Пример #1
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
        Hashtable RemoveFile_(Hashtable values,conciergeEntities ent)
            Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
            result["status"] = "ok";
                int document_id = (int)result["document_id"];
                var query = from doc in ent.document
                            where doc.id == document_id
                            select doc;
                if(query.Count() < 1)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Trying to remove unknown file id {0}",document_id));
                var query2 = from ds in ent.document_segment
                                where ds.document_id == document_id
                                select ds;
                foreach(document_segment ds in query2)
	        catch (Exception ex)
                result["status"] = "error";
                result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
            return result;
Пример #2
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable AddStamp(Hashtable values)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         if (values["image"] == null)
             throw new Exception("image not specified when calling AddStamp");
         Image image = values["image"] as Image;
         if (values["patient_id"] == null)
             throw new Exception("patient_id not specified when calling AddStamp");
         int patient_id = (int)values["patient_id"];
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             using (DbTransaction txn = ent.Connection.BeginTransaction())
                 //Hashtable values = new Hashtable();
                 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                 image.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
                 ms.Position = 0;
                 result = AddFile(ms, ent, "SIGNATURE");
                 if (result["status"] as string != "ok")
                     return result;
                 int file_id = (int)result["file_id"];
                 patient_signature ps = ent.patient_signature.CreateObject();
                 ps.document_id = file_id;
                 ps.patient_id = patient_id;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #3
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
        public Hashtable[] Specialties()
            conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
            using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
                Hashtable[] result = new Hashtable[(from p in conciergeEntities.specialty
                                                    select p).Count()];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var s in (from s in conciergeEntities.specialty select s))
                    result[i] = new Hashtable();
                    result[i]["specialty"] = s.specialty_name;
                    result[i]["subspecialty"] = s.subspecialty_name;
                return result;

        public Hashtable GetPatient(int id)
            Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
            result["status"] = "ok";
                using (conciergeEntities conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
                    var query = from patient in conciergeEntities.patient
                                where patient.id == id
                                select patient;
                    if (query.Count() == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Patient not found");
                    Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
                    result["data"] = data;
                    patient p = query.First();
                    data["dob"] = p.dob;
                    data["emergency_contact"] = p.emergency_contact;
                    data["first"] = p.first;
                    data["gender"] = p.gender;
                    data["last"] = p.last;
                    //data["signature_document_id"] = p.signature_document_id;
            catch (Exception ex)
                result["status"] = "error";
                result["reason"] = ex.Message;
            return result;
Пример #4
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public byte[] DownloadFile(int fileId)
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     byte[] result;
     using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
         MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
         var query = (from segm in conciergeEntities.document_segment
                    where segm.document_id == fileId
                    orderby segm.position ascending
                    select segm.data);
         foreach(var item in query)
             ms.Write(item, 0, item.Length);
         result = ms.ToArray();
     return result;
Пример #5
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable GetActivities(bool recent,int patient)
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     List<Hashtable> acts = new List<Hashtable>();
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
         var query01 = from a in conciergeEntities.activity
                       join dp in conciergeEntities.doctor_patient on a.doctor_patient_id equals dp.id
                       join ds in conciergeEntities.doctor_specialty on a.doctor_specialty_id equals ds.id
                       where dp.patient_id == patient && dp.released && dp.recent
                       select a;
         var query02 = from a in conciergeEntities.activity
                       join dp in conciergeEntities.doctor_patient on a.doctor_patient_id equals dp.id
                       join ds in conciergeEntities.doctor_specialty on a.doctor_specialty_id equals ds.id
                       where dp.patient_id == patient && dp.released && dp.released
                       select a;
         foreach (var r in recent ? query01 : query02)
             Hashtable current = new Hashtable();
             current["documentid"] = r.document_id;
             current["location_name"] = r.location;
             current["date"] = r.date.ToShortDateString();
             current["binarydate"] = r.date;
         result["items"] = acts;
     foreach (Hashtable act in acts)
         act["document"] = GetDocumentData((int)(act["documentid"]));
         act["doctor"] = GetDoctor((int)(act["doctorid"]));
         string[] sp = GetSpecialty((int)(act["specialtyid"]));
         act["specialty"] = sp[0];
         act["subspecialty"] = sp[1];
     return result;
