Пример #1
        private void OnReceive(IAsyncResult ar)
                Socket clientSocket = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;

                //Transform the array of bytes received from the user into an
                //intelligent form of object Data
                Data msgReceived = new Data(byteData);

                //We will send this object in response the users request
                Data msgToSend = new Data();

                lock (globalLocker)
                    int clientId = findClient(clientList, clientSocket);
                    byte[] message;

                    if (clientId == -1) writeToLog2("Получено " + msgReceived.cmdCommand.ToString() + " от " + clientSocket.LocalEndPoint.ToString(), true);
                    else if (clientList[clientId].roomId == -1) writeToLog2("Получено " + msgReceived.cmdCommand.ToString() + " от "
                         + clientList[clientId].login, true);

                    else writeToLog2("Получено " + msgReceived.cmdCommand.ToString() + "\t от " + clientList[clientId].login + " в \""
                        + rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].roomName + "\"", true);

                    switch (msgReceived.cmdCommand)
                        case Command.Connect:
                            /////////проверка разрешения пользователя на доступ к игре
                            //если разрешено

                            ClientInfo clientInfo = new ClientInfo();
                            clientInfo.socket = clientSocket;
                            clientInfo.ip = clientInfo.socket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString();
                            clientInfo.login = msgReceived.login;
                            clientInfo.roomId = -1;

                            if (msgReceived.cardID != VERSION)
                                writeToLog("Попытка подключиться (старый клиент): " + clientInfo.login);
                                msgToSend.cmdCommand = Command.OldVersion;
                                message = msgToSend.ToByte();
                                //writeToLog2("Отправлено к " + clientInfo.login + " " + msgToSend.cmdCommand.ToString(), true);
                                clientInfo.socket.BeginSend(message, 0, message.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnSendOne),
                                    new PacketInfo(clientInfo.socket, Command.OldVersion, -1));

                            if (isLoginOK(clientList, msgReceived.login))
                                writeToLog("Подключился новый игрок: " + clientInfo.login);

                                msgToSend.cmdCommand = Command.Success;
                                message = msgToSend.ToByte();
                                //writeToLog2("Отправлено к " + clientInfo.login + " " + msgToSend.cmdCommand.ToString(), true);
                                clientInfo.socket.BeginSend(message, 0, message.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnSendOne),
                                    new PacketInfo(clientInfo.socket, Command.Success, -1));
                                if (playersChanged != null)
                                    playersChanged(false, null);
                                writeToLog("Попытка подключиться: " + clientInfo.login);
                                msgToSend.cmdCommand = Command.Failed;
                                message = msgToSend.ToByte();
                                //writeToLog2("Отправлено к " + clientInfo.login + " " + msgToSend.cmdCommand.ToString(), true);
                                clientInfo.socket.BeginSend(message, 0, message.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnSendOne),
                                    new PacketInfo(clientInfo.socket, Command.Failed, -1));

                        case Command.connectToGame:
                            //найти и добавить в игру клиента
                            if (clientId != -1)
                                clientList[clientId].roomId = findRoom(msgReceived.gameToConnectRoomName);
                                rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].gamersSend += clientList[clientId].login + " ";
                                rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].gamers += "; " + clientList[clientId].login;

                                msgToSend.UsersInRoom = rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].gamersSend;
                                Send4All(clientId, Command.ListUsers, msgToSend);

                                if (roomsChanged != null)
                                    roomsChanged(null, null);
                                playersChanged(true, null);

                                writeToLog(clientList[clientId].login + " присоединился в комнату " + rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].roomName);

                        case Command.newGame:
                            //создать новый стол
                            if (clientId != -1 && clientList[clientId].roomId == -1)
                                Room r = new Room();
                                r.phase = 0;
                                r.id = rooms.Count;
                                r.roomName = msgReceived.gameToConnectRoomName;
                                r.maxScores = msgReceived.cardID;
                                r.gamers = clientList[clientId].login;
                                r.password = msgReceived.login;
                                r.gamersSend = r.gamers + " ";
                                r.clientsInRoom = new List<ClientInfo>();
                                r.deckSize = Convert.ToInt32(msgReceived.UsersInRoom);
                                r.Cards = new List<int>();
                                for (int i = 0; i < r.deckSize; i++)
                                    r.Cards.Add(i + 1);
                                clientList[clientId].isAdmin = true; //первый создавший - админ, может запустить игру
                                clientList[clientId].roomId = r.id;
                                writeToLog(clientList[clientId].login + " создал комнату: " + (r.roomName));

