Пример #1
        public override Vector3 GetColor(ShadeRec sr)
            float x = sr.LocalHitPoint.X;
            float y = sr.LocalHitPoint.Y;
            float z = sr.LocalHitPoint.Z;
            float x_size = b.X / num_x_checkers;   	// in radians - azimuth angle
            float z_size = a.Z / num_z_checkers;
            int i_phi = MathHelper.Floor(x / x_size);
            int i_theta = MathHelper.Floor(z / z_size);
            float f_phi = x / x_size - i_phi;
            float f_theta = z / z_size - i_theta;
            float phi_line_width = 0.5f * x_line_width;
            float theta_line_width = 0.5f * z_line_width;
            bool in_outline = (f_phi < phi_line_width || f_phi > 1.0 - phi_line_width) ||
                                (f_theta < theta_line_width || f_theta > 1.0 - theta_line_width);

            if ((i_phi + i_theta) % 2 == 0)
                if (!in_outline)
                    return (color1);
                if (!in_outline)
                    return (color2);
            return (line_color);
Пример #2
 public override bool Hit(Ray ray, ref float tmin, ref ShadeRec sr)
     if (bbox.Hit(ray))
         return base.Hit(ray, ref tmin, ref sr);
         return false;
Пример #3
 public override Vector3 Global_Shade(ShadeRec sr)
     if (sr.Depth == 1)
         return (Vector3.Zero);
         return ls * t.GetColor(sr);
Пример #4
        public override Vector3 Area_Light_Shade(ShadeRec sr)
            Vector3 wo = -sr.Ray.Direction;
            Vector3 L = ambient.RHO(sr, wo) * sr.World.AmbientLight.L(sr);
            int num_lights = sr.World.Lights.Count;
            for (int j = 0; j < num_lights; j++)
                Light light_ptr = sr.World.Lights[j];
                Vector3 wi = light_ptr.GetDirection(sr);	//compute_direction ?
                float ndotwi = Vector3.Dot(sr.Normal, wi);
                float ndotwo = Vector3.Dot(sr.Normal, wo);
                if (ndotwi > 0.0 && ndotwo > 0.0)
                    bool in_shadow = false;

