public static void UserValidation() { NN nn = new NN(); double[,] image; int correct; //Some user validation code image = Reader.ReadNextImage(); correct = Reader.ReadNextLabel(); //Backprop again for averaging nn.Calculate(image); //Print out various things int guess = 0; double certainty = 0; //yeah, yeah, this SHOULD be a NN method, not public and used here but I'm tired right now //Is a calculation of r^2 error for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (nn.OutputValues[i] > certainty) { certainty = nn.OutputValues[i]; guess = i; } } //Calculate the moving average of the percentage of trials correct of those written to console double error = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NN.OutputCount; i++) { error += ((i == correct ? 1d : 0d) - nn.OutputValues[i]) * ((i == correct ? 1d : 0d) - nn.OutputValues[i]); } iterator++; avgerror = ((iterator / (iterator + 1)) * avgerror) + ((1 / iterator) * error); avg = (avg * (iterator / (iterator + 1))) + ((guess == correct) ? (1 / iterator) : 0d); //Some safety code which is currently disabled //if (avgerror > maxavg && iterator > 300) { maxavg = avgerror; } //if (avgerror > maxavg * 10 && iterator > 300) { finished = true; } //Print various things to the console for verification that things are nominal Console.WriteLine("Correct: " + correct + " Guess: " + guess + " Correct? " + (guess == correct ? "1 " : "0 ") + "Certainty: " + Math.Round(certainty, 5).ToString().PadRight(7) + " %Correct: " + Math.Round(avg, 5).ToString().PadRight(7) + " Avg error: " + Math.Round(avgerror, 5).ToString().PadRight(8) + " Avg gradient: " + NN.AvgGradient, 15); //Dispose of the neural network (may not be necessary) nn.Dispose(); //Reset the console data every few iterations to ensure up to date numbers if (iterator > 1000) { iterator = 100; NN.Epoch++; } }
public static void Testing() { NN nn = new NN(); while (iterator < 9000) { iterator++; nn.Calculate(Reader.ReadNextImage()); int correct = Reader.ReadNextLabel(); double certainty = -99d; int guess = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (nn.OutputValues[i] > certainty) { certainty = nn.OutputValues[i]; guess = i; } } avg = (avg * (iterator / (iterator + 1))) + ((guess == correct) ? (1 / iterator) : 0d); Console.WriteLine("Correct: " + correct + " Correct? " + (guess == correct ? "1 " : "0 ") + " %Correct: " + Math.Round(avg, 10).ToString().PadRight(12) + " Certainty " + Math.Round(certainty, 10)); nn.Dispose(); } }