Пример #6
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable GetLocations()
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     List<Hashtable> locationList = new List<Hashtable>();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             foreach (location l in (from l in ent.location select l))
                 Hashtable next = new Hashtable();
                 next["name"] = l.name;
                 next["address1"] = l.address1;
                 next["address2"] = l.address2;
                 next["address3"] = l.address3;
                 next["city"] = l.city;
                 next["contact_person"] = l.contact_person;
                 next["country"] = l.country;
                 next["email"] = l.email;
                 next["fax"] = l.fax;
                 next["locality1"] = l.locality1;
                 next["locality2"] = l.locality2;
                 next["postal_code"] = l.postal_code;
                 next["telephone"] = l.telephone;
             result["data"] = locationList;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #7
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable GetPatientSpecialties(Hashtable values)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     List<Hashtable> specialtyList = new List<Hashtable>();
     string procedure_name = (values["procedure_name"] as string).Trim().ToLower();
     int patient_id = (int)values["patient_id"];
     result["status"] = "ok";
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             List<Hashtable> items = new List<Hashtable>();
             var query = (from ps in ent.procedure_specialty
                          where ps.procedure_name.Trim().ToLower() == procedure_name
                          orderby ps.procedure_name
                          select ps);
             foreach (procedure_specialty ps in query)
                 Hashtable h = new Hashtable();
                 h["specialty_name"] = ps.specialty_name;
                 h["procedure_specialty_id"] = ps.id;
             foreach (Hashtable item in items)
                 string specialty_name = item["specialty_name"] as string;
                 int procedure_specialty_id = (int)item["procedure_specialty_id"];
                 int count = (from a in ent.activity
                               join dp in ent.doctor_patient on a.doctor_patient_id equals dp.id
                               where a.procedure_specialty_id == procedure_specialty_id && dp.patient_id == patient_id
                               select a).Count();
                 item["count"] = count;
             result["data"] = items;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #8
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable GetProcedures()
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     List<Hashtable> procedureList = new List<Hashtable>();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             foreach (procedure p in (from p in ent.procedure select p))
                 Hashtable next = new Hashtable();
                 next["name"] = p.name;
             result["data"] = procedureList;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #9
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
        // No, these paramters are not redundant.  The s
        private Hashtable AddFile(Stream stream, conciergeEntities ent, string source)
            Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable result2;
            result["status"] = "ok";

                string hash = FileHash(stream);
                result2 = GetServerDate(ent);
                if (result2["status"] as string != "ok")
                    return result2;
                document doc = ent.document.CreateObject();
                doc.path = source;
                doc.checksum = FileHash(stream);
                result2 = GetServerDate(ent);
                if (result2["status"] as string != "ok")
                    return result2;
                DateTime dt = (DateTime)result2["date"];
                doc.added_date = dt;
                int id = (from d in ent.document
                          select d.id).Max();
                result["file_id"] = id;
                doc = (from d in ent.document
                       where d.id == id
                       select d).First();

                stream.Position = 0;
                int fullSegments = (int)(stream.Length / MaxDocumentSegmentSize);
                int leftOver = (int)(stream.Length % MaxDocumentSegmentSize);
                for (int iSegment = 0; iSegment < fullSegments; iSegment++)
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[MaxDocumentSegmentSize];
                    int position = iSegment * MaxDocumentSegmentSize;
                    stream.Read(buffer, 0, MaxDocumentSegmentSize);
                    document_segment segment = ent.document_segment.CreateObject();
                    segment.document_id = id;
                    segment.data = buffer;
                    segment.position = iSegment;
                if (leftOver > 0)
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[leftOver];
                    int position = (int)(stream.Length - leftOver);
                    stream.Read(buffer, 0, leftOver);
                    document_segment segment = ent.document_segment.CreateObject();
                    segment.document_id = id;
                    segment.data = buffer;
                    segment.position = fullSegments;
            catch (Exception ex)
                result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
                result["status"] = "error";
            return result;
Пример #10
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 // called by AddActivities only
 private Hashtable AddFile(FileInfo file, conciergeEntities ent)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         FileStream fs = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
         return AddFile(fs, ent, file.FullName);
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
         result["status"] = "error";
     return result;
Пример #11
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 private Hashtable AddFile(Hashtable values, conciergeEntities ent)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     Hashtable result2;
     result["status"] = "ok";
         string data = values["data"] as string ?? "";
         string path = values["path"] as string ?? "";
         if (data == "" && path == "")