                    if (sr.World.Lights[j].Shadows)
                        Ray shadow_ray = new Ray(sr.HitPoint, wi);
                        in_shadow = light_ptr.InShadow(shadow_ray, sr);
                    if (!in_shadow)
                        L += diffuse.F(sr, wo, wi) * light_ptr.L(sr) * light_ptr.G(sr) * ndotwi / sr.World.Lights[j].PDF(sr);
            return (L);
Пример #5
 public override Vector3 GetColor(ShadeRec sr)
     float x = sr.LocalHitPoint.X - center.X;
     float y = sr.LocalHitPoint.Y - center.Y;
     float z = sr.LocalHitPoint.Z - center.Z;
     float phi = MathHelper.Atan2(x, z);
     float phi_size = 2 * MathHelper.PI / num_angular_checkers;
     float theta_size = radius / num_radial_checkers;
     float ra = MathHelper.Sqrt(x * x + z * z) / radius;
     int i_phi = MathHelper.Floor(phi / phi_size);
     int i_theta = MathHelper.Floor(ra / theta_size);
     float f_phi = phi / phi_size - i_phi;
     float f_theta = ra / theta_size - i_theta;
     float phi_line_width = 0.5f * angular_line_width;
     float theta_line_width = 0.5f * radial_line_width;
     bool in_outline = (f_phi < phi_line_width || f_phi > 1.0 - phi_line_width) ||
                         (f_theta < theta_line_width || f_theta > 1.0 - theta_line_width);
     if ((i_phi + i_theta) % 2 == 0)
         if (!in_outline)
             return (color1);
         if (!in_outline)
             return (color2);
     return (line_color);
Пример #6
 public override bool Hit(Ray ray, ref float tmin, ref ShadeRec sr)
     Vector3 v0 = (Mesh.Vertices[index0]);
     Vector3 v1 = (Mesh.Vertices[index1]);
     Vector3 v2 = (Mesh.Vertices[index2]);
     float a = v0.X - v1.X, b = v0.X - v2.X, c = ray.Direction.X, d = v0.X - ray.Position.X;
     float e = v0.Y - v1.Y, f = v0.Y - v2.Y, g = ray.Direction.Y, h = v0.Y - ray.Position.Y;
     float i = v0.Z - v1.Z, j = v0.Z - v2.Z, k = ray.Direction.Z, l = v0.Z - ray.Position.Z;
     float m = f * k - g * j, n = h * k - g * l, p = f * l - h * j;
     float q = g * i - e * k, s = e * j - f * i;
     float inv_denom = 1.0f / (a * m + b * q + c * s);
     float e1 = d * m - b * n - c * p;
     float beta = e1 * inv_denom;
     if (beta < 0.0)
         return (false);
     float r = e * l - h * i;
     float e2 = a * n + d * q + c * r;
     float gamma = e2 * inv_denom;
     if (gamma < 0.0)
         return (false);
     if (beta + gamma > 1.0)
         return (false);
     float e3 = a * p - b * r + d * s;
     float t = e3 * inv_denom;
     if (t < MathHelper.Epsilon)
         return (false);
     tmin = t;
     sr.Normal = interpolate_normal(beta, gamma); // for smooth shading
     sr.LocalHitPoint = ray.Position + t * ray.Direction;
     return (true);
Пример #7
 public override Vector3 Sample_F(ShadeRec sr, Vector3 wo, ref Vector3 wi, ref float pdf)
     float ndotwo = Vector3.Dot(sr.Normal, wo);
     wi = -wo + 2.0f * sr.Normal * ndotwo;
     pdf = Vector3.AbsDot(sr.Normal, wi);
     return kr * cr.GetColor(sr);
Пример #8
 public override Vector3 Area_Light_Shade(ShadeRec sr)
     Vector3 wo = -sr.Ray.Direction;
     Vector3 L = ambient.RHO(sr, wo) * sr.World.AmbientLight.L(sr);
     int num_lights = sr.World.Lights.Count;
     for (int j = 0; j < num_lights; j++)
         Vector3 wi = sr.World.Lights[j].GetDirection(sr);
         float ndotwi = Vector3.Dot(sr.Normal, wi);
         if (ndotwi > 0.0)
             if (Shadows)
                 bool in_shadow = false;
                 if (sr.World.Lights[j].Shadows)
                     Ray shadowRay = new Ray(sr.HitPoint, wi);
                     in_shadow = sr.World.Lights[j].InShadow(shadowRay, sr);
                 if (!in_shadow)
                     L += (diffuse.F(sr, wo, wi)
                               + specular.F(sr, wo, wi)) * sr.World.Lights[j].L(sr) * ndotwi * sr.World.Lights[j].G(sr) / sr.World.Lights[j].PDF(sr);
                 L += (diffuse.F(sr, wo, wi)
                               + specular.F(sr, wo, wi)) * sr.World.Lights[j].L(sr) * ndotwi * sr.World.Lights[j].G(sr) / sr.World.Lights[j].PDF(sr);
     return (L);
Пример #9
 public override Vector3 Area_Light_Shade(ShadeRec sr)
     if (Vector3.Dot(-sr.Normal, sr.Ray.Direction) > 0.0f)		//here may be ConcaveSphere not support
         return (Radiance * Color);
         return (Vector3.Zero);
Пример #10
        public ShadeRec HitObjects(Ray ray)
            ShadeRec sr = new ShadeRec(this);
            float t = 0;
            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 local_hit_point = Vector3.Zero;
            float tmin = float.MaxValue;
            int num_objects = Objects.Count;

            for (int j = 0; j < num_objects; j++)
                if (Objects[j].Hit(ray, ref t, ref sr) && (t < tmin))
                    sr.Hit_an_object = true;
                    tmin = t;
                    sr.Material = Objects[j].GetMaterial();
                    sr.HitPoint = ray.Position + t * ray.Direction;
                    normal = sr.Normal;
                    local_hit_point = sr.LocalHitPoint;
            if (sr.Hit_an_object)
                sr.T = tmin;
                sr.Normal = normal;
                sr.LocalHitPoint = local_hit_point;
            return (sr);
Пример #11
 public override Vector3 Shade(ShadeRec sr)
     if (Vector3.Dot(-sr.Normal, sr.Ray.Direction) > 0.0f)
         return (Radiance * Color);
         return (Vector3.Zero);
Пример #12
 public override Vector3 Sample_F(ShadeRec sr, Vector3 wo, ref Vector3 wi, ref float pdf)
     float ndotwo = Vector3.Dot(sr.Normal, wo);
     wi = -wo + 2.0f * sr.Normal * ndotwo;
     pdf = MathHelper.Abs(Vector3.Dot(sr.Normal, wi));
     return (ReflectionCoefficient * Color);  
Пример #13
        public override bool Hit(Ray ray, ref float tmin, ref ShadeRec sr)
            if (!bbox.Hit(ray))
                return false;
            float t = 0;
            Vector3 normal = new Vector3(), local_hit_point = Vector3.Zero;
            bool hit = false;
            tmin = float.MaxValue;
            int num_objects = Objects.Count;
            for (int j = 0; j < num_objects; j++)
                if (Objects[j].Hit(ray, ref t,ref sr) && (t < tmin))
                    hit = true;
                    tmin = t;
                    Material = Objects[j].GetMaterial();
                    normal = sr.Normal;
                    local_hit_point = sr.LocalHitPoint;