                                if (roomsChanged != null)
                                    roomsChanged(null, null);
                                playersChanged(true, null);

                        #region GameLogic

                        case Command.startGame:
                            if (clientId != -1 && clientList[clientId].roomId != -1)
                                var r = rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId]; //активная комната
                                r.status = 1; //идет игра
                                r.phase = 1;
                                if (roomsChanged != null)
                                    roomsChanged(null, null);
                                r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace("# ", " ");
                                r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace("? ", " ");
                                r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace("* ", " ");
                                writeToLog("В комнате " + r.roomName + " началась игра!");
                                //msgToSend.UsersInRoom = r.gamersSend;
                                //Send4All(clientId, Command.ListUsers, msgToSend);
                                //начинаем игру раздаем карты
                                Random rnd = new Random();

                                r.sendCount = 0;
                                for (int i = 0; i < r.clientsInRoom.Count; i++)
                                    r.clientsInRoom[i].scores = 0; //очки в текущей партии
                                    r.clientsInRoom[i].voated = 0;
                                    r.clientsInRoom[i].discarded = 0;
                                    for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                                        msgToSend.userCards[j] = NextCard(rnd, clientId);
                                    msgToSend.cardID = r.maxScores;
                                    msgToSend.cmdCommand = Command.startGame;
                                    message = msgToSend.ToByte();
                                    if (r.clientsInRoom[i].socket.Connected)
                                        r.clientsInRoom[i].socket.BeginSend(message, 0, message.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnSendRoom),
                                            new PacketInfo(r.clientsInRoom[i].socket, Command.startGame, -2));
                                    else connectionLost("Socket disconnected", r.clientsInRoom[i].socket);
                                    //writeToLog2("Отправлено к " + r.clientsInRoom[i].login + " " + msgToSend.cmdCommand.ToString());


                                roundBegin(r, clientId, rnd, true);


                        case Command.LeaderTurn:
                            if (clientId != -1 && clientList[clientId].roomId != -1)
                                var r = rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId]; //активная комната
                                int clientRoomId = findClient(r.clientsInRoom, clientSocket);

                                r.clientsInRoom[clientRoomId].discarded = msgReceived.cardID; //занесли в память что скинул
                                msgToSend.cmdCommand = Command.GamersTurn; //передает словесное задание
                                msgToSend.gameToConnectRoomName = msgReceived.gameToConnectRoomName;
                                message = msgToSend.ToByte();

                                if (r.clientsInRoom.Count > 1)
                                    r.sendCount = 1;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < r.clientsInRoom.Count; i++)
                                        if (i == findLeaderID(clientId)) continue;
                                        if (r.clientsInRoom[i].socket.Connected)
                                            r.clientsInRoom[i].socket.BeginSend(message, 0, message.Length, SocketFlags.None,
                                                new AsyncCallback(OnSendRoom), new PacketInfo(r.clientsInRoom[i].socket, Command.GamersTurn, -2));
                                        else connectionLost("Socket disconnected", r.clientsInRoom[i].socket);
                                        //writeToLog2("Отправлено к " + r.clientsInRoom[i].login + " " + msgToSend.cmdCommand.ToString());

                                //отчет в список
                                r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace(clientList[clientId].login, clientList[clientId].login + "*");
                                msgToSend.UsersInRoom = rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].gamersSend;
                                Send4All(clientId, Command.ListUsers, msgToSend);
                                r.phase = 4; //ассоциация пришла - отправили команду игрокам для сброса карт

                        case Command.GamersTurn:
                            if (clientId != -1 && clientList[clientId].roomId != -1)
                                var r = rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId]; //активная комната
                                int clientRoomId = findClient(r.clientsInRoom, clientSocket);
                                r.clientsInRoom[clientRoomId].discarded = msgReceived.cardID; //занесли в память что скинул
                                r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace(clientList[clientId].login, clientList[clientId].login + "#");
                                bool isReady = true;
                                foreach (ClientInfo cl in r.clientsInRoom)
                                    if (cl.discarded <= 0) { isReady = false; break; }
                                if (isReady)
                                    Data msgToSendV = new Data(rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].clientsInRoom.Count);
                                    msgToSendV.cmdCommand = Command.VoatingTurn;
                                    msgToSendV.userCards = ShuffleDiscarded(clientId);
                                    Send4All(clientId, Command.VoatingTurn, msgToSendV);
                                    r.phase = 5; //все сбросили карты - время для голосования!
                                    r.gamersSend = rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].gamersSend.Replace("# ", " ");
                                msgToSend.UsersInRoom = rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].gamersSend;
                                Send4All(clientId, Command.ListUsers, msgToSend);