             throw new Exception("data and path missing in AddFile");
         if (data != "" && path != "")
             throw new Exception("data and path both specified in AddFile");
         result2 = GetServerDate(ent);
         if (result2["status"] as string != "ok")
             return result2;
         DateTime dt = (DateTime)result2["date"];
         if (values["path"] != null)
             FileStream fs = new FileStream(values["path"] as string, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
             return AddFile(fs, ent, "");
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #12
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
        private int AddFile_(FileInfo file,conciergeEntities conciergeEntities)
            int id;
            string hash = FileHash(file);

            System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter op = new System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter("CurrentDate",typeof(DateTime));
            DateTime dt = (DateTime)op.Value;
            document doc = conciergeEntities.document.CreateObject();
            doc.path = file.FullName;
            doc.checksum = FileHash(file);
            doc.added_date = dt;
            id = (from d in conciergeEntities.document
                  select d.id).Max();
            doc = (from d in conciergeEntities.document
                   where d.id == id
                   select d).First();
            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed();
            int fullSegments = (int)(fileStream.Length / MaxDocumentSegmentSize);
            int leftOver = (int)(fileStream.Length % MaxDocumentSegmentSize);
            for (int iSegment = 0; iSegment < fullSegments; iSegment++)
                byte[] buffer = new byte[MaxDocumentSegmentSize];
                int position = iSegment * MaxDocumentSegmentSize;
                fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, MaxDocumentSegmentSize);
                sha1.TransformBlock(buffer, 0, MaxDocumentSegmentSize, null, 0);
                document_segment segment = conciergeEntities.document_segment.CreateObject();
                segment.document_id = id;
                segment.data = buffer;
                segment.position = iSegment;
            if (leftOver > 0)
                byte[] buffer = new byte[leftOver];
                int position = (int)(fileStream.Length - leftOver);
                fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, leftOver);
                sha1.TransformFinalBlock(buffer, 0, leftOver);
                document_segment segment = conciergeEntities.document_segment.CreateObject();
                segment.document_id = id;
                segment.data = buffer;
                segment.position = fullSegments;
                sha1.TransformFinalBlock(null, 0, 0);
            string hashKey = string.Concat(from b in sha1.Hash
                                           select b.ToString("X2"));
            doc.checksum = hashKey;
            doc.id = id;

            return id;
        public byte[] GetDocumentData(int document_id)
            byte[] result;
            using (conciergeEntities conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
                int block = 0;
                var query2 = (from seg in conciergeEntities.document_segment
                              where seg.document_id == document_id
                              orderby seg.position
                              select seg.data);
                byte[] acc = null;
                foreach (byte[] buf in query2)
                    if (acc == null)
                        acc = buf.Clone() as byte[];
                        byte[] temp = new byte[acc.Length + buf.Length];
                        acc.CopyTo(temp, 0);
                        buf.CopyTo(temp, acc.Length);
                        acc = temp;
                result = acc;
            return result;
Пример #13
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
        public Hashtable AddActivities(List<Hashtable> items)
            Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
            result["status"] = "ok";
            List<Hashtable> dataResults = new List<Hashtable>();
            result["data"] = dataResults;
            string fileName = string.Empty;
            conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
            using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
                using (DbTransaction transaction = conciergeEntities.Connection.BeginTransaction())
                    foreach (var item in items)
                        string specialty = (item["specialty"] as string).Trim().ToLower();
                        string target_name = (item["target_name"] as string).Trim().ToLower();
                        int patient_id = (int)item["patient_id"];
                        string fullFileName = item["path"] as string;
                        FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fullFileName);
                        fileName = fileInfo.Name;
                        int doctor_id = (int)item["doctor_id"];
                        DateTime dt;
                        Match m;
                        dt = (DateTime)item["procedureDate"];
                        string procedure_name = item["procedure_name"] as string;
                        string location_name = item["location_name"] as string; ;
                        var dpQuery0 = from dp in conciergeEntities.doctor_patient
                                      where dp.patient_id == patient_id && dp.doctor_id == doctor_id
                                      select dp;
                        doctor_patient doctor_patient;
                        if (dpQuery0.Count() == 0)
                            doctor_patient = conciergeEntities.doctor_patient.CreateObject();
                            doctor_patient.doctor_id = doctor_id;
                            doctor_patient.patient_id = patient_id;
                        doctor_patient = dpQuery0.First();
                        int doctor_patient_id = doctor_patient.id;

                        //int file_id = AddFile_(fileInfo, conciergeEntities);
                        Hashtable r = AddFile(fileInfo, conciergeEntities);
                        int file_id = (int)r["file_id"];

                        var dpQuery = from dp in conciergeEntities.doctor_patient
                                      where dp.doctor_id == doctor_id && dp.patient_id == patient_id
