Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FirstName" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="AnchorCaseSensitive">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - When set to **true**, the anchor string does not consider case when matching strings in the document. The default value is **true**. - -&gt;.</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorHorizontalAlignment">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - Specifies the alignment of anchor tabs with anchor strings. Possible values are **left** or **right**. The default value is **left**. - -&gt; .</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent">When set to **true**, this tab is ignored if anchorString is not found in the document..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorMatchWholeWord">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - When set to **true**, the anchor string in this tab matches whole words only (strings embedded in other strings are ignored.) The default value is **true**. - -&gt; .</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorString">Specifies the anchor string..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorUnits">Specifies units of the X and Y offset. Units could be pixels, millimeters, centimeters, or inches..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorXOffset">Specifies the X axis location of the tab, in achorUnits, relative to the anchorString..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorYOffset">Specifies the Y axis location of the tab, in achorUnits, relative to the anchorString..</param>
 /// <param name="Bold">When set to **true**, the information in the tab is bold..</param>
 /// <param name="ConditionalParentLabel">For conditional fields this is the TabLabel of the parent tab that controls this tab&#39;s visibility..</param>
 /// <param name="ConditionalParentValue">For conditional fields, this is the value of the parent tab that controls the tab&#39;s visibility.  If the parent tab is a Checkbox, Radio button, Optional Signature, or Optional Initial use \&quot;on\&quot; as the value to show that the parent tab is active. .</param>
 /// <param name="CustomTabId">The DocuSign generated custom tab ID for the custom tab to be applied. This can only be used when adding new tabs for a recipient. When used, the new tab inherits all the custom tab properties..</param>
 /// <param name="DocumentId">Specifies the document ID number that the tab is placed on. This must refer to an existing Document&#39;s ID attribute..</param>
 /// <param name="ErrorDetails">.</param>
 /// <param name="Font">The font to be used for the tab value. Supported Fonts include:  - Default - Arial - ArialNarrow - Calibri - CourierNew - Garamond - Georgia - Helvetica - LucidaConsole - MSGothic - MSMincho - OCR-A - Tahoma - TimesNewRoman - Trebuchet - Verdana .</param>
 /// <param name="FontColor">The font color used for the information in the tab. Possible values are:   - Black - BrightBlue - BrightRed - DarkGreen - DarkRed - Gold - Green - NavyBlue - Purple - White .</param>
 /// <param name="FontSize">The font size used for the information in the tab. Possible values are:  - Size7 - Size8 - Size9 - Size10 - Size11 - Size12 - Size14 - Size16 - Size18 - Size20 - Size22 - Size24 - Size26 - Size28 - Size36 - Size48 - Size72.</param>
 /// <param name="Italic">When set to **true**, the information in the tab is italic..</param>
 /// <param name="MergeField">.</param>
 /// <param name="Name">.</param>
 /// <param name="PageNumber">Specifies the page number on which the tab is located. Must be 1 for [supplemental documents][supdocs].  [supdocs]: /esign/guide/appendix/glossary.html#supplemental-documents .</param>
 /// <param name="RecipientId">Unique for the recipient. It is used by the tab element to indicate which recipient is to sign the Document..</param>
 /// <param name="Status">Tab status &lt;!- - todo - -&gt; .</param>
 /// <param name="TabId">The unique identifier for the tab..</param>
 /// <param name="TabLabel">The label string associated with the tab. The string may be the empty string. If no value is provided, the tab type is used as the value.  Maximum of 500 characters. .</param>
 /// <param name="TabOrder">A positive integer that sets the order the tab is navigated to during signing.  Tabs on a page are navigated to in ascending order, starting with the lowest number and moving to the highest. If two or more tabs have the same &#x60;tabOrder&#x60; value, the normal auto-navigation setting behavior for the envelope is used..</param>
 /// <param name="TemplateLocked">When set to **true**, the sender cannot change any attributes of the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients. .</param>
 /// <param name="TemplateRequired">When set to **true**, the sender may not remove the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients..</param>
 /// <param name="Underline">When set to **true**, the information in the tab is underlined..</param>
 /// <param name="Value">Specifies the value of the tab. .</param>
 /// <param name="XPosition">This indicates the horizontal offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position. Required. May be zero. .</param>
 /// <param name="YPosition">This indicates the vertical offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position..</param>
 public FirstName(string AnchorCaseSensitive = null, string AnchorHorizontalAlignment = null, string AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent = null, string AnchorMatchWholeWord = null, string AnchorString = null, string AnchorUnits = null, string AnchorXOffset = null, string AnchorYOffset = null, string Bold = null, string ConditionalParentLabel = null, string ConditionalParentValue = null, string CustomTabId = null, string DocumentId = null, ErrorDetails ErrorDetails = null, string Font = null, string FontColor = null, string FontSize = null, string Italic = null, MergeField MergeField = null, string Name = null, string PageNumber = null, string RecipientId = null, string Status = null, string TabId = null, string TabLabel = null, string TabOrder = null, string TemplateLocked = null, string TemplateRequired = null, string Underline = null, string Value = null, string XPosition = null, string YPosition = null)
     this.AnchorCaseSensitive       = AnchorCaseSensitive;
     this.AnchorHorizontalAlignment = AnchorHorizontalAlignment;
     this.AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent  = AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent;
     this.AnchorMatchWholeWord      = AnchorMatchWholeWord;
     this.AnchorString           = AnchorString;
     this.AnchorUnits            = AnchorUnits;
     this.AnchorXOffset          = AnchorXOffset;
     this.AnchorYOffset          = AnchorYOffset;
     this.Bold                   = Bold;
     this.ConditionalParentLabel = ConditionalParentLabel;
     this.ConditionalParentValue = ConditionalParentValue;
     this.CustomTabId            = CustomTabId;
     this.DocumentId             = DocumentId;
     this.ErrorDetails           = ErrorDetails;
     this.Font                   = Font;
     this.FontColor              = FontColor;
     this.FontSize               = FontSize;
     this.Italic                 = Italic;
     this.MergeField             = MergeField;
     this.Name                   = Name;
     this.PageNumber             = PageNumber;
     this.RecipientId            = RecipientId;
     this.Status                 = Status;
     this.TabId                  = TabId;
     this.TabLabel               = TabLabel;
     this.TabOrder               = TabOrder;
     this.TemplateLocked         = TemplateLocked;
     this.TemplateRequired       = TemplateRequired;
     this.Underline              = Underline;
     this.Value                  = Value;
     this.XPosition              = XPosition;
     this.YPosition              = YPosition;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CustomTabs" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Anchor">An optional string that is used to auto-match tabs to strings located in the documents of an envelope..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorCaseSensitive">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - When set to **true**, the anchor string does not consider case when matching strings in the document. The default value is **true**. - -&gt;.</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorHorizontalAlignment">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - Specifies the alignment of anchor tabs with anchor strings. Possible values are **left** or **right**. The default value is **left**. - -&gt; .</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent">When set to **true**, this tab is ignored if anchorString is not found in the document..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorMatchWholeWord">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - When set to **true**, the anchor string in this tab matches whole words only (strings embedded in other strings are ignored.) The default value is **true**. - -&gt; .</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorUnits">Specifies units of the X and Y offset. Units could be pixels, millimeters, centimeters, or inches..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorXOffset">Specifies the X axis location of the tab, in achorUnits, relative to the anchorString..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorYOffset">Specifies the Y axis location of the tab, in achorUnits, relative to the anchorString..</param>
 /// <param name="Bold">When set to **true**, the information in the tab is bold..</param>
 /// <param name="ConcealValueOnDocument">When set to **true**, the field appears normally while the recipient is adding or modifying the information in the field, but the data is not visible (the characters are hidden by asterisks) to any other signer or the sender.  When an envelope is completed the information is available to the sender through the Form Data link in the DocuSign Console.  This setting applies only to text boxes and does not affect list boxes, radio buttons, or check boxes..</param>
 /// <param name="CreatedByDisplayName">The user name of the DocuSign user who created this object..</param>
 /// <param name="CreatedByUserId">The userId of the DocuSign user who created this object..</param>
 /// <param name="CustomTabId">The DocuSign generated custom tab ID for the custom tab to be applied. This can only be used when adding new tabs for a recipient. When used, the new tab inherits all the custom tab properties..</param>
 /// <param name="DisableAutoSize">When set to **true**, disables the auto sizing of single line text boxes in the signing screen when the signer enters data. If disabled users will only be able enter as much data as the text box can hold. By default this is false. This property only affects single line text boxes..</param>
 /// <param name="Editable">When set to **true**, the custom tab is editable. Otherwise the custom tab cannot be modified..</param>
 /// <param name="Font">The font to be used for the tab value. Supported Fonts include:  - Default - Arial - ArialNarrow - Calibri - CourierNew - Garamond - Georgia - Helvetica - LucidaConsole - MSGothic - MSMincho - OCR-A - Tahoma - TimesNewRoman - Trebuchet - Verdana .</param>
 /// <param name="FontColor">The font color used for the information in the tab. Possible values are:   - Black - BrightBlue - BrightRed - DarkGreen - DarkRed - Gold - Green - NavyBlue - Purple - White .</param>
 /// <param name="FontSize">The font size used for the information in the tab. Possible values are:  - Size7 - Size8 - Size9 - Size10 - Size11 - Size12 - Size14 - Size16 - Size18 - Size20 - Size22 - Size24 - Size26 - Size28 - Size36 - Size48 - Size72.</param>
 /// <param name="Height">Height of the tab in pixels..</param>
 /// <param name="IncludedInEmail">When set to **true**, the tab is included in e-mails related to the envelope on which it exists. This applies to only specific tabs..</param>
 /// <param name="InitialValue">The original value of the tab..</param>
 /// <param name="Italic">When set to **true**, the information in the tab is italic..</param>
 /// <param name="Items">If the tab is a list, this represents the values that are possible for the tab..</param>
 /// <param name="LastModified">The UTC DateTime this object was last modified. This is in ISO8601 format..</param>
 /// <param name="LastModifiedByDisplayName">The User Name of the DocuSign user who last modified this object..</param>
 /// <param name="LastModifiedByUserId">The userId of the DocuSign user who last modified this object..</param>
 /// <param name="Locked">When set to **true**, the signer cannot change the data of the custom tab..</param>
 /// <param name="MaximumLength">The maximum number of entry characters supported by the custom tab..</param>
 /// <param name="MergeField">.</param>
 /// <param name="Name">.</param>
 /// <param name="Required">When set to **true**, the signer is required to fill out this tab.</param>
 /// <param name="ScaleValue">.</param>
 /// <param name="Shared">When set to **true**, this custom tab is shared..</param>
 /// <param name="StampType">.</param>
 /// <param name="StampTypeMetadata">.</param>
 /// <param name="TabLabel">The label string associated with the tab. The string may be the empty string. If no value is provided, the tab type is used as the value.  Maximum of 500 characters. .</param>
 /// <param name="Type">The type of this tab. Values are:  - Approve - CheckBox - Company - Date - DateSigned, Decline - Email, EmailAddress - EnvelopeId - FirstName - Formula - FullName, InitialHere - InitialHereOptional - LastName - List - Note - Number - Radio - SignerAttachment - SignHere - SignHereOptional - Ssn - Text - Title - Zip5 - Zip5Dash4 .</param>
 /// <param name="Underline">When set to **true**, the information in the tab is underlined..</param>
 /// <param name="ValidationMessage">The message displayed if the custom tab fails input validation (either custom of embedded)..</param>
 /// <param name="ValidationPattern">A regular expressionn used to validate input for the tab..</param>
 /// <param name="Width">Width of the tab in pixels..</param>
 public CustomTabs(string Anchor = null, string AnchorCaseSensitive = null, string AnchorHorizontalAlignment = null, string AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent = null, string AnchorMatchWholeWord = null, string AnchorUnits = null, string AnchorXOffset = null, string AnchorYOffset = null, string Bold = null, string ConcealValueOnDocument = null, string CreatedByDisplayName = null, string CreatedByUserId = null, string CustomTabId = null, string DisableAutoSize = null, string Editable = null, string Font = null, string FontColor = null, string FontSize = null, string Height = null, string IncludedInEmail = null, string InitialValue = null, string Italic = null, List <string> Items = null, string LastModified = null, string LastModifiedByDisplayName = null, string LastModifiedByUserId = null, string Locked = null, string MaximumLength = null, MergeField MergeField = null, string Name = null, string Required = null, string ScaleValue = null, string Shared = null, string StampType = null, PropertyMetadata StampTypeMetadata = null, string TabLabel = null, string Type = null, string Underline = null, string ValidationMessage = null, string ValidationPattern = null, string Width = null)
     this.Anchor = Anchor;
     this.AnchorCaseSensitive       = AnchorCaseSensitive;
     this.AnchorHorizontalAlignment = AnchorHorizontalAlignment;
     this.AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent  = AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent;
     this.AnchorMatchWholeWord      = AnchorMatchWholeWord;
     this.AnchorUnits               = AnchorUnits;
     this.AnchorXOffset             = AnchorXOffset;
     this.AnchorYOffset             = AnchorYOffset;
     this.Bold                      = Bold;
     this.ConcealValueOnDocument    = ConcealValueOnDocument;
     this.CreatedByDisplayName      = CreatedByDisplayName;
     this.CreatedByUserId           = CreatedByUserId;
     this.CustomTabId               = CustomTabId;
     this.DisableAutoSize           = DisableAutoSize;
     this.Editable                  = Editable;
     this.Font                      = Font;
     this.FontColor                 = FontColor;
     this.FontSize                  = FontSize;
     this.Height                    = Height;
     this.IncludedInEmail           = IncludedInEmail;
     this.InitialValue              = InitialValue;
     this.Italic                    = Italic;
     this.Items                     = Items;
     this.LastModified              = LastModified;
     this.LastModifiedByDisplayName = LastModifiedByDisplayName;
     this.LastModifiedByUserId      = LastModifiedByUserId;
     this.Locked                    = Locked;
     this.MaximumLength             = MaximumLength;
     this.MergeField                = MergeField;
     this.Name                      = Name;
     this.Required                  = Required;
     this.ScaleValue                = ScaleValue;
     this.Shared                    = Shared;
     this.StampType                 = StampType;
     this.StampTypeMetadata         = StampTypeMetadata;
     this.TabLabel                  = TabLabel;
     this.Type                      = Type;
     this.Underline                 = Underline;
     this.ValidationMessage         = ValidationMessage;
     this.ValidationPattern         = ValidationPattern;
     this.Width                     = Width;
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Notarize" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="AnchorCaseSensitive">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - When set to **true**, the anchor string does not consider case when matching strings in the document. The default value is **true**. - -&gt;.</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorHorizontalAlignment">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - Specifies the alignment of anchor tabs with anchor strings. Possible values are **left** or **right**. The default value is **left**. - -&gt; .</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent">When set to **true**, this tab is ignored if anchorString is not found in the document..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorMatchWholeWord">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - When set to **true**, the anchor string in this tab matches whole words only (strings embedded in other strings are ignored.) The default value is **true**. - -&gt; .</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorString">Specifies the anchor string..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorUnits">Specifies units of the X and Y offset. Units could be pixels, millimeters, centimeters, or inches..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorXOffset">Specifies the X axis location of the tab, in achorUnits, relative to the anchorString..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorYOffset">Specifies the Y axis location of the tab, in achorUnits, relative to the anchorString..</param>
 /// <param name="ConditionalParentLabel">For conditional fields this is the TabLabel of the parent tab that controls this tab&#39;s visibility..</param>
 /// <param name="ConditionalParentValue">For conditional fields, this is the value of the parent tab that controls the tab&#39;s visibility.  If the parent tab is a Checkbox, Radio button, Optional Signature, or Optional Initial use \&quot;on\&quot; as the value to show that the parent tab is active. .</param>
 /// <param name="CustomTabId">.</param>
 /// <param name="DocumentId">The ID of the document being accessed..</param>
 /// <param name="ErrorDetails">.</param>
 /// <param name="Locked">When set to **true**, the signer cannot change the data of the custom tab..</param>
 /// <param name="MergeField">.</param>
 /// <param name="PageNumber">The page number being accessed..</param>
 /// <param name="RecipientId">The &#x60;recipientId&#x60; used when the envelope or template was created..</param>
 /// <param name="Required">When set to **true**, the signer is required to fill out this tab.</param>
 /// <param name="Status">Tab status &lt;!- - todo - -&gt; .</param>
 /// <param name="TabId">The unique identifier for the tab..</param>
 /// <param name="TabOrder">A positive integer that sets the order the tab is navigated to during signing.  Tabs on a page are navigated to in ascending order, starting with the lowest number and moving to the highest. If two or more tabs have the same &#x60;tabOrder&#x60; value, the normal auto-navigation setting behavior for the envelope is used..</param>
 /// <param name="TemplateLocked">When set to **true**, the sender cannot change any attributes of the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients. .</param>
 /// <param name="TemplateRequired">When set to **true**, the sender may not remove the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients..</param>
 /// <param name="XPosition">This indicates the horizontal offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position. Required. May be zero. .</param>
 /// <param name="YPosition">This indicates the vertical offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position..</param>
 public Notarize(string AnchorCaseSensitive = null, string AnchorHorizontalAlignment = null, string AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent = null, string AnchorMatchWholeWord = null, string AnchorString = null, string AnchorUnits = null, string AnchorXOffset = null, string AnchorYOffset = null, string ConditionalParentLabel = null, string ConditionalParentValue = null, string CustomTabId = null, string DocumentId = null, ErrorDetails ErrorDetails = null, string Locked = null, MergeField MergeField = null, string PageNumber = null, string RecipientId = null, string Required = null, string Status = null, string TabId = null, string TabOrder = null, string TemplateLocked = null, string TemplateRequired = null, string XPosition = null, string YPosition = null)
     this.AnchorCaseSensitive       = AnchorCaseSensitive;
     this.AnchorHorizontalAlignment = AnchorHorizontalAlignment;
     this.AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent  = AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent;
     this.AnchorMatchWholeWord      = AnchorMatchWholeWord;
     this.AnchorString           = AnchorString;
     this.AnchorUnits            = AnchorUnits;
     this.AnchorXOffset          = AnchorXOffset;
     this.AnchorYOffset          = AnchorYOffset;
     this.ConditionalParentLabel = ConditionalParentLabel;
     this.ConditionalParentValue = ConditionalParentValue;
     this.CustomTabId            = CustomTabId;
     this.DocumentId             = DocumentId;
     this.ErrorDetails           = ErrorDetails;
     this.Locked           = Locked;
     this.MergeField       = MergeField;
     this.PageNumber       = PageNumber;
     this.RecipientId      = RecipientId;
     this.Required         = Required;
     this.Status           = Status;
     this.TabId            = TabId;
     this.TabOrder         = TabOrder;
     this.TemplateLocked   = TemplateLocked;
     this.TemplateRequired = TemplateRequired;
     this.XPosition        = XPosition;
     this.YPosition        = YPosition;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SignHere" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="AnchorCaseSensitive">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - When set to **true**, the anchor string does not consider case when matching strings in the document. The default value is **true**. - -&gt;.</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorHorizontalAlignment">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - Specifies the alignment of anchor tabs with anchor strings. Possible values are **left** or **right**. The default value is **left**. - -&gt; .</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent">When set to **true**, this tab is ignored if anchorString is not found in the document..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorMatchWholeWord">Reserved for DocuSign. &lt;!- - When set to **true**, the anchor string in this tab matches whole words only (strings embedded in other strings are ignored.) The default value is **true**. - -&gt; .</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorString">Specifies the anchor string..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorUnits">Specifies units of the X and Y offset. Units could be pixels, millimeters, centimeters, or inches..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorXOffset">Specifies the X axis location of the tab, in achorUnits, relative to the anchorString..</param>
 /// <param name="AnchorYOffset">Specifies the Y axis location of the tab, in achorUnits, relative to the anchorString..</param>
 /// <param name="ConditionalParentLabel">For conditional fields this is the TabLabel of the parent tab that controls this tab&#39;s visibility..</param>
 /// <param name="ConditionalParentValue">For conditional fields, this is the value of the parent tab that controls the tab&#39;s visibility.  If the parent tab is a Checkbox, Radio button, Optional Signature, or Optional Initial use \&quot;on\&quot; as the value to show that the parent tab is active. .</param>
 /// <param name="CustomTabId">The DocuSign generated custom tab ID for the custom tab to be applied. This can only be used when adding new tabs for a recipient. When used, the new tab inherits all the custom tab properties..</param>
 /// <param name="DocumentId">Specifies the document ID number that the tab is placed on. This must refer to an existing Document&#39;s ID attribute..</param>
 /// <param name="ErrorDetails">.</param>
 /// <param name="MergeField">.</param>
 /// <param name="Name">Specifies the tool tip text for the tab..</param>
 /// <param name="Optional">.</param>
 /// <param name="PageNumber">Specifies the page number on which the tab is located. Must be 1 for [supplemental documents][supdocs].  [supdocs]: /esign/guide/appendix/glossary.html#supplemental-documents .</param>
 /// <param name="RecipientId">Unique for the recipient. It is used by the tab element to indicate which recipient is to sign the Document..</param>
 /// <param name="ScaleValue">.</param>
 /// <param name="StampType">.</param>
 /// <param name="StampTypeMetadata">.</param>
 /// <param name="Status">Tab status &lt;!- - todo - -&gt; .</param>
 /// <param name="TabId">The unique identifier for the tab..</param>
 /// <param name="TabLabel">The label string associated with the tab. The string may be the empty string. If no value is provided, the tab type is used as the value.  Maximum of 500 characters. .</param>
 /// <param name="TabOrder">A positive integer that sets the order the tab is navigated to during signing.  Tabs on a page are navigated to in ascending order, starting with the lowest number and moving to the highest. If two or more tabs have the same &#x60;tabOrder&#x60; value, the normal auto-navigation setting behavior for the envelope is used..</param>
 /// <param name="TemplateLocked">When set to **true**, the sender cannot change any attributes of the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients. .</param>
 /// <param name="TemplateRequired">When set to **true**, the sender may not remove the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients..</param>
 /// <param name="XPosition">This indicates the horizontal offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position. Required. May be zero. .</param>
 /// <param name="YPosition">This indicates the vertical offset of the object on the page. DocuSign uses 72 DPI when determining position. Required. May be zero.  &lt;div class&#x3D;\&quot;highlight highlight-attention\&quot;&gt; &lt;p markdown&#x3D;\&quot;1\&quot;&gt; The &#x60;signHere&#x60; tab appears 21 points *lower* than the value you provide here. To align the tab as expected, subtract 21 from the expected y-value. &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; See [Sign Here Tab Alignment](http://localhost:4000/esign/restapi/Envelopes/EnvelopeRecipientTabs/#sign-here-tab-alignment) &lt;/p&gt; &lt;/div&gt; .</param>
 public SignHere(string AnchorCaseSensitive = null, string AnchorHorizontalAlignment = null, string AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent = null, string AnchorMatchWholeWord = null, string AnchorString = null, string AnchorUnits = null, string AnchorXOffset = null, string AnchorYOffset = null, string ConditionalParentLabel = null, string ConditionalParentValue = null, string CustomTabId = null, string DocumentId = null, ErrorDetails ErrorDetails = null, MergeField MergeField = null, string Name = null, string Optional = null, string PageNumber = null, string RecipientId = null, float?ScaleValue = null, string StampType = null, PropertyMetadata StampTypeMetadata = null, string Status = null, string TabId = null, string TabLabel = null, string TabOrder = null, string TemplateLocked = null, string TemplateRequired = null, string XPosition = null, string YPosition = null)
     this.AnchorCaseSensitive       = AnchorCaseSensitive;
     this.AnchorHorizontalAlignment = AnchorHorizontalAlignment;
     this.AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent  = AnchorIgnoreIfNotPresent;
     this.AnchorMatchWholeWord      = AnchorMatchWholeWord;
     this.AnchorString           = AnchorString;
     this.AnchorUnits            = AnchorUnits;
     this.AnchorXOffset          = AnchorXOffset;
     this.AnchorYOffset          = AnchorYOffset;
     this.ConditionalParentLabel = ConditionalParentLabel;
     this.ConditionalParentValue = ConditionalParentValue;
     this.CustomTabId            = CustomTabId;
     this.DocumentId             = DocumentId;
     this.ErrorDetails           = ErrorDetails;
     this.MergeField             = MergeField;
     this.Name              = Name;
     this.Optional          = Optional;
     this.PageNumber        = PageNumber;
     this.RecipientId       = RecipientId;
     this.ScaleValue        = ScaleValue;
     this.StampType         = StampType;
     this.StampTypeMetadata = StampTypeMetadata;
     this.Status            = Status;
     this.TabId             = TabId;
     this.TabLabel          = TabLabel;
     this.TabOrder          = TabOrder;
     this.TemplateLocked    = TemplateLocked;
     this.TemplateRequired  = TemplateRequired;
     this.XPosition         = XPosition;
     this.YPosition         = YPosition;