Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A method call to set and display the dialogue node content into the tempDialogueTree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dialogueTree">The dialogue tree that you are passing in from a NonMonobehavior object.</param>
        /// <param name="changeCharacterName">Used to overwrite the existing characterName string on a DialogueTree scriptable object.</param>
        public static void SetAndDisplayDialogueNodeContent(DialogueTree dialogueTree, bool changeCharacterName = false)
            Debug.LogWarning("dialogueTree: " + dialogueTree);
            Debug.LogWarning("tempDialogueTree: " + tempDialogueTree);

            tempDialogueTree = (DialogueTree)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(DialogueTree));       // Set this to the DialogueTree scriptable object that will only have a single reusable updatable node.

            // Add new dialogue node if dialogueNodeElements list count is 0
            if (tempDialogueTree.dialogueNodeElements.Count == 0)
                tempDialogueTree.dialogueNodeElements.Add(new DialogueTree.DialogueNode());

            // Create new dialogue node for tempDialogueTree to contain.
            DialogueTree.DialogueNode dialogueNode = new DialogueTree.DialogueNode();

            // Get reference to the characterName from the DialogueTree scriptable object that will be modified.
            if (characterName == "")
                characterName = tempDialogueTree.dialogueNodeElements[0].nodeCharacterName;

            // First clear existing data that was previous used in the tempDialogueTree if any

            for (int i = 0; i < dialogueTree.dialogueNodeElements.Count; i++)
                // Set the new dialogueNode's dialogue string and audio clip to dialogueTree contents that is being passed in.
                dialogueNode.nodeDialogueString    = dialogueTree.dialogueNodeElements[i].nodeDialogueString;
                dialogueNode.nodeDialogueAudioClip = dialogueTree.dialogueNodeElements[i].nodeDialogueAudioClip;

                // Check to see if the characterName needs to be changed. (By default, it should be false.)
                if (!changeCharacterName)
                    dialogueNode.nodeCharacterName = characterName;
                    dialogueNode.nodeCharacterName = dialogueTree.dialogueNodeElements[i].nodeCharacterName;

                // Then add the dialogueNode so that there is always one node in the dialogueNodeElements list.

            Debug.LogWarning("tempDialogueTree: " + tempDialogueTree);

            // Call the DialogueManager to start the tempDialogueTree
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// A coroutine method that will type each nodeDialogueString one character at a time at the set speed and play the audioclip if it is available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param nodeCharacterName="nodeDialogueString">The current nodeDialogueString that is out of the queue.</param>
        /// <param nodeCharacterName="nodeDialogueAudioClip">The current audioclip that is out of the queue.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerator TypeNodeDialogueString(DialogueTree.DialogueNode dialogueNode)
            isTypeSentenceCoroutineRunning = true;

            if (debugComponent)
                Debug.Log("isTypeSentenceCoroutineRunning: " + isTypeSentenceCoroutineRunning);

            string    nodeCharacterName     = dialogueNode.nodeCharacterName;
            string    nodeDialogueString    = dialogueNode.nodeDialogueString;
            AudioClip nodeDialogueAudioClip = dialogueNode.nodeDialogueAudioClip;

            // Set nodeCharacterName text fields with the nodeCharacterName of the person talking in the dialogueTree
            nameText.text   = nodeCharacterName;
            nameVRText.text = nodeCharacterName;

            if (requireContinueButton)

            currentSentence = nodeDialogueString;


            if (playWithAudio)
                if (nodeDialogueAudioClip)
                    audioSource.PlayOneShot(nodeDialogueAudioClip, volume);
                    Debug.LogError("No audioclip for string displayed! Please place audioclip in AudioClip List for respective string element.");

            // Print full nodeDialogueString or type each character individually.
            if (instantPrintBegin)
                int punctutationCount = 0;

                foreach (char letter in nodeDialogueString.ToCharArray())
                    // If character is any form of punctutation, then delay next nodeDialogueString. Otherwise, print normally.
                    if (letter == ',' || letter == ';' || letter == '.' || letter == '?' || letter == '!')
                        punctutationCount++;    // Keep track of punctuation in each node

                dialogueText.text   = nodeDialogueString;                                                                                                            // Display full nodeDialogueString instantly
                dialogueVRText.text = nodeDialogueString;                                                                                                            // Display full nodeDialogueString instantly

                float fullSentenceDelay = (currentPrintLetterDelay * nodeDialogueString.Length) + (punctutationCount * currentSentenceDelay) + currentSentenceDelay; // (CharacterCount from current dialogueTreeElement  * print delay time) + (number of punctuation characters * nodeDialogueString delay time) + end of dialogueTreeElement delay time.

                if (debugComponent)
                    Debug.Log("fullSentenceDelay: " + fullSentenceDelay + ", nodeDialogueAudioClip.length: " + nodeDialogueAudioClip.length);

                // Play next nodeDialogueString without button input
                if (!requireContinueButton)
                    if (nodeDialogueAudioClip)
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(nodeDialogueAudioClip.length));
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(fullSentenceDelay));

                    isTypeSentenceCoroutineRunning = false; // This ensures that you can check if the coroutine is done.