                                      select dp;
                        var dsQuery = from ds in conciergeEntities.doctor_specialty
                                      where ds.doctor_id == doctor_id && ds.specialty_name.Trim().ToLower() == specialty
                                      select ds;
                        doctor_specialty dr_spe;
                        switch (dsQuery.Count())
                            case 0:
                                    dr_spe = conciergeEntities.CreateObject<doctor_specialty>();
                                    dr_spe.specialty_name = specialty;
                                    dr_spe.doctor_id = doctor_id;
                            case 1:
                                    dr_spe = dsQuery.First();
                                    throw new Exception("More than one doctor specialty relationship exists in the database");
                        int procedure_target_id;
                        var ptQuery = from pt in conciergeEntities.procedure_target
                                      where pt.procedure_name.Trim().ToLower() == procedure_name && pt.target_name.Trim().ToLower() == target_name
                                      select pt;
                        procedure_target_id = ptQuery.First().id;
                        activity activity2 = conciergeEntities.activity.CreateObject();
                        activity2.procedure_specialty_id = (int)item["procedure_specialty_id"];
                        activity2.procedure_target_id = procedure_target_id;
                        activity2.doctor_specialty_id = dr_spe.id;
                        activity2.date = dt;
                        activity2.doctor_patient_id = doctor_patient_id;
                        activity2.location_name = location_name;
                        activity2.document_id = file_id;
                        //activity activity2 = activity.Createactivity(specialty_id,doctor_id,dt,patient_id,procedure_name,location_name,file_id);
                        var foo = (from d in conciergeEntities.doctor
                                   where d.id == doctor_id
                                   select d).First();
                        note note = conciergeEntities.note.CreateObject();
                        note.user = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
                        note.text = "Added file from concierge directory\n";
                        foreach (string key in item.Keys)
                            note.text += string.Format("{0}: {1}\n", key, item[key]);
                        note.when = DateTime.Now;

                        if ((from doc_pat in conciergeEntities.doctor_patient
                             where doc_pat.doctor_id == doctor_id && doc_pat.patient_id == patient_id
                             select doc_pat).Count() < 1)
                            doctor_patient doc_pat = conciergeEntities.doctor_patient.CreateObject();
                            doc_pat.doctor_id = doctor_id;
                            doc_pat.patient_id = patient_id;
                            conciergeEntities.Refresh(System.Data.Objects.RefreshMode.StoreWins, conciergeEntities.activity);
                        catch (Exception )
                        Hashtable dataResultItem = new Hashtable();
                        dataResultItem["file_id"] = file_id;
            return result;
Пример #14
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable AddLocation(Hashtable values)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             location location = ent.location.CreateObject();
             location.name = values["name"] as string;
             location.address1 = values["address1"] as string;
             location.address2 = values["address2"] as string;
             location.address3 = values["address3"] as string;
             location.city = values["city"] as string;
             location.contact_person = values["contact_person"] as string;
             location.country = values["country"] as string;
             location.email = values["email"] as string;
             location.fax = values["fax"] as string;
             location.locality1 = values["locality1"] as string;
             location.locality2 = values["locality2"] as string;
             location.postal_code = values["postal_code"] as string;
             location.telephone = values["telephone"] as string;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #15
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable _AddStamp(Hashtable values)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     result["status"] = "ok";
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
         if (values["image"] == null)
             throw new Exception("image not specified when calling AddStamp");
         Image image = values["image"] as Image;
         if (values["patient_id"] == null)
             throw new Exception("patient_id not specified when calling AddStamp");
         int patient_id = (int)values["patient_id"];
         using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
             System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter op = new System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter("CurrentDate", typeof(DateTime));
             DateTime now = (DateTime)op.Value;
             using (DbTransaction transaction = conciergeEntities.Connection.BeginTransaction())
                 var query = from p in conciergeEntities.patient
                             where p.id == patient_id
                             select p;
                 if (query.Count() < 1)
                     throw new Exception("Invalid patient_id when calling AddStamp");
                 patient pat = query.First();
                 int stamp_id;
                 if (pat.signature_document_id != null)
                     stamp_id = (int)pat.signature_document_id;
                     pat.signature_document_id = null;
                     var querySegments = (from ss in conciergeEntities.stamp_segment
                                          where ss.id == stamp_id
                                          select ss);
                     foreach (stamp_segment ss in querySegments)
                     var queryStamp = (from st in conciergeEntities.stamp
                                       where st.id == stamp_id
                                       select st);
                 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                 image.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