                        case Command.VoatingTurn:
                            if (clientId != -1 && clientList[clientId].roomId != -1)
                                var r = rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId]; //активная комната
                                int clientRoomId = findClient(r.clientsInRoom, clientSocket);
                                r.clientsInRoom[clientRoomId].voated = msgReceived.cardID; //занесли в память что ответил

                                r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace(clientList[clientId].login, clientList[clientId].login + "#");
                                bool isReady = true;
                                foreach (ClientInfo cl in r.clientsInRoom)
                                    if (cl.login == r.clientsInRoom[findLeaderID(clientId)].login) continue;
                                    if (cl.voated <= 0 && cl.ip != "LoggedOut") { isReady = false; break; }

                                if (isReady) calcResult(r, clientId, msgToSend);

                                msgToSend.UsersInRoom = rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].gamersSend;
                                Send4All(clientId, Command.ListUsers, msgToSend);

                                r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace("& ", " ");

                        case Command.Success:
                            if (clientId != -1 && clientList[clientId].roomId != -1)
                                var r = rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId]; //активная комната
                                int clientRoomId = findClient(r.clientsInRoom, clientSocket);
                                r.clientsInRoom[clientRoomId].voated = 0; //сбрасываем сыгранные карты
                                r.clientsInRoom[clientRoomId].discarded = 0;
                                r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace(clientList[clientId].login, clientList[clientId].login + "#");

                                bool isReady = true;
                                foreach (ClientInfo cl in r.clientsInRoom)
                                    if (cl.discarded > 0) { isReady = false; break; }
                                if (isReady) roundBegin(r, clientId, new Random(), false);
                                    msgToSend.UsersInRoom = r.gamersSend;
                                    Send4All(clientId, Command.ListUsers, msgToSend);


                        case Command.List:
                            //сформировать список столов и вернуть назад
                            msgToSend.cmdCommand = Command.List;
                            msgToSend.list = rooms;
                            message = msgToSend.ToByte();

                            //Send the message to all users

                            if (clientSocket.Connected)
                                clientSocket.BeginSend(message, 0, message.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnSendOne),
                                    new PacketInfo(clientSocket, Command.List, -1));
                            else connectionLost("Socket disconnected", clientSocket);
                            //writeToLog2("Отправлено к " + clientList[clientId].login + " " + msgToSend.cmdCommand.ToString());
                            playersChanged(true, null);

                        case Command.chat:
                            if (clientId != -1)
                                if (msgReceived.cardID == 1) //сообщение пришло для игровой комнаты
                                    if (msgReceived.UsersInRoom.StartsWith("@kick")) //получена команда
                                        if (clientList[clientId].isAdmin)
                                            string target = msgReceived.UsersInRoom.Remove(0, 6);
                                            for (int i=0; i< rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].clientsInRoom.Count; i++)
                                                if (rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].clientsInRoom[i].login == target)
                                                    msgToSend.cmdCommand = Command.Disconnect;
                                                    message = msgToSend.ToByte();
                                                    rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].clientsInRoom[i].socket.BeginSend(message, 0, message.Length, SocketFlags.None,
                                                        new AsyncCallback(OnSendOne), new PacketInfo(rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].clientsInRoom[i].socket, Command.Disconnect, -1));

                                        msgToSend.gameToConnectRoomName = msgReceived.UsersInRoom;
                                        msgToSend.login = clientList[clientId].login;
                                        msgToSend.cardID = 1;
                                        Send4All(clientId, Command.chat, msgToSend);

                                    msgToSend.gameToConnectRoomName = msgReceived.UsersInRoom;
                                    msgToSend.login = clientList[clientId].login;
                                    msgToSend.cmdCommand = Command.chat;
                                    msgToSend.cardID = 0;
                                    message = msgToSend.ToByte();
                                    lock (removeLobbyLocker)
                                        sendLobby = 0;
                                        int waiterNum = 0;
                                        for (int i = 0; i < clientList.Count; i++)
                                            if (clientList[i].roomId == -1)
                                        if (waiterNum == 0) return;
                                        for (int i = 0; i < clientList.Count; i++)
                                            if (clientList[i].roomId == -1)
                                                if (clientList[i].socket.Connected)
                                                    clientList[i].socket.BeginSend(message, 0, message.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnSendLobby),
                                                     new PacketInfo(clientList[i].socket, Command.chat, waiterNum));
                                                else connectionLost("Socket disconnected", clientList[i].socket);


