/// <summary>
        /// Begin a new transition group
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index of the group in Transitions</param>
        /// <param name="randomSeed">Random seed</param>
        public void StartNewTransitionGroup(int index, int randomSeed)
            currentTransition = Transitions[index];
            transitionTime    = TransitionTime.Random(random);
            holdTime          = HoldTime.Random(random);
            totalTime         = transitionTime;

            Debug.LogFormat("Starting Weather Transition {0}, transition time: {1:0.00}, hold time: {2:0.00}", currentTransition.TransitionGroup.Title, transitionTime, holdTime);

            // turn off things that don't need to be setup on every transition
            WeatherMakerScript.Instance.LightningScript.EnableLightning = false;
            foreach (WeatherMakerPropertyTransition t in currentTransition.TransitionGroup.Transitions)

            // store properties in case they are not animated - for this we will lerp these to low or 0 values as we want them essentially off by default unless they are animated
            startPrecipitationIntensity = WeatherMakerScript.Instance.PrecipitationIntensity;
            startFogDensity             = (WeatherMakerScript.Instance.FogScript.FogProfile == null ? 0.0f : WeatherMakerScript.Instance.FogScript.FogProfile.FogDensity);
            startWindIntensity          = WeatherMakerScript.Instance.WindIntensity;

            currentTransition.CustomUpdater = CustomUpdater;

            // how long the group transition lasts
            WeatherMakerScript.Instance.CloudChangeDuration = (UseBuiltInCloudAnimation ? transitionTime : 0.0f);
            holdingTransition = false;

            WeatherMakerScript.Instance.RaiseWeatherManagerTransitionStarted(WeatherMakerScript.Instance.WeatherManagers.IndexOf(this), index, randomSeed);
        private void StartNewTransitionGroup(WeatherMakerTransitionGroupWeight w)
            currentTransition = w;

            // turn off things that don't need to be setup on every transition
            WeatherScript.LightningScript.EnableLightning = false;
            foreach (WeatherMakerPropertyTransition t in w.TransitionGroup.Transitions)

            // store properties in case they are not animated - for this we will lerp these to low or 0 values as we want them essentially off by default unless they are animated
            startPrecipitationIntensity = WeatherScript.PrecipitationIntensity;
            startFogDensity             = WeatherScript.FogScript.FogDensity;
            startWindIntensity          = WeatherScript.WindIntensity;

            currentTransition.CustomUpdater = CustomUpdater;

            // how long the group transition lasts
            transitionTime = TransitionTime.Random();
            holdTime       = HoldTime.Random();
            totalTime      = transitionTime;
            WeatherScript.CloudChangeDuration = (UseBuiltInCloudAnimation ? transitionTime : 0.0f);
            holdingTransition = false;
            Debug.LogFormat("Starting Weather Transition {0}, transition time: {1:0.00}, hold time: {2:0.00}", w.TransitionGroup.Title, transitionTime, holdTime);
        private float HeightForTransitionGroup(int index)
            string foldoutKey = "WM_TF_" + index;
            bool   foldout;

            if (foldouts.TryGetValue(foldoutKey, out foldout) && !foldout)
            WeatherMakerTransitionGroupWeight w = script.Transitions[index];

            return(w.TransitionGroup.Transitions.Count == 0 ? transitionGroupMinHeight + 20.0f : transitionGroupMinHeight + (w.TransitionGroup.Transitions.Count * transitionHeight));
 private void Update()
     elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
     if (elapsedTime >= totalTime)
         elapsedTime = 0.0f;
         if (holdingTransition || currentTransition == null)
             currentTransition = null;
             // finish the transition
             holdingTransition = true;
             totalTime         = holdTime;
     else if (currentTransition != null && !holdingTransition)
         currentTransition.Update(elapsedTime / totalTime);
 private void OnDisable()
     elapsedTime       = totalTime = holdTime = 0.0f;
     holdingTransition = false;
     currentTransition = null;
        private void RenderTransitionGroup(Rect rect, int index)
            if (rect.width <= 0)

            WeatherMakerTransitionGroupWeight w = script.Transitions[index];
            string foldoutKey = "WM_TF_" + index;
            bool   foldout;

            foldouts.TryGetValue(foldoutKey, out foldout);
            rect.y     += 2.0f;
            rect.x     += 10.0f;
            rect.height = individualHeight - 4.0f;
            float width = rect.width;

