Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if there is an update available
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CheckForUpdate()
                // Our current version and platform
                var currentVersion  = DnaSettings.Version;
                var currentPlatform = DnaSettings.Platform;

                // Get version from Internet
                var onlineReleasesString = WebHelpers.DownloadString("http://dnaweb.io/api/releases");
                var onlineReleases       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AutoUpdateReleases>(onlineReleasesString);

                // If we have nothing...
                if (onlineReleases == null || onlineReleases.Releases == null || onlineReleases.Releases.Count == 0)
                    // Return

                // Check if we have any newer versions for our platform
                var newerVersion = onlineReleases.Releases
                                   // If it is the same platform and newer version...
                                   .Where(release => release.Platform == currentPlatform && release.Version > currentVersion)
                                   // Order by newest first...
                                   .OrderByDescending(release => release.Version)
                                   // Try and get one...

                // If we have a newer version, log it
                if (newerVersion != null)
                    CoreLogger.Log($"** New Version of DnaWeb Available {newerVersion.Version} **", type: LogType.Success);
                    CoreLogger.Log("   Download from http://www.dnaweb.io", type: LogType.Success);


                    // TODO: Auto download and install

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log error
                CoreLogger.Log($"Failed to check for updates. {ex.Message}", type: LogType.Warning);

                // Fail
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads and extracts any files from the provided Live Data Sources
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceConfigurations">The list of sources</param>
        /// <param name="force">Forces installing any download versions regardless of what version exists in the cache</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void DownloadSourcesAsync(List <DnaConfigurationLiveDataSource> sourceConfigurations, bool force = false)
            // Flag if we end up downloading anything
            var somethingDownloaded = false;

            // Log it
            CoreLogger.LogInformation("Updating Live Data Sources...");

            if (sourceConfigurations != null)
                // Keep track of sources we add in this loop
                var addedConfigurations = new List <LiveDataSource>();

                // Loop each source provided...
                foreach (var sourceConfiguration in sourceConfigurations)
                    CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Processing source {sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource}...");

                    var liveDataSource = new LiveDataSource();

                    #region Get Source Configuration

                    // Is source a web link?
                    var isWeb = sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource.ToLower().StartsWith("http");

                    // Is source a local configuration file
                    var isLocal = sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource.ToLower().EndsWith(DnaSettings.LiveDataConfigurationFileName.ToLower());

                    // Is source folder? (used directly, not downloaded to cache folder)
                    // Detected by being a folder link that inside that folder exists a dna.live.config file
                    var isDirectSource = !isWeb && !isLocal && File.Exists(Path.Combine(sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource, DnaSettings.LiveDataConfigurationFileName));

                    // If this is a web source...
                    if (isWeb)
                        #region Download Configuration File

                        // Download its information
                        var informationString = WebHelpers.DownloadString(sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource);

                        // If it is null, it failed
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(informationString))
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Failed to download configuration {sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource}", type: LogType.Warning);

                            // Stop


                        #region Deserialize

                        // Try to deserialize the Json
                            liveDataSource = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LiveDataSource>(informationString);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // If we failed, log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Failed to deserialize configuration {sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource}. {ex.Message}", type: LogType.Warning);

                            // Stop

                    // If it ends with dna.live.config and the local file exists
                    else if (isLocal)
                        if (!File.Exists(sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource))
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Local configuration file not found {sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource}", type: LogType.Warning);

                            // Stop

                        #region Read Configuration File

                        // Read its information
                        var informationString = File.ReadAllText(sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource);

                        // If it is null, it failed
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(informationString))
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Failed to read local configuration {sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource}", type: LogType.Warning);

                            // Stop


                        #region Deserialize

                        // Try to deserialize the Json
                            liveDataSource = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LiveDataSource>(informationString);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // If we failed, log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Failed to deserialize configuration {sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource}. {ex.Message}", type: LogType.Warning);

                            // Stop

                    // Otherwise...
                        // If it is a folder that exists and contains the dna.live.config file
                        // specifying it this way means it should be treated as a direct access
                        // local file (not copied to the cache folder)
                        // So, ignore it for this step either way but if it doesn't contain
                        // a configuration file, warn it is an unknown source
                        if (!isDirectSource)
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Unknown source type {sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource}", type: LogType.Warning);
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Skipping local source folder (will be used directly not copied to cache) {sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource}");

                        // Stop either way


                    #region Newer Version Check

                    // If we are forcing an update ignore this step
                    if (!force)
                        // Check if we have a newer version...
                        var newerVersion = Sources.FirstOrDefault(localSource =>
                                                                  // Has the same name...
                                                                  localSource.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(liveDataSource.Name) &&
                                                                  // And a higher version
                                                                  localSource.Version >= liveDataSource.Version);

                        if (newerVersion != null)
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Skipping download as same or newer version exists {newerVersion.Name} ({newerVersion.CachedFilePath})");