                        case Command.logOut:
                            if (clientId != -1)
                                writeToLog("Игрок " + clientList[clientId].login + " вышел из комнаты " + rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].roomName);
                                afterDisconnect(clientId, clientSocket, msgToSend);

                                clientList[clientId].roomId = -1;
                                roomsChanged(null, null);
                                playersChanged(true, null);

                        case Command.Disconnect:
                            if (clientId != -1)
                                if (clientList[clientId].roomId != -1)
                                    afterDisconnect(clientId, clientSocket, new Data());

                                writeToLog("Игрок " + clientList[clientId].login + " отключился");
                                lock (removeLobbyLocker) clientList.RemoveAt(clientId);
                                roomsChanged(null, null);
                                playersChanged(true, null);

                    //If the user is logging out then we need not listen from her
                    if (msgReceived.cmdCommand != Command.Disconnect && msgToSend.cmdCommand != Command.Failed)
                        //Start listening to the message send by the user
                        clientSocket.BeginReceive(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnReceive), clientSocket);
                log2Changed(log, null);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Socket clientSocket = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
                connectionLost(ex.Message, clientSocket);
Пример #2
        private bool calcResult(Room r, int clientId, Data msgToSend)
            int[] roundScores = new int[r.clientsInRoom.Count];
                string roundResult = "";
                int LeaderId = findLeaderID(clientId);
                r.phase = 6;
                //финальная фаза - подсчет очков
                int loginLong = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < r.clientsInRoom.Count; i++)
                    if (r.clientsInRoom[i].login.Length > loginLong) loginLong = r.clientsInRoom[i].login.Length;

                for (int i = 0; i < r.clientsInRoom.Count; i++)
                    roundScores[i] = 0;
                    if (LeaderId == i)
                        int count = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < r.clientsInRoom.Count; j++)
                            if (i == j) continue;
                            if (r.clientsInRoom[j].voated == r.clientsInRoom[i].discarded) count++;
                        if (count == 0 || count == (r.clientsInRoom.Count - 1))
                            roundScores[i] = -2; //все отгадали или никто -2 очка
                        else roundScores[i] = 3;
                        if (r.clientsInRoom[i].voated == r.clientsInRoom[i].discarded)
                            roundScores[i] += -2; //проголосовал за свою -1 очко // +1 за голос за свою
                        if (r.clientsInRoom[i].voated == r.clientsInRoom[LeaderId].discarded)
                            roundScores[i] += 3; //отгадал +3 очка
                        for (int j = 0; j < r.clientsInRoom.Count; j++)
                            if (r.clientsInRoom[j].voated == r.clientsInRoom[i].discarded) roundScores[i] ++;
                    r.clientsInRoom[i].scores += roundScores[i];
                    roundResult += "   " + r.clientsInRoom[i].login;
                    for (int k = r.clientsInRoom[i].login.Length; k <= loginLong; k++)
                        roundResult += " ";
                    roundResult += "\t\t" + roundScores[i].ToString() + "\n";

                Data msgToSendV = new Data(rooms[clientList[clientId].roomId].clientsInRoom.Count*3);
                for (int i = 0; i < r.clientsInRoom.Count; i++)
                    msgToSendV.userCards[i] = r.clientsInRoom[i].scores;
                for (int i = r.clientsInRoom.Count; i < 2*r.clientsInRoom.Count; i++)
                    msgToSendV.userCards[i] = r.clientsInRoom[i - r.clientsInRoom.Count].discarded;
                for (int i = 2*r.clientsInRoom.Count; i < 3 * r.clientsInRoom.Count; i++)
                    msgToSendV.userCards[i] = r.clientsInRoom[i - 2*r.clientsInRoom.Count].voated;
                msgToSendV.gameToConnectRoomName = roundResult;
                Send4All(clientId, Command.Result, msgToSendV); //отправка результата
                r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace("# ", " ");
                r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace("* ", " ");

                bool winnerHere = defineWinner(r, clientId, msgToSend);

