/// <summary> /// If there are any unsaved changes, asks the user if they want to save. Also gives the user the option to cancel the calling action. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if the action should proceed, false otherwise.</returns> bool CheckForUnsaved() { if (!ProfileLoaded || !unsavedChanges) return true; DlgClose close = new DlgClose(GlobalStrings.MainForm_UnsavedChangesWillBeLost, GlobalStrings.MainForm_UnsavedChanges, SystemIcons.Warning.ToBitmap(), true, currentProfile.AutoExport); DialogResult res = close.ShowDialog(); //DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show( GlobalStrings.MainForm_UnsavedChangesWillBeLost, GlobalStrings.MainForm_UnsavedChanges, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning ); if (res == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return true; } if (res == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { return false; } currentProfile.AutoExport = close.Export; return SaveProfile(null); }
private void menu_File_SaveProfile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClearStatus(); DlgClose close = new DlgClose(GlobalStrings.MainForm_SaveProfileConfirm, GlobalStrings.MainForm_SaveProfile, SystemIcons.Question.ToBitmap(), false, currentProfile.AutoExport); DialogResult res = close.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { currentProfile.AutoExport = close.Export; SaveProfile(null); } FlushStatus(); }