                    isTypeSentenceCoroutineRunning = false; // This ensures that you can check if the coroutine is done.
                // Clear text fields before printing
                dialogueText.text   = "";
                dialogueVRText.text = "";

                foreach (char letter in nodeDialogueString.ToCharArray())
                    dialogueText.text   += letter;
                    dialogueVRText.text += letter;

                    // If character is any form of punctutation, then delay next nodeDialogueString. Otherwise, print normally.
                    if (letter == ',' || letter == ';' || letter == '.' || letter == '?' || letter == '!')
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(currentSentenceDelay));      // Delay next nodeDialogueString
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(currentPrintLetterDelay));   // Delay character print

                // If moving on with the next dialogue to type requires input, then
                if (!requireContinueButton)
                    // If last character is not any form of punctutation, then delay next nodeDialogueString
                    if (!(nodeDialogueString.EndsWith(",") || nodeDialogueString.EndsWith(";") || nodeDialogueString.EndsWith(".") || nodeDialogueString.EndsWith("?") || nodeDialogueString.EndsWith("!")))
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(currentSentenceDelay));

                    yield return(new WaitUntil(() => !audioSource.isPlaying)); // Wait until audioclip for the dialogue nodeDialogueString has stopped playing if it hasn't.

                    isTypeSentenceCoroutineRunning = false;                    // This ensures that you can check if the coroutine is done.


                    isTypeSentenceCoroutineRunning = false; // This ensures that you can check if the coroutine is done.

            if (requireContinueButton)

                // Update speed of animation with current settings
                inputContinueDialogueImage.GetComponent <Animator>().speed   = inputContinueDialogueImageAnimationSpeed;
                inputContinueDialogueVRImage.GetComponent <Animator>().speed = inputContinueDialogueImageAnimationSpeed;

            if (debugComponent)
                Debug.Log("isTypeSentenceCoroutineRunning: " + isTypeSentenceCoroutineRunning);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// A method to play the next string and audioclip in the queues.
        /// </summary>
        public void DisplayNextSentence()
            // Check to see if current nodeDialogueString is typing first
            if (isTypeSentenceCoroutineRunning)
                // Only used if input is required
                if (requireContinueButton)
                    // Instant print the rest of the current nodeDialogueString
                    if (instantPrintFinish)
                        StopAllCoroutines();                    // Stop coroutine that is currently printing.

                        dialogueText.text   = currentSentence;
                        dialogueVRText.text = currentSentence;

                        isTypeSentenceCoroutineRunning = false; // Make sure this is false after nodeDialogueString is done typing.
                        // Change speed of the text without changing the value for the setting. Create private copy of the value.
                        if (speedPrintFinish)
                            // The fastest is actually one frame.
                            currentPrintLetterDelay = 0.0f;
                            currentSentenceDelay    = 0.0f;


                    // Update speed of animation with current settings
                    inputContinueDialogueImage.GetComponent <Animator>().speed   = inputContinueDialogueImageAnimationSpeed;
                    inputContinueDialogueVRImage.GetComponent <Animator>().speed = inputContinueDialogueImageAnimationSpeed;

            // Reset delay times
            currentPrintLetterDelay = printLetterDelay;
            currentSentenceDelay    = sentenceDelay;

            // End dialogue if queues are empty
            if (dialogueNodes.Count == 0)
                // If DialogueTree has multipleChoiceNode with at least two answers, then
                if (currentDialogueTree.multipleChoiceNode.answers.Count >= 2)
                    // Display MutltipleChoiceCanvas
                    dialogueText.text   = "";
                    dialogueVRText.text = "";


                    if (multipleChoiceTemplate.transform.parent.parent.gameObject.activeSelf)
                        multipleChoiceTemplate.GetComponent <MultipleChoiceTemplate>().SetTemplate(currentDialogueTree.multipleChoiceNode);

                    if (multipleChoiceVRTemplate.transform.parent.parent.gameObject.activeSelf)
                        multipleChoiceVRTemplate.GetComponent <MultipleChoiceTemplate>().SetTemplate(currentDialogueTree.multipleChoiceNode);


                // If DialogueTree has another DialogueTree attached, then play that DialogueTree in EndDialogue()

            // Adjust textDisplayWidth to fit more center with the camera screen.
            dialogueText.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta   = new Vector2(textDisplayWidth, dialogueText.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y);
            dialogueVRText.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(textDisplayWidth, dialogueVRText.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y);

            // Save nodeDialogueString and audioclip that is being dequeued
            DialogueTree.DialogueNode dialogueNode = dialogueNodes.Peek();

            // Dequeue the current node so your not stuck on it for next call.

            if (debugComponent)
                Debug.Log(dialogueNode.nodeCharacterName + ": " + dialogueNode.nodeDialogueString);

            StopAllCoroutines();                                  // Stop coroutine before starting new one.
            StartCoroutine(TypeNodeDialogueString(dialogueNode)); // Display or type one character at a time.