                 stamp stamp = conciergeEntities.stamp.CreateObject();
                 stamp.added_date = now;
                 stamp_id = (from st in conciergeEntities.stamp
                                 select st.id).Max();
                 const int MaxSegSize = 0x4000;
                 int fullSegments = (int)(ms.Length / MaxSegSize);
                 int leftOver = (int)(ms.Length % MaxSegSize);
                 ms.Position = 0;
                 for (int iSegment = 0; iSegment < fullSegments; iSegment++)
                     byte[] buffer = new byte[MaxSegSize];
                     int position = iSegment * MaxSegSize;
                     ms.Read(buffer, 0, MaxSegSize);
                     stamp_segment stamp_segment = conciergeEntities.stamp_segment.CreateObject();
                     stamp_segment.id = stamp_id;
                     stamp_segment.data = buffer;
                     stamp_segment.position = iSegment;
                 if (leftOver > 0)
                     byte[] buffer = new byte[leftOver];
                     int position = (int)(ms.Length - leftOver);
                     ms.Read(buffer, 0, leftOver);
                     stamp_segment stamp_segment = conciergeEntities.stamp_segment.CreateObject();
                     stamp_segment.id = stamp_id;
                     stamp_segment.data = buffer;
                     stamp_segment.position = fullSegments;
                 pat.signature_document_id = stamp_id;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
 public Hashtable GetSearchEngines()
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     result["status"] = "ok";
     List<Hashtable> dataResults = new List<Hashtable>();
     result["data"] = dataResults;
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             var query = from se in ent.search_engine
                         select se;
             foreach (search_engine se in query)
                 Hashtable entry = new Hashtable();
                 entry["name"] = se.name;
                 entry["query_string"] = se.query_string;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #16
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable GetDoctors()
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     List<Hashtable> doctorList = new List<Hashtable>();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             foreach (doctor d in (from d in ent.doctor select d))
                 Hashtable next = new Hashtable();
                 next["address1"] = d.address1;
                 next["address2"] = d.address2;
                 next["address3"] = d.address3;
                 next["city"] = d.city;
                 next["contact_person"] = d.contact_person;
                 next["country"] = d.country;
                 next["email"] = d.email;
                 next["fax"] = d.fax;
                 next["firstname"] = d.firstname;
                 next["id"] = d.id;
                 next["lastname"] = d.lastname;
                 next["locality1"] = d.locality1;
                 next["locality2"] = d.locality2;
                 next["postal_code"] = d.postal_code;
                 next["shortname"] = d.shortname;
                 next["telephone"] = d.telephone;
             result["data"] = doctorList;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
 public Hashtable GetPatients()
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     List<Hashtable> patientList = new List<Hashtable>();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             foreach (patient p in (from p in ent.patient select p))
                 Hashtable next = new Hashtable();
                 next["dob"] = p.dob;
                 next["emergency_contact"] = p.emergency_contact;
                 next["first"] = p.first;
                 next["gender"] = p.gender;
                 next["id"] = p.id;
                 next["last"] = p.last;
             result["data"] = patientList;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #17
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable GetSuffixes()
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     List<Hashtable> suffixList = new List<Hashtable>();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             foreach (suffix s in (from s in ent.suffix select s))
                 Hashtable next = new Hashtable();
                 next["value"] = s.value;
             result["data"] = suffixList;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #18
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
        public Hashtable AddFile(Hashtable values)
            Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
            result["status"] = "ok";
                using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
                    using (DbTransaction txn = ent.Connection.BeginTransaction())
                    {   /*
                        if (values["name"] as string != "" && values["patient_id"] == null)
                            throw new Exception("name but not patient specified when adding file");
                        if (values["name"] as string == "" && values["patient_id"] != null)
                            throw new Exception("patient but not name specified when adding file");
                        result = AddFile(values, ent);
                        if (result["status"] as string != "ok")
                            return result;
                        int document_id = (int)result["file_id"];
                        if (values["patient_id"] != null)
                            int patient_id = (int)values["patient_id"];
                            var query = from p in ent.patient
                                        where p.id == patient_id
                                        select p;
                            if (query.Count() == 0)
                                throw new Exception("patient not found while adding file");
                            patient p2 = query.First();
                            if (p2.signature_document_id != null)
                                throw new Exception("patient already has a signature");
                            p2.signature_document_id = (int)result["document_id"];
                         * */
                        string name = values["name"] as string ;
                        if (name != "")
                            var query = from sd in ent.special_document
