Пример #1
        public static void infinteTesting()
            //creates a hand and does tests on it
            //all random
            string response = "1";

            while (response != "0")
                Deck myDeck = utilities.createDeck();
                Deck myHand = utilities.drawHand(myDeck);
                foreach (Card c in myHand.deckorder)
                Console.WriteLine($"The hand is pair: {BasicPokerGame.isPair(myHand)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"The hand is two pair: {BasicPokerGame.isTwoPair(myHand)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"The hand is three of a kind: {BasicPokerGame.isThreeOfAKind(myHand)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"The hand is a four of a kind: {BasicPokerGame.isFourofAKind(myHand)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"The hand is a flush: {BasicPokerGame.isFlush(myHand)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"The hand is a straight: {BasicPokerGame.isStraight(myHand)}");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter 0 to quit and anything else to contine");
                response = Console.ReadLine();
Пример #2
        //semi irrelevant due to stop test
        public static void PokerTests()
            string        exampleSuit = "clubs";
            List <string> ranks       = new List <string>()
                "A", "A"
            List <string> ranks2 = new List <string>()
                "A", "A", "2", "2"
            Deck myPairHand    = new Deck();
            Deck myTwoPairHand = new Deck();

            foreach (string s in ranks)
                Card c = new Card();
                c.suit = exampleSuit;
                c.rank = s;
            foreach (string s in ranks2)
                Card c = new Card();
                c.suit = exampleSuit;
                c.rank = s;
            Console.WriteLine($"The hand{myPairHand} is pair: {BasicPokerGame.isPair(myPairHand)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"The hand{myPairHand} is two pair: {BasicPokerGame.isTwoPair(myPairHand)}");

            Console.WriteLine($"The hand{myTwoPairHand} is pair: {BasicPokerGame.isPair(myTwoPairHand)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"The hand{myTwoPairHand} is two pair: {BasicPokerGame.isTwoPair(myTwoPairHand)}");

            Deck          myThreeHand = new Deck();
            List <string> ranks3      = new List <string>()
                "A", "A", "A"

            foreach (string s in ranks3)
                Card c = new Card();
                c.suit = exampleSuit;
                c.rank = s;
            Console.WriteLine($"The hand{myThreeHand} is pair: {BasicPokerGame.isPair(myThreeHand)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"The hand{myThreeHand} is two pair: {BasicPokerGame.isTwoPair(myThreeHand)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"The hand{myThreeHand} is three of a kind: {BasicPokerGame.isThreeOfAKind(myThreeHand)}");
            Console.WriteLine($"The hand{myThreeHand} is flush: {BasicPokerGame.isFlush(myThreeHand)}");
            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Continue");

            //in theory a full deck should work as a full hand
            Deck myStraight = utilities.createDeck();

            Console.WriteLine($"The hand {myStraight} is straight: {BasicPokerGame.isStraight(myStraight)}");