Int64.GreaterThanOrEqual;
         case BinaryOp.GreaterThanOrEqual_Un:
             d = (Func<UInt64, UInt64, bool>)_UInt64.GreaterThanOrEqual;
             throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot handle: " + e.Op);
         var m = ctx.Module.Import(d.Method);
         var left = (Expr)this.Visit(e.Left);
         var right = (Expr)this.Visit(e.Right);
         var call = new ExprCall(ctx, m, null, left, right);
         return call;
     return base.VisitBinary(e);
Пример #21
 public static Stmt ToString(Ctx ctx) {
     var value = ctx.This;
     var format = ctx.MethodParameter(0);
     var provider = ctx.MethodParameter(1);
     var nfi = ctx.Literal(null, ctx.Module.Import(typeof(NumberFormatInfo)));
     var expr = new ExprCall(ctx, (Func<Int64, string, NumberFormatInfo, string>)Cil2Js.JsResolvers.Classes.Helpers.Number.FormatInt64, null, value, format, nfi);
     return new StmtReturn(ctx, expr);
 protected override ICode VisitCall(ExprCall e) {
     return base.VisitCall(e);