                                        where sd.name.Trim().ToLower() == name.Trim().ToLower()
                                        select sd;
                            if (query.Count() > 0)
                                throw new Exception("Special file already exists");
                            special_document sd2 = ent.special_document.CreateObject();
                            sd2.name = name;
                            sd2.document_id = document_id;
	        catch (Exception ex)
                result["status"] = "error";
                result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
            return result;
            Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
            result["status"] = "ok";
                string name = ((values["name"] as string) ?? "").Trim();
                string path = ((values["path"] as string) ?? "").Trim();
                using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
                    using (DbTransaction txn = ent.Connection.BeginTransaction())
                        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);
                        if (fi == null)
                            throw new Exception("Bad path");
                        int i = AddFile_(fi, ent);
                        if (name != string.Empty)
                            special_document sd = ent.special_document.CreateObject();
                            sd.document_id = i;
                            sd.name = name;
            catch (Exception ex)
                result["status"] = "error";
                result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
            return result;*/
Пример #19
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable GetTargets(Hashtable values)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     List<Hashtable> targetList = new List<Hashtable>();
     string procedure_name = (values["procedure_name"] as string).Trim().ToLower();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             List<Hashtable> items = new List<Hashtable>();
             var query = from pt in ent.procedure_target
                         where pt.procedure_name.Trim().ToLower() == procedure_name
                         select pt.target_name;
             foreach (string target_name in query)
                 Hashtable item = new Hashtable();
                 item["target_name"] = target_name;
             result["data"] = items;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #20
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable GetDoctorsForPatient(Hashtable values)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         int patient_id = (int)values["patient_id"];
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             var query1 = (from dp in ent.doctor_patient
                           where dp.patient_id == patient_id
                           select dp);
             List<Hashtable> items = new List<Hashtable>();
             foreach (doctor_patient dp in query1)
                 Hashtable item = new Hashtable();
                 item["doctor_patient_id"] = dp.id;
                 item["doctor_id"] = dp.doctor_id;
             result["data"] = items;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #21
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable GetSpecialties(Hashtable values)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     List<Hashtable> specialtyList = new List<Hashtable>();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         string procedure_name = (values["procedure_name"] as string).Trim().ToLower();
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             var query = (from ps in ent.procedure_specialty
                          where ps.procedure_name.Trim().ToLower() == procedure_name
                          orderby ps.specialty_name
                          select ps);
             foreach(procedure_specialty ps in query)
                 Hashtable item = new Hashtable();
                 item["specialty_name"] = ps.specialty_name;
                 item["procedure_specialty_id"] = ps.id;
             result["data"] = specialtyList;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #22
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 doctor GetDoctor(int doctor_id)
     doctor result;
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
         var query = (from d in conciergeEntities.doctor
                      where d.id == doctor_id
                      select d);
         result = query.First();
     return result;
Пример #23
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public detail_item[] GetDetails(int patient)
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
         IQueryable<detail_item> query;
         query = from detail in conciergeEntities.detail_item
                 where detail.patient_id == patient
                 select detail;
         if (query.Count() == 0)
             return null;
         return query.ToArray();
Пример #24
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public doctor[] GetDoctors(bool recentOnly,int patient)
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
         IQueryable<doctor> query;
         if (recentOnly)
             query = from doct in conciergeEntities.doctor
                     join dr_pat in conciergeEntities.doctor_patient on doct.id equals dr_pat.doctor_id
                     where dr_pat.recent == true && dr_pat.released == true && dr_pat.patient_id == patient
                     select doct;
             query = from doct in conciergeEntities.doctor
                     join dr_pat in conciergeEntities.doctor_patient on doct.id equals dr_pat.doctor_id
                     where dr_pat.released == true && dr_pat.patient_id == patient
                     select doct;
         if (query.Count() == 0)
             return null;
         doctor[] doctors = new doctor[query.Count()];
         int iDoctor = 0;
         foreach (doctor d in query)
             doctors[iDoctor] = d;
         return doctors;
Пример #25
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
        public Hashtable GetActivities(int patient)
            conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
            List<Hashtable> acts = new List<Hashtable>();
            Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
            using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
