public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // path = /wifi/...
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: path = {0}", path);

            // This is the content type of the response. Don't forget to set it to this in all your handlers.
            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

            string resource = GetParam(path);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[XXX]: resource {0}", resource);
            Request request = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(resource, httpRequest);

            Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

            string result = string.Empty;

            if (resource.Equals("/") || resource.Equals(string.Empty))
                // client invoked /wifi/admin/users/ with no further parameters
                result = m_WebApp.Services.RegionManagementGetRequest(env);

Пример #2
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // This is the content type of the response. Don't forget to set it to this in all your handlers.
            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

            string resource = GetParam(path);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[NOTIFY HANDLER]: resource {1}", resource);
            Request request = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(resource, httpRequest);

            Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

            string result = string.Empty;

                result = m_WebApp.Services.NotifyRequest(env);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[NOTIFY HANDLER]: Exception {0}: {1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);

Пример #3
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            string result = string.Empty;

                Request request           = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(string.Empty, httpRequest);
                Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

                string resource = GetParam(path);
                //m_log.DebugFormat("[XXX]: resource {0}", resource);
                if (resource.StartsWith("/data/simulators"))
                    result = m_WebApp.Services.ConsoleSimulatorsRequest(env);
                    httpResponse.ContentType = "application/xml";
                else if (resource.StartsWith("/heartbeat"))
                    result = m_WebApp.Services.ConsoleHeartbeat(env);
                    httpResponse.ContentType = "application/xml";
                    result = m_WebApp.Services.ConsoleRequest(env);
                    httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[CONSOLE HANDLER]: Exception {0}: {1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);

        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // path = /wifi/...
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: path = {0}", path);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: ip address = {0}", httpRequest.RemoteIPEndPoint);
            //foreach (object o in httpRequest.Query.Keys)
            //    m_log.DebugFormat("  >> {0}={1}", o, httpRequest.Query[o]);
            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";
            string resource = GetParam(path);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[USER ACCOUNT HANDLER GET]: resource {0}", resource);

            Request request = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(string.Empty, httpRequest);

            Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

            string result = string.Empty;
            UUID   userID = UUID.Zero;

            if (resource == string.Empty || resource == "/")
                result = m_WebApp.Services.NewAccountGetRequest(env);
                //UUID.TryParse(resource.Trim(new char[] {'/'}), out userID);
                if (resource.Trim(new char[] { '/' }).StartsWith("edit"))
                    result = m_WebApp.Services.UserAccountGetRequest(env, userID);

Пример #5
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // path = /wifi/...
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: path = {0}", path);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: ip address = {0}", httpRequest.RemoteIPEndPoint);
            //foreach (object o in httpRequest.Query.Keys)
            //    m_log.DebugFormat("  >> {0}={1}", o, httpRequest.Query[o]);

            string result = string.Empty;

                Request request           = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(string.Empty, httpRequest);
                Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

                result = m_WebApp.Services.LogoutRequest(env);

                httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGOUT HANDLER]: Exception {0}: {1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);

Пример #6
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // path = /wifi/...
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: path = {0}", path);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: ip address = {0}", httpRequest.RemoteIPEndPoint);
            //foreach (object o in httpRequest.Query.Keys)
            //    m_log.DebugFormat("  >> {0}={1}", o, httpRequest.Query[o]);
            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";
            string resource = GetParam(path);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[INVENTORY HANDLER POST]: resource {0}", resource);

            StreamReader sr   = new StreamReader(requestData);
            string       body = sr.ReadToEnd();

            body = body.Trim();
            Dictionary <string, object> postdata =

            Request request = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(string.Empty, httpRequest);

            Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

            string action = postdata.Keys.FirstOrDefault(key => key.StartsWith("action-"));

            if (action == null)
                action = string.Empty;
                action = action.Substring("action-".Length);

            string        folder        = string.Empty;
            string        newFolderName = string.Empty;
            List <string> nodes         = new List <string>();
            List <string> types         = new List <string>();

            if (postdata.ContainsKey("folder"))
                folder = postdata["folder"].ToString();
            if (postdata.ContainsKey("newFolderName"))
                newFolderName = postdata["newFolderName"].ToString();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in postdata)
                if (kvp.Key.StartsWith("inv-"))

            return(WifiUtils.StringToBytes(m_WebApp.Services.InventoryPostRequest(env, action, folder, newFolderName, nodes, types)));
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // It's a POST, so we need to read the data on the stream, the lines after the blank line
            StreamReader sr   = new StreamReader(requestData);
            string       body = sr.ReadToEnd();

            body = body.Trim();

            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

            string resource = GetParam(path);

            //m_log.DebugFormat("[XXX]: query String: {0}; resource: {1}", body, resource);

                // Here the data on the stream is transformed into a nice dictionary of keys & values
                Dictionary <string, object> postdata =

                string broadcast_message = String.Empty;
                if (postdata.ContainsKey("message"))
                    broadcast_message = postdata["message"].ToString();

                Request req = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(resource, httpRequest);
                Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(req);

                string result = string.Empty;
                if (resource.Equals("/") || resource.Equals(string.Empty))
                else if (resource.StartsWith("/shutdown"))
                    result = m_WebApp.Services.RegionManagementShutdownPostRequest(env);
                else if (resource.StartsWith("/restart"))
                    result = m_WebApp.Services.RegionManagementRestartPostRequest(env);
                else if (resource.StartsWith("/broadcast"))
                    result = m_WebApp.Services.RegionManagementBroadcastPostRequest(env, broadcast_message);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[REGION MANAGEMENT POST HANDLER]: Exception {0}", e);

        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

            Request request = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(string.Empty, httpRequest);

            Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

            string result = m_WebApp.Services.ForgotPasswordGetRequest(env);

        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            StreamReader sr   = new StreamReader(requestData);
            string       body = sr.ReadToEnd();

            body = body.Trim();

            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

            string resource = GetParam(path);

                Dictionary <string, object> request =

                string token = String.Empty;
                if (request.ContainsKey("token"))
                    token = request["token"].ToString();
                string email = String.Empty;
                if (request.ContainsKey("email"))
                    email = request["email"].ToString();

                string newPassword = String.Empty;
                if (request.ContainsKey("newpassword"))
                    newPassword = request["newpassword"].ToString();

                Request req = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(string.Empty, httpRequest);
                Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(req);

                string result = m_WebApp.Services.RecoverPasswordPostRequest(env, email, token, newPassword);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_Log.DebugFormat("[FORGOT PASSWORD POST HANDLER]: Exception {0}", e);

Пример #10
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            Request request = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(string.Empty, httpRequest);

            Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

            string resource = GetParam(path);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[XXX]: resource {0}", resource);

            string result = m_WebApp.Services.InventoryLoadGetRequest(env);

            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            StreamReader sr   = new StreamReader(requestData);
            string       body = sr.ReadToEnd();

            body = body.Trim();

            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

            string resource = GetParam(path);

                string[] pars = SplitParams(path);
                if (pars.Length == 1) // /wifi/recover/token?email=email
                    string token = pars[0];
                    if (httpRequest.Query.ContainsKey("email") && httpRequest.Query["email"] != null)
                        string  email             = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(httpRequest.Query["email"].ToString());
                        Request req               = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(string.Empty, httpRequest);
                        Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(req);

                        string result = m_WebApp.Services.RecoverPasswordGetRequest(env, email, token);

                        m_Log.DebugFormat("[PASSWORD RECOVER GET HANDLER]: Query part does not contain email variable");
                    m_Log.DebugFormat("[PASSWORD RECOVER GET HANDLER]: Path does not have 1 params, it has {0}", pars.Length);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_Log.DebugFormat("[PASSWORD RECOVER GET HANDLER]: Exception {0}", e);