            if (hit)
                sr.T = tmin;
                sr.Normal = normal;
                sr.LocalHitPoint = local_hit_point;

            return (hit);
Пример #14
        public override bool Hit(Ray ray, ref float tmin, ref ShadeRec sr)
            if (!bbox.Hit(ray))
                return (false);
            float t = Vector3.Dot((center - ray.Position), normal) / Vector3.Dot(ray.Direction, normal);
            if (t <= MathHelper.Epsilon)
                return (false);

            Vector3 p = ray.Position + t * ray.Direction;
            float v = center.DistanceSquared(p);
            if (v < w_squared && v > i_squared)

                double phi =MathHelper.Atan2(p.X, p.Z);
                if (phi < 0.0)
                    phi += MathHelper.TwoPI;
                if (phi <= max_azimuth && phi >= min_azimuth)
                    tmin = t;
                    sr.Normal = normal;
                    sr.LocalHitPoint = p;
                    return (true);
                    return false;
                return (false);
Пример #15
 public override bool Hit(Ray ray, ref float tmin, ref ShadeRec sr)
     float t;
     Vector3 temp = ray.Position - center;
     float a = Vector3.Dot(ray.Direction, ray.Direction);
     float b = 2.0f * Vector3.Dot(temp, ray.Direction);
     float c = Vector3.Dot(temp, temp) - radius * radius;
     float disc = b * b - 4.0f * a * c;
     if (disc < 0.0)
         return (false);
         float e = MathHelper.Sqrt(disc);
         float denom = 2.0f * a;
         t = (-b - e) / denom;
         if (t > MathHelper.BigEpsilon)
             tmin = t;
             sr.Normal = -(temp + t * ray.Direction) / radius;
             sr.LocalHitPoint = ray.Position + t * ray.Direction;
             return (true);
         t = (-b + e) / denom;
         if (t > MathHelper.BigEpsilon)
             tmin = t;
             sr.Normal = -(temp + t * ray.Direction) / radius;
             sr.LocalHitPoint = ray.Position + t * ray.Direction;
             return (true);
     return (false);
Пример #16
 public override Vector3 GetColor(ShadeRec sr)
     float x = sr.LocalHitPoint.X;
     float y = sr.LocalHitPoint.Y;
     float z = sr.LocalHitPoint.Z;
     float ph = y;
     float phi = MathHelper.Atan2(x, z);
     if (phi < 0.0)
         phi += 2.0f * MathHelper.PI;
     float phi_size = 2.0f * MathHelper.PI / num_horizontal_checkers;   	// in radians - azimuth angle
     float theta_size = h / num_vertical_checkers;   		// in radians - polar angle
     int i_phi = MathHelper.Floor(phi / phi_size);
     int i_theta = MathHelper.Floor(ph / theta_size);
     float f_phi = phi / phi_size - i_phi;
     float f_theta = ph / theta_size - i_theta;
     float phi_line_width = 0.5f * vertical_line_width;
     float theta_line_width = 0.5f * horizontal_line_width;
     bool in_outline = (f_phi < phi_line_width || f_phi > 1.0 - phi_line_width) ||
                         (f_theta < theta_line_width || f_theta > 1.0 - theta_line_width);
     if ((i_phi + i_theta) % 2 == 0)
         if (!in_outline)
             return (color1);
         if (!in_outline)
             return (color2);
     return (line_color);
Пример #17
        internal static ShadeRec trace(Tracer tr, Ray ray)
            ShadeRec sr = new ShadeRec(tr.World);
            float t = 0;
            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 local_hit_point = Vector3.Zero;
            float tmin = float.MaxValue;
            int num_objects = tr.World.Objects.Count;
            for (int j = 0; j < num_objects; j++)
                if (tr.World.Objects[j].Hit(ray, ref t, ref sr) && (t < tmin))
                    sr.Hit_an_object = true;
                    tmin = t;
                    sr.Material = tr.World.Objects[j].Material;
                    sr.HitPoint = ray.Position + t * ray.Direction;
                    normal = sr.Normal;
                    local_hit_point = sr.LocalHitPoint;