                // TODO: check to see if we want both released and unrelease doctor_patient items
                var query =
                    from a in conciergeEntities.activity
                    join dp in conciergeEntities.doctor_patient on a.doctor_patient_id equals dp.id
                    join ds in conciergeEntities.doctor_specialty on a.doctor_specialty_id equals ds.id
                    where dp.patient_id == patient
                    select new { a = a, ds = ds };
/*                var query = (from a in conciergeEntities.activity
                             where a.patient_id == patient
                             select a);*/

                // [query.Count()];
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var r in query)
                    Hashtable current = new Hashtable();
                    current["doctorid"] = r.ds.doctor_id;
                    current["documentid"] = r.a.document_id;
                    current["location_name"] = r.a.location;
                    current["date"] = r.a.date.ToShortDateString();
                result["items"] = acts;
            foreach (Hashtable act in acts)
                act["document"] = GetDocumentData((int)(act["documentid"]));
                act["doctor"] = GetDoctor((int)(act["doctorid"]));
                string[] sp = GetSpecialty((int)(act["specialtyid"]));
                act["specialty"] = sp[0];
                act["subspecialty"] = sp[1];
            return result;
Пример #26
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public doctor[] _GetDoctors()
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
         var query = (from d in conciergeEntities.doctor
                      select d);
         return query.ToArray();
Пример #27
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable[] Doctors()
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
         Hashtable[] result = new Hashtable[(from d in conciergeEntities.doctor
                                             select d).Count()];
         int i = 0;
         foreach (var d in (from d in conciergeEntities.doctor select d))
             result[i] = new Hashtable();
             result[i]["address1"] = d.address1;
             result[i]["address2"] = d.address2;
             result[i]["address3"] = d.address3;
             result[i]["city"] = d.city;
             result[i]["contact_person"] = d.contact_person;
             result[i]["country"] = d.country;
             result[i]["email"] = d.email;
             result[i]["fax"] = d.fax;
             result[i]["firstname"] = d.firstname;
             result[i]["id"] = d.id;
             result[i]["lastname"] = d.lastname;
             result[i]["locality1"] = d.locality1;
             result[i]["locality2"] = d.locality2;
             result[i]["postal_code"] = d.postal_code;
             result[i]["shortname"] = d.shortname;
             result[i]["telephone"] = d.telephone;
         return result;
 public Hashtable[] BrowseDocuments()
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
         var query = from docu in conciergeEntities.document
                   join acti in conciergeEntities.activity on docu.id equals acti.document_id
                   join dr_spe in conciergeEntities.doctor_specialty on acti.doctor_specialty_id equals dr_spe.id
                   join doct in conciergeEntities.doctor on dr_spe.doctor_id equals doct.id
                   join dr_pat in conciergeEntities.doctor_patient on acti.doctor_patient_id equals dr_pat.id
                   join pati in conciergeEntities.patient on dr_pat.patient_id equals pati.id
                   select new
                       Doctor = doct.shortname
                       Location = acti.location,
                       Patient = pati.first + " " + pati.last,
                       Checksum = docu.checksum,
                       Path = docu.path,
                       Id = docu.id
         var foo =
             from docu in conciergeEntities.document
             join acti in conciergeEntities.activity on docu.id equals acti.document_id
             //join doct in conciergeEntities.doctor on acti.doctor_id equals doct.id
             join dr_spe in conciergeEntities.doctor_specialty on acti.doctor_specialty_id equals dr_spe.id
             //join spec in conciergeEntities.specialty on acti.specialty_id equals spec.id
             join dr_pat in conciergeEntities.doctor_patient on acti.doctor_patient_id equals dr_pat.id
             join pait in conciergeEntities.patient on acti.patient_id equals pait.id
             select new
                 Specialty = dr_spe.specialty_name,
                 Subspecialty = spec.subspecialty_name,
                 Doctor = doct.shortname,
                 Procedure = acti.procedure,
                 Location = acti.location_name,
                 Patient = pait.first + " " + pait.last,
                 Checksum = docu.checksum,
                 Path = docu.path,
                 Id = docu.id
         Hashtable[] result = new Hashtable[query.Count()];
         int i = 0;
         foreach (var item in query)
             result[i] = new Hashtable();
             result[i]["Doctor"] = item.Doctor;
             result[i]["Location"] = item.Location;
             result[i]["Patient"] = item.Patient;
             result[i]["Checksum"] = item.Checksum;
             result[i]["Path"] = item.Path;
             result[i]["Id"] = item.Id.ToString();
         return result;
Пример #28
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable UpdateDoctor(Hashtable values)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     List<Hashtable> doctorList = new List<Hashtable>();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         if(values["id"] == null)
             throw new Exception("Missing doctor id");
         using (conciergeEntities ent = new conciergeEntities())
             int id = (int)values["id"];
             var query = from d in ent.doctor
                         where d.id == id
                         select d;
             if (query.Count() != 1)
                 throw new Exception("Bad doctor id");
             doctor doctor = query.First();
             doctor.address1 = values["address1"] as string;
             doctor.address2 = values["address2"] as string;
             doctor.address3 = values["address3"] as string;
             doctor.city = values["city"] as string;
             doctor.contact_person = values["contact_person"] as string;
             doctor.country = values["country"] as string;