            if (foldout)
                rect.width = 24.0f;
                foldout    = EditorGUI.Foldout(rect, foldout, string.Empty);
                foldout = EditorGUI.Foldout(rect, foldout, new GUIContent(w.TransitionGroup.Title + ", Weight: " + w.Weight));
            rect.width           = width;
            foldouts[foldoutKey] = foldout;
            if (foldout)
                rect.width -= 8.0f;
                Rect  origRect = rect;
                float x        = rect.x;
                EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 50.0f;
                EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 30.0f;
                rect.width = 100.0f;
                w.Weight   = EditorGUI.IntField(rect, new GUIContent("Weight", "Weight for this transition group. Higher weights make the transition group more likely to occur."), w.Weight);
                rect.x     = rect.xMax + 10.0f;
                rect.width = Mathf.Max(1.0f, width - 120.0f);
                w.TransitionGroup.Title = EditorGUI.TextField(rect, new GUIContent("Title", "Title for this transition, a short description."), w.TransitionGroup.Title);
                origRect.y      += individualHeight + 2.0f;
                origRect.height -= 24.0f;
                string             propPath = "Transitions.Array.data[" + index + "].TransitionGroup.Transitions";
                SerializedProperty prop     = scriptObject.FindProperty(propPath);
                if (w.TransitionList == null)
                    w.TransitionList = new ReorderableList(prop.serializedObject, prop, true, true, true, true);
                    w.TransitionList.drawElementCallback = (rect2, index2, active, focused) =>
                        RenderTransition(w, rect2, index2);
                    w.TransitionList.drawHeaderCallback = rect2 =>
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(rect2, "Transitions");
                    w.TransitionList.elementHeightCallback = (int index2) =>
        private void RenderTransition(WeatherMakerTransitionGroupWeight w, Rect rect, int index)
            if (index >= w.TransitionGroup.Transitions.Count)

            float textFieldWidth             = Mathf.Min(rect.width, 150.0f);
            float longWidth                  = Mathf.Min(rect.width, 300.0f);
            float fullWidth                  = rect.width - 10.0f;
            WeatherMakerPropertyTransition t = w.TransitionGroup.Transitions[index];

            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth;
            float width = rect.width;
            float x     = rect.x;

            rect.height = individualHeight;
            rect.width  = fullWidth;
            MonoBehaviour newTarget = (MonoBehaviour)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, "Target", t.Target, typeof(MonoBehaviour), true);

            if (newTarget != t.Target)
                t.Target         = newTarget;
                t.FieldNamePopup = null;
            rect.y += individualHeightWithSpacing;
            if (t.Target != null)
                List <FieldInfo> fields = GetPossibleFields(t.Target);
                if (fields.Count == 0)
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "* No valid fields found *");
                    if (t.FieldNamePopup == null)
                        t.FieldNamePopup = new PopupList();
                        t.FieldNamePopup.SelectedIndexChanged = (pu, ea) =>
                            if (t.FieldNamePopup.SelectedItemIndex < fields.Count)
                                t.FieldName = fields[t.FieldNamePopup.SelectedItemIndex].Name;
                            t.Curve = null;
                    rect.width = longWidth;
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (FieldInfo f in fields)
                        if (f.Name == t.FieldName)
                            t.FieldNamePopup.SelectedItemIndex = i;
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Field:");
                    rect.x    += EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
                    rect.width = fullWidth - EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
                    GUIStyle buttonStyle = "button";
                    buttonStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
                    if (GUI.Button(rect, fields[t.FieldNamePopup.SelectedItemIndex].Name + " (" + GetFieldDisplayName(fields[t.FieldNamePopup.SelectedItemIndex].FieldType.Name) + ")", buttonStyle))
                        List <GUIContent> options = new List <GUIContent>();
                        foreach (FieldInfo f in fields)
                            options.Add(new GUIContent(f.Name + " (" + GetFieldDisplayName(f.FieldType.Name) + ")"));
                        t.FieldNamePopup.ListStyle = comboBoxStyle;
                        t.FieldNamePopup.Items     = options.ToArray();
                        PopupWindow.Show(rect, t.FieldNamePopup);
                    string newName = fields[t.FieldNamePopup.SelectedItemIndex].Name;
                    if (newName != t.FieldName)
                        t.FieldName = newName;
                        GUI.changed = true;
                    rect.x  = x;
                    rect.y += individualHeightWithSpacing + 2.0f;
                    FieldInfo field = t.Target.GetType().GetField(t.FieldName, BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.SetField | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                    rect.width = fullWidth;
                    RenderField(rect, t, field, textFieldWidth);
                    rect.y += individualHeightWithSpacing;
                    AnimationCurve curve = t.Curve;
                    if (curve == null || curve.length == 0)
                        Type ft = fields[t.FieldNamePopup.SelectedItemIndex].FieldType;

                        // default to immediately setting the value
                        if (ft == typeof(bool) || ft == typeof(System.Enum) || ft == typeof(RangeOfFloats) || ft == typeof(RangeOfIntegers))
                            curve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                            // default to linear curve
                            curve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                    t.Curve     = EditorGUI.CurveField(rect, "Curve", curve);
                    rect.y     += individualHeightWithSpacing;
                    rect.height = 0.0f;
                    rect.width  = fullWidth;
                    EditorDrawLine.DrawLine(rect, Color.cyan, 1.0f);