            if (sr.Hit_an_object)
                sr.T = tmin;
                sr.Normal = normal;
                sr.LocalHitPoint = local_hit_point;
            return sr;
Пример #18
 public override bool Hit(Ray ray, ref float tmin, ref ShadeRec sr)
     if (box.Hit(ray))
         return m.Hit(ray, ref tmin, ref sr);
     return false;
Пример #19
 public override Vector3 Path_Shade(ShadeRec sr)
     Vector3 wo = -sr.Ray.Direction;
     Vector3 wi = Vector3.Zero;
     float pdf = 0;
     Vector3 fr = reflective.Sample_F(sr, wo, ref wi, ref pdf);
     Ray reflected_ray = new Ray(sr.HitPoint, wi);
     return (fr * sr.World.Tracer.TraceRay(reflected_ray, sr.Depth + 1) * (sr.Normal * wi) / pdf);
Пример #20
 public override Vector3 GetDirection(ShadeRec sr)
     float r = Radius;
     Vector3 new_location = Vector3.Zero;
     new_location.X = Location.X + r * (2.0f * MathHelper.RandomFloat()  - 1.0f);
     new_location.Y = Location.Y + r * (2.0f * MathHelper.RandomFloat() - 1.0f);
     new_location.Z = Location.Z + r * (2.0f * MathHelper.RandomFloat() - 1.0f);
     return (Vector3.Normalize(new_location - sr.LocalHitPoint));
Пример #21
 public override Vector3 GetDirection(ShadeRec sr)
     Vector3 finaldir = Vector3.Zero;
     finaldir.X = Direction.X + r * (2.0f * MathHelper.RandomFloat() - 1.0f);
     finaldir.Y = Direction.Y + r * (2.0f * MathHelper.RandomFloat() - 1.0f);
     finaldir.Z = Direction.Z + r * (2.0f * MathHelper.RandomFloat() - 1.0f);
     return finaldir;
Пример #22
 public bool TIR(ShadeRec sr)
     Vector3 wo = (-sr.Ray.Direction);
     float cos_thetai = Vector3.Dot(sr.Normal, wo);
     float eta = eta_in / eta_out;
     if (cos_thetai < 0.0)
         eta = 1.0f / eta;
     return (1.0f - (1.0f - cos_thetai * cos_thetai) / (eta * eta) < 0.0f);
Пример #23
        public override bool Hit(Ray ray, ref float tmin, ref ShadeRec sr)
            float t;
            Vector3 temp = ray.Position - center;
            float a = Vector3.Dot(ray.Direction, ray.Direction);
            float b = 2.0f * Vector3.Dot(temp, ray.Direction);
            float c = Vector3.Dot(temp, temp) - radius * radius;
            float disc = b * b - 4.0f * a * c;

            if (disc < 0.0)
                return (false);
                float e = MathHelper.Sqrt(disc);
                float denom = 2.0f * a;
                t = (-b - e) / denom;    // smaller root

                if (t > MathHelper.Epsilon)
                    Vector3 hit = ray.Position + t * ray.Direction - center;
                    float phi = MathHelper.Atan2(hit.X, hit.Z);
                    if (phi < 0.0)
                        phi += MathHelper.TwoPI;

                    if (hit.Y <= radius * cos_theta_min &&
                        hit.Y >= radius * cos_theta_max &&
                        phi >= phi_min && phi <= phi_max)