             doctor.email = values["email"] as string;
             doctor.fax = values["fax"] as string;
             doctor.firstname = values["firstname"] as string;
             doctor.lastname = values["lastname"] as string;
             doctor.locality1 = values["locality1"] as string;
             doctor.locality2 = values["locality2"] as string;
             doctor.postal_code = values["postal_code"] as string;
             doctor.telephone = values["telephone"] as string;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
Пример #29
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public Hashtable[] Patients()
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
         Hashtable[] result = new Hashtable[(from p in conciergeEntities.patient
                                             select p).Count()];
         int i = 0;
         foreach (var p in (from p in conciergeEntities.patient select p))
             result[i] = new Hashtable();
             result[i]["first"] = p.first;
             result[i]["last"] = p.last;
             result[i]["dob"] = p.dob;
             result[i]["gender"] = p.gender;
             result[i]["emercency_contact"] = p.emergency_contact;
         return result;
Пример #30
Файл: DB.cs Проект: cpbuck12/Db
 public int AddSpecialty(string specialty, string subspecialty)
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
         specialty s = conciergeEntities.specialty.CreateObject();
         s.specialty_name = specialty;
         s.subspecialty_name = subspecialty;
         return 0;
 public Hashtable AddDoctor(Hashtable values)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     result["status"] = "ok";
         string firstName = (values["firstName"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string lastName = (values["lastName"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string shortName = (values["shortName"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string address1 = (values["address1"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string address2 = (values["address2"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string address3 = (values["address3"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string city = (values["city"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string locality1 = (values["locality1"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string locality2 = (values["locality2"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string postalCode = (values["postalCode"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string country = (values["country"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string voice = (values["voice"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string fax = (values["fax"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string email = (values["email"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         string contact = (values["contact"] ?? string.Empty) as string;
         AddDoctor(firstName, lastName, shortName, address1, address2, address3, city, locality1, locality2, postalCode, country, voice, fax, email, contact);
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;
 // called by AddDoctor(XElement)
 public int AddDoctor(string firstName,string lastName,string shortName,string address1,string address2,string address3,string city,string locality1,string locality2,
     string postalCode,string country,string voice,string fax,string email,string contact)
     List<string> missings = new List<string>();
     if (firstName == string.Empty)
         missings.Add("First Name");
     if (lastName == string.Empty)
         missings.Add("Last Name");
     if (shortName == string.Empty)
         missings.Add("Short Name");
     if (missings.Count > 0)
         string acc = "Missing fields:";
         foreach(string missing in missings)
             acc += string.Format("\"{0}\" ", missing);
         throw new Exception(acc);
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
         shortName = shortName.Trim().ToUpper();
         if ((from dr0 in conciergeEntities.doctor
              where dr0.shortname == shortName
              select dr0).Count() > 0)
             throw new Exception("Short name already exists");
         doctor dr = conciergeEntities.doctor.CreateObject();
         dr.firstname = firstName;
         dr.lastname = lastName;
         dr.shortname = shortName;
         dr.address1 = address1;
         dr.address2 = address2;
         dr.address3 = address3;
         dr.city = city;
         dr.locality1 = locality1;
         dr.locality2 = locality2;
         dr.postal_code = postalCode;
         dr.country = country;
         dr.telephone = voice;
         dr.fax = fax;
         dr.email = email;
         dr.contact_person = contact;
         return 0;
 public Hashtable GetStamp(Hashtable values)
     Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
     result["status"] = "ok";
     conciergeEntities conciergeEntities;
     int document_id;
         if (values["patient_id"] == null)
             throw new Exception("patient_id not specified when calling GetStamp");
         int patient_id = (int)values["patient_id"];
         using (conciergeEntities = new conciergeEntities())
             var patientQuery = (from pa in conciergeEntities.patient
                                 where pa.id == patient_id
                                 select pa);
             if (patientQuery.Count() < 1)
                 throw new Exception("Invalid patient_id when calling GetStamp");
             var signatureQuery = (from ps in conciergeEntities.patient_signature
                                   where ps.patient_id == patient_id
                                   select ps);
             if(signatureQuery.Count() < 1)
                 throw new Exception("Patient has no signature");
             document_id = signatureQuery.First().document_id;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
         return result;
     values["path"] = "";
     values["document_id"] = document_id;
     Hashtable result2 = GetFile(values);
     if (result2["status"] as string != "ok")
         return result2;
     byte[] buffer = result2["data"] as byte[];
     Image image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(buffer));
         result["image"] = image;
     catch (Exception ex)
         result["status"] = "error";
         result["reason"] = Explain(ex);
     return result;