         * This Method infers the type of the save data that was loaded from the Dividat Play backend
         * and then parses it into the PlaySaveGame file. PlaySaveGame is a base class to be used by all
         * game saves.
         * Note that due to limitations with WebGL this method has several differences in execution when run in WebGL and when
         * run in the editor. This Method uses System.Reflection and GetType functionality. When compiled into WebAssembly, these
         * functions only work if the correct assembly is specified. This method assumes that the code for the PlaySaveGame is part
         * of the game's normal project code and NOT placed into the DividatSenso package folder. Only if it is part of the normal
         * project code, Unity will compile it into the standard "Assembly-CSharp" assembly, and be able to infer the type.
        public bool ParseGameSave(out PlaySaveGame saveGame)
            if (type == "")
                saveGame = null;
            Assembly ass = null;

            #if UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_EDITOR
            ass = Assembly.Load("Assembly-CSharp");
            Type t = ass.GetType(type); //Need to load the assembly from unity issue 664765
            ass = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
            Type t = ass.GetType(type);

            if (t == null)
                saveGame = null;
                Debug.LogError("ERROR in GenericGameSave->ParseGameSave: GenericGameSave's type attribute is \"" + type + "\"." +
                               " The assembly Assembly-CSharp did not contain any class of this type to parse the save game into. Please make " +
                               "sure that this type is present in your project and that it is compatible with the save game data that was " +
                               "stored. If you renamed the type, delete existing save files or fix it in the JSON.");

            if (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(PlaySaveGame)))
                saveGame = (PlaySaveGame)JsonUtility.FromJson(savePayload, t);
                saveGame = null;
         *  Finish will cause Play to Terminate the application.
        public void Finish(Metrics metrics, PlaySaveGame memory)
            GenericGameSave save = GenericGameSave.Wrap(memory);

            Finish(metrics, save);
 public static GenericGameSave Wrap(PlaySaveGame savegamePayload)
     return(new GenericGameSave(savegamePayload.GetType().ToString(), JsonUtility.ToJson(savegamePayload)));