Пример #12
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            StreamReader sr   = new StreamReader(requestData);
            string       body = sr.ReadToEnd();

            body = body.Trim();

            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

            string resource = GetParam(path);

                Dictionary <string, object> request =

                string password  = String.Empty;
                string password2 = String.Empty;

                if (request.ContainsKey("password"))
                    password = request["password"].ToString();
                if (request.ContainsKey("password2"))
                    password2 = request["password2"].ToString();

                Request req = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(string.Empty, httpRequest);
                Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(req);

                string result = m_WebApp.Services.InstallPostRequest(env, password, password2);

            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[USER ACCOUNT POST HANDLER]: Exception {0}", e);

Пример #13
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // path = /wifi/...
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: path = {0}", path);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: ip address = {0}", httpRequest.RemoteIPEndPoint);
            //foreach (object o in httpRequest.Query.Keys)
            //    m_log.DebugFormat("  >> {0}={1}", o, httpRequest.Query[o]);

            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

            Request request = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(string.Empty, httpRequest);

            Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

            string result = m_WebApp.Services.InstallGetRequest(env);

        private byte[] CreateAccount(string resource, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, Dictionary <string, object> request)
            string first     = String.Empty;
            string last      = String.Empty;
            string email     = String.Empty;
            string password  = String.Empty;
            string password2 = String.Empty;
            string avatar    = string.Empty;

            if (request.ContainsKey("first") && WifiUtils.IsValidName(request["first"].ToString()))
                first = request["first"].ToString();
            if (request.ContainsKey("last") && WifiUtils.IsValidName(request["last"].ToString()))
                last = request["last"].ToString();
            if (request.ContainsKey("email") && WifiUtils.IsValidEmail(request["email"].ToString()))
                email = request["email"].ToString();
            if (request.ContainsKey("password"))
                password = request["password"].ToString();
            if (request.ContainsKey("password2"))
                password2 = request["password2"].ToString();
            if (request.ContainsKey("avatar"))
                avatar = request["avatar"].ToString();

            Request req = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(resource, httpRequest);

            Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(req);

            string result = m_WebApp.Services.NewAccountPostRequest(env, first, last, email, password, password2, avatar);

        private byte[] UpdateAccount(string resource, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, UUID userID, Dictionary <string, object> request)
                string email        = String.Empty;
                string oldpassword  = String.Empty;
                string newpassword  = String.Empty;
                string newpassword2 = String.Empty;

                if (request.ContainsKey("email") && WifiUtils.IsValidEmail(request["email"].ToString()))
                    email = request["email"].ToString();
                if (request.ContainsKey("oldpassword"))
                    oldpassword = request["oldpassword"].ToString();
                if (request.ContainsKey("newpassword"))
                    newpassword = request["newpassword"].ToString();
                if (request.ContainsKey("newpassword2"))
                    newpassword2 = request["newpassword2"].ToString();

                Request req = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(resource, httpRequest);
                Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(req);

                string result = m_WebApp.Services.UserAccountPostRequest(env, userID, email, oldpassword, newpassword, newpassword2);

            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[USER ACCOUNT POST HANDLER]: Exception {0}", e.StackTrace);

Пример #16
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // path = /wifi/...
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: path = {0}", path);

            // This is the content type of the response. Don't forget to set it to this in all your handlers.
            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

            string resource = GetParam(path);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[HYPERLINK GET HANDLER]: resource {0}", resource);
            Request request = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(resource, httpRequest);

            Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

            string result = string.Empty;

            if (resource.StartsWith("/delete"))
                // client invoked /wifi/linkregion/delete, possibly with the UUID parameter after
                UUID regionID = UUID.Zero;
                // SplitParams(path) returns an array of whatever parameters come after the path.
                // In this case it should return "delete" and "<uuid>"; we want "<uuid>", so [1]
                string[] pars = SplitParams(path);
                if (pars.Length >= 2)
                    // indeed, client invoked /wifi/linkregion/delete/<uuid>
                    // let's grab that uuid
                    UUID.TryParse(pars[1], out regionID);
                    result = m_WebApp.Services.HyperlinkDeleteGetRequest(env, regionID);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                result = m_WebApp.Services.HyperlinkGetRequest(env);