                        tmin = t;
                        sr.Normal = (temp + t * ray.Direction) / radius;   // points outwards
                        sr.LocalHitPoint = ray.Position + tmin * ray.Direction;
                        return (true);
                t = (-b + e) / denom;    // larger root
                if (t > MathHelper.Epsilon)
                    Vector3 hit = ray.Position + t * ray.Direction - center;
                    float phi = MathHelper.Atan2(hit.X, hit.Z);
                    if (phi < 0.0)
                        phi += MathHelper.TwoPI;

                    if (hit.Y <= radius * cos_theta_min &&
                        hit.Y >= radius * cos_theta_max &&
                        phi >= phi_min && phi <= phi_max)
                        tmin = t;
                        sr.Normal = (temp + t * ray.Direction) / radius;   // points outwards
                        sr.LocalHitPoint = ray.Position + tmin * ray.Direction;
                        return (true);
            return (false);
Пример #24
 public override bool InShadow(Ray ray, ShadeRec sr)
     float t = float.MaxValue;
     int num_objects = sr.World.Objects.Count;
     float d = Vector3.Distance(Location, (ray.Position));
     for (int j = 0; j < num_objects; j++)
         if (sr.World.Objects[j].ShadowHit(ray, ref t) && t < d)
             return (true);
     return (false);
Пример #25
 public override Vector3 L(ShadeRec sr)
     if (!DistanceAttenuation)
         return (Radiance * Color);
         float d = Vector3.Distance(sr.HitPoint, (Location));
         return (Radiance * Color / (d * d));
Пример #26
 public override Vector3 F(ShadeRec sr, Vector3 wo, Vector3 wi)
     Vector3 L = Vector3.Zero;
     float ndotwi = Vector3.Dot(sr.Normal, wi);
     Vector3 r = -wi + 2.0f * sr.Normal * ndotwi;
     float rdotwo = Vector3.Dot(r, wo);
     if (rdotwo > 0.0)
         L = ReflectionCoefficient * SpecularTexture.GetColor(sr) * MathHelper.Pow(rdotwo, Exponent);
     return (L);
Пример #27
 public override Vector3 GetDirection(ShadeRec sr)
     w = sr.Normal;
     v = Vector3.Cross(new Vector3(0.0034f, 1, 0.0071f), w);
     u = Vector3.Cross(v, w);
     Vector3 sp = sampler.SampleHemisphere();
     wi = sp.X * u + sp.Y * v + sp.Z * w;
     return (wi);
Пример #28
 public override bool InShadow(Ray ray, ShadeRec sr)
     float t = float.MaxValue;		// may be need an initialization
     int num_objects = sr.World.Objects.Count;
     float d = (Position - ray.Position).Length();
     for (int j = 0; j < num_objects; j++)
         if (sr.World.Objects[j].ShadowHit(ray, ref t) && t < d)
             return (true);
     return (false);
Пример #29
        public override bool Hit(Ray ray, ref float tmin, ref ShadeRec sr)
            float t;
            float ox = ray.Position.X;
            float oy = ray.Position.Y;
            float oz = ray.Position.Z;
            float dx = ray.Direction.X;
            float dy = ray.Direction.Y;
            float dz = ray.Direction.Z;
            float a = dx * dx + dz * dz;
            float b = 2.0f * (ox * dx + oz * dz);
            float c = ox * ox + oz * oz - radius * radius;
            float disc = b * b - 4.0f * a * c;   
            if (disc < 0.0)
                return (false);
                float e = MathHelper.Sqrt(disc);
                float denom = 2.0f * a;
                t = (-b - e) / denom;    // smaller root

                if (t > MathHelper.Epsilon)
                    float yhit = oy + t * dy;

                    if (yhit > y0 && yhit < y1)
                        tmin = t;
                        sr.Normal = new Vector3((ox + t * dx) * inv_radius, 0.0f, (oz + t * dz) * inv_radius);
                        if (Vector3.Dot(-ray.Direction, sr.Normal) < 0.0f)
                            sr.Normal = -sr.Normal;
                        sr.LocalHitPoint = ray.Position + tmin * ray.Direction;
                        return (true);
                t = (-b + e) / denom;    // larger root
                if (t > MathHelper.Epsilon)
                    float yhit = oy + t * dy;
                    if (yhit > y0 && yhit < y1)
                        tmin = t;
                        sr.Normal = new Vector3((ox + t * dx) * inv_radius, 0.0f, (oz + t * dz) * inv_radius);
                        if (Vector3.Dot(-ray.Direction, sr.Normal) < 0.0f)
                            sr.Normal = -sr.Normal;
                        sr.LocalHitPoint = ray.Position + tmin * ray.Direction;
                        return (true);

            return (false);
Пример #30
 public override bool InShadow(Ray ray, ShadeRec sr)
     float t = float.MaxValue;
     int num_objects = sr.World.Objects.Count;
     for (int j = 0; j < num_objects; j++)
         if (sr.World.Objects[j].ShadowHit(ray, ref t))
             return true;
     return (false);