                for (int i = 0; i < r.clientsInRoom.Count; i++) //ищем все дампы
                    if (r.clientsInRoom[i].ip == "LoggedOut")
                        if (r.clientsInRoom[i].isLeader)
                            if (i == 0) r.clientsInRoom[r.clientsInRoom.Count - 1].isLeader = true;
                            else r.clientsInRoom[i - 1].isLeader = true;
                        r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace(r.clientsInRoom[i].login + "? ", " ");
                        r.clientsInRoom.RemoveAt(i); //удаляем дамп ушедшего
                        i = 0;
                return winnerHere;
Пример #3
 private bool defineWinner(Room r, int clientId, Data msgToSend)
     for (int i = 0; i < r.clientsInRoom.Count; i++)
         if (r.clientsInRoom[i].scores >= r.maxScores) //Вот он победитель! почти
             bool flag = true;
             for (int j = 0; j < r.clientsInRoom.Count; j++)
                 if (r.clientsInRoom[i].scores <= r.clientsInRoom[j].scores && i != j)
                     flag = false;
             if (flag)
                 writeToLog("В комнате " + r.roomName + " победил игрок: " + r.clientsInRoom[i].login);
                 msgToSend.login = r.clientsInRoom[i].login;
                 Send4All(clientId, Command.win, msgToSend);
                 r.status = 0;
                 r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace(r.clientsInRoom[i].login, r.clientsInRoom[i].login + "&");
                 r.clientsInRoom[findLeaderID(clientId)].isLeader = false;
                 if (roomsChanged != null)
                     roomsChanged(null, null);
                 return true;
     return false;
Пример #4
        private void roundBegin(Room r, int clientId, Random rnd, bool IsGameStart)
            //выбираем ведущего
            int leaderID = 0;
            if (IsGameStart)
                for (int i = 0; i < r.clientsInRoom.Count; i++)
                    r.clientsInRoom[i].isLeader = false;
                leaderID = rnd.Next(r.clientsInRoom.Count);
                leaderID = findLeaderID(clientId);
                r.clientsInRoom[leaderID].isLeader = false;
                if (leaderID == r.clientsInRoom.Count) leaderID = 0;
                r.clientsInRoom[leaderID].isLeader = true;
            playersChanged(false, null);

            Data msgToSend = new Data();
            r.clientsInRoom[leaderID].isLeader = true;

            msgToSend.cmdCommand = Command.LeaderTurn;
            msgToSend.cardID = NextCard(new Random(), clientId);
            byte[] message = msgToSend.ToByte();
            //while (r.clientsInRoom[leaderID].isBusy == true) Thread.Sleep(30);
            if (r.clientsInRoom[leaderID].socket.Connected)
                r.clientsInRoom[leaderID].socket.BeginSend(message, 0, message.Length, SocketFlags.None,
                    new AsyncCallback(OnSendOne), new PacketInfo(r.clientsInRoom[leaderID].socket, Command.LeaderTurn, -1));
                connectionLost("Socket disconnected", r.clientsInRoom[leaderID].socket);
            //r.clientsInRoom[leaderID].isBusy = true;
            //writeToLog2("Отправлено к " + r.clientsInRoom[leaderID].login + " " + msgToSend.cmdCommand.ToString());
            //остальные ждут когда он загадает

            r.sendCount = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < r.clientsInRoom.Count; i++)
                if (i != leaderID)
                    msgToSend.cmdCommand = Command.Waiting;
                    msgToSend.login = r.clientsInRoom[leaderID].login;
                    msgToSend.cardID = NextCard(new Random(), clientId);
                    message = msgToSend.ToByte();

                    if (r.clientsInRoom[i].socket.Connected)
                        r.clientsInRoom[i].socket.BeginSend(message, 0, message.Length, SocketFlags.None,
                                new AsyncCallback(OnSendRoom), new PacketInfo(r.clientsInRoom[i].socket, Command.Waiting, r.clientsInRoom.Count));
                        connectionLost("Socket disconnected", r.clientsInRoom[i].socket);
                        if (i == r.clientsInRoom.Count - 1) r.acceptAllEvent.Set();
                    //r.clientsInRoom[i].isBusy = true;
                    //writeToLog2("Отправлено к " + r.clientsInRoom[i].login + " " + msgToSend.cmdCommand.ToString());

            r.phase = 2;

            r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace("# ", " ");
            r.gamersSend = r.gamersSend.Replace("? ", " ");