Пример #17
        byte[] LoginAgent(string resource, IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, Dictionary <string, object> request)
            string first    = String.Empty;
            string last     = String.Empty;
            string password = String.Empty;

            if (!request.ContainsKey("firstname") || !request.ContainsKey("lastname") || !request.ContainsKey("password"))

            first    = request["firstname"].ToString();
            last     = request["lastname"].ToString();
            password = request["password"].ToString();

            Request req = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(resource, httpRequest);

            Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(req);

            string result = m_WebApp.Services.LoginRequest(env, first, last, password);

Пример #18
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // path = /wifi/...
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: path = {0}", path);
            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: ip address = {0}", httpRequest.RemoteIPEndPoint);
            //foreach (object o in httpRequest.Query.Keys)
            //    m_log.DebugFormat("  >> {0}={1}", o, httpRequest.Query[o]);

            string resource = GetParam(path);

            //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: resource {0}", resource);
            resource = Uri.UnescapeDataString(resource).Trim(WifiUtils.DirectorySeparatorChars);

            Request request = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(resource, httpRequest);

            Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

            if (resource == string.Empty || resource.StartsWith("index."))
                if (m_WebApp.StatisticsUpdateInterval != TimeSpan.Zero)

                httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

                string resourcePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(WifiUtils.DocsPath, resource);
                string type         = WifiUtils.GetContentType(resource);
                httpResponse.ContentType = type;
                //m_log.DebugFormat("[Wifi]: ContentType {0}", type);
                if (type.StartsWith("image"))

                if (type.StartsWith("application"))
                    string res = WifiUtils.ReadTextResource(resourcePath, true);
                if (type.StartsWith("text"))
                    if (m_WebApp.StatisticsUpdateInterval != TimeSpan.Zero)

                    resourcePath = Localization.LocalizePath(env, resource);
                    Processor p   = new Processor(m_WebApp.WifiScriptFace, env);
                    string    res = p.Process(WifiUtils.ReadTextResource(resourcePath));
                    if (res == string.Empty)
                        res = m_WebApp.Services.DefaultRequest(env);

            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/plain";
            string result = "Boo!";

Пример #19
        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // It's a POST, so we need to read the data on the stream, the lines after the blank line
            StreamReader sr   = new StreamReader(requestData);
            string       body = sr.ReadToEnd();

            body = body.Trim();

            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

            string resource = GetParam(path);

            //m_log.DebugFormat("[HYPERLINK POST HANDLER]: query String: {0}; resource: {1}", body, resource);

                // Here the data on the stream is transformed into a nice dictionary of keys & values
                Dictionary <string, object> postdata = ServerUtils.ParseQueryString(body);
                Request request           = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(resource, httpRequest);
                Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(request);

                string result = string.Empty;
                if (resource.StartsWith("/add"))
                    // The client invoked /wifi/linkregion/add
                    string address = string.Empty;
                    uint   xloc = 0, yloc = 0;
                    if (postdata.ContainsKey("address"))
                        address = postdata["address"].ToString();
                    if (postdata.ContainsKey("xloc"))
                        UInt32.TryParse(postdata["xloc"].ToString(), out xloc);
                    if (postdata.ContainsKey("yloc"))
                        UInt32.TryParse(postdata["yloc"].ToString(), out yloc);

                    result = m_WebApp.Services.HyperlinkAddRequest(env, address, xloc, yloc);
                else if (resource.StartsWith("/delete"))
                    // The client invoked /wifi/linkregion/delete, possibly with the UUID parameter after
                    UUID     regionID = UUID.Zero;
                    string[] pars     = SplitParams(path);
                    if ((pars.Length >= 2) && UUID.TryParse(pars[1], out regionID))
                        // Indeed the client invoked /wifi/linkregion/delete/<uuid>, and we got it already in regionID (above)
                        result = m_WebApp.Services.HyperlinkDeletePostRequest(env, regionID);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HYPERLINK POST HANDLER]: Exception {0}", e);

        public override byte[] Handle(string path, Stream requestData,
                                      IOSHttpRequest httpRequest, IOSHttpResponse httpResponse)
            // It's a POST, so we need to read the data on the stream, the lines after the blank line
            StreamReader sr   = new StreamReader(requestData);
            string       body = sr.ReadToEnd();

            body = body.Trim();

            httpResponse.ContentType = "text/html";

            string resource = GetParam(path);

            //m_log.DebugFormat("[XXX]: query String: {0}; resource: {1}", body, resource);

                // Here the data on the stream is transformed into a nice dictionary of keys & values
                Dictionary <string, object> postdata =

                Request req = WifiUtils.CreateRequest(resource, httpRequest);
                Diva.Wifi.Environment env = new Diva.Wifi.Environment(req);

                string result = string.Empty;
                if (resource.Equals("/") || resource.Equals(string.Empty))
                    // The client invoked /wifi/admin/users/
                    string terms = String.Empty;
                    if (postdata.ContainsKey("terms"))
                        terms = postdata["terms"].ToString();

                    result = m_WebApp.Services.UserSearchPostRequest(env, terms);
                else if (resource.StartsWith("/edit"))
                    // The client invoked /wifi/admin/users/edit, possibly with the UUID parameter after
                    UUID     userID = UUID.Zero;
                    string[] pars   = SplitParams(path);
                    if ((pars.Length >= 2) && UUID.TryParse(pars[1], out userID))
                        // Indeed the client invoked /wifi/admin/users/edit/<uuid>, and we got it already in userID (above)
                        string form = string.Empty;
                        if (postdata.ContainsKey("form"))
                            form = postdata["form"].ToString();
                        if (form == "1")
                            string first = string.Empty, last = string.Empty, email = string.Empty, title = string.Empty;
                            int    level = 0, flags = 0;
                            if (postdata.ContainsKey("first") && WifiUtils.IsValidName(postdata["first"].ToString()))
                                first = postdata["first"].ToString();
                            if (postdata.ContainsKey("last") && WifiUtils.IsValidName(postdata["last"].ToString()))
                                last = postdata["last"].ToString();
                            if (postdata.ContainsKey("email") && WifiUtils.IsValidEmail(postdata["email"].ToString()))
                                email = postdata["email"].ToString();
                            if (postdata.ContainsKey("title"))
                                title = postdata["title"].ToString();
                            if (postdata.ContainsKey("level"))
                                Int32.TryParse(postdata["level"].ToString(), out level);
                            if (postdata.ContainsKey("flags"))
                                Int32.TryParse(postdata["flags"].ToString(), out flags);

                            result = m_WebApp.Services.UserEditPostRequest(env, userID, first, last, email, level, flags, title);
                        else if (form == "2")
                            string password = string.Empty;
                            if (postdata.ContainsKey("password"))
                                password = postdata["password"].ToString();
                                result   = m_WebApp.Services.UserEditPostRequest(env, userID, password);
                else if (resource.StartsWith("/delete"))
                    // The client invoked /wifi/admin/users/edit, possibly with the UUID parameter after
                    UUID     userID = UUID.Zero;
                    string[] pars   = SplitParams(path);
                    if ((pars.Length >= 2) && UUID.TryParse(pars[1], out userID))
                        // Indeed the client invoked /wifi/admin/users/edit/<uuid>, and we got it already in userID (above)
                        string form = string.Empty;
                        if (postdata.ContainsKey("form"))
                            form = postdata["form"].ToString();
                        if (form == "1")
                            result = m_WebApp.Services.UserDeletePostRequest(env, userID);

            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[USER ACCOUNT POST HANDLER]: Exception {0}", e);