                            // Stop


                    #region Delete Old Versions

                    // Find any older version and delete it
                    var olderVersions = Sources.Where(localSource =>
                                                      // Has the same name...
                                                      localSource.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(liveDataSource.Name) &&
                                                      // And a lower version (or we are forcing an update)
                                                      (force || localSource.Version < liveDataSource.Version)).ToList();

                    // If we got any lower versions...
                    if (olderVersions?.Count > 0)
                        // Loop each older version...
                        foreach (var olderVersion in olderVersions)
                                // Try and delete the folder
                                Directory.Delete(olderVersion.CachedFilePath, true);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // Log it
                                CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Failed to delete older version {olderVersion.CachedFilePath}. {ex.Message}", type: LogType.Warning);

                                // Stop


                    #region Download Source

                    var zipFile = isWeb ?
                                  // If Web: New unique filename to download to
                                  FileHelpers.GetUnusedPath(Path.Combine(CachePath, $"{liveDataSource.Name}.zip")) :
                                  // Otherwise source should point to zip file relative to current path
                                  DnaConfiguration.ResolveFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource), liveDataSource.Source, true, out bool wasRelative);

                    if (isWeb)
                        // If Url is relative...
                        if (!liveDataSource.Source.Contains("://"))
                            // Get URL folder
                            var urlFolder = sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource.Substring(0, sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource.LastIndexOf('/'));

                            // Prepend the current sources path
                            liveDataSource.Source = $"{urlFolder}/{liveDataSource.Source}";

                        // Now attempt to download the source zip file
                        CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Downloading source contents... {liveDataSource.Source}");

                        // Download to folder
                        var downloaded = WebHelpers.DownloadFile(liveDataSource.Source, zipFile);

                        // If it failed to download...
                        if (!downloaded)
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Failed to download source file {liveDataSource.Source}", type: LogType.Warning);

                            // Stop
                        // Make sure zip exists
                        if (!File.Exists(zipFile))
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Local source zip file does not exist {zipFile}", type: LogType.Warning);

                            // Stop

                    // Get unused folder to extract to
                    var saveFolder = FileHelpers.GetUnusedPath(Path.Combine(CachePath, liveDataSource.Name));


                    // Flag if we succeeded so the local sources get refreshed after we are done
                    somethingDownloaded = true;

                    // Whatever happens now, fail or succeed, we should clean up the downloaded zip
                        #region Extract Source

                        // Try and extract the zip
                        var unzipSuccessful = ZipHelpers.Unzip(zipFile, saveFolder);

                        if (!unzipSuccessful)
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Failed to unzip downloaded file {zipFile}", type: LogType.Warning);

                            // Clean up folder
                                // If save folder exists...
                                if (Directory.Exists(saveFolder))
                                    // Delete it
                                    Directory.Delete(saveFolder, true);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // Log it
                                CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Failed to delete failed extraction folder {saveFolder}. {ex.Message}", type: LogType.Warning);

                            // Stop


                        #region Verify Valid Configuration

                        // Verify the zip has valid dna.live.config file in and it successfully parses

                        // Get expected configuration path
                        var configFilePath = Path.Combine(saveFolder, DnaSettings.LiveDataConfigurationFileName);

                        // Flag if it is a valid source
                        var validSource = true;

                        // If the file does not exist or it fails to parse
                        if (!File.Exists(configFilePath))
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Live Data configuration file missing {configFilePath}.", type: LogType.Warning);

                            // Flag it
                            validSource = false;
                            // Try and parse the file
                                // Try and parse
                                var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LiveDataSource>(File.ReadAllText(configFilePath));

                                #region Already Added Check

                                // Make sure we don't already have this name
                                if (addedConfigurations.Any(source => source.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(result.Name)))
                                    // Log it
                                    CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Ignoring source as another exists with same name {result.Name}. {result.CachedFilePath}", type: LogType.Warning);

                                    // Flag it
                                    validSource = false;


                                // If it is a valid source...
                                if (validSource)
                                    // Add to already added list

                                    // Log successful install
                                    CoreLogger.Log($"Installed new Live Data Source {result.Name} v{result.Version}, from {sourceConfiguration.ConfigurationFileSource}", type: LogType.Success);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // Log it
                                CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Failed to parse Live Data configuration file {configFilePath}. {ex.Message}", type: LogType.Error);

                                // Flag it
                                validSource = false;

                        // If it is not a valid file...
                        if (!validSource)
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Cleaning invalid source folder {saveFolder}.", type: LogType.Warning);

                            // Delete source folder

                        // If it was a downloaded file...
                        if (isWeb)
                            // Log it
                            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Cleaning up downloaded file {zipFile}");

                                // Try and delete it
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // Log it
                                CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Failed to delete downloaded file {zipFile}. {ex.Message}", type: LogType.Error);

            // Rescan if we downloaded anything
            if (somethingDownloaded)
                // Refresh local sources

            CoreLogger.Log($"LiveData: Finished downloading sources");