private static void PrintTreeToFile(DocDir root, string outputFile, string hrefPrefix) { using (var fileStream = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create)) { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(fileStream)) { writer.WriteLine(@"<ul id=""tree_root"" class=""loading"">"); PrintTree(writer, root.servicesRoot, hrefPrefix, 0); PrintTree(writer, root, hrefPrefix, 0); writer.WriteLine(@"</ul>"); writer.WriteLine(@"<script>document.addEventListener(""DOMContentLoaded"", " + "function() { " + "JSLists.applyToList('tree_root', 'ALL');" + @"document.getElementById(""tree_root"").classList.remove(""loading"");" + " })</script>"); } } Console.WriteLine("Output written to " + outputFile); }
public static void BuildTree(Dictionary <string, string> srcFilesOriginal, DocDir root, HtmlNode node, string linksRelativePath) { var childLink = node.ChildNodes?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "a"); var className = childLink.InnerText; className = className.Split('.').Last(); string resultNicePath = ""; string resultName = ""; string resultType = ""; var matchingSources = srcFilesOriginal.Where(x => x.Key.ToLower().Contains(className.ToLower())).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < matchingSources.Count && resultNicePath == ""; i++) { var fileText = matchingSources.ElementAt(i); FindDeclarationInSourceCode(className, ref resultNicePath, ref resultName, ref resultType, fileText); } for (var i = 0; i < srcFilesOriginal.Count && resultNicePath == ""; i++) { var fileText = srcFilesOriginal.ElementAt(i); FindDeclarationInSourceCode(className, ref resultNicePath, ref resultName, ref resultType, fileText); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(resultNicePath)) { var href = childLink.GetAttributeValue("href", ""); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(linksRelativePath)) { href = linksRelativePath + "/" + href; } Program.AddItem(resultNicePath, href, resultType, resultName, root); } else { Console.WriteLine("Fail on " + className); } }
public static void AddItem(string pathp, string href, string type, string name, DocDir root) { var path = pathp.Replace("~App/", ""); if (!ignores.Any(x => path.StartsWith(x))) { var pathItems = path.Split('\\').ToList(); if (name.StartsWith("$")) { pathItems = pathItems.Where(x => x != "Services").ToList(); root = root.servicesRoot; } var currentDir = root; var currentDirPath =; for (var i = 1; i < pathItems.Count - 1; i++) { var item = pathItems[i]; var dir = currentDir.subdirs.Find(x => == item); if (dir == null) { dir = new DocDir() { name = item }; currentDir.subdirs.Add(dir); } currentDir = dir; currentDirPath += "/" +; dir.path = currentDirPath; } if (!currentDir.items.Any(x => x.href == href)) { currentDir.items.Add(new DocItem() { name = name, href = href, type = type, logicPath = path }); } } }
static void PrintTree(StreamWriter stream, DocDir currentDir, string hrefPrefix, int level) { var ident = new string(' ', level); stream.Write(ident + "<li>"); stream.Write(ident + "<span class=dir-name>" + + "</span>"); stream.WriteLine(ident + @"<ul class=""docs-dir"" data-dir-path=""" + currentDir.path + @""">"); foreach (var dir in currentDir.subdirs) { PrintTree(stream, dir, hrefPrefix, level + 1); } foreach (var item in currentDir.items) { stream.Write(ident + "<li class='" + item.type + "'>"); stream.Write(@"<span class=""tsd-kind-icon"">"); stream.Write("<a href=\"" + hrefPrefix + item.href.Replace("\\", "/") + "\" class=doc-link data-path=\"" + item.logicPath + "\" >" + + "</a>"); stream.Write("</span>"); stream.Write("</li>"); } stream.WriteLine(ident + @"</ul>"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string docsRoot = args[0]; string srcRoot = args[1]; Console.WriteLine("Generating documentation map from source folder {0} and docs folder {1}", Path.GetFullPath(srcRoot), Path.GetFullPath(docsRoot)); Dictionary <string, string> srcFiles = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, string> srcFilesOriginal = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var srcDir = srcRoot; if (Directory.Exists(srcRoot + "/WebClient/WebClient/Content/")) { srcDir = srcRoot + "/WebClient/WebClient/Content/"; } foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(srcDir, "*.ts?", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { var nicePath = file.Replace(srcDir, "~App/").Replace(Path.GetExtension(file), ""); var fileText = File.ReadAllText(file); srcFiles.Add(nicePath, fileText.ToLower()); srcFilesOriginal.Add(nicePath, fileText); } DocDir root = new DocDir() { name = "App" }; root.servicesRoot = new DocDir() { name = "Services" }; var webDocsRoot = docsRoot + "/docs"; foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles((Path.Combine(webDocsRoot, "modules")), "*.html")) { var items = HtmlBasedGenerator.FindNodes(file); foreach (var item in items) { HtmlBasedGenerator.BuildTree(srcFilesOriginal, root, item, "modules"); } Console.WriteLine(file + " items processed"); } //var globals = HtmlBasedGenerator.FindNodes(Path.Combine(webDocsRoot, "globals.html")); //foreach(var glob in globals) //{ // HtmlBasedGenerator.BuildTree(srcFilesOriginal, root, glob, ""); //} //Console.WriteLine("Global items processed"); //var genModels = HtmlBasedGenerator.FindNodes(Path.Combine(webDocsRoot, "modules", "genmodels.html")); //foreach (var w in genModels) //{ // HtmlBasedGenerator.BuildTree(srcFilesOriginal, root, w, "modules"); //} //Console.WriteLine("GenModels items processed"); //var genControllers = HtmlBasedGenerator.FindNodes(Path.Combine(webDocsRoot, "modules", "gencontrollers.html")); //foreach (var w in genControllers) //{ // HtmlBasedGenerator.BuildTree(srcFilesOriginal, root, w, "modules"); //} //Console.WriteLine("GenControllers items processed"); var outputFile = docsRoot + "/docs/navPrimaryContent.html"; PrintTreeToFile(root, outputFile, ""); var outputFile2 = docsRoot + "/docs/navSecondaryContent.html"; PrintTreeToFile(root, outputFile2, "../"); Console.WriteLine